
This logo or a modified version may be used by anyone to refer to the Dune project, but does not necessarily indicate endorsement by the project. It’s main intention are talks and presentations covering the Dune project.

All PNG logos were created from this gimp file. The PDF logos were created in a very similar fashion from an SVG file using Inkscape. If none of the provided logos fit your needs you can base you own logo on this file.

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF

FILE EXISTS dune-logo Download as PDF


All logos and the gimp and SVG files are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Creative Commons License   |  Legal Statements / Impressum  |  Hosted by TU Dresden  |  generated with Hugo v0.111.3 (Oct 13, 22:25, 2024)