DUNE-FEM (unstable)

1#ifndef DUNE_FEM_ConservationLaw_MODEL_HH
2#define DUNE_FEM_ConservationLaw_MODEL_HH
4#include <cassert>
5#include <cmath>
9#include <dune/fem/solver/timeprovider.hh>
10#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
11#include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
12#include <dune/fem/function/common/gridfunctionadapter.hh>
13#include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingquadrature.hh>
14#include <dune/fempy/quadrature/fempyquadratures.hh>
16#define VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(POINT) \
17 virtual void source ( const POINT &x,\
18 const DRangeType &value,\
19 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
20 RRangeType &flux ) const = 0;\
21 virtual void linSource ( const DRangeType& uBar,\
22 const DJacobianRangeType &gradientBar,\
23 const POINT &x,\
24 const DRangeType &value,\
25 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
26 RRangeType &flux ) const = 0;\
27 virtual void flux ( const POINT &x,\
28 const DRangeType &value,\
29 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
30 RJacobianRangeType &result ) const = 0;\
31 [[deprecated]]\
32 virtual void diffusiveFlux ( const POINT &x,\
33 const DRangeType &value,\
34 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
35 RJacobianRangeType &result ) const \
36 { flux(x, value, gradient, result ); } \
37 virtual void linFlux ( const DRangeType& uBar,\
38 const DJacobianRangeType& gradientBar,\
39 const POINT &x,\
40 const DRangeType &value,\
41 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
42 RJacobianRangeType &flux ) const = 0;\
43 [[deprecated]]\
44 virtual void linDiffusiveFlux ( const DRangeType& uBar,\
45 const DJacobianRangeType& gradientBar,\
46 const POINT &x,\
47 const DRangeType &value,\
48 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
49 RJacobianRangeType &flux ) const \
50 { linFlux(uBar, gradientBar, x, value, gradient, flux ); } \
51 virtual void fluxDivergence( const POINT &x,\
52 const DRangeType &value,\
53 const DJacobianRangeType &jacobian,\
54 const DHessianRangeType &hessian,\
55 RRangeType &flux) const = 0;\
56 virtual void alpha(const POINT &x,\
57 const DRangeType &value,\
58 RRangeType &val) const = 0;\
59 virtual void linAlpha(const DRangeType &uBar,\
60 const POINT &x,\
61 const DRangeType &value,\
62 RRangeType &val) const = 0;\
63 virtual void dirichlet( int bndId, const POINT &x,\
64 RRangeType &value) const = 0;
66#define WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(POINT) \
67 virtual void source ( const POINT &x,\
68 const DRangeType &value,\
69 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
70 RRangeType &flux ) const \
71 { impl().source(x, value, gradient, flux); } \
72 virtual void linSource ( const DRangeType& uBar,\
73 const DJacobianRangeType &gradientBar,\
74 const POINT &x,\
75 const DRangeType &value,\
76 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
77 RRangeType &flux ) const \
78 { impl().linSource(uBar, gradientBar, x, value, gradient, flux); } \
79 virtual void flux ( const POINT &x,\
80 const DRangeType &value,\
81 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
82 RJacobianRangeType &flux ) const \
83 { impl().flux(x, value, gradient, flux); } \
84 virtual void linFlux ( const DRangeType& uBar,\
85 const DJacobianRangeType& gradientBar,\
86 const POINT &x,\
87 const DRangeType &value,\
88 const DJacobianRangeType &gradient,\
89 RJacobianRangeType &flux ) const \
90 { impl().linFlux(uBar, gradientBar, x, value, gradient, flux); } \
91 virtual void fluxDivergence( const POINT &x,\
92 const DRangeType &value,\
93 const DJacobianRangeType &jacobian,\
94 const DHessianRangeType &hessian,\
95 RRangeType &flux) const \
96 { impl().fluxDivergence(x, value, jacobian, hessian, flux); } \
97 virtual void alpha(const POINT &x,\
98 const DRangeType &value,\
99 RRangeType &val) const \
100 { impl().alpha(x, value, val); } \
101 virtual void linAlpha(const DRangeType &uBar,\
102 const POINT &x,\
103 const DRangeType &value,\
104 RRangeType &val) const \
105 { impl().linAlpha(uBar, x, value, val); } \
106 virtual void dirichlet( int bndId, const POINT &x,\
107 RRangeType &value) const \
108 { impl().dirichlet(bndId, x, value); }
110template< class GridPart, int dimDomain, int dimRange=dimDomain, class RangeField = double >
111struct ConservationLawModel
113 typedef GridPart GridPartType;
114 static const int dimD = dimDomain;
115 static const int dimR = dimRange;
116 typedef ConservationLawModel<GridPartType, dimD, dimR, RangeField> ModelType;
117 typedef RangeField RangeFieldType;
119 typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, RangeFieldType,
120 GridPart::dimensionworld, dimD > DFunctionSpaceType;
121 typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, RangeFieldType,
122 GridPart::dimensionworld, dimR > RFunctionSpaceType;
123 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
124 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::RangeType DRangeType;
125 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType DJacobianRangeType;
126 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType DHessianRangeType;
127 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DDomainFieldType;
128 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RRangeType;
129 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType RJacobianRangeType;
130 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType RHessianRangeType;
131 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType rDomainFieldType;
133 typedef typename GridPartType::template Codim<0>::EntityType EntityType;
134 typedef typename GridPartType::IntersectionType IntersectionType;
135 typedef typename EntityType::Geometry::LocalCoordinate LocalDomainType;
137 // quadrature points from dune-fempy quadratures
138 template <class F,int d>
139 using Traits = Dune::FemPy::FempyQuadratureTraits<F,d>;
141 QuadraturePointWrapperType Point;
143 QuadraturePointWrapperType IntersectionPoint;
145 QuadraturePointWrapperType ElementPoint;
147 QuadraturePointWrapperType ElementIntersectionPoint;
149 // quadrature points from dune-fem quadratures
151 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalPoint;
153 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalIntersectionPoint;
155 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalElementPoint;
157 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalElementIntersectionPoint;
159 /*
160 static const bool isLinear;
161 static const bool isSymmetric;
162 */
165 ConservationLawModel( )
166 { }
167 virtual ~ConservationLawModel() {}
169 virtual std::string name() const = 0;
171 virtual bool init( const EntityType &entity) const = 0;
172 virtual void unbind( ) const = 0;
174 // if the ModelImpl provides a time method (constant) then
175 // it maybe be set using this method
176 virtual void setTime( const double t ) const = 0;
178 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
179 // it maybe retrieved by this method
180 virtual double time() const = 0;
182 // virtual methods for fempy quadratures
183 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(Point)
184 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(ElementPoint)
185 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(IntersectionPoint)
186 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(ElementIntersectionPoint)
188 // virtual methods for fem quadratures
189 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalPoint)
190 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementPoint)
191 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalIntersectionPoint)
192 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementIntersectionPoint)
194 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(LocalDomainType)
196 typedef std::array<int, dimRange> DirichletComponentType;
197 virtual bool hasDirichletBoundary () const = 0;
198 virtual bool hasNeumanBoundary () const = 0;
199 virtual bool isDirichletIntersection( const IntersectionType& inter, DirichletComponentType &dirichletComponent ) const = 0;
202namespace detail {
204 template <class M>
205 class CheckTimeMethod
206 {
207 template <class T>
208 static std::true_type testSignature(double& (T::*)());
210 template <class T>
211 static decltype(testSignature(&T::time)) test(std::nullptr_t);
213 template <class T>
214 static std::false_type test(...);
216 using type = decltype(test<M>(nullptr));
217 public:
218 static const bool value = type::value;
219 };
222 template <class Model, bool>
223 struct CallSetTime
224 {
225 static void setTime( Model&, const double ) {}
226 static double time( const Model& ) { return -1.0; }
227 };
229 template <class Model>
230 struct CallSetTime< Model, true >
231 {
232 static void setTime( Model& model, const double t ) { model.time() = t; }
233 static double time ( const Model& model ) { return model.time(); }
234 };
235} // end namespace detail
238template < class ModelImpl >
239struct ConservationLawModelWrapper
240 : public ConservationLawModel<typename ModelImpl::GridPartType,
241 ModelImpl::dimD, ModelImpl::dimR, typename ModelImpl::RRangeFieldType>
243 typedef ModelImpl Impl;
244 typedef typename ModelImpl::GridPartType GridPartType;
245 static const int dimD = ModelImpl::dimD;
246 static const int dimR = ModelImpl::dimR;
247 typedef ConservationLawModel<GridPartType, dimD, dimR, typename ModelImpl::RRangeFieldType> Base;
249 typedef typename Base::Point Point;
250 typedef typename Base::IntersectionPoint IntersectionPoint;
251 typedef typename Base::ElementPoint ElementPoint;
252 typedef typename Base::ElementIntersectionPoint ElementIntersectionPoint;
253 typedef typename Base::OriginalPoint OriginalPoint;
254 typedef typename Base::OriginalIntersectionPoint OriginalIntersectionPoint;
255 typedef typename Base::OriginalElementPoint OriginalElementPoint;
256 typedef typename Base::OriginalElementIntersectionPoint OriginalElementIntersectionPoint;
257 typedef typename Base::LocalDomainType LocalDomainType;
258 typedef typename Base::DomainType DomainType;
259 typedef typename Base::DRangeType DRangeType;
260 typedef typename Base::DJacobianRangeType DJacobianRangeType;
261 typedef typename Base::DHessianRangeType DHessianRangeType;
262 typedef typename Base::RRangeType RRangeType;
263 typedef typename Base::RJacobianRangeType RJacobianRangeType;
264 typedef typename Base::RHessianRangeType RHessianRangeType;
265 typedef typename Base::EntityType EntityType;
266 typedef typename Base::IntersectionType IntersectionType;
268 template< class... Args, std::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< ModelImpl, Args &&... >::value, int > = 0 >
269 explicit ConservationLawModelWrapper ( Args &&... args )
270 : impl_( std::forward< Args >( args )... )
271 {}
273 ~ConservationLawModelWrapper()
274 {
275 }
277 // virtual methods for fempy quadratures
278 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(Point);
279 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(ElementPoint);
280 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(IntersectionPoint);
281 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(ElementIntersectionPoint);
283 // virtual methods for fem quadratures
284 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalPoint);
285 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementPoint);
286 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalIntersectionPoint);
287 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementIntersectionPoint);
289 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(LocalDomainType);
291 // other virtual functions
292 virtual std::string name() const
293 {
294 return impl().name();
295 }
297 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
298 // it maybe be set using this method
299 virtual void setTime( const double t ) const
300 {
301 detail::CallSetTime< ModelImpl, detail::CheckTimeMethod< ModelImpl >::value >
302 ::setTime( const_cast< ModelImpl& > (impl()), t );
303 }
305 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
306 // it maybe be set using this method
307 virtual double time() const
308 {
309 return detail::CallSetTime< ModelImpl, detail::CheckTimeMethod< ModelImpl >::value >::time( impl() );
310 }
312 typedef std::array<int, dimR> DirichletComponentType;
313 virtual bool hasDirichletBoundary () const
314 {
315 return impl().hasDirichletBoundary();
316 }
317 virtual bool hasNeumanBoundary () const
318 {
319 return impl().hasNeumanBoundary();
320 }
321 virtual bool isDirichletIntersection( const IntersectionType& inter, DirichletComponentType &dirichletComponent ) const
322 {
323 return impl().isDirichletIntersection(inter, dirichletComponent);
324 }
325 virtual bool init( const EntityType &entity) const
326 {
327 return impl().init(entity);
328 }
329 virtual void unbind() const
330 {
331 return impl().unbind();
332 }
333 const ModelImpl &impl() const
334 {
335 return impl_;
336 }
337 ModelImpl &impl()
338 {
339 return impl_;
340 }
342 ModelImpl impl_;
345#define VirtualPenaltyMethods(POINT) \
346 virtual RRangeType penalty ( const POINT &x,\
347 const DRangeType &value ) const = 0;\
348 virtual RRangeType linPenalty ( const POINT &x,\
349 const DRangeType &value ) const = 0;
350#define WrapperPenaltyMethods(POINT) \
351 virtual RRangeType penalty ( const POINT &x,\
352 const DRangeType &value ) const \
353 { return impl().penalty(x, value); } \
354 virtual RRangeType linPenalty ( const POINT &x,\
355 const DRangeType &value ) const \
356 { return impl().linPenalty( x, value); }
358template< class GridPart, int dimDomain, int dimRange=dimDomain, class RangeField = double >
359struct DGConservationLawModel
361 typedef GridPart GridPartType;
362 static const int dimD = dimDomain;
363 static const int dimR = dimRange;
364 typedef DGConservationLawModel<GridPartType, dimD, dimR, RangeField> ModelType;
365 typedef RangeField RangeFieldType;
367 typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, RangeFieldType,
368 GridPart::dimensionworld, dimD > DFunctionSpaceType;
369 typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, RangeFieldType,
370 GridPart::dimensionworld, dimR > RFunctionSpaceType;
371 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
372 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::RangeType DRangeType;
373 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType DJacobianRangeType;
374 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType DHessianRangeType;
375 typedef typename DFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DDomainFieldType;
376 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RRangeType;
377 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType RJacobianRangeType;
378 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType RHessianRangeType;
379 typedef typename RFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType rDomainFieldType;
381 typedef typename GridPartType::template Codim<0>::EntityType EntityType;
382 typedef typename GridPartType::IntersectionType IntersectionType;
383 typedef typename EntityType::Geometry::LocalCoordinate LocalDomainType;
385 // quadrature points from dune-fempy quadratures
386 template <class F,int d>
387 using Traits = Dune::FemPy::FempyQuadratureTraits<F,d>;
389 QuadraturePointWrapperType Point;
391 QuadraturePointWrapperType IntersectionPoint;
393 QuadraturePointWrapperType ElementPoint;
395 QuadraturePointWrapperType ElementIntersectionPoint;
397 // quadrature points from dune-fem quadratures
399 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalPoint;
401 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalIntersectionPoint;
403 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalElementPoint;
405 QuadraturePointWrapperType OriginalElementIntersectionPoint;
407 /*
408 static const bool isLinear;
409 static const bool isSymmetric;
410 */
413 DGConservationLawModel( )
414 { }
415 virtual ~DGConservationLawModel() {}
417 virtual std::string name() const = 0;
419 virtual bool init( const EntityType &entity) const = 0;
420 virtual void unbind() const = 0;
422 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
423 // it maybe be set using this method
424 virtual void setTime( const double t ) const = 0;
426 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
427 // it maybe retrieved by this method
428 virtual double time() const = 0;
430 // virtual methods for fempy quadratures
431 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(Point)
432 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(ElementPoint)
433 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(IntersectionPoint)
434 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(ElementIntersectionPoint)
436 // virtual methods for fem quadratures
437 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalPoint)
438 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementPoint)
439 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalIntersectionPoint)
440 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementIntersectionPoint)
442 VirtualConservationLawModelMethods(LocalDomainType)
444 typedef std::array<int, dimRange> DirichletComponentType;
445 virtual bool hasDirichletBoundary () const = 0;
446 virtual bool hasNeumanBoundary () const = 0;
447 virtual bool isDirichletIntersection( const IntersectionType& inter, DirichletComponentType &dirichletComponent ) const = 0;
449 VirtualPenaltyMethods(Point)
450 VirtualPenaltyMethods(ElementPoint)
451 VirtualPenaltyMethods(IntersectionPoint)
452 VirtualPenaltyMethods(ElementIntersectionPoint)
454 // virtual methods for fem quadratures
455 VirtualPenaltyMethods(OriginalPoint)
456 VirtualPenaltyMethods(OriginalElementPoint)
457 VirtualPenaltyMethods(OriginalIntersectionPoint)
458 VirtualPenaltyMethods(OriginalElementIntersectionPoint)
460 VirtualPenaltyMethods(LocalDomainType)
464template < class ModelImpl >
465struct DGConservationLawModelWrapper
466: public DGConservationLawModel<typename ModelImpl::GridPartType, ModelImpl::dimD, ModelImpl::dimR, typename ModelImpl::RRangeFieldType>
468 typedef ModelImpl Impl;
469 typedef typename ModelImpl::GridPartType GridPartType;
470 static const int dimD = ModelImpl::dimD;
471 static const int dimR = ModelImpl::dimR;
472 typedef DGConservationLawModel<GridPartType, dimD, dimR, typename ModelImpl::RRangeFieldType> Base;
474 typedef typename Base::Point Point;
475 typedef typename Base::IntersectionPoint IntersectionPoint;
476 typedef typename Base::ElementPoint ElementPoint;
477 typedef typename Base::ElementIntersectionPoint ElementIntersectionPoint;
478 typedef typename Base::OriginalPoint OriginalPoint;
479 typedef typename Base::OriginalIntersectionPoint OriginalIntersectionPoint;
480 typedef typename Base::OriginalElementPoint OriginalElementPoint;
481 typedef typename Base::OriginalElementIntersectionPoint OriginalElementIntersectionPoint;
482 typedef typename Base::LocalDomainType LocalDomainType;
483 typedef typename Base::DomainType DomainType;
484 typedef typename Base::DRangeType DRangeType;
485 typedef typename Base::DJacobianRangeType DJacobianRangeType;
486 typedef typename Base::DHessianRangeType DHessianRangeType;
487 typedef typename Base::RRangeType RRangeType;
488 typedef typename Base::RJacobianRangeType RJacobianRangeType;
489 typedef typename Base::RHessianRangeType RHessianRangeType;
490 typedef typename Base::EntityType EntityType;
491 typedef typename Base::IntersectionType IntersectionType;
493 template< class... Args, std::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< ModelImpl, Args &&... >::value, int > = 0 >
494 explicit DGConservationLawModelWrapper ( Args &&... args )
495 : impl_( std::forward< Args >( args )... )
496 {}
498 ~DGConservationLawModelWrapper()
499 {
500 }
502 // virtual methods for fempy quadratures
503 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(Point);
504 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(ElementPoint);
505 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(IntersectionPoint);
506 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(ElementIntersectionPoint);
508 // virtual methods for fem quadratures
509 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalPoint);
510 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementPoint);
511 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalIntersectionPoint);
512 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(OriginalElementIntersectionPoint);
514 WrapperConservationLawModelMethods(LocalDomainType);
516 WrapperPenaltyMethods(Point)
517 WrapperPenaltyMethods(ElementPoint)
518 WrapperPenaltyMethods(IntersectionPoint)
519 WrapperPenaltyMethods(ElementIntersectionPoint)
521 // virtual methods for fem quadratures
522 WrapperPenaltyMethods(OriginalPoint);
523 WrapperPenaltyMethods(OriginalElementPoint);
524 WrapperPenaltyMethods(OriginalIntersectionPoint);
525 WrapperPenaltyMethods(OriginalElementIntersectionPoint);
527 WrapperPenaltyMethods(LocalDomainType);
528 // other virtual functions
529 virtual std::string name() const
530 {
531 return impl().name();
532 }
534 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
535 // it maybe be set using this method
536 virtual void setTime( const double t ) const
537 {
538 detail::CallSetTime< ModelImpl, detail::CheckTimeMethod< ModelImpl >::value >
539 ::setTime( const_cast< ModelImpl& > (impl()), t );
540 }
542 // if the ModelImpl provides a 'double& time()' method then
543 // it maybe be set using this method
544 virtual double time() const
545 {
546 return detail::CallSetTime< ModelImpl, detail::CheckTimeMethod< ModelImpl >::value >::time( impl() );
547 }
549 typedef std::array<int, dimR> DirichletComponentType;
550 virtual bool hasDirichletBoundary () const
551 {
552 return impl().hasDirichletBoundary();
553 }
554 virtual bool hasNeumanBoundary () const
555 {
556 return impl().hasNeumanBoundary();
557 }
558 virtual bool isDirichletIntersection( const IntersectionType& inter, DirichletComponentType &dirichletComponent ) const
559 {
560 return impl().isDirichletIntersection(inter, dirichletComponent);
561 }
562 virtual bool init( const EntityType &entity) const
563 {
564 return impl().init(entity);
565 }
566 virtual void unbind() const
567 {
568 return impl().unbind();
569 }
570 const ModelImpl &impl() const
571 {
572 return impl_;
573 }
574 ModelImpl &impl()
575 {
576 return impl_;
577 }
579 ModelImpl impl_;
IntersectionIteratorType::Intersection IntersectionType
type of intersection
Definition: adaptiveleafgridpart.hh:95
quadrature class supporting base function caching
Definition: cachingquadrature.hh:41
quadrature on the codim-0 reference element
Definition: elementquadrature.hh:58
ExplicitFieldVector< FieldMatrix< RangeFieldType, dimDomain, dimDomain >, dimRange > HessianRangeType
Intrinsic type used for the hessian values has a Dune::FieldMatrix type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:79
FunctionSpaceTraits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
Intrinsic type used for values in the domain field (usually a double)
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:60
FunctionSpaceTraits::RangeType RangeType
Type of range vector (using type of range field) has a Dune::FieldVector type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:71
FunctionSpaceTraits::LinearMappingType JacobianRangeType
Intrinsic type used for the jacobian values has a Dune::FieldMatrix type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:75
FunctionSpaceTraits::DomainType DomainType
Type of domain vector (using type of domain field) has a Dune::FieldVector type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:67
A vector valued function space.
Definition: functionspace.hh:60
STL namespace.
Definition of macros controlling symbol visibility at the ABI level.
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