DUNE-FEM (unstable)

3 The dune-fem module is a module of DUNE (see www.dune-project.org).
4 It is based on the dune-grid interface library
5 extending the grid interface by a number of discretization algorithms
6 for solving non-linear systems of partial differential equations.
8 Copyright (C) 2003 - 2015 Robert Kloefkorn
9 Copyright (C) 2003 - 2010 Mario Ohlberger
10 Copyright (C) 2004 - 2015 Andreas Dedner
11 Copyright (C) 2005 Adrian Burri
12 Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Mirko Kraenkel
13 Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 Christoph Gersbacher
14 Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 Martin Nolte
15 Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Tobias Malkmus
16 Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Stefan Girke
17 Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Claus-Justus Heine
18 Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Janick Gerstenberger
19 Copyright (C) 2013 Sven Kaulman
20 Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Ranner
21 Copyright (C) 2015 Marco Agnese
22 Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Alkaemper
25 The dune-fem module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
26 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
27 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
28 the License, or (at your option) any later version.
30 The dune-fem module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
31 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
33 GNU General Public License for more details.
35 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
36 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
37 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
43#include <dune/fem/function/common/scalarproducts.hh>
44#include <dune/fem/function/localfunction/const.hh>
45#include <dune/fem/operator/common/temporarylocalmatrix.hh>
46#include <dune/fem/common/bindguard.hh>
47#include <dune/fem/common/coordinate.hh>
48#include <dune/fem/common/localcontribution.hh>
49#include <dune/fem/space/common/localinterpolation.hh>
50#include <dune/fem/space/mapper/nonblockmapper.hh>
52namespace Dune {
54namespace Fem {
55class HasLocalFunction;
58template < class Model, class DiscreteFunctionSpace >
59class DirichletConstraints
62 enum Operation { set = 0, sub = 1, add = 2 };
63 typedef Model ModelType;
64 typedef DiscreteFunctionSpace DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
65 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
66 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType;
67 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
68 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType;
71 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: GridPartType GridPartType;
73 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: GridType GridType;
75 // types for boundary treatment
76 // ----------------------------
77 static const int localBlockSize = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: localBlockSize ;
78 static const int dimRange = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::FunctionSpaceType::dimRange;
79 static_assert( localBlockSize <= dimRange,
80 "local block size of the space must be less than or equal to the dimension of the range of the function space.");
81 typedef std::array<int,localBlockSize> DirichletBlock;
82 typedef std::vector< DirichletBlock > DirichletBlockVector;
84 class BoundaryWrapper
85 {
86 public:
87 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::EntityType EntityType;
89 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
90 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeType RangeType;
91 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
92 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType;
94 private:
95 const ModelType& impl_;
96 const EntityType& entity_;
97 const int order_;
98 int bndId_;
100 public:
101 static const int dimRange = RangeType::dimension;
102 BoundaryWrapper( const ModelType& impl, const EntityType& entity, const int order, int bndId )
103 : impl_( impl ), entity_(entity), order_(order), bndId_(bndId) {}
104 const EntityType& entity() const { return entity_; }
105 const int order () const { return order_; }
106 template <class Point>
107 void evaluate( const Point& x, RangeType& ret ) const
108 { impl_.dirichlet(bndId_,Dune::Fem::coordinate(x),ret); }
109 template <class Point>
110 void jacobian( const Point& x, JacobianRangeType& ret ) const
111 { DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,"rhs jacobian not implemented"); }
112 };
114 DirichletConstraints( ModelType &model, const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& space )
115 : model_(model),
116 space_( space ),
117 dirichletBlocks_(),
118 // mark DoFs on the Dirichlet boundary
119 hasDirichletDofs_( false ),
120 sequence_( -1 )
121 {}
130 template < class DiscreteFunctionType >
131 void operator ()( const DiscreteFunctionType& u, DiscreteFunctionType& w ) const
132 {
133 updateDirichletDofs();
135 // if Dirichlet Dofs have been found, treat them
136 if( hasDirichletDofs_ )
137 {
138 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType :: DofIteratorType DofIteratorType ;
139 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType :: ConstDofIteratorType ConstDofIteratorType ;
141 ConstDofIteratorType uIt = u.dbegin();
142 DofIteratorType wIt = w.dbegin();
144 // loop over all blocks
145 const unsigned int blocks = space_.blockMapper().size();
146 for( unsigned int blockDof = 0; blockDof < blocks ; ++ blockDof )
147 {
148 for( int l = 0; l < localBlockSize ; ++ l, ++ wIt, ++ uIt )
149 {
150 if( dirichletBlocks_[ blockDof ][l] )
151 {
152 // copy dofs of the block
153 assert( uIt != u.dend() );
154 assert( wIt != w.dend() );
155 (*wIt) = (*uIt);
156 }
157 }
158 }
159 }
160 }
168 template < class DiscreteFunctionType >
169 void operator ()( const typename DiscreteFunctionType::RangeType& value, DiscreteFunctionType& w ) const
170 {
171 updateDirichletDofs();
173 // if Dirichlet Dofs have been found, treat them
174 if( hasDirichletDofs_ )
175 {
176 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType :: DofIteratorType DofIteratorType ;
178 DofIteratorType wIt = w.dbegin();
180 // loop over all blocks
181 const unsigned int blocks = space_.blockMapper().size();
182 for( unsigned int blockDof = 0; blockDof < blocks ; ++ blockDof )
183 {
184 for( int l = 0; l < localBlockSize ; ++ l, ++ wIt )
185 {
186 if( dirichletBlocks_[ blockDof ][l] )
187 {
188 // copy dofs of the block
189 assert( wIt != w.dend() );
190 (*wIt) = value[l];
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 }
195 }
203 template < class DiscreteFunctionType >
204 void operator ()( DiscreteFunctionType& w, Operation op=Operation::set ) const
205 {
206 if (op != Operation::set)
207 {
209 return (*this)(u,w,op);
210 }
212 updateDirichletDofs();
214 if( hasDirichletDofs_ )
215 {
216 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: IteratorType IteratorType;
217 typedef typename IteratorType :: Entity EntityType;
219 Dune::Fem::SetSelectedLocalContribution< DiscreteFunctionType > wLocal( w );
220 Dune::Fem::LocalInterpolation< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > interpolation( space_ );
221 for( const EntityType &entity : space_ )
222 {
223 model_.init(entity);
225 // bind local contribution to entity
226 auto wGuard = Dune::Fem::bindGuard( wLocal, entity );
227 // bind interpolation to entity
228 auto iGuard = bindGuard( interpolation, entity );
230 // interpolate dirichlet dofs
231 dirichletDofTreatment( interpolation, wLocal );
232 }
233 }
234 }
235 template < class GridFunctionType, class DiscreteFunctionType,
236 typename = std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of<Dune::Fem::HasLocalFunction, GridFunctionType>::value > >
237 void operator ()( const GridFunctionType &u,
238 DiscreteFunctionType& w, Operation op=Operation::set ) const
239 {
240 updateDirichletDofs();
242 if( hasDirichletDofs_ )
243 {
244 Dune::Fem::ConstLocalFunction< GridFunctionType > uLocal( u );
245 Dune::Fem::SetSelectedLocalContribution< DiscreteFunctionType > wLocal( w );
246 Dune::Fem::LocalInterpolation< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > interpolation( space_ );
248 for( const auto &entity : space_ )
249 {
250 auto guard = Dune::Fem::bindGuard( std::tie(uLocal,wLocal), entity );
251 // bind interpolation to entity
252 auto iGuard = bindGuard( interpolation, entity );
254 // interpolate dirichlet dofs
255 if (op == Operation::sub || op == Operation::add)
256 model_.init(entity);
257 dirichletDofTreatment( interpolation, uLocal, wLocal, op );
258 }
259 }
260 }
270 template <class LinearOperator>
271 void applyToOperator( LinearOperator& linearOperator ) const
272 {
273 updateDirichletDofs();
275 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: IteratorType IteratorType;
276 typedef typename IteratorType :: Entity EntityType;
278 // if Dirichlet Dofs have been found, treat them
279 if( hasDirichletDofs_ )
280 {
281 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: BlockMapperType BlockMapperType;
284 std::vector<std::size_t> globalBlockDofs;
285 std::vector<std::size_t> globalDofs;
287 // storage for unit rows and auxiliary rows, should be unique and sorted
288 std::set<std::size_t> unitRows;
289 std::set<std::size_t> auxRows;
291 const auto& space = space_; // linearOperator.rangeSpace();
292 // get auxiliary dof structure (for parallel runs) /*@LST0S@*/
293 const auto &auxiliaryDofs = space.auxiliaryDofs();
295 const IteratorType end = space_.end();
296 for( IteratorType it = space_.begin(); it != end; ++it )
297 {
298 const EntityType &entity = *it;
300 // get number of basis functions
301 const int localBlocks = space.blockMapper().numDofs( entity );
303 // map local to global dofs
304 globalBlockDofs.resize(localBlocks);
305 // obtain all DofBlocks for this element
306 space.blockMapper().map( entity, globalBlockDofs );
308 // obtain all non-blocked dofs
309 globalDofs.resize(localBlocks * localBlockSize);
310 mapper.map( entity, globalDofs );
312 /*
313 unitRows.reserve( globalDofs.size() );
314 unitRows.clear();
315 auxRows.reserve( globalDofs.size() );
316 auxRows.clear();
317 */
319 // counter for all local dofs (i.e. localBlockDof * localBlockSize + ... )
320 int localDof = 0;
321 // iterate over face dofs and set unit row
322 for( int localBlockDof = 0 ; localBlockDof < localBlocks; ++ localBlockDof )
323 {
324 int global = globalBlockDofs[localBlockDof];
325 std::set<std::size_t>& rows = auxiliaryDofs.contains( global ) ? auxRows : unitRows;
326 for( int l = 0; l < localBlockSize; ++ l, ++ localDof )
327 {
328 if( dirichletBlocks_[global][l] )
329 {
330 // push non-blocked dof
331 rows.insert( globalDofs[ localDof ] );
332 }
333 }
334 }
335 } // end for elements
337 // set unit and auxiliary rows at once
338 linearOperator.setUnitRows( unitRows, auxRows );
339 }
340 }
342 const DirichletBlockVector &dirichletBlocks() const
343 {
344 updateDirichletDofs();
345 return dirichletBlocks_;
346 }
350 template< class LocalInterpolationType, class LocalFunctionType >
351 void dirichletDofTreatment( const LocalInterpolationType& interpolation, LocalFunctionType &wLocal) const
352 {
353 // get entity
354 const typename LocalFunctionType::EntityType &entity = wLocal.entity();
356 // get number of Lagrange Points
357 const int localBlocks = space_.blockMapper().numDofs( entity );
359 // map local to global BlockDofs
360 std::vector<std::size_t> globalBlockDofs(localBlocks);
361 space_.blockMapper().map( entity, globalBlockDofs );
362 std::vector<typename LocalFunctionType::RangeFieldType> values( localBlocks*localBlockSize );
364 int localDof = 0;
366 // iterate over face dofs and set unit row
367 for( int localBlock = 0 ; localBlock < localBlocks; ++ localBlock )
368 {
369 // store result to dof vector
370 int global = globalBlockDofs[localBlock];
371 for( int l = 0; l < localBlockSize ; ++ l, ++localDof )
372 {
373 if( dirichletBlocks_[ global ][l] )
374 {
375 interpolation( BoundaryWrapper(model_, entity, wLocal.order(), dirichletBlocks_[global][l]), values );
376 // store result
377 assert( (unsigned int)localDof < wLocal.size() );
378 wLocal[ localDof ] = values[ localDof ];
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 }
384 template< class LocalInterpolationType, class GridLocalFunctionType, class LocalFunctionType >
385 void dirichletDofTreatment( const LocalInterpolationType& interpolation,
386 const GridLocalFunctionType &uLocal,
387 LocalFunctionType &wLocal, Operation op ) const
388 {
389 // get entity
390 const typename LocalFunctionType::EntityType &entity = wLocal.entity();
392 // get number of Lagrange Points
393 const int localBlocks = space_.blockMapper().numDofs( entity );
395 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::BlockMapperType::GlobalKeyType GlobalKeyType;
397 // map local to global BlockDofs
398 std::vector< GlobalKeyType > globalBlockDofs(localBlocks);
399 space_.blockMapper().map(entity,globalBlockDofs);
400 std::vector<double> values( localBlocks*localBlockSize );
401 std::vector<double> valuesModel( localBlocks*localBlockSize );
403 interpolation( uLocal, values );
405 int localDof = 0;
407 // iterate over face dofs and set unit row
408 for( int localBlock = 0 ; localBlock < localBlocks; ++ localBlock )
409 {
410 // store result to dof vector
411 int global = globalBlockDofs[localBlock];
412 for( int l = 0; l < localBlockSize ; ++ l, ++localDof )
413 {
414 if( dirichletBlocks_[ global ][l] )
415 {
416 if (op == Operation::sub)
417 {
418 interpolation(BoundaryWrapper(model_, entity, wLocal.order(), dirichletBlocks_[global][l]), valuesModel);
419 values[ localDof ] -= valuesModel[ localDof ];
420 }
421 else if (op == Operation::add)
422 {
423 interpolation(BoundaryWrapper(model_, entity, wLocal.order(), dirichletBlocks_[global][l]), valuesModel);
424 values[ localDof ] += valuesModel[ localDof ];
425 }
426 // store result
427 assert( (unsigned int)localDof < wLocal.size() );
428 wLocal[ localDof ] = values[ localDof ];
429 }
430 }
431 }
432 }
435 // detect all DoFs on the Dirichlet boundary
436 void updateDirichletDofs() const
437 {
438 if( sequence_ != space_.sequence() )
439 {
440 // only start search if Dirichlet boundary is present
441 if( ! model_.hasDirichletBoundary() )
442 {
443 hasDirichletDofs_ = false ;
444 return ;
445 }
447 // resize flag vector with number of blocks and reset flags
448 const int blocks = space_.blockMapper().size() ;
449 dirichletBlocks_.resize( blocks );
450 for( int i=0; i<blocks; ++i )
451 dirichletBlocks_[ i ].fill(0);
453 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: IteratorType IteratorType;
454 typedef typename IteratorType :: Entity EntityType;
456 bool hasDirichletBoundary = false;
457 const IteratorType end = space_.end();
458 for( IteratorType it = space_.begin(); it != end; ++it )
459 {
460 const EntityType &entity = *it;
461 // if entity has boundary intersections
462 if( entity.hasBoundaryIntersections() )
463 {
464 hasDirichletBoundary |= searchEntityDirichletDofs( entity, model_ );
465 }
466 }
468 // update sequence number
469 sequence_ = space_.sequence();
470 if( space_.gridPart().comm().size() > 1 )
471 {
472 try
473 {
474 DirichletBuilder handle( *this, space_ , space_.blockMapper() );
475 space_.gridPart().communicate
476 ( handle, GridPartType::indexSetInterfaceType, ForwardCommunication );
477 }
478 // catch possible exceptions here to have a clue where it happend
479 catch( const Exception &e )
480 {
481 std::cerr << e << std::endl;
482 std::cerr << "Exception thrown in: " << __FILE__ << " line:" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
483 abort();
484 }
485 hasDirichletDofs_ = space_.gridPart().grid().comm().max( hasDirichletBoundary );
486 }
487 else
488 {
489 hasDirichletDofs_ = hasDirichletBoundary;
490 }
491 }
492 }
494 // detect all DoFs on the Dirichlet boundary of the given entity
495 template< class EntityType >
496 bool searchEntityDirichletDofs( const EntityType &entity, ModelType& model ) const
497 {
498 typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType :: GridPartType GridPartType;
500 typedef typename GridPartType :: IntersectionIteratorType
501 IntersectionIteratorType;
503 const GridPartType &gridPart = space_.gridPart();
505 // default is false
506 bool hasDirichletBoundary = false;
508 //map local to global BlockDofs
509 std::vector<size_t> globalBlockDofs(space_.blockMapper().numDofs(entity));
510 space_.blockMapper().map(entity,globalBlockDofs);
512 std::vector<char> subEntityFilter(space_.blockMapper().numDofs(entity));
514 IntersectionIteratorType it = gridPart.ibegin( entity );
515 const IntersectionIteratorType endit = gridPart.iend( entity );
516 for( ; it != endit; ++it )
517 {
518 typedef typename IntersectionIteratorType :: Intersection IntersectionType;
519 const IntersectionType& intersection = *it;
521 // if intersection is with boundary, adjust data
522 if( intersection.boundary() )
523 {
524 // get dirichlet information from model
525 DirichletBlock block;
526 block.fill(0);
527 std::array<int,dimRange> dblock;
529 model.init(intersection);
530 const bool isDirichletIntersection = model.isDirichletIntersection( intersection, dblock );
531 if (isDirichletIntersection)
532 {
533 // get face number of boundary intersection
534 const int face = intersection.indexInInside();
535 space_.blockMapper().onSubEntity(entity,face,1,subEntityFilter);
536 for( unsigned int i=0;i<globalBlockDofs.size();++i)
537 {
538 assert( i < subEntityFilter.size());
539 if ( subEntityFilter[i]==0) continue;
540 // mark global DoF number
541 for(int k = 0; k < localBlockSize; ++k)
542 {
543 int comp = subEntityFilter[i]-1+k;
544 assert( comp < dimRange );
545 dirichletBlocks_[ globalBlockDofs[ i ] ][k] = dblock[comp];
546 }
547 // we have Dirichlet values
548 hasDirichletBoundary = true ;
549 }
550 }
551 }
552 }
554 return hasDirichletBoundary;
555 }
557 ModelType &model_;
558 const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& space_;
559 mutable DirichletBlockVector dirichletBlocks_;
560 mutable bool hasDirichletDofs_ ;
561 mutable int sequence_ ;
563 class DirichletBuilder;
566template < class Model, class Space >
567class DirichletConstraints< Model,Space > :: DirichletBuilder
568 : public CommDataHandleIF< DirichletBuilder, int >
571 typedef Space SpaceType;
572 typedef typename SpaceType::BlockMapperType MapperType;
574 enum { nCodim = SpaceType :: GridType :: dimension + 1 };
577 typedef int DataType;
579 const int myRank_;
580 const int mySize_;
582 typedef DirichletConstraints< Model,Space > DirichletType;
583 const DirichletType &dirichlet_;
585 const SpaceType &space_;
586 const MapperType &mapper_;
588 static const int blockSize = SpaceType::localBlockSize;
591 DirichletBuilder( const DirichletType &dirichlet,
592 const SpaceType &space,
593 const MapperType &mapper )
594 : myRank_( space.gridPart().comm().rank() ),
595 mySize_( space.gridPart().comm().size() ),
596 dirichlet_( dirichlet ),
597 space_( space ),
598 mapper_( mapper )
599 {
600 }
601 bool contains ( int dim, int codim ) const
602 {
603 return mapper_.contains( codim );
604 }
606 bool fixedSize ( int dim, int codim ) const
607 {
608 return false;
609 }
612 template< class MessageBuffer, class Entity >
613 inline void gather ( MessageBuffer &buffer,
614 const Entity &entity ) const
615 {
616 unsigned int localBlocks = mapper_.numEntityDofs( entity );
617 std::vector<std::size_t> globalBlockDofs(localBlocks);
618 mapper_.mapEntityDofs( entity, globalBlockDofs );
619 assert( size(entity) == globalBlockDofs.size()*blockSize );
620 for( unsigned int localBlock = 0 ; localBlock < globalBlockDofs.size(); ++ localBlock )
621 {
622 int global = globalBlockDofs[localBlock];
623 for (int r=0;r<blockSize;++r)
624 if (dirichlet_.dirichletBlocks_[ global ][r] )
625 buffer.write( 1 );
626 else
627 buffer.write( 0 );
628 }
629 }
635 template< class MessageBuffer, class EntityType >
636 inline void scatter ( MessageBuffer &buffer,
637 const EntityType &entity,
638 size_t n )
639 {
640 unsigned int localBlocks = mapper_.numEntityDofs( entity );
641 std::vector<std::size_t> globalBlockDofs(localBlocks);
642 mapper_.mapEntityDofs( entity, globalBlockDofs );
643 assert( n == globalBlockDofs.size()*blockSize );
644 assert( n == size(entity) );
645 for( unsigned int localBlock = 0 ; localBlock < globalBlockDofs.size(); ++ localBlock )
646 {
647 int global = globalBlockDofs[localBlock];
648 for (int r=0;r<blockSize;++r)
649 {
650 int val;
651 buffer.read(val);
652 if ( !dirichlet_.dirichletBlocks_[ global ][r] && val == 1)
653 dirichlet_.dirichletBlocks_[ global ][r] = true;
654 }
655 }
656 }
658 template< class Entity >
659 size_t size ( const Entity &entity ) const
660 {
661 return blockSize * mapper_.numEntityDofs( entity );
662 }
665} // end namespace Dune
discrete function space
Traits::ConstDofIteratorType ConstDofIteratorType
type of the const dof iterator
Definition: discretefunction.hh:628
ConstDofIteratorType dbegin() const
Obtain the constant iterator pointing to the first dof.
Definition: discretefunction.hh:761
ConstDofIteratorType dend() const
Obtain the constant iterator pointing to the last dof.
Definition: discretefunction.hh:773
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType
type of range vector
Definition: discretefunction.hh:614
Traits::DofIteratorType DofIteratorType
type of the dof iterator
Definition: discretefunction.hh:626
Traits::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType
type of function space
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:194
A vector valued function space.
Definition: functionspace.hh:60
Definition: nonblockmapper.hh:284
forward declaration
Definition: discretefunction.hh:51
Default exception for dummy implementations.
Definition: exceptions.hh:263
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
@ ForwardCommunication
communicate as given in InterfaceType
Definition: gridenums.hh:171
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
constexpr std::integral_constant< std::size_t, sizeof...(II)> size(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >)
Return the size of the sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:75
constexpr std::bool_constant<((II==value)||...)> contains(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >, std::integral_constant< T, value >)
Checks whether or not a given sequence contains a value.
Definition: integersequence.hh:137
std::size_t fixedSize
The number of data items per index if it is fixed, 0 otherwise.
Definition: variablesizecommunicator.hh:264
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