An Advection-Diffusion-Reaction System: Chemical Reaction Problem

    import dune.femdg
except ImportError:
    print("This example needs 'dune.femdg' - skipping")
    import sys

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from ufl import *
from dune.ufl import DirichletBC
from dune.grid import structuredGrid
from dune.fem.plotting import plotPointData as plot
from import lagrange, dgonb
from dune.fem.scheme import galerkin
from dune.femdg import femDGOperator
from dune.femdg.rk import femdgStepper

from dune.fem import threading
threading.use = max(4,threading.max) # use at most 4 threads

gridView = structuredGrid([0,0],[2*numpy.pi,2*numpy.pi],[20,20])

Method to compute the velocity based on a scalar elliptic equation

def computeVelocity():
    streamSpace = lagrange(gridView, order=1, dimRange=1)
    Psi  = streamSpace.interpolate(0,name="streamFunction")
    u,v  = TrialFunction(streamSpace), TestFunction(streamSpace)
    x    = SpatialCoordinate(streamSpace)
    form = ( inner(grad(u),grad(v)) - 5*sin(x[0])*sin(x[1]) * v[0] ) * dx
    streamScheme = galerkin([form == 0, DirichletBC(streamSpace,[0]) ])
    return as_vector([-Psi[0].dx(1),Psi[0].dx(0)])

Chemical reaction model

class Model:
    transportVelocity = computeVelocity()
    def S_e(t,x,U,DU):
        P1 = as_vector([0.2*pi,0.2*pi]) # midpoint of first source
        P2 = as_vector([1.8*pi,1.8*pi]) # midpoint of second source
        f1 = conditional(dot(x-P1,x-P1) < 0.2, 1, 0)
        f2 = conditional(dot(x-P2,x-P2) < 0.2, 1, 0)
        f  = conditional(t<5, as_vector([f1,f2,0]), as_vector([0,0,0]))
        r = 10*as_vector([U[0]*U[1], U[0]*U[1], -2*U[0]*U[1]])
        return f - r
    def F_c(t,x,U):
        return as_matrix([ [*(Model.velocity(t,x,U)*u)] for u in U ])
    def maxWaveSpeed(t,x,U,n):
        return abs(dot(Model.velocity(t,x,U),n))
    def velocity(t,x,U):
        return Model.transportVelocity
    def F_v(t,x,U,DU):
        return 0.02*DU
    def physical(t,x,U):
        return conditional(U[0]>=0,1,0)*conditional(U[1]>=0,1,0)*\
    boundary = {range(1,5): as_vector([0,0,0])}

fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(20,20))
plot(Model.transportVelocity, gridView=gridView, gridLines=None, vectors=[0,1],figure=fig)

Time evolution scheme

space    = dgonb( gridView, order=3, dimRange=3)
u_h      = space.interpolate([0,0,0], name='u_h')
operator = femDGOperator(Model, space, limiter="scaling")
stepper  = femdgStepper(order=3, operator=operator)

t        = 0
saveTime = 1.5

fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(30,20))
c = 0
while t < 9:
    t += stepper(u_h)
    if t > saveTime:
        saveTime += 1.5
        u_h.plot(gridLines=None, figure=(fig, 231+c), colorbar=False)
        c += 1
femDGOperator: Limiter = scaling

All three components

from dune.fem.plotting import plotComponents
from matplotlib import ticker
plotComponents(u_h, gridLines=None, level=1,
               colorbar={"orientation":"horizontal", "ticks":ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=4)})

This page was generated from the notebook chemical_nb.ipynb and is part of the tutorial for the dune-fem python bindings DOI