Welcome to the dune-fem tutorial (for version 2.11)
This module brings python scripting support to Dune. This version describes the bindings for the development version (to become 2.11). The bindings serves three purposes:
High level program control for solving partial differential equations using classes from the Dune core and from Dune-Fem [BBD+08, DKNO10] with a recent update provided in [BBD+21]. The unified form language UFL [ALO+13] is used to describe the mathematical model, all realizations of the Dune grid interface can be used to work with the domain tessellation, and the finite element spaces, operator, and solvers provided by Dune-Fem for the discretizations and solving steps. All of this is available to be used in python scripts or through Jupyter notebooks.
Rapid prototyping of new methods or other parts of a simulation is easy since the interfaces provided are very similar to the Dune C++ interface. This makes it easy to transfer a working prototype from python (easy to develop) to C++ (high efficiency). Small C++ code snippets can be easy called from python using just in time compilation.
Rapid prototyping of new implementations of Dune interfaces. For example new implementations of the Dune grid interface can be easily tested. For Dune-Fem developers, new grid views, discrete function spaces, and scheme classes can be added and tested.
Table of Content
- Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- Linear Elasticity: a deformed beam
- Time Dependent Reaction Diffuison: spiral wave
- Wave Equation: double slit domain (using mass lumping)
- Saddle point solver for the stationary Stokes problem
- Eigenvalue problems
- Biharmonic problem
- Adaptive phase field: crystal growth model
- Moving surface grid: flow under mean curvature
- Dual Weighted Reisdual Estimate
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