Converting gmsh to DGF
A simple gmsh to DGF converter allowing to specify boundary conditions. A complete description of the DGF format is found here.
def gmsh2DGF(points, cells, bndDomain = None, bndSegments=None, periodic = None, dim = None, computeFirstIndex = True):
points array(list) of points of length dim
cells dict containing element vertex numbers
bndDomain dict id -> list[lower,upper] (or id -> str) where lower and upper describe the bounding box of the boundary section
bndSegments dict id -> list of lists containing vertex numbers of boundary segments
periodic string containing periodic boundary transformation
dim dimension of grid
computeFirstIndex if true, first vertex index is computed bases on all cells vertices (default is on)
String containing the mesh description in DGF format.
import numpy as np
if dim is None:
if "tetra" in cells or "hexa" in cells:
dim = 3
elif "quad" in cells or "triangle" in cells:
dim = 2
dim = len(points[0])
simplex = "triangle" if "triangle" in cells else None
if dim == 3 and "tetra" in cells:
simplex = "tetra"
# default numbering is 0 based
firstVertexIndex = 0
for key, cellVertices in cells.items():
firstVertexIndex = min(firstVertexIndex, np.min(cellVertices))
# if first vertex index is not 0 we need to add this here
if firstVertexIndex > 0:
dgf += f"firstindex {firstVertexIndex}\n"
for p in points:
for i in range(dim):
dgf += str(p[i]) + " "
dgf += "\n"
dgf += "#\n\n"
if simplex is not None:
dgf += "Simplex\n"
for t in cells[simplex]:
for v in t:
dgf += str(v) + " "
dgf += "\n"
dgf += "#\n\n"
if "quad" in cells:
dgf += "Cube\n"
# gmsh has a different reference quadrilateral
vxmap = [0,1,3,2] # flip vertex 2 and 3
for t in cells["quad"]:
for i in range(4):
dgf += str(t[vxmap[i]]) + " "
dgf += "\n"
dgf += "#\n\n"
# boundary segments
if bndSegments is not None:
assert isinstance(bndSegments, dict), "Expecting a dictionary for boundary domain"
dgf += "BoundarySegments\n"
for bndid,bndsegs in bndSegments.items():
for segment in bndsegs:
dgf += str(bndid)
for vx in segment:
dgf += " " + str(vx)
dgf += "\n"
dgf += "#\n\n"
# boundary domain section
if bndDomain is not None:
assert isinstance(bndDomain, dict), "Expecting a dictionary for boundary domain"
dgf += "BoundaryDomain\n"
for bndid,bnd in bndDomain.items():
if isinstance(bnd,str):
if bnd == 'default':
dgf += bnd + " " + str(bndid) +"\n"
dgf += str(bndid) + " " + bnd +"\n"
else: # tuple or list
# has to be either list or tuple here
assert isinstance(bnd,(tuple,list))
assert len(bnd) == 2 # a lower left and upper right corner
dgf += str(bndid)
for coord in bnd:
assert len(coord) == dim # should a coordinate in the domain
for c in coord:
dgf += " " + str(c)
dgf += "\n"
dgf += "#\n"
# periodic boundaries
if periodic is not None:
dgf += periodic
return dgf
# a simple projection for boundary ids
def projectBoundaryIds( gridView ):
gridView a grid view to project boundary ids for
a piecewise discrete function containing values corresponding to
adjacent boundaries. `0` refers to interior elements.
import io, sys
from import finiteVolume
from dune.generator import algorithm
code = """
#include <dune/fem/misc/boundaryidprovider.hh>
template <class GridView, class Intersection>
int boundaryId( const GridView& gv, const Intersection& i )
return Dune::Fem::boundaryId( gv, i );
space = finiteVolume( gridView )
bndFunc = space.interpolate([0], name="bndId" )
bndId = None
for e in gridView.elements:
idx = gridView.indexSet.index( e )
if e.hasBoundaryIntersections:
for i in gridView.intersections( e ):
if bndId is None:
bndId = algorithm.load("boundaryId", io.StringIO(code), gridView, i )
if i.boundary:
# hack: assumption is that index and dof correspond
# which is only the case in this specific situation
bndFunc.dofVector[ idx] = bndId( gridView, i )
return bndFunc