DUNE-FEM (unstable)

4#include <functional>
5#include <memory>
6#include <set>
7#include <tuple>
8#include <type_traits>
10#include <dune/common/hybridutilities.hh>
12#include <dune/fem/function/common/discretefunction.hh>
14namespace Dune
17 namespace Fem
18 {
30 template< class LocalFunctionImpl >
31 class LocalFunctionAdapter;
33 template< class LocalFunctionImpl >
34 class LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction;
38 template< class LocalFunctionImpl >
40 {
41 typedef typename LocalFunctionImpl::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
42 typedef typename LocalFunctionImpl::GridPartType GridPartType;
44 // use storage as reference if no copy constructor
45 template< class T, bool >
46 struct LocalFuncType
47 {
48 typedef T& Type;
49 };
50 // otherwise use storage as copy
51 template< class T >
52 struct LocalFuncType< T, true >
53 {
54 typedef T Type;
55 };
57 // store the local function object by value if it can be copy constructed - otherwise store a reference
58 static constexpr bool localFunctionHasCopyConstructor = std::is_copy_constructible<LocalFunctionImpl>::value;
59 typedef typename LocalFuncType< LocalFunctionImpl, localFunctionHasCopyConstructor >::Type LocalFuncStorageType;
61 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
62 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
63 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType;
64 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
65 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
68 typedef typename GridPartType :: GridType GridType;
69 typedef typename GridPartType::template Codim< 0 >::EntityType EntityType;
71 typedef typename GridPartType::template Codim< 0 >::IteratorType IteratorType;
73 typedef typename GridPartType :: IndexSetType IndexSetType;
78 typedef LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction< LocalFunctionImpl > LocalFunctionType;
79 };
132 template< class LocalFunctionImpl >
134 : public Function< typename LocalFunctionImpl::FunctionSpaceType, LocalFunctionAdapter< LocalFunctionImpl > >,
135 public HasLocalFunction
136 {
140 friend class LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction< LocalFunctionImpl >;
142 public:
146 typedef LocalFunctionImpl LocalFunctionImplType;
155 typedef typename Traits::GridPartType GridPartType;
161 typedef typename Traits::GridType GridType;
163 typedef typename Traits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType ;
165 typedef typename Traits::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType ;
167 typedef typename Traits::DomainType DomainType;
169 typedef typename Traits::RangeType RangeType;
171 typedef typename Traits::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
173 typedef typename Traits::EntityType EntityType;
176 typedef typename Traits::LocalFunctionType LocalFunctionType;
178 protected:
179 struct ArgumentIF
180 {
181 virtual void initialize( LocalFunctionType* ) const = 0;
183 virtual ~ArgumentIF ()
184 {}
185 };
187 template <class ArgType>
188 struct ArgumentInitializer : public ArgumentIF
189 {
190 const ArgType arg_;
191 const double time_;
193 ArgumentInitializer( const ArgType& arg, double time )
194 : arg_( arg ), time_( time )
195 {}
197 ~ArgumentInitializer ()
198 {}
200 virtual void initialize( LocalFunctionType* lf ) const
201 {
202 lf->initialize( arg_, time_ );
203 }
204 };
206 typedef typename Traits::LocalFuncStorageType LocalFuncStorageType;
208 public:
211 LocalFunctionAdapter ( const std::string &name,
213 const GridPartType &gridPart,
214 unsigned int order = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder )
215 : space_( gridPart, order ),
216 localFunctionImpl_( localFunctionImpl ),
217 lfList_(),
218 argInitializer_(),
219 name_( name ),
220 order_( order )
221 {}
224 LocalFunctionAdapter ( const std::string &name,
226 const GridPartType &gridPart,
227 unsigned int order = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder )
228 : space_( gridPart, order ),
229 localFunctionImpl_( localFunctionImpl ),
230 lfList_(),
231 argInitializer_(),
232 name_( name ),
233 order_( order )
234 {}
237 LocalFunctionAdapter ( const std::string &name,
239 const GridPartType &gridPart,
240 unsigned int order = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder )
241 : space_( gridPart, order ),
242 localFunctionImpl_( localFunctionImpl ),
243 lfList_(),
244 argInitializer_(),
245 name_( name ),
246 order_( order )
247 {}
251 template < class ...Args >
252 LocalFunctionAdapter ( const std::string &name,
253 const GridPartType &gridPart,
254 unsigned int order,
255 Args&... args)
256 : space_( gridPart, order ),
257 localFunctionImpl_( args... ),
258 lfList_(),
259 argInitializer_(),
260 name_( name ),
261 order_( order )
262 {}
267 template < class ...Args >
268 LocalFunctionAdapter ( const std::string &name,
269 const GridPartType &gridPart,
270 const std::tuple< Args&... > &args,
271 unsigned int order = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder )
272 : LocalFunctionAdapter( name, gridPart, args, order,
273 std::make_index_sequence< std::tuple_size< std::tuple<Args&...> >::value >{} )
274 {}
276 LocalFunctionAdapter( const ThisType &other )
277 : space_( other.space_ ),
278 localFunctionImpl_( other.localFunctionImpl_ ),
279 lfList_(),
280 argInitializer_(),
281 name_( other.name_ ),
282 order_( other.order_ )
283 {}
286 unsigned int order() const
287 {
288 return order_;
289 }
292 inline bool continuous () const
293 {
294 return space().continuous();
295 }
298 const LocalFuncStorageType& localFunctionImpl() const
299 {
300 return localFunctionImpl_;
301 }
304 LocalFuncStorageType& localFunctionImpl()
305 {
306 return localFunctionImpl_;
307 }
310 void evaluate(const DomainType& global, RangeType& result) const
311 {
312 DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "LocalFunctionAdapter::evaluate is not implemented." );
313 }
317 {
318 return LocalFunctionType( entity, *this );
319 }
322 const LocalFunctionType localFunction( const EntityType &entity ) const
323 {
324 return LocalFunctionType( entity, *this );
325 }
328 const std::string &name() const
329 {
330 return name_;
331 }
333 const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType &space () const
334 {
335 return space_;
336 }
338 const GridPartType &gridPart () const
339 {
340 return space().gridPart();
341 }
344 template <class DFType>
346 {
347 DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "LocalFunctionAdapter::operator += is not implemented." );
348 return *this;
349 }
355 template <class DFType>
357 {
358 DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "LocalFunctionAdapter::operator -= is not implemented." );
359 return *this;
360 }
369 {
370 DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "LocalFunctionAdapter::operator *= is not implemented." );
371 return *this;
372 }
381 {
382 DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "LocalFunctionAdapter::operator /= is not implemented." );
383 return *this;
384 }
387 template< class ArgumentType >
388 void initialize( const ArgumentType &arg, double time )
389 {
390 constexpr bool hasCopyConstructor = Traits::localFunctionHasCopyConstructor;
391 if( hasCopyConstructor)
392 {
393 argInitializer_ = std::make_unique< ArgumentInitializer< ArgumentType > >( arg, time );
394 for( auto& localFunctionPtr : lfList_ )
395 Hybrid::ifElse( hasCopyConstructor, [ & ]( auto&& ){ argInitializer_->initialize( localFunctionPtr ); } );
396 }
397 else
398 DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented,"LocalFunctionAdapter::initialize is not implemented");
399 }
403 {
404 if( Traits::localFunctionHasCopyConstructor )
405 {
406 if( argInitializer_ != nullptr )
407 argInitializer_->initialize( lf );
408 lfList_.insert( lf );
409 }
410 }
414 {
415 if( Traits::localFunctionHasCopyConstructor )
416 lfList_.erase( lf );
417 }
419 protected:
420 template <class ...Args, std::size_t ...index>
421 LocalFunctionAdapter ( const std::string &name,
422 const GridPartType &gridPart,
423 const std::tuple< Args&... > &args,
424 unsigned int order,
425 std::index_sequence< index... > )
426 : space_( gridPart, order ),
427 localFunctionImpl_( std::get< index >( args )... ),
428 lfList_(),
429 argInitializer_(),
430 name_( name ),
431 order_( order )
432 {}
434 DiscreteFunctionSpaceType space_;
435 LocalFuncStorageType localFunctionImpl_;
436 mutable std::set< LocalFunctionType * > lfList_;
437 std::unique_ptr< ArgumentIF > argInitializer_ ;
438 const std::string name_;
439 const unsigned int order_;
440 };
444 template< class LocalFunctionImpl >
445 class LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction
446 {
447 typedef LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction< LocalFunctionImpl > ThisType;
449 public:
451 typedef LocalFunctionImpl LocalFunctionImplType;
456 typedef typename Traits::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
459 typedef typename Traits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
461 typedef typename Traits::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
463 typedef typename Traits::DomainType DomainType;
465 typedef typename Traits::RangeType RangeType;
467 typedef typename Traits::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
469 typedef typename Traits::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType;
472 typedef typename Traits::EntityType EntityType;
474 typedef typename Traits::LocalFuncStorageType LocalFuncStorageType;
477 LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction ( const EntityType &entity, const DiscreteFunctionType &adapter )
478 : adapter_( adapter ), localFunctionImpl_( adapter.localFunctionImpl_ )
479 {
480 // add local function to list
481 adapter_.registerLocalFunction( this );
482 localFunctionImpl().init( entity );
483 }
487 : adapter_( adapter ), localFunctionImpl_( adapter.localFunctionImpl_ )
488 {
489 // add local function to list
490 adapter_.registerLocalFunction( this );
491 }
494 LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction ( const ThisType &other )
495 : adapter_( other.adapter_ ), localFunctionImpl_( other.localFunctionImpl_ )
496 {
497 // add local function to list
498 adapter_.registerLocalFunction( this );
499 }
503 {
504 // remove local function from list
505 adapter_.deleteLocalFunction( this );
506 }
509 unsigned int order() const
510 {
511 return adapter_.order();
512 }
515 template< class PointType >
516 void evaluate ( const PointType &x, RangeType &ret ) const
517 {
518 localFunctionImpl().evaluate(x,ret);
519 }
522 template< class PointType >
523 void jacobian ( const PointType &x, JacobianRangeType &ret ) const
524 {
525 localFunctionImpl().jacobian( x, ret );
526 }
528 // hessian of local function
529 template< class PointType >
530 void hessian ( const PointType &x, HessianRangeType &ret ) const
531 {
532 localFunctionImpl().hessian( x, ret );
533 }
535 template< class QuadratureType, class ... Vectors >
536 void evaluateQuadrature( const QuadratureType &quad, Vectors& ... result ) const
537 {
538 static_assert( sizeof...( Vectors ) > 0, "evaluateQuadrature needs to be called with at least one vector." );
539 std::ignore = std::make_tuple(
540 ( evaluateQuadrature( quad, result ), 1 ) ... );
541 }
543 template< class QuadratureType, class ... Vectors >
544 void jacobianQuadrature( const QuadratureType &quad, Vectors& ... result ) const
545 {
546 static_assert( sizeof...( Vectors ) > 0, "evaluateQuadrature needs to be called with at least one vector." );
547 std::ignore = std::make_tuple(
548 ( evaluateQuadrature( quad, result ), 1 ) ... );
549 }
552 void init( const EntityType& entity )
553 {
554 localFunctionImpl().init( entity );
555 entity_ = &entity;
556 }
559 const EntityType& entity() const
560 {
561 assert( entity_ );
562 return *entity_;
563 }
565 template <class ArgumentType>
566 void initialize ( const ArgumentType& arg, double time )
567 {
568 localFunctionImpl().initialize( arg, time );
569 }
571 template< class QuadratureType, class VectorType >
572 auto evaluateQuadrature( const QuadratureType &quad, VectorType &result ) const
573 -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< std::decay_t< decltype(result[ 0 ] ) >, RangeType >::value >
574 {
575 const size_t quadNop = quad.nop();
576 for(size_t i = 0; i<quadNop; ++i)
577 evaluate( quad[ i ], result[ i ] );
578 }
580 template< class QuadratureType, class VectorType >
581 auto evaluateQuadrature( const QuadratureType &quad, VectorType &result ) const
582 -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< std::decay_t< decltype(result[ 0 ] ) >, JacobianRangeType >::value >
583 {
584 const size_t quadNop = quad.nop();
585 for(size_t i = 0; i<quadNop; ++i)
586 jacobian( quad[ i ], result[ i ] );
587 }
589 protected:
590 const LocalFuncStorageType& localFunctionImpl() const
591 {
592 return localFunctionImpl_;
593 }
595 LocalFuncStorageType& localFunctionImpl()
596 {
597 return localFunctionImpl_;
598 }
600 EntityType const* entity_ = nullptr;
601 const DiscreteFunctionType &adapter_;
602 LocalFuncStorageType localFunctionImpl_;
603 };
628 template<class DiscreteFunctionSpaceImpl>
630 {
631 public:
632 typedef DiscreteFunctionSpaceImpl DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
635 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
636 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::GridPartType GridPartType;
637 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::EntityType EntityType;
639 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
640 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType;
641 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
642 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
644 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
645 typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType;
647 typedef std::function<RangeType(const DomainType&,double,const EntityType&)> AnalyticalFunctionType;
648 typedef std::function<JacobianRangeType(const DomainType&,double,const EntityType&)> AnalyticalJacobianType;
649 typedef std::function<HessianRangeType(const DomainType&,double,const EntityType&)> AnalyticalHessianType;
652 LocalAnalyticalFunctionBinder(const AnalyticalFunctionType& f=[](const auto& ,auto ,const auto& ){return RangeType(0.0);},
653 const AnalyticalJacobianType& j=[](const auto& ,auto ,const auto& ){return JacobianRangeType(0.0);},
654 const AnalyticalHessianType& h=[](const auto& ,auto ,const auto& ){return HessianRangeType(0.0);},
655 double t=0.0):
656 f_(f),j_(j),h_(h),t_(t)
657 {}
659 LocalAnalyticalFunctionBinder(const ThisType& )=default;
660 LocalAnalyticalFunctionBinder(ThisType&& )=default;
661 ThisType& operator=(const ThisType& )=default;
662 ThisType& operator=(ThisType&& )=default;
665 AnalyticalFunctionType& function()
666 {
667 return f_;
668 }
671 const AnalyticalFunctionType& function() const
672 {
673 return f_;
674 }
677 AnalyticalJacobianType& jacobian()
678 {
679 return j_;
680 }
683 const AnalyticalJacobianType& jacobian() const
684 {
685 return j_;
686 }
689 AnalyticalHessianType& hessian()
690 {
691 return h_;
692 }
695 const AnalyticalHessianType& hessian() const
696 {
697 return h_;
698 }
701 template<class PointType>
702 void evaluate(const PointType& x,RangeType& ret) const
703 {
704 ret=f_(entity().geometry().global(coordinate(x)),t_,entity());
705 }
708 template<class PointType>
709 void jacobian(const PointType& x,JacobianRangeType& ret) const
710 {
711 ret=j_(entity().geometry().global(coordinate(x)),t_,entity());
712 }
715 template<class PointType>
716 void hessian(const PointType& x,HessianRangeType& ret ) const
717 {
718 ret=h_(entity().geometry().global(coordinate(x)),t_,entity());
719 }
722 void init(const EntityType& entity)
723 {
724 entity_=&entity;
725 }
728 template<typename Arg>
729 void initialize(Arg&& ,double time)
730 {
731 t_=time;
732 }
735 const EntityType& entity() const
736 {
737 assert(entity_);
738 return *entity_;
739 }
742 double time() const
743 {
744 return t_;
745 }
747 private:
748 EntityType const* entity_;
749 AnalyticalFunctionType f_;
750 AnalyticalJacobianType j_;
751 AnalyticalHessianType h_;
752 double t_;
753 };
755 } // namespace Fem
757} // namespace Dune
bool continuous() const
returns true if the space contains only globally continuous functions
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1093
const GridPartType & gridPart() const
get a reference to the associated grid partition
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1075
Traits::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType
type of function space
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:194
Definition: explicitfieldvector.hh:75
FunctionSpaceTraits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
Intrinsic type used for values in the domain field (usually a double)
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:60
FunctionSpaceTraits::RangeType RangeType
Type of range vector (using type of range field) has a Dune::FieldVector type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:71
FunctionSpaceTraits::LinearMappingType JacobianRangeType
Intrinsic type used for the jacobian values has a Dune::FieldMatrix type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:75
FunctionSpaceTraits::DomainType DomainType
Type of domain vector (using type of domain field) has a Dune::FieldVector type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:67
FunctionSpaceTraits::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
Intrinsic type used for values in the range field (usually a double)
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:63
Abstract class representing a function.
Definition: function.hh:50
FunctionImp FunctionType
type of the implementation (Barton-Nackman)
Definition: function.hh:59
base class for determing whether a function has local functions or not
Definition: discretefunction.hh:57
LocalAnalyticalFunctionBinder binds a C++ local analytical function (and also its Jacobian and Hessia...
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:630
LocalFunctionAdapter wrapped a class with a local evaluate method into a grid function.
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:136
forward declaration
Definition: discretefunction.hh:51
Default exception for dummy implementations.
Definition: exceptions.hh:263
DiscreteFunctionType & operator/=(const RangeFieldType &scalar)
devide all DoFs by a scalar factor
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:380
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:502
LocalFunctionAdapter(const std::string &name, LocalFunctionImplType &localFunctionImpl, const GridPartType &gridPart, unsigned int order=DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:211
void init(const EntityType &entity)
initialize entity
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:722
AnalyticalFunctionType & function()
get local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:665
Traits::LocalFunctionType LocalFunctionType
type of local function to export
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:176
Traits::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
range type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:461
void jacobian(const PointType &x, JacobianRangeType &ret) const
jacobian of local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:523
Traits::GridType GridType
type of grid
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:161
LocalFunctionType localFunction(const EntityType &entity)
obtain a local function for an entity (read-write)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:316
void jacobian(const PointType &x, JacobianRangeType &ret) const
evaluate jacobian local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:709
Traits::RangeType RangeType
range type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:465
void hessian(const PointType &x, HessianRangeType &ret) const
evaluate hessian local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:716
Traits::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType
hessian type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:469
LocalFunctionAdapter(const std::string &name, const LocalFunctionImplType &localFunctionImpl, const GridPartType &gridPart, unsigned int order=DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder)
constructor taking a const reference instance of the local function class
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:224
AnalyticalJacobianType & jacobian()
get jacobian local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:677
Traits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
domain type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:163
DiscreteFunctionType & operator+=(const DFType &g)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:345
LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction(const ThisType &other)
copy constructor
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:494
Traits::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType
type of discrete function space
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:158
Traits::DomainType DomainType
domain type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:463
void init(const EntityType &entity)
init local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:552
LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction(const DiscreteFunctionType &adapter)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:486
double time() const
get time
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:742
void registerLocalFunction(LocalFunctionType *lf) const
add LocalFunction to list of local functions
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:402
const std::string & name() const
obtain the name of the discrete function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:328
DiscreteFunctionType & operator-=(const DFType &g)
substract all degrees of freedom from given discrete function using the dof iterators
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:356
const EntityType & entity() const
get entity
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:559
Traits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
domain type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:459
void evaluate(const PointType &x, RangeType &ret) const
evaluate local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:516
LocalFunctionImpl LocalFunctionImplType
type of local function implementation
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:451
LocalFunctionAdapter(const std::string &name, LocalFunctionImplType &&localFunctionImpl, const GridPartType &gridPart, unsigned int order=DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder)
constructor taking a r-value reference instance of the local function class
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:237
LocalFunctionImpl LocalFunctionImplType
Evaluate class.
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:146
Traits::DomainType DomainType
domain type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:167
void initialize(Arg &&, double time)
initialize time
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:729
unsigned int order() const
return the order of the space
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:286
void evaluate(const PointType &x, RangeType &ret) const
evaluate local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:702
LocalFunctionAdapterLocalFunction(const EntityType &entity, const DiscreteFunctionType &adapter)
constructor initializing local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:477
Traits::RangeType RangeType
range type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:169
Traits::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
jacobian type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:467
unsigned int order() const
return order of the space
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:509
Traits::EntityType EntityType
type of codim 0 entity
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:173
LocalFunctionAdapter(const std::string &name, const GridPartType &gridPart, const std::tuple< Args &... > &args, unsigned int order=DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:268
LocalFunctionAdapterTraits< LocalFunctionImplType > Traits
traits class
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:152
GridPartType::template Codim< 0 >::IteratorType IteratorType
type of iterator
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:71
AnalyticalHessianType & hessian()
get hessian local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:689
const EntityType & entity() const
get entity
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:735
void deleteLocalFunction(LocalFunctionType *lf) const
remove LocalFunction to list of local functions
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:413
const AnalyticalJacobianType & jacobian() const
get jacobian local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:683
LocalFunctionAdapter(const std::string &name, const GridPartType &gridPart, unsigned int order, Args &... args)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:252
Traits::GridPartType GridPartType
type of grid part
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:155
LocalFunctionAdapterTraits< LocalFunctionImplType > Traits
type of the traits class
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:454
LocalAnalyticalFunctionBinder(const AnalyticalFunctionType &f=[](const auto &, auto, const auto &){return RangeType(0.0);}, const AnalyticalJacobianType &j=[](const auto &, auto, const auto &){return JacobianRangeType(0.0);}, const AnalyticalHessianType &h=[](const auto &, auto, const auto &){return HessianRangeType(0.0);}, double t=0.0)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:652
Traits::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
jacobian type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:171
GridPartType::IndexSetType IndexSetType
type of IndexSet
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:73
const LocalFunctionType localFunction(const EntityType &entity) const
obtain a local function for an entity (read-write)
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:322
const AnalyticalHessianType & hessian() const
get hessian local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:695
bool continuous() const
return true, probably
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:292
DiscreteFunctionType & operator*=(const RangeFieldType &scalar)
multiply all DoFs with a scalar factor
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:368
const LocalFuncStorageType & localFunctionImpl() const
return local function implementation
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:298
const AnalyticalFunctionType & function() const
get local function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:671
BaseType::FunctionType FunctionType
type of function
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:149
Traits::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
range type
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:165
void evaluate(const DomainType &global, RangeType &result) const
evaluate function on local coordinate local
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:310
void initialize(const ArgumentType &arg, double time)
initialize local function with argument and time
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:388
LocalFuncStorageType & localFunctionImpl()
return local function implementation
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:304
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
decltype(auto) ifElse(const Condition &condition, IfFunc &&ifFunc, ElseFunc &&elseFunc)
A conditional expression.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:344
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
constexpr auto get(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, pos >={})
Return the entry at position pos of the given sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:22
STL namespace.
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:24
traits of DiscreteFunctionAdapter
Definition: localfunctionadapter.hh:40
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