DUNE-FEM (unstable)
•All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Macros Modules Pages Concepts
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
▼ dune | |
► common | |
► concepts | |
container.hh | |
hashable.hh | |
number.hh | |
► parallel | |
collectivecommunication.hh | |
communication.hh | Implements an utility class that provides collective communication methods for sequential programs |
communicator.hh | Provides utility classes for syncing distributed data via MPI communication |
future.hh | |
indexset.hh | Provides a map between global and local indices |
indicessyncer.hh | Class for adding missing indices of a distributed index set in a local communication |
interface.hh | Provides classes for building the communication interface between remote indices |
localindex.hh | Provides classes for use as the local index in ParallelIndexSet |
mpicollectivecommunication.hh | |
mpicommunication.hh | Implements an utility class that provides MPI's collective communication methods |
mpidata.hh | Interface class to translate objects to a MPI_Datatype, void* and size used for MPI calls |
mpifuture.hh | |
mpiguard.hh | Implements a MPIGuard which detects an error on a remote process |
mpihelper.hh | Helpers for dealing with MPI |
mpipack.hh | See MPI_Pack |
mpitraits.hh | Traits classes for mapping types onto MPI_Datatype |
parmetis.hh | |
plocalindex.hh | Provides classes for use as the local index in ParallelIndexSet for distributed computing |
remoteindices.hh | Classes describing a distributed indexset |
selection.hh | Provides classes for selecting indices based on attribute flags |
variablesizecommunicator.hh | A communicator that only needs to know the number of elements per index at the sender side |
► simd | |
base.hh | Basic definitions for SIMD Implementations |
defaults.hh | Default implementations for SIMD Implementations |
interface.hh | User interface of the SIMD abstraction |
io.hh | IO interface of the SIMD abstraction |
loop.hh | |
simd.hh | Include file for users of the SIMD abstraction layer |
standard.hh | SIMD abstractions for the standard built-in types |
test.hh | Common tests for simd abstraction implementations |
vc.hh | SIMD abstractions for Vc |
► std | |
► impl | |
containerconstructiontraits.hh | |
fwd_layouts.hh | |
algorithm.hh | |
assume.hh | |
cmath.hh | |
compare.hh | |
default_accessor.hh | |
extents.hh | |
functional.hh | |
iterator.hh | |
layout_left.hh | |
layout_right.hh | |
layout_stride.hh | |
mdarray.hh | |
mdspan.hh | |
memory.hh | |
no_unique_address.hh | |
span.hh | |
type_traits.hh | |
► test | |
arithmetictestsuite.hh | |
checkmatrixinterface.hh | |
collectorstream.hh | |
dummyiterator.hh | |
fvectorconversion1d.cc | |
iteratorfacadetest.hh | |
iteratortest.hh | |
parameterizedobjectfactorysingleton.hh | |
testsuite.hh | |
alignedallocator.hh | |
arraylist.hh | Implements a random-access container that can efficiently change size (similar to std::deque) |
assertandreturn.hh | |
bartonnackmanifcheck.hh | Provides check for implementation of interface methods when using static polymorphism, i.e. the Barton-Nackman trick. This is purely for debugging purposes. To check the correct implementation of interface methods (and pick up possible infinite loops) NDEBUG must be undefined and DUNE_INTERFACECHECK has to be defined |
bigunsignedint.hh | Portable very large unsigned integers |
binaryfunctions.hh | Helper classes to provide unique types for standard functions |
bitsetvector.hh | Efficient implementation of a dynamic array of static arrays of booleans |
boundschecking.hh | Macro for wrapping boundary checks |
classname.hh | A free function to provide the demangled class name of a given object or type as a string |
concept.hh | Infrastructure for concepts |
concepts.hh | |
conditional.hh | |
copyableoptional.hh | |
debugalign.hh | |
debugallocator.hh | |
debugstream.hh | Defines several output streams for messages of different importance |
densematrix.hh | Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given number of rows and columns |
densevector.hh | Implements the dense vector interface, with an exchangeable storage class |
deprecated.hh | Definition of the DUNE_NO_DEPRECATED_* macros |
diagonalmatrix.hh | This file implements a quadratic diagonal matrix of fixed size |
documentation.hh | Documentation related stuff |
dotproduct.hh | Provides the functions dot(a,b) := a^H \cdot b and dotT(a,b) := a^T \cdot b |
dynmatrix.hh | This file implements a dense matrix with dynamic numbers of rows and columns |
dynmatrixev.hh | Utility functions to compute eigenvalues for dense matrices |
dynvector.hh | This file implements a dense vector with a dynamic size |
enumset.hh | Classes for building sets out of enumeration values |
exceptions.hh | A few common exception classes |
filledarray.hh | Utility to generate an array with a certain value |
float_cmp.hh | Various ways to compare floating-point numbers |
fmatrix.hh | Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and compile-time given number of rows and columns |
fmatrixev.hh | Eigenvalue computations for the FieldMatrix class |
forceinline.hh | |
ftraits.hh | Type traits to determine the type of reals (when working with complex numbers) |
fvector.hh | Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size |
genericiterator.hh | Implements a generic iterator class for writing stl conformant iterators |
gmpfield.hh | Wrapper for the GNU multiprecision (GMP) library |
hash.hh | Support for calculating hash values of objects |
hybridutilities.hh | |
indent.hh | Utility class for handling nested indentation in output |
indexediterator.hh | |
indices.hh | |
integersequence.hh | |
interfaces.hh | Provides interfaces for detection of specific behavior |
ios_state.hh | Utility class for storing and resetting stream attributes |
iteratorfacades.hh | This file implements iterator facade classes for writing stl conformant iterators |
iteratorrange.hh | |
keywords.hh | Definitions of several macros that conditionally make C++ syntax available |
lru.hh | LRU Cache Container, using an STL like interface |
mallocallocator.hh | Allocators that use malloc/free |
math.hh | Some useful basic math stuff |
matrixconcepts.hh | |
matvectraits.hh | Documentation of the traits classes you need to write for each implementation of DenseVector or DenseMatrix |
metis.hh | |
overloadset.hh | |
parameterizedobject.hh | |
parametertree.hh | A hierarchical structure of string parameters |
parametertreeparser.hh | Various parser methods to get data into a ParameterTree object |
path.cc | Utilities for handling filesystem paths |
path.hh | Utilities for handling filesystem paths |
poolallocator.hh | An stl-compliant pool allocator |
precision.hh | Various precision settings for calculations with FieldMatrix and FieldVector |
promotiontraits.hh | Compute type of the result of an arithmetic operation involving two different number types |
propertymap.hh | |
proxymemberaccess.hh | Infrastructure for supporting operator->() on both references and proxies |
quadmath.hh | |
rangeutilities.hh | Utilities for reduction like operations on ranges |
referencehelper.hh | |
reservedvector.hh | An stl-compliant random-access container which stores everything on the stack |
scalarmatrixview.hh | Implements a scalar matrix view wrapper around an existing scalar |
scalarvectorview.hh | Implements a scalar vector view wrapper around an existing scalar |
shared_ptr.hh | This file implements several utilities related to std::shared_ptr |
simd.hh | Abstractions for support of dedicated SIMD data types |
singleton.hh | Useful wrapper for creating singletons |
sllist.hh | Implements a singly linked list together with the necessary iterators |
stdstreams.hh | Standard Dune debug streams |
stdthread.hh | |
streamoperators.hh | Implementation of stream operators for std::array and std::tuple |
stringutility.hh | Miscellaneous helper stuff |
timer.hh | A simple timing class |
transpose.hh | |
tupleutility.hh | Contains utility classes which can be used with std::tuple |
tuplevector.hh | Provides the TupleVector class that augments std::tuple by operator[] |
typelist.hh | |
typetraits.hh | Traits for type conversions and type information |
typeutilities.hh | Utilities for type computations, constraining overloads, .. |
unused.hh | Definition of the DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER macro |
vc.hh | Compatibility header for including <Vc/Vc> |
version.hh | Various macros to work with Dune module version numbers |
visibility.hh | Definition of macros controlling symbol visibility at the ABI level |
▼ dune | |
► fem | |
► common | |
bindguard.hh | |
coordinate.hh | |
explicitfieldvector.hh | |
fmatrixcol.hh | |
forloop.hh | |
geometrytypemap.hh | |
hybrid.hh | |
intersectionside.hh | |
localcontribution.hh | |
memory.hh | |
referencevector.hh | |
stackallocator.hh | |
staticlistofint.hh | |
tupletypetraits.hh | |
tupleutility.hh | |
typeindexedtuple.hh | |
utility.hh | |
► function | |
► adaptivefunction | |
adaptivefunction.hh | |
► blockvectordiscretefunction | |
blockvectordiscretefunction.hh | |
► blockvectorfunction | |
blockvectorfunction.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
► blockvectors | |
defaultblockvectors.hh | |
referenceblockvector.hh | |
► combinedfunction | |
combinedfunction.hh | |
► common | |
common.hh | |
discretefunction.hh | |
discretefunction_inline.hh | |
dofblock.hh | |
dofiterator.hh | |
function.hh | |
functionset.hh | |
functor.hh | |
gridfunctionadapter.hh | |
instationary.hh | |
localcontribution.hh | |
localfunctionadapter.hh | |
rangegenerators.hh | |
scalarproducts.hh | |
► hierarchical | |
dofvector.hh | |
function.hh | |
► localfunction | |
average.hh | |
bindable.hh | |
const.hh | |
converter.hh | |
localfunction.hh | |
localfunctionset.hh | |
localfunctionsetadapter.hh | |
mutable.hh | |
temporary.hh | |
► petscdiscretefunction | |
petscdiscretefunction.hh | |
► tuplediscretefunction | |
discretefunction.hh | |
dofvector.hh | |
functor.hh | |
scalarproducts.hh | |
► vectorfunction | |
managedvectorfunction.hh | |
vectorfunction.hh | |
adaptivefunction.hh | |
blockvectordiscretefunction.hh | |
blockvectorfunction.hh | |
combinedfunction.hh | |
hierarchical.hh | |
petscdiscretefunction.hh | |
subfunction.hh | |
tuplediscretefunction.hh | |
vectorfunction.hh | |
► gridpart | |
► common | |
capabilities.hh | |
compositegeometry.hh | |
deaditerator.hh | |
defaultgridpartentity.hh | |
entitysearch.hh | |
extendedentity.hh | |
gridpart.hh | |
gridpart2gridview.hh | |
gridpartadapter.hh | |
gridview2gridpart.hh | |
indexset.hh | |
localfunctiongeometry.hh | |
metatwistutility.hh | |
persistentindexset.hh | |
policies.hh | |
sharedgeometry.hh | |
simplegeometry.hh | |
unimplementedgeometry.hh | |
► filter | |
basicfilterwrapper.hh | |
domainfilter.hh | |
filter.hh | |
inversefilter.hh | |
radialfilter.hh | |
simple.hh | |
threadfilter.hh | |
voidfilter.hh | |
► filteredgridpart | |
capabilities.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
iterator.hh | |
► geogridpart | |
capabilities.hh | |
cornerstorage.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
entity.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
► geometrygridpart | |
capabilities.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
entity.hh | |
indexset.hh | |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
► idgridpart | |
capabilities.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
entity.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
indexset.hh | |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
iterator.hh | |
adaptiveleafgridpart.hh | |
adaptiveleafindexset.hh | |
codimindexset.hh | |
filter.hh | |
filteredgridpart.hh | |
geogridpart.hh | |
geometrygridpart.hh | |
idgridpart.hh | |
leafgridpart.hh | |
levelgridpart.hh | |
► io | |
► file | |
asciiparser.hh | |
dataoutput.hh | |
datawriter.hh | |
iointerface.hh | |
iolock.hh | |
iotuple.hh | |
latextablewriter.hh | |
persistencemanager.hh | |
vtkio.hh | |
► parameter | |
container.hh | |
exceptions.hh | |
parametertree.hh | |
parser.hh | |
reader.hh | |
► streams | |
asciistreams.hh | |
binarystreams.hh | |
sionlibstreams.hh | |
standardstreams.hh | |
streams.hh | |
streams_inline.hh | |
tuples.hh | |
virtualstreams.hh | |
xdrstreams.hh | |
► visual | |
► grape | |
► datadisp | |
errordisplay.hh | |
grcommon.hh | |
io.hh | |
parameter.hh | |
► marking | |
default.hh | |
doerfler.hh | |
localerror.hh | |
maximum.hh | |
► misc | |
► petsc | |
petsccommon.hh | |
petscdofblock.hh | |
petscvector.hh | |
► threads | |
domainthreaditerator.hh | |
threaditerator.hh | |
threaditeratorstorage.hh | |
threadmanager.hh | |
threadpartitioner.hh | |
threadpool.hh | |
threadsafevalue.hh | |
alugridwriter.hh | |
bartonnackmaninterface.hh | |
boundaryidprovider.hh | |
capabilities.hh | |
checkgeomaffinity.hh | |
compatibility.hh | |
debug.hh | |
debugbreak.hh | |
domainintegral.hh | |
double.hh | |
femeoc.hh | |
femeoctable.hh | |
femtimer.hh | |
fieldmatrixhelper.hh | |
flops.hh | |
fmatrixconverter.hh | |
functor.hh | |
griddeclaration.hh | |
gridfunctionview.hh | |
gridname.hh | |
gridobjectstreams.hh | |
gridsolution.hh | |
gridwidth.hh | |
h1norm.hh | |
l1norm.hh | |
l2norm.hh | |
linesegmentsampler.hh | |
lpnorm.hh | |
mapgeomtype.hh | |
mpimanager.hh | |
nonconformitylevel.hh | |
umfpack.hh | |
► operator | |
► 1order | |
localmassmatrix.hh | |
► common | |
automaticdifferenceoperator.hh | |
differentiableoperator.hh | |
localcontribution.hh | |
localmatrix.hh | |
localmatrixcolumn.hh | |
localmatrixwrapper.hh | |
localoperator.hh | |
mapping.hh | |
objpointer.hh | |
operator.hh | |
spaceoperatorif.hh | |
stencil.hh | |
temporarylocalmatrix.hh | |
tuple.hh | |
► linear | |
► test | |
checklinearoperator.hh | |
blockdiagonal.hh | |
denserow.hh | |
eigenoperator.hh | |
hierarchical.hh | |
istladapter.hh | |
istloperator.hh | |
numpyoperator.hh | |
petscoperator.hh | |
spoperator.hh | |
► matrix | |
blockmatrix.hh | |
colcompspmatrix.hh | |
columnobject.hh | |
densematrix.hh | |
eigenmatrix.hh | |
functor.hh | |
istlmatrix.hh | |
istlmatrixadapter.hh | |
istlpreconditioner.hh | |
preconditionerwrapper.hh | |
spmatrix.hh | |
► projection | |
► local | |
► riesz | |
dense.hh | |
localrieszprojection.hh | |
orthonormal.hh | |
l2projection.hh | |
riesz.hh | |
dgl2projection.hh | |
hdivprojection.hh | |
vtxprojection.hh | |
dghelmholtz.hh | |
► quadrature | |
► caching | |
cacheprovider.hh | |
pointmapper.hh | |
pointprovider.hh | |
registry.hh | |
twistprovider.hh | |
twistutility.hh | |
► geometric | |
gausslegendre.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
quadrature.hh | |
agglomerationquadrature.hh | |
cachingpointlist.hh | |
cachingquadrature.hh | |
cornerpointset.hh | |
defaultquadratures.hh | |
dunequadratures.hh | |
elementpointlist.hh | |
elementpointlistbase.hh | |
elementquadrature.hh | |
femquadratures.hh | |
femquadratures_inline.hh | |
gausspoints.hh | |
gausspoints_implementation.hh | |
idprovider.hh | |
integrator.hh | |
interpolationquadrature.hh | |
intersectionquadrature.hh | |
lumpingquadrature.hh | |
modifiednewtoncotes_implementation.hh | |
pardgsimplexquadrature.hh | |
pyramidpoints.hh | |
quadprovider.hh | |
quadrature.hh | |
quadratureimp.hh | |
quadratureimp_inline.hh | |
► schemes | |
conservationlawmodel.hh | |
dgelliptic.hh | |
dgfemscheme.hh | |
diffusionmodel.hh | |
dirichletconstraints.hh | |
dirichletwrapper.hh | |
elliptic.hh | |
femscheme.hh | |
galerkin.hh | |
integrands.hh | |
linearized.hh | |
masslumping.hh | |
molgalerkin.hh | |
► solver | |
► communication | |
fem.hh | |
hierarchical.hh | |
owneroverlapcopy.hh | |
► linear | |
bicgstab.hh | |
cg.hh | |
gmres.hh | |
► rungekutta | |
basicimplicit.hh | |
basicrow.hh | |
butchertable.hh | |
explicit.hh | |
implicit.hh | |
row.hh | |
semiimplicit.hh | |
timestepcontrol.hh | |
amgistl.hh | |
amgxsolver.hh | |
cginverseoperator.hh | |
diagonalpreconditioner.hh | |
eigen.hh | |
fempreconditioning.hh | |
inverseoperatorinterface.hh | |
istl.hh | |
istlinverseoperators.hh | |
krylovinverseoperators.hh | |
ldlsolver.hh | |
multistep.hh | |
newtoninverseoperator.hh | |
odesolver.hh | |
odesolverinterface.hh | |
oemsolver.hh | |
parameter.hh | |
parameterdoc.hh | |
pardginverseoperators.hh | |
petscavailable.hh | |
petscinverseoperators.hh | |
preconditionedinverseoperator.hh | |
preconditionfunctionwrapper.hh | |
spqrsolver.hh | |
timeprovider.hh | |
umfpacksolver.hh | |
viennacl.hh | |
► space | |
► basisfunctionset | |
► hpdg | |
anisotropic.hh | |
basisfunctionsets.hh | |
legendre.hh | |
orthogonal.hh | |
typeindexset.hh | |
typemap.hh | |
vectorial.hh | |
► test | |
checkbasisfunctionset.hh | |
basisfunctionset.hh | |
codegen.hh | |
default.hh | |
evaluatecaller.hh | |
evaluatecallerdeclaration.hh | |
evaluatecallerdefaultimpl.hh | |
functor.hh | |
piolatransformation.hh | |
simple.hh | |
transformation.hh | |
transformed.hh | |
tuple.hh | |
vectorial.hh | |
► combinedspace | |
combineddofstorage.hh | |
combinedspace.hh | |
generic.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
lagrangepointsetexporter.hh | |
powerlocalrestrictprolong.hh | |
powermapper.hh | |
powerspace.hh | |
subobjects.hh | |
tuplelocalrestrictprolong.hh | |
tuplemapper.hh | |
tuplespace.hh | |
► common | |
► dataprojection | |
dataprojection.hh | |
default.hh | |
tuple.hh | |
adaptationmanager.hh | |
adaptcallbackhandle.hh | Interfaces and wrappers needed for the callback adaptation provided by AlbertaGrid and ALUGrid |
adaptmanager.hh | |
allgeomtypes.hh | |
auxiliarydofs.hh | |
basesetlocalkeystorage.hh | |
cachedcommmanager.hh | |
capabilities.hh | |
commindexmap.hh | |
commoperations.hh | |
communicationmanager.hh | |
datacollector.hh | |
dataprojection.hh | |
defaultcommhandler.hh | |
discretefunctionspace.hh | |
dofmanager.hh | |
dofstorage.hh | |
functionspace.hh | |
functionspaceinterface.hh | |
interpolate.hh | |
loadbalancer.hh | |
localinterpolation.hh | |
localrestrictprolong.hh | |
restrictprolongfunction.hh | |
restrictprolonginterface.hh | |
restrictprolongtuple.hh | |
slavedofs.hh | |
uniquefacetorientation.hh | |
► discontinuousgalerkin | |
basisfunctionsets.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
generic.hh | |
hierarchiclegendre.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
lagrange.hh | |
legendre.hh | |
localdgmassmatrix.hh | |
localinterpolation.hh | Local interpolation for Discontinuous Galerkin spaces |
localrestrictprolong.hh | |
shapefunctionsets.hh | |
space.hh | |
tuple.hh | |
► finitevolume | |
basisfunctionset.hh | |
basisfunctionsets.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
space.hh | |
► fourier | |
capabilities.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
dofmapper.hh | |
functionset.hh | |
interpolate.hh | |
space.hh | |
► hpdg | |
anisotropic.hh | |
blockmapper.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
default.hh | |
legendre.hh | |
localdofstorage.hh | |
orthogonal.hh | |
space.hh | |
► lagrange | |
► test | |
basisfunctiontest.hh | |
mappertest.hh | |
adaptmanager.hh | |
capabilities.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
dofmappercode.hh | |
genericbasefunctions.hh | |
genericgeometry.hh | |
genericlagrangepoints.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
lagrangepoints.hh | |
restrictprolong.hh | |
shapefunctionset.hh | |
space.hh | |
storage.hh | |
► localfiniteelement | |
capabilities.hh | |
dgspace.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
localrestrictprolong.hh | |
quadratureinterpolation.hh | |
shapefunctionset.hh | |
space.hh | |
► mapper | |
capabilities.hh | |
code.hh | |
codimensionmapper.hh | |
compile.hh | |
dofmapper.hh | |
dynamicnonblockmapper.hh | |
exceptions.hh | |
genericadaptivedofmapper.hh | |
ghost.hh | |
indexsetdofmapper.hh | |
localkey.hh | |
nonblockmapper.hh | |
parallel.hh | |
petsc.hh | |
► padaptivespace | |
adaptmanager.hh | |
capabilities.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
discontinuousgalerkin.hh | |
generic.hh | |
lagrange.hh | |
mapper.hh | |
padaptivespace.hh | |
restrictprolong.hh | |
► rannacherturek | |
space.hh | |
► raviartthomas | |
localinterpolation.hh | |
space.hh | |
► shapefunctionset | |
► orthonormal | |
orthonormalbase_1d.hh | |
orthonormalbase_2d.hh | |
orthonormalbase_3d.hh | |
caching.hh | |
lagrange.hh | |
legendre.hh | |
legendrepolynomials.hh | |
localfunctions.hh | |
orthonormal.hh | |
proxy.hh | Provides a proxy class for pointers to a shape function set |
selectcaching.hh | |
shapefunctionset.hh | Interface for shape function sets |
simple.hh | |
tensorproduct.hh | |
tuple.hh | |
vectorial.hh | |
wrapper.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini.hh | |
combinedspace.hh | |
discontinuousgalerkin.hh | |
finitevolume.hh | |
fourier.hh | |
lagrange.hh | |
p1bubble.hh | |
padaptivespace.hh | |
rannacherturek.hh | |
raviartthomas.hh | |
► storage | |
dynamicarray.hh | |
eigenvector.hh | |
entitygeometry.hh | |
envelope.hh | |
objectstack.hh | |
referencecounter.hh | |
referencevector.hh | |
rowreferencevector.hh | |
singleton.hh | |
singletonlist.hh | |
subvector.hh | |
version.hh | |
▼ dune | |
► geometry | |
► refinement | |
base.cc | This file contains the parts independent of a particular Refinement implementation |
hcube.cc | This file contains the Refinement implementation for hypercubes (quadrilaterals, hexahedrons, etc.) |
hcubetriangulation.cc | This file contains the Refinement implementation for triangulating hypercubes (quadrilateral -> triangle, hexahedron -> tetrahedron) |
simplex.cc | This file contains the Refinement implementation for simplices (triangles, tetrahedrons...) |
► test | |
checkgeometry.hh | |
comparegeometries.hh | |
localfiniteelements.hh | |
referenceelementgeometry.hh | |
test-axisalignedcubegeometry.cc | A unit test for the AxisAlignedCubeGeometry class |
test-cornerstoragerefwrap.cc | Test std::reference_wrapper<SomeContainer> as the CornerStorage in MultiLinearGeometry |
test-referenceelements.cc | A unit test for the ReferenceElements |
test-refinement.cc | Unit tests for the virtual refinement code |
► utility | |
algorithms.hh | |
convergence.hh | |
typefromvertexcount.hh | |
affinegeometry.hh | An implementation of the Geometry interface for affine geometries |
axisalignedcubegeometry.hh | A geometry implementation for axis-aligned hypercubes |
dimension.hh | |
generalvertexorder.hh | |
localfiniteelementgeometry.hh | |
mappedgeometry.hh | |
multilineargeometry.hh | |
quadraturerules.hh | |
referenceelement.hh | |
referenceelementimplementation.hh | |
referenceelements.hh | |
refinement.hh | This file simply includes all Refinement implementations so you don't have to do them separately |
topologyfactory.hh | |
type.hh | A unique label for each type of element that can occur in a grid |
typeindex.hh | Helper classes to provide indices for geometrytypes for use in a vector |
virtualrefinement.cc | This file contains the virtual wrapper around refinement |
virtualrefinement.hh | This file contains the virtual wrapper around refinement |
▼ dune | |
► grid | |
► albertagrid | |
agrid.hh | AlbertaGrid class |
albertaheader.hh | |
albertareader.hh | |
algebra.hh | |
backuprestore.hh | |
capabilities.hh | |
coordcache.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
dgfparser.hh | |
dofadmin.hh | |
dofvector.hh | |
elementinfo.cc | Wrapper for ALBERTA's el_info structure |
elementinfo.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's el_info structure |
entity.hh | |
entityseed.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
geometrycache.hh | |
geometryreference.hh | Wrapper and interface classes for element geometries |
gridfactory.hh | Specialization of the generic GridFactory for AlbertaGrid |
gridfamily.hh | GridFamily for AlbertaGrid |
gridview.hh | |
hierarchiciterator.hh | |
indexsets.hh | |
indexstack.hh | Provides an index stack that supplies indices for element numbering for a grid (i.e. AlbertaGrid and ALUGrid) |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | Implementation of the IntersectionIterator for AlbertaGrid |
leafiterator.hh | |
level.hh | |
leveliterator.hh | |
macrodata.cc | Wrapper for ALBERTA's macro_data structure |
macrodata.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's macro_data structure |
macroelement.hh | |
meshpointer.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's mesh structure |
misc.hh | |
persistentcontainer.hh | |
projection.hh | |
refinement.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's refinement patches and the corners for geometryInFather |
structuredgridfactory.hh | Specialization of the generic StructuredGridFactory for AlbertaGrid |
transformation.hh | |
treeiterator.hh | |
undefine-2.0.hh | Contains #undef s for all preprocessor macros defined by alberta |
undefine-3.0.hh | Contains #undef s for all preprocessor macros defined by alberta |
► common | |
► test | |
mcmgmappertest.cc | A unit test for the MultipleCodimMultipleGeometryMapper |
scsgmappertest.cc | A unit test for the SingleCodimSingleGeomTypeMapper |
adaptcallback.hh | Interfaces and wrappers needed for the callback adaptation provided by AlbertaGrid and dune-ALUGrid |
backuprestore.hh | |
boundaryprojection.hh | |
boundarysegment.hh | Base class for grid boundary segments of arbitrary geometry |
capabilities.hh | A set of traits classes to store static information about grid implementation |
datahandleif.hh | Describes the parallel communication interface class for MessageBuffers and DataHandles |
defaultgridview.hh | |
entity.hh | |
entityiterator.hh | |
entityseed.hh | Interface class EntitySeed |
exceptions.hh | |
geometry.hh | Wrapper and interface classes for element geometries |
grid.hh | Different resources needed by all grid implementations |
gridenums.hh | |
gridfactory.hh | Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids |
gridinfo.hh | Some functions to list information about a grid |
gridview.hh | |
indexidset.hh | Provides base classes for index and id sets |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
mapper.hh | Provides classes with basic mappers which are used to attach data to a grid |
mcmgmapper.hh | Mapper for multiple codim and multiple geometry types |
partitionset.hh | |
rangegenerators.hh | |
scsgmapper.hh | Mapper classes are used to attach data to a grid |
sizecache.hh | Provides size cache classes to implement the grids size method efficiently |
► concepts | |
► archetypes | |
datahandle.hh | |
entity.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
messagebuffer.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
entity.hh | |
entityiterator.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
grid.hh | |
gridview.hh | |
indexidset.hh | |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
messagebuffer.hh | |
► geometrygrid | |
backuprestore.hh | |
cachedcoordfunction.hh | |
capabilities.hh | |
coordfunction.hh | |
coordfunctioncaller.hh | |
cornerstorage.hh | |
datahandle.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
entity.hh | |
entityseed.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
grid.hh | |
gridfamily.hh | |
gridview.hh | |
hostcorners.hh | |
identity.hh | |
idset.hh | |
indexsets.hh | |
intersection.hh | |
intersectioniterator.hh | |
iterator.hh | |
persistentcontainer.hh | |
► identitygrid | |
identitygridentity.hh | The IdentityGridEntity class |
identitygridentityseed.hh | The IdentityGridEntitySeed class |
identitygridgeometry.hh | The IdentityGridGeometry class and its specializations |
identitygridhierarchiciterator.hh | The IdentityGridHierarchicIterator class |
identitygridindexsets.hh | The index and id sets for the IdentityGrid class |
identitygridintersectioniterator.hh | The IdentityGridLeafIntersectionIterator and IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator classes |
identitygridintersections.hh | The IdentityGridLeafIntersection and IdentityGridLevelIntersection classes |
identitygridleafiterator.hh | The IdentityGridLeafIterator class |
identitygridleveliterator.hh | The IdentityGridLevelIterator class |
► io | |
► file | |
► dgfparser | |
► blocks | |
basic.hh | |
boundarydom.hh | |
boundaryseg.hh | |
cube.hh | |
dim.hh | |
general.hh | |
gridparameter.hh | |
interval.hh | |
periodicfacetrans.hh | |
polygon.hh | |
polyhedron.hh | |
projection.hh | |
simplex.hh | |
simplexgeneration.hh | |
vertex.hh | |
► test | |
checkdgf.hh | |
► utils | |
dgf2dgf.cc | Small program converting a DGF file into a DGF file |
gmsh2dgf.cc | Small program converting a gmsh file into a DGF file |
dgfexception.hh | |
dgfgeogrid.hh | |
dgfgridfactory.hh | |
dgfidentitygrid.hh | |
dgfoned.hh | |
dgfparser.hh | |
dgfug.hh | |
dgfwriter.hh | Write a GridView to a DGF file |
dgfyasp.hh | |
entitykey.hh | |
entitykey_inline.hh | |
gridptr.hh | |
macrogrid.hh | |
parser.hh | |
► gnuplot | |
gnuplot.cc | Implementation of gnuplot output for 1D and 2D grids |
► test | |
checkvtkfile.hh | |
► vtk | |
b64enc.hh | Simple base64 encode |
basicwriter.hh | |
boundaryiterators.hh | Functions for VTK output on the skeleton |
boundarywriter.hh | |
common.hh | Common stuff for the VTKWriter |
corner.hh | |
corneriterator.hh | |
dataarraywriter.hh | Data array writers for the VTKWriter |
function.hh | Functions for VTK output |
functionwriter.hh | |
pointiterator.hh | |
pvtuwriter.hh | |
skeletonfunction.hh | Functions for VTK output on the skeleton |
streams.hh | |
subsamplingvtkwriter.hh | Provides subsampled file i/o for the visualization toolkit |
volumeiterators.hh | |
volumewriter.hh | |
vtksequencewriter.hh | |
vtksequencewriterbase.hh | |
vtkwriter.hh | Provides file i/o for the visualization toolkit |
vtuwriter.hh | |
dgfparser.hh | |
gmshreader.hh | |
gmshwriter.hh | |
gnuplot.hh | Provides gnuplot output for 1D Grids |
printgrid.hh | |
starcdreader.hh | |
vtk.hh | Convenience header which includes all available VTK writers |
► uggrid | |
uggridfactory.hh | The specialization of the generic GridFactory for UGGrid |
► utility | |
► test | |
persistentcontainertest.cc | A unit test for the PersistentContainer |
structuredgridfactorytest.cc | A unit test for the StructuredGridFactory |
tensorgridfactorytest.cc | A unit test for the TensorGridFactory |
vertexordertest.cc | A unit test for the VertexOrder classes |
entitycommhelper.hh | |
globalindexset.hh | Provides a globally unique index for all entities of a distributed Dune grid |
gridinfo-gmsh-main.hh | Generic main() function for printing information about a mesh read from a .msh-file |
gridinfo.hh | |
gridtype.hh | This file can be included directly following config.h to test if a grid type was correctly selected |
hierarchicsearch.hh | Utility class for hierarchically searching for an Entity containing a given point |
hostgridaccess.hh | |
multiindex.hh | Implements a multiindex with arbitrary dimension and fixed index ranges This is used by various factory classes |
parmetisgridpartitioner.hh | Compute a repartitioning of a Dune grid using ParMetis |
persistentcontainer.hh | |
persistentcontainerinterface.hh | |
persistentcontainermap.hh | |
persistentcontainervector.hh | |
persistentcontainerwrapper.hh | |
structuredgridfactory.hh | A class to construct structured cube and simplex grids using the grid factory |
tensorgridfactory.hh | This file provides a factory class for tensorproduct grids. This is a collection of methods to generate monotonous sequences as needed for a tensorproduct grid. Apart from easy ones for locally equidistant grids, there are also more involved methods like splitting a range according to a geometric series |
vertexorderfactory.hh | |
► yaspgrid | |
backuprestore.hh | |
coordinates.hh | This provides container classes for the coordinates to be used in YaspGrid Upon implementation of the tensorproduct feature, the coordinate information has been encapsulated to keep performance for the equidistant grid. Containers for equidistant and tensorproduct grids are provided here |
partitioning.hh | This file provides tools to partition YaspGrids. If you want to write your own partitioner, inherit from Yasp::Partitioning and implement the partition() method. You can also browse this file for already available useful partitioners, like Yasp::FixedSizePartitioning |
structuredyaspgridfactory.hh | Specialization of the StructuredGridFactory class for YaspGrid |
torus.hh | This file provides the infrastructure for toroidal communication in YaspGrid |
yaspgridentity.hh | YaspEntity class and its specializations |
yaspgridentityseed.hh | The YaspEntitySeed class |
yaspgridgeometry.hh | The YaspGeometry class and its specializations |
yaspgridhierarchiciterator.hh | |
yaspgrididset.hh | |
yaspgridindexsets.hh | Level-wise, non-persistent, consecutive indices for YaspGrid |
yaspgridintersection.hh | The YaspIntersection class |
yaspgridintersectioniterator.hh | The YaspIntersectionIterator class |
yaspgridleveliterator.hh | The YaspLevelIterator class |
yaspgridpersistentcontainer.hh | Specialization of the PersistentContainer for YaspGrid |
ygrid.hh | This provides a YGrid, the elemental component of the yaspgrid implementation |
albertagrid.hh | |
geometrygrid.hh | |
identitygrid.hh | The IdentityGrid class |
onedgrid.hh | The OneDGrid class |
uggrid.hh | The UGGrid class |
yaspgrid.hh | |
▼ dune | |
► istl | |
► common | |
counter.hh | |
registry.hh | |
► eigenvalue | |
► test | |
matrixinfo.hh | |
arpackpp.hh | |
poweriteration.hh | |
► paamg | |
aggregates.hh | Provides classes for the Coloring process of AMG |
amg.hh | The AMG preconditioner |
combinedfunctor.hh | |
construction.hh | Helper classes for the construction of classes without empty constructor |
dependency.hh | Provides classes for initializing the link attributes of a matrix graph |
fastamg.hh | A fast AMG method, that currently only allows only Gauss-Seidel smoothing and is currently purely sequential. It combines one Gauss-Seidel presmoothing sweep with the defect calculation to reduce memory transfers |
fastamgsmoother.hh | |
galerkin.hh | Provides a class for building the galerkin product based on a aggregation scheme |
globalaggregates.hh | Provdes class for identifying aggregates globally |
graph.hh | Provides classes for building the matrix graph |
graphcreator.hh | |
hierarchy.hh | Provides a classes representing the hierarchies in AMG |
indicescoarsener.hh | Provides a class for building the index set and remote indices on the coarse level |
kamg.hh | Provides an algebraic multigrid using a Krylov cycle |
matrixhierarchy.hh | Provides a classes representing the hierarchies in AMG |
parameters.hh | Parameter classes for customizing AMG |
pinfo.hh | |
properties.hh | Provides classes for handling internal properties in a graph |
renumberer.hh | |
smoother.hh | Classes for the generic construction and application of the smoothers |
transfer.hh | Prolongation and restriction for amg |
twolevelmethod.hh | Algebraic twolevel methods |
allocator.hh | |
basearray.hh | Implements several basic array containers |
bccsmatrix.hh | |
bccsmatrixinitializer.hh | |
bcrsmatrix.hh | Implementation of the BCRSMatrix class |
bdmatrix.hh | Implementation of the BDMatrix class |
blocklevel.hh | Helper functions for determining the vector/matrix block level |
btdmatrix.hh | Implementation of the BTDMatrix class |
bvector.hh | This file implements a vector space as a tensor product of a given vector space. The number of components can be given at run-time |
cholmod.hh | |
dilu.hh | The diagonal incomplete LU factorization kernels |
foreach.hh | |
gsetc.hh | Simple iterative methods like Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, SSOR, etc. in a generic way |
ildl.hh | Incomplete LDL decomposition |
ilu.hh | The incomplete LU factorization kernels |
ilusubdomainsolver.hh | Various local subdomain solvers based on ILU for SeqOverlappingSchwarz |
io.hh | Some generic functions for pretty printing vectors and matrices |
istlexception.hh | |
ldl.hh | Class for using LDL with ISTL matrices |
matrix.hh | A dynamic dense block matrix class |
matrixindexset.hh | |
matrixmarket.hh | Provides classes for reading and writing MatrixMarket Files with an extension for parallel matrices |
matrixmatrix.hh | Functions for sparse matrix matrix multiplication |
matrixredistribute.hh | Functionality for redistributing a sparse matrix |
matrixutils.hh | Some handy generic functions for ISTL matrices |
multitypeblockmatrix.hh | |
multitypeblockvector.hh | |
novlpschwarz.hh | |
operators.hh | Define general, extensible interface for operators. The available implementation wraps a matrix |
overlappingschwarz.hh | Contains one level overlapping Schwarz preconditioners |
owneroverlapcopy.hh | Classes providing communication interfaces for overlapping Schwarz methods |
preconditioner.hh | |
preconditioners.hh | Define general preconditioner interface |
repartition.hh | Functionality for redistributing a parallel index set using graph partitioning |
scalarproducts.hh | Define base class for scalar product and norm |
scaledidmatrix.hh | This file implements a quadratic matrix of fixed size which is a multiple of the identity |
schwarz.hh | |
solver.hh | Define general, extensible interface for inverse operators |
solvercategory.hh | |
solverfactory.hh | |
solverregistry.hh | |
solvers.hh | Implementations of the inverse operator interface |
solvertype.hh | Templates characterizing the type of a solver |
spqr.hh | Class for using SPQR with ISTL matrices |
superlu.hh | Classes for using SuperLU with ISTL matrices |
superlufunctions.hh | |
supermatrix.hh | |
umfpack.hh | Classes for using UMFPack with ISTL matrices |
vbvector.hh | ??? |
▼ dune | |
► localfunctions | |
► brezzidouglasfortinmarini | |
► cube | |
localbasis.hh | |
localcoefficients.hh | |
localinterpolation.hh | |
bdfmcube.hh | |
► brezzidouglasmarini | |
► brezzidouglasmarini1cube2d | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube2dlocalbasis.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► brezzidouglasmarini1cube3d | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube3dlocalbasis.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube3dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube3dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► brezzidouglasmarini1simplex2d | |
brezzidouglasmarini1simplex2dlocalbasis.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1simplex2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1simplex2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► brezzidouglasmarini2cube2d | |
brezzidouglasmarini2cube2dlocalbasis.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini2cube2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini2cube2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► brezzidouglasmarini2simplex2d | |
brezzidouglasmarini2simplex2dlocalbasis.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini2simplex2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini2simplex2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube2d.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1cube3d.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini1simplex2d.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini2cube2d.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini2simplex2d.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarinicube.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarinisimplex.hh | |
► common | |
interface.hh | |
interfaceswitch.hh | |
localbasis.hh | |
localfiniteelementtraits.hh | |
localfiniteelementvariant.hh | |
localfiniteelementvariantcache.hh | |
localinterpolation.hh | |
localkey.hh | |
localtoglobaladaptors.hh | |
virtualinterface.hh | |
virtualwrappers.hh | |
► dualmortarbasis | |
► dualp1 | |
dualp1localbasis.hh | |
dualp1localcoefficients.hh | |
dualp1localinterpolation.hh | |
► dualq1 | |
dualq1localbasis.hh | |
dualq1localcoefficients.hh | |
dualq1localinterpolation.hh | |
dualp1.hh | |
dualpq1factory.hh | |
dualq1.hh | |
► enriched | |
► simplexp1bubble | |
localbasis.hh | |
localcoefficients.hh | |
localinterpolation.hh | |
simplexp1bubble.hh | |
► hierarchical | |
► hierarchicalp2 | |
hierarchicalsimplexp2localbasis.hh | Hierarchical p2 shape functions for the simplex |
hierarchicalsimplexp2localinterpolation.hh | |
► hierarchicalp2withelementbubble | |
hierarchicalsimplexp2withelementbubble.hh | Hierarchical p2 shape functions for the simplex |
► hierarchicalprismp2 | |
hierarchicalprismp2localbasis.hh | Hierarchical prism p2 shape functions for the simplex |
hierarchicalprismp2localinterpolation.hh | |
hierarchicalp1withelementbubble.hh | |
hierarchicalp2.hh | |
hierarchicalp2withelementbubble.hh | |
hierarchicalprismp2.hh | |
► lagrange | |
► p0 | |
p0localbasis.hh | |
p0localcoefficients.hh | |
p0localinterpolation.hh | |
cache.hh | |
emptypoints.hh | |
equidistantpoints.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
lagrangebasis.hh | |
lagrangecoefficients.hh | |
lagrangecube.hh | |
lagrangelfecache.hh | |
lagrangeprism.hh | |
lagrangepyramid.hh | |
lagrangesimplex.hh | |
p0.hh | |
pk1d.hh | |
pk2d.hh | |
pq22d.hh | |
pqkfactory.hh | |
q1.hh | |
q2.hh | |
► meta | |
► power | |
basis.hh | |
coefficients.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
discontinuous.hh | |
power.hh | |
► mimetic | |
mimeticall.hh | |
► monomial | |
monomiallocalbasis.hh | |
monomiallocalcoefficients.hh | |
monomiallocalinterpolation.hh | |
► nedelec | |
► nedelecsimplex | |
nedelecsimplexbasis.hh | |
nedelecsimplexinterpolation.hh | |
nedelecsimplexprebasis.hh | |
nedelec1stkindcube.hh | |
nedelec1stkindsimplex.hh | |
► orthonormal | |
orthonormalbasis.hh | |
orthonormalcompute.hh | |
► rannacherturek | |
► rannacherturek2d | |
rannacherturek2dlocalbasis.hh | |
► rannacherturek3d | |
rannacherturek3dlocalbasis.hh | |
rannacherturek.hh | |
rannachertureklocalbasis.hh | |
rannachertureklocalcoefficients.hh | |
rannachertureklocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas | |
► raviartthomas02d | |
raviartthomas02dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas02dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas02dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas03d | |
raviartthomas03dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas03dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas03dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas0cube2d | |
raviartthomas0cube2dall.hh | |
► raviartthomas0cube3d | |
raviartthomas0cube3dall.hh | |
► raviartthomas0prism | |
raviartthomas0prismlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas0prismlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas0prismlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas0pyramid | |
raviartthomas0pyramidlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas0pyramidlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas0pyramidlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas12d | |
raviartthomas12dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas12dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas12dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas1cube2d | |
raviartthomas1cube2dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas1cube2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas1cube2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas1cube3d | |
raviartthomas1cube3dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas1cube3dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas1cube3dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas2cube2d | |
raviartthomas2cube2dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas2cube2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas2cube2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas3cube2d | |
raviartthomas3cube2dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas3cube2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas3cube2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomas4cube2d | |
raviartthomas4cube2dlocalbasis.hh | |
raviartthomas4cube2dlocalcoefficients.hh | |
raviartthomas4cube2dlocalinterpolation.hh | |
► raviartthomassimplex | |
raviartthomassimplexbasis.hh | |
raviartthomassimplexinterpolation.hh | |
raviartthomassimplexprebasis.hh | |
raviartthomas02d.hh | |
raviartthomas03d.hh | |
raviartthomas0cube2d.hh | |
raviartthomas0cube3d.hh | |
raviartthomas0prism.hh | |
raviartthomas0pyramid.hh | |
raviartthomas12d.hh | |
raviartthomas1cube2d.hh | |
raviartthomas1cube3d.hh | |
raviartthomas2cube2d.hh | |
raviartthomas3cube2d.hh | |
raviartthomas4cube2d.hh | |
raviartthomascube.hh | Convenience header that includes all available Raviart-Thomas local finite elements for cubes |
raviartthomaslfecache.hh | |
raviartthomassimplex.hh | Raviart-Thomas local finite elements of arbitrary order for simplices of arbitrary dimension |
► refined | |
► common | |
refinedsimplexlocalbasis.hh | Contains a base class for LocalBasis classes based on uniform refinement |
► refinedp0 | |
refinedp0localbasis.hh | |
refinedp0localcoefficients.hh | |
refinedp0localinterpolation.hh | |
► refinedp1 | |
refinedp1localbasis.hh | Linear Lagrange shape functions on a uniformly refined reference element |
refinedp0.hh | Piecewise P0 finite element |
refinedp1.hh | |
► test | |
geometries.hh | |
lagrangeshapefunctiontest.cc | Performs some tests for the Lagrange shape functions |
monomialshapefunctiontest.cc | Performs some tests for the monomial shape functions |
test-fe.hh | |
test-lagrange.cc | Performs some tests for the generic Lagrange shape functions on simplices |
test-localfe.hh | |
test-nedelecsimplex.cc | Performs some tests for the generic Nedelec shape functions on simplices |
test-orthonormal.cc | Performs some tests for the generic orthonormal shape functions on simplices |
test-raviartthomassimplex.cc | Performs some tests for the generic Raviart-Thomas shape functions on simplices |
virtualshapefunctiontest.cc | Test the dynamically polymorphic shape function interface |
► utility | |
basisevaluator.hh | |
basismatrix.hh | |
basisprint.hh | |
coeffmatrix.hh | |
defaultbasisfactory.hh | |
dglocalcoefficients.hh | |
field.hh | |
interpolationhelper.hh | |
l2interpolation.hh | |
lfematrix.hh | |
localfiniteelement.hh | |
monomialbasis.hh | |
multiindex.hh | |
polynomialbasis.hh | |
tensor.hh | |
► whitney | |
► edges0.5 | |
basis.hh | |
coefficients.hh | |
common.hh | |
interpolation.hh | |
edges0.5.hh | |
brezzidouglasmarini.hh | |
crouzeixraviart.hh | |
dualmortarbasis.hh | |
enriched.hh | |
hierarchical.hh | Convenience header that includes all available hierarchical LocalFiniteElements |
lagrange.hh | Convenience header that includes all implementations of Lagrange finite elements |
mimetic.hh | |
monomial.hh | |
nedelec.hh | |
orthonormal.hh | |
rannacherturek.hh | Convenience header that includes all available Rannacher-Turek LocalFiniteElements |
raviartthomas.hh | |
refined.hh | Convenience header that includes all available LocalFiniteElements based on uniform element refinement |
► python | |
► localfunctions | |
localfiniteelement.hh |