DUNE-FEM (unstable)

4#include <string>
5#include <tuple>
6#include <limits>
7#include <memory>
9#include <dune/fem/io/file/asciiparser.hh>
10#include <dune/fem/io/file/iointerface.hh>
11#include <dune/fem/io/file/iotuple.hh>
12#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
13#include <dune/fem/space/common/loadbalancer.hh>
14#include <dune/fem/gridpart/adaptiveleafgridpart.hh>
15#include <dune/fem/space/lagrange.hh>
16#include <dune/fem/function/adaptivefunction.hh>
17#include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingquadrature.hh>
18#include <dune/fem/io/file/persistencemanager.hh>
19#include <dune/fem/io/file/dataoutput.hh>
20#include <dune/fem/misc/gridname.hh>
21#include <dune/grid/common/backuprestore.hh>
24#include <dune/grid/io/visual/grapedatadisplay.hh>
27namespace Dune
30 namespace Fem
31 {
33 struct DataWriterParameters : public DataOutputParameters
34 {
35 explicit DataWriterParameters ( std::string keyPrefix, const ParameterReader &parameter = Parameter::container() )
36 : DataOutputParameters( keyPrefix, parameter )
37 {}
39 explicit DataWriterParameters ( const ParameterReader &parameter = Parameter::container() )
40 : DataOutputParameters( parameter )
41 {}
44 virtual std::string macroGridName (const int dim) const
45 {
46 return parameter().getValue< std::string >( IOInterface::defaultGridKey( dim, parameter() ) );
47 }
50 virtual bool separateRankPath () const
51 {
52 return false;
53 }
54 };
63 template <class GridImp,
64 class DataImp>
65 class DataWriter : public DataOutput< GridImp, DataImp >
66 {
67 protected:
69 typedef GridImp GridType;
71 typedef DataImp OutPutDataType;
78 using BaseType :: grid_;
79 using BaseType :: data_;
81 using BaseType :: path_;
82 using BaseType :: datapref_;
83 using BaseType :: writeStep_;
84 using BaseType :: outputFormat_ ;
86 friend class DataOutput< GridImp, DataImp >;
87 mutable std::stringstream macroGrid_;
88 const bool separateRankPath_ ;
90 public:
98 DataWriter(const GridType & grid,
99 OutPutDataType& data,
100 const DataWriterParameters& parameter = DataWriterParameters() )
101 : BaseType( grid, data, parameter ),
102 separateRankPath_( parameter.separateRankPath() )
103 {
104 }
113 DataWriter(const GridType & grid,
114 OutPutDataType& data,
115 const TimeProviderBase& tp,
116 const DataWriterParameters& parameter = DataWriterParameters() )
117 : BaseType( grid, data, tp, parameter ),
118 separateRankPath_( parameter.separateRankPath() )
119 {
120 }
123 virtual ~DataWriter() {}
125 protected:
127 virtual const char* myClassName() const { return "DataWriter"; }
130 virtual void writeBinaryData(const double sequenceStamp) const
131 {
132 writeMyBinaryData( sequenceStamp, writeStep_ , data_ );
133 }
135 template< class OutputTuple >
136 std::string writeMyBinaryData ( const double sequenceStamp, const int step,
137 OutputTuple &data ) const
138 {
139 // create new path for time step output
140 std::string timeStepPath = IOInterface::createPath( grid_.comm(), path_, datapref_, step, separateRankPath_ );
142 typedef IOTuple< OutputTuple > IOTupleType ;
144 // if data is given, use BinaryDataIO to write it
145 if( IOTupleType :: length > 0 )
146 {
147 // call output of IOTuple
148 IOTupleType :: output( grid_, sequenceStamp, timeStepPath, datapref_, data );
149 }
151 return timeStepPath;
152 }
153 }; // end class DataWriter
156 //
157 // Checkpointer
158 //
168 struct CheckPointerParameters : public DataWriterParameters
169 {
170 protected:
171 bool writeMode_;
173 public:
174 CheckPointerParameters( const bool writeMode, const std::string keyPrefix = "fem.io." ) :
175 DataWriterParameters( keyPrefix, Parameter::container() ),
176 writeMode_( writeMode )
177 {}
179 explicit CheckPointerParameters( const std::string keyPrefix = "fem.io." ) :
180 DataWriterParameters( keyPrefix, Parameter::container() ),
181 writeMode_( true )
182 {}
185 virtual std::string prefix () const
186 {
187 return checkPointPrefix();
188 }
191 virtual int checkPointStep() const
192 {
193 return parameter().getValue< int > ( keyPrefix_ + "checkpointstep", 500 );
194 }
197 virtual int maxNumberOfCheckPoints() const
198 {
199 return parameter().getValue< int > ( keyPrefix_ + "checkpointmax", 2 );
200 }
203 virtual std::string checkPointPrefix() const
204 {
205 return parameter().getValue< std::string > ( keyPrefix_ + "checkpointfile", "checkpoint" );
206 }
209 virtual bool writeMode() const
210 {
211 return writeMode_;
212 }
215 virtual bool separateRankPath () const
216 {
217 return false;
218 }
220 virtual int outputformat() const
221 {
222 return 5; // i.e. none
223 }
224 };
235 template< class GridImp >
237 : public DataWriter< GridImp, std::tuple<> >
238 {
239 typedef std::tuple<> DataImp;
240 protected:
242 typedef GridImp GridType;
248 {
249 const GridType& grid_ ;
250 const std::string name_;
254 : grid_( grid ),
255 name_( Fem :: gridName( grid_ ) )
256 {
257 // we need to push the grid at the
258 // front position of the PersistenceManager list
259 // since we have to read it first on restore
260 const bool pushFront = true ;
261 // add grid at first position
262 PersistenceManager::insert( *this, pushFront );
263 }
267 {
268 // remove myself
269 PersistenceManager::remove( *this );
270 }
273 virtual void backup() const
274 {
275 // this feature is available in dune-grid 2.3.x and later
277 // try backup using stream method first
278 try
279 {
280 std::string gridBackup ;
281 // get backup stream from grid facility
282 {
283 std::stringstream gridBackupStream;
284 Dune::BackupRestoreFacility< GridType > :: backup( grid_, gridBackupStream );
285 gridBackup = gridBackupStream.str();
286 }
287 PersistenceManager :: backupStream() << gridBackup;
288 }
289 catch ( const Dune :: NotImplemented& )
290 {
291#ifndef NDEBUG
292 if( Parameter :: verbose () )
293 std::cerr << "GridPersistentObject::backup: cannot use stream backup." << std::endl;
296 // try method given a filename
297 try {
298 std::string filename( PersistenceManager :: uniqueFileName( name_ ) );
300 }
301 catch ( const Dune :: NotImplemented& )
302 {
303 std::cerr << "ERROR: GridPersistentObject::backup: not possible!" << std::endl;
304 }
305 }
307 // backup dof manager
309 }
312 virtual void restore ()
313 {
314 }
315 };
320 using BaseType :: grid_;
321 using BaseType :: data_;
323 using BaseType :: path_;
324 using BaseType :: datapref_;
325 using BaseType :: writeStep_;
326 using BaseType :: outputFormat_ ;
327 using BaseType :: grapeDisplay_;
328 using BaseType :: separateRankPath_;
334 typedef DataImp OutPutDataType;
335 OutPutDataType fakeData_; // empty tuple
338 std::unique_ptr< PersistentGridObjectType > persistentGridObject_ ;
340 OutPutDataType* dataPtr_ ;
342 const int checkPointStep_;
343 const int maxCheckPointNumber_;
344 int myRank_;
346 std::string checkPointFile_;
348 bool takeCareOfPersistenceManager_;
350 public:
356 CheckPointer(const GridType & grid,
358 : BaseType(grid, fakeData_, parameter)
359 , persistentGridObject_( new PersistentGridObjectType( grid_ ) )
360 , dataPtr_ ( 0 )
361 , checkPointStep_( parameter.checkPointStep() )
362 , maxCheckPointNumber_( parameter.maxNumberOfCheckPoints() )
363 , myRank_( grid.comm().rank() )
364 , takeCareOfPersistenceManager_( true )
365 {
366 initialize( parameter );
367 }
376 CheckPointer(const GridType & grid,
377 const TimeProviderBase& tp,
379 : BaseType(grid, fakeData_,tp,parameter)
380 , persistentGridObject_( new PersistentGridObjectType( grid_ ) )
381 , checkPointStep_( parameter.checkPointStep() )
382 , maxCheckPointNumber_( parameter.maxNumberOfCheckPoints() )
383 , myRank_( grid.comm().rank() )
384 , takeCareOfPersistenceManager_( true )
385 {
386 initialize( parameter );
387 }
389 protected:
390 void initialize( const CheckPointerParameters& parameter )
391 {
392 // output format can only be binary
393 outputFormat_ = BaseType :: binary;
394 // do not display
395 grapeDisplay_ = false ;
397 checkPointFile_ = path_;
398 checkPointFile_ += "/";
399 checkPointFile_ += parameter.prefix();
401 // write parameter file
402 Parameter::write("parameter.log");
403 }
405 protected:
423 CheckPointer(const GridType & grid,
424 const int myRank,
425 const char * checkFile,
426 const bool takeCareOfPersistenceManager = true,
427 const int writeStep = 0 )
428 : BaseType(grid, fakeData_, CheckPointerParameters( checkFile == 0 ) ) // checkFile != 0 means read mode
429 , persistentGridObject_( ) // do not create a persistent object here, since we are in read mode
430 , checkPointStep_( 0 )
431 , maxCheckPointNumber_( writeStep + 1 )
432 , myRank_( myRank )
433 , takeCareOfPersistenceManager_( takeCareOfPersistenceManager )
434 {
435 // output format can oinly be binary
436 outputFormat_ = BaseType :: binary;
437 // do not display
438 grapeDisplay_ = false ;
440 CheckPointerParameters parameter( checkFile == 0 );
441 datapref_ = parameter.checkPointPrefix();
443 if( checkFile )
444 {
445 // try to read given check point file
446 checkPointFile_ = checkFile;
448 // read last counter, don't issue warning
449 bool ok = readCheckPoint( false );
451 // if check point couldn't be opened, try again with default
452 if(!ok)
453 {
455 // read name of check point file
456 checkPointFile_ = path_;
457 checkPointFile_ += "/";
458 checkPointFile_ += parameter.checkPointPrefix();
460 const bool warn = (myRank == 0);
461 if( warn )
462 {
463 std::cerr << "WARNING: Coudn't open file `" << checkFile << "' trying file `" << checkPointFile_ << "' instead!" << std::endl;
464 }
466 ok = readCheckPoint();
467 if( ! ok )
468 {
469 std::cerr <<"ERROR: unable to open checkpoint file! \n";
470 exit(1);
471 }
472 }
473 }
474 else
475 {
476 initialize( CheckPointerParameters( checkFile == 0 ) );
477 }
479 // set write step counter to value given in constructor
480 writeStep_ = writeStep ;
481 }
483 public:
492 static GridType* restoreGrid(const std::string checkFile,
493 const int givenRank = -1,
495 {
496 const int rank = ( givenRank < 0 ) ? MPIManager :: rank() : givenRank ;
497 std::string datapref( parameter.checkPointPrefix() );
498 std::string path;
500 const bool verbose = (rank == 0);
502 int checkPointNumber = 0;
503 // if given checkpointfile is not valid use default checkpoint file
504 if( ! readParameter(checkFile,"LastCheckPoint",checkPointNumber, verbose, false ) )
505 {
506 // read default path
508 // set checkpointfile
509 std::string checkPointFile = path;
510 // try out default checkpoint file
511 checkPointFile += "/";
512 checkPointFile += parameter.checkPointPrefix();
513 if ( verbose )
514 {
515 std::cerr << "WARNING: Coudn't open file `" << checkFile << "' trying file `" << checkPointFile << "' instead!" << std::endl;
516 }
517 readParameter(checkPointFile,"LastCheckPoint",checkPointNumber, verbose);
518 }
519 else
520 {
521 if( ! readParameter(checkFile,"RecoverPath",path,verbose) )
522 {
523 // read default path
525 }
526 }
528 // now add timestamp (and rank)
529 path = IOInterface::createRecoverPath(
530 path, rank, datapref, checkPointNumber, parameter.separateRankPath() );
532 // initialize PersistenceManager
533 PersistenceManager :: startRestore ( path );
535 GridType* grid = 0;
536 // this is only available in dune-grid 2.3.x and later
537 try
538 {
539 std::string gridData;
540 PersistenceManager :: restoreStream() >> gridData;
542 // copy data to stream
543 std::stringstream gridStream( gridData );
544 // clear grid data
545 gridData = std::string();
547 // perform restore using grid stream only
549 }
550 catch ( const Dune :: NotImplemented& )
551 {
552#ifndef NDEBUG
553 if( Parameter :: verbose () )
554 std::cerr << "GridPersistentObject::restore: cannot use stream restore." << std::endl;
556 try {
557 std::string name ( Fem :: gridName( *grid ) );
558 std::string filename( PersistenceManager :: uniqueFileName( name ) );
560 }
561 catch ( const Dune :: NotImplemented& )
562 {
563 std::cerr << "ERROR: GridPersistentObject::restore: not possible!" << std::endl;
564 }
565 }
567 if( grid == 0 )
568 {
569 DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"Could not recover grid");
570 }
572 return grid;
573 }
581 static inline
582 void restoreData ( const GridType &grid, const std::string checkFile, const int rank=-1 )
583 {
584 // make rank exchangable
585 const int myRank = ( rank < 0 ) ? grid.comm().rank() : rank ;
587 // check that check point is not empty
588 if( checkFile == "" )
589 {
590 DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"Checkpoint file empty!");
591 }
593 // create temporary check pointer
594 CheckPointer<GridType> checker( grid, myRank, checkFile.c_str() );
596 // restore data
597 checker.restoreData();
598 }
600 protected:
605 {
606 // now add timestamp and rank
607 std::string path = IOInterface::createRecoverPath(
608 path_, myRank_ , datapref_, writeStep_, separateRankPath_ );
610 // if true also restore PersistenceManager
611 if( takeCareOfPersistenceManager_ )
612 {
613 // restore all persistent values kept by PersistenceManager
614 PersistenceManager::restore( path );
615 }
617 return path;
618 }
620 template< class InputTuple >
621 void restoreUserData ( InputTuple &data )
622 {
623 // restore of the grid is done in method restoreGrid
624 // here we only need to restore the DofManager since now
625 // all spaces and index sets have been created
628 // restore persistent data
629 std::string path = restorePersistentData( );
631 // make data consecutive at the end of the restore process
632 // and communicate data
633 DofManagerType :: instance( grid_ ).compress();
634 }
636 void restoreData( )
637 {
638 restoreUserData( data_ );
639 }
641 public:
643 virtual const char* myClassName() const { return "CheckPointer"; }
645 using BaseType :: willWrite ;
648 bool willWrite(const TimeProviderBase& tp) const
649 {
650 const int timestep = tp.timeStep();
651 // only write data time > saveTime
652 return ( (checkPointStep_ > 0) && (((timestep % checkPointStep_) == 0) && timestep > 0) );
653 }
655 static void writeSingleCheckPoint(const GridType& grid,
656 const double time,
657 const bool storePersistenceManager,
658 const int writeStep = 0 )
659 {
660 CheckPointer< GridType > checkPointer( grid );
661 checkPointer.writeBinaryData( time );
662 }
664 virtual void writeBinaryData(const double time) const
665 {
666 // reset writeStep_ when maxCheckPointNumber_ is reached
667 if( writeStep_ >= maxCheckPointNumber_ ) writeStep_ = 0;
669 // write data
670 std::string path = this->writeMyBinaryData( time, writeStep_, data_ );
672 // if true also backup PersistenceManager
673 if( takeCareOfPersistenceManager_ )
674 {
675 // backup all persistent values kept by PersistenceManager
676 PersistenceManager::backup( path );
677 }
679 // write checkpoint info
680 writeCheckPoint(path, time,
681 writeStep_ );
683 return;
684 }
686 protected:
688 bool readCheckPoint(const bool warn = true)
689 {
690 const bool verbose = Parameter::verbose();
692 // read Checkpiont file
693 if( readParameter(checkPointFile_,"LastCheckPoint",writeStep_, verbose, warn ) )
694 {
695 std::string recoverPath;
696 // try to read recover path
697 if( ! readParameter(checkPointFile_,"RecoverPath", recoverPath, verbose) )
698 {
699 // default value is output path
700 recoverPath = path_;
701 }
703 int storedPersistentManager = 0;
704 if( readParameter(checkPointFile_,"PersistenceManager", storedPersistentManager, verbose) )
705 {
706 takeCareOfPersistenceManager_ = ( storedPersistentManager > 0 );
707 }
709 // overwrite path with recover path
710 path_ = recoverPath;
712 return true;
713 }
714 return false;
715 }
717 // write some info for checkpointing
718 void writeCheckPoint (const std::string& path,
719 const double time,
720 const int savestep ) const
721 {
722 // write some needed informantion to current checkpoint file
723 // only proc 0 writes the global checkpoint file
724 if( myRank_ <= 0 )
725 {
726 std::string checkpointstr ;
727 {
728 std::stringstream checkpoint;
729 checkpoint << "LastCheckPoint: " << savestep << std::endl;
730 checkpoint.precision( 16 );
731 checkpoint << "Time: " << std::scientific << time << std::endl;
732 checkpoint << "SaveCount: " << savestep << std::endl;
733 checkpoint << "PersistenceManager: " << takeCareOfPersistenceManager_ << std::endl;
734 checkpoint << "NumberProcessors: " << grid_.comm().size() << std::endl;
735 checkpoint << "# RecoverPath can be edited by hand if data has been moved!" << std::endl;
736 checkpoint << "RecoverPath: " << path_ << std::endl;
737 checkpointstr = checkpoint.str();
738 }
740 // overwrite the last checkpoint file
741 {
742 std::ofstream file (checkPointFile_.c_str());
743 if( file.is_open() )
744 {
745 file << checkpointstr;
746 }
747 }
749 // write check point file for this checkpoint
750 {
751 std::string checkPointStepFile( path );
752 checkPointStepFile += "/" + datapref_;
754 std::ofstream file ( checkPointStepFile.c_str() );
755 if( file.is_open() )
756 {
757 file << checkpointstr;
758 }
759 }
760 }
761 }
763 }; // end class CheckPointer
765 } // end namespace Fem
767} // namespace Dune
769#endif // #ifndef DUNE_FEM_DATAWRITER_HH
Implementation of the IOInterface. This class manages checkpointing.
Definition: datawriter.hh:238
static void restoreData(const GridType &grid, const std::string checkFile, const int rank=-1)
restores data, assumes that all objects have been created and inserted to PersistenceManager before t...
Definition: datawriter.hh:582
CheckPointer(const GridType &grid, const CheckPointerParameters &parameter=CheckPointerParameters())
Constructor generating a checkpointer.
Definition: datawriter.hh:356
bool readCheckPoint(const bool warn=true)
read checkpoint file
Definition: datawriter.hh:688
bool willWrite(const TimeProviderBase &tp) const
returns true if data will be written on next write call
Definition: datawriter.hh:648
DataWriter< GridImp, DataImp > BaseType
type of base class
Definition: datawriter.hh:318
virtual const char * myClassName() const
print class name
Definition: datawriter.hh:643
GridImp GridType
used grid type
Definition: datawriter.hh:242
DataImp OutPutDataType
used data tuple
Definition: datawriter.hh:334
static GridType * restoreGrid(const std::string checkFile, const int givenRank=-1, const CheckPointerParameters &parameter=CheckPointerParameters())
restore grid from previous runs
Definition: datawriter.hh:492
CheckPointer(const GridType &grid, const TimeProviderBase &tp, const CheckPointerParameters &parameter=CheckPointerParameters())
Constructor generating a checkpointer.
Definition: datawriter.hh:376
CheckPointer(const GridType &grid, const int myRank, const char *checkFile, const bool takeCareOfPersistenceManager=true, const int writeStep=0)
Constructor generating a checkpointer to restore data.
Definition: datawriter.hh:423
CheckPointer< GridImp > ThisType
type of this class
Definition: datawriter.hh:331
std::string restorePersistentData()
restores data, assumes that all objects have been created before this method is called
Definition: datawriter.hh:604
virtual void writeBinaryData(const double time) const
write binary data
Definition: datawriter.hh:664
Implementation of the Dune::Fem::IOInterface. This class manages data output. Available output format...
Definition: dataoutput.hh:197
const std::string & path() const
return output path name
Definition: dataoutput.hh:413
GridImp GridType
type of grid used
Definition: dataoutput.hh:279
DataImp OutPutDataType
type of data tuple
Definition: dataoutput.hh:281
int writeStep() const
return write step
Definition: dataoutput.hh:419
virtual bool willWrite() const
returns true if data will be written on next write call
Definition: dataoutput.hh:350
const GridType & grid_
type of this class
Definition: dataoutput.hh:478
Implementation of the Dune::IOInterface. This class manages data output. Available output formats are...
Definition: datawriter.hh:66
DataWriter(const GridType &grid, OutPutDataType &data, const TimeProviderBase &tp, const DataWriterParameters &parameter=DataWriterParameters())
Constructor creating data writer.
Definition: datawriter.hh:113
virtual void writeBinaryData(const double sequenceStamp) const
write binary data
Definition: datawriter.hh:130
virtual const char * myClassName() const
print class name
Definition: datawriter.hh:127
virtual ~DataWriter()
Definition: datawriter.hh:123
GridImp GridType
type of grid used
Definition: datawriter.hh:69
DataImp OutPutDataType
type of data tuple
Definition: datawriter.hh:71
DataWriter< GridImp, DataImp > ThisType
type of this class
Definition: datawriter.hh:74
DataWriter(const GridType &grid, OutPutDataType &data, const DataWriterParameters &parameter=DataWriterParameters())
Constructor creating data writer.
Definition: datawriter.hh:98
Definition: dofmanager.hh:786
static std::string defaultGridKey(int dimension, bool check=true)
return FEM key for macro grid reading
Definition: iointerface.hh:181
static void createPath(const std::string &path)
create given path in combination with rank
Definition: iointerface.hh:232
static std::string readPath()
Definition: iointerface.hh:255
static bool verbose()
obtain the cached value for fem.verbose with default verbosity level 2
Definition: parameter.hh:466
base class for persistent objects
Definition: persistencemanager.hh:101
virtual void backup() const =0
backup persistent object
general base for time providers
Definition: timeprovider.hh:36
int timeStep() const
obtain number of the current time step
Definition: timeprovider.hh:103
Default exception if a function was called while the object is not in a valid state for that function...
Definition: exceptions.hh:281
static ThisType & instance(const GridType &grid)
obtain a reference to the DofManager for a given grid
Definition: dofmanager.hh:1251
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
static Grid * restore(const std::string &filename)
read a hierarchic grid from disk
Definition: backuprestore.hh:78
static void backup(const Grid &grid, const std::string &filename)
write a hierarchic grid to disk
Definition: backuprestore.hh:51
local parameter collection for CheckPointer
Definition: datawriter.hh:169
virtual int outputformat() const
format of output (fem.io.outputformat)
Definition: datawriter.hh:220
virtual std::string checkPointPrefix() const
return default value for check point prefix
Definition: datawriter.hh:203
virtual int checkPointStep() const
return number of timestep to be passed until next checkpoint in written
Definition: datawriter.hh:191
virtual int maxNumberOfCheckPoints() const
maximal number of checkpoint stages written (default = 2)
Definition: datawriter.hh:197
virtual bool writeMode() const
writeMode, true when checkpointer is in backup mode
Definition: datawriter.hh:209
virtual std::string prefix() const
base of file name for data file (fem.io.datafileprefix)
Definition: datawriter.hh:185
virtual bool separateRankPath() const
return true if all data should be written to a spearate path per rank
Definition: datawriter.hh:215
call appropriate backup and restore methods on the grid class
Definition: datawriter.hh:248
virtual void restore()
restore grid
Definition: datawriter.hh:312
virtual void backup() const
backup grid
Definition: datawriter.hh:273
GridPersistentObject(const GridType &grid)
constructor storing grid
Definition: datawriter.hh:253
destructor removing grid object
Definition: datawriter.hh:266
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