DUNE-FEM (unstable)
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Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- p -
- P0LocalCoefficients() : Dune::P0LocalCoefficients
- P0LocalFiniteElement() : Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >
- P0VTKFunction() : Dune::P0VTKFunction< GV, V >
- P1VTKFunction() : Dune::P1VTKFunction< GV, V >
- PAdaptiveDGSpace() : Dune::Fem::PAdaptiveDGSpace< FunctionSpace, GridPart, polOrder, Storage >
- PAdaptiveLagrangeSpace() : Dune::Fem::PAdaptiveLagrangeSpace< FunctionSpace, GridPart, maxPolOrder, Storage >
- pair() : Dune::GlobalLookupIndexSet< I >
- PairType : Dune::RemoteIndex< T1, T2 >
- ParallelIndexSet : Dune::GlobalLookupIndexSet< I >, Dune::IndicesSyncer< T >, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >, Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N >, Dune::RemoteIndexListModifier< T, A, mode >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >, Dune::Selection< TS, TG, TL, N >, Dune::SelectionIterator< TS, TG, TL, N >, Dune::UncachedSelection< TS, TG, TL, N >
- ParallelInformation : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >, Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- parallelInformation() : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- ParallelInformationHierarchy : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >, Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- ParallelLocalIndex() : Dune::ParallelLocalIndex< T >
- ParallelMatrixHierarchy : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- ParallelScalarProduct() : Dune::Fem::ParallelScalarProduct< DiscreteFunction >, Dune::ParallelScalarProduct< X, C >
- Parameters() : Dune::Amg::Parameters
- parameters() : Dune::GridPtr< GridType >
- ParameterTree() : Dune::ParameterTree
- ParSSOR() : Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, C >
- partial() : Dune::BasisInterface, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 1 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 2 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 3 >, Dune::BDM1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::DualP1LocalBasis< D, R, dim, faceDualT >, Dune::DualQ1LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::EdgeS0_5Basis< Geometry, RF >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualImp< T, Imp >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualInterface< T >, Dune::MonomialLocalBasis< D, R, d, p >, Dune::P0LocalBasis< D, R, d >, Dune::PolynomialBasis< Eval, CM, D, R >, Dune::PowerBasis< Backend, dimR >, Dune::RefinedP0LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::RT02DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT03DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0PrismLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0PyramidLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT12DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::SimplexP1BubbleLocalBasis< D, R, dim >
- partition() : Dune::Torus< Communication, d >
- partitionIterator() : Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >
- partitionName : Dune::GridViewInfo< ctype >
- partitionSet() : Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >
- partitionType() : Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< codim, dim, Grid >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< codim, dim, GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
- pass() : Dune::Fem::SpaceOperatorStorage< OperatorType >
- pass1HandleElement() : Dune::GmshReaderParser< GridType >
- pass2HandleElement() : Dune::GmshReaderParser< GridType >
- path() : Dune::Fem::DataOutput< GridImp, DataImp >, Dune::Fem::DataOutputParameters
- PersistentContainerInterface() : Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >
- physicalEntityNames() : Dune::GmshReaderParser< GridType >
- pi() : Dune::StandardMathematicalConstants< T >
- Pk1DFiniteElement() : Dune::Pk1DFiniteElement< Geometry, RF, k >
- Pk2DFiniteElement() : Dune::Pk2DFiniteElement< Geometry, RF, k >
- point() : Dune::Fem::CachingQuadratureImpl< GridPartImp, 0, IntegrationTraits, isQuadrature >, Dune::Fem::CachingQuadratureImpl< GridPartImp, 1, IntegrationTraits, isQuadrature >, Dune::Fem::ElementQuadratureImpl< GridPartImp, 0, IntegrationTraits, isQuadrature >, Dune::Fem::ElementQuadratureImpl< GridPartImp, 1, IntegrationTraits, isQuadrature >, Dune::Fem::IntegrationPointList< FieldImp, dim, IntegrationTraits, isQuadrature >, Dune::Fem::IntegrationPointListImp< FieldImp, dim >, Dune::Fem::PyramidPoints, Dune::Fem::QuadPtsBase
- PointBasedDofConversionUtility() : Dune::Fem::PointBasedDofConversionUtility< dimRange >
- pointer : Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >
- Pointer : Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- pointer : Dune::BitSetVector< block_size, Allocator >, Dune::Fem::hpDG::GeometryTypeMap< T, TypeIndexSet >
- Pointer : Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- pointer : Dune::GeometryTypeMap< T, dim, TypeIndex >, Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >
- Pointer : Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- pointer : Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::CreateIterator
- PointerType : Dune::Fem::ObjectStack< ObjectFactoryImp >
- PointIterator() : Dune::VTK::PointIterator< CellIterator, IS >
- pointSetId : Dune::Fem::CachingQuadratureImpl< GridPartImp, 0, IntegrationTraits, isQuadrature >
- policy() : Dune::Fem::CombinedDofConversionUtility< ContainedMapper, N, VariableBased >, Dune::Fem::DofConversionUtility< PointBased >, Dune::Fem::DofConversionUtility< VariableBased >, Dune::Fem::PointBasedDofConversionUtility< dimRange >
- polynomialOrder : Dune::Fem::GenericDiscreteFunctionSpace< Traits >
- Pool() : Dune::Pool< T, s >
- PoolAllocator() : Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >
- PoolType : Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >
- pop() : Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >
- pop_back() : Dune::lru< Key, Tp, Traits >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >
- pop_front() : Dune::lru< Key, Tp, Traits >, Dune::SLList< T, A >
- position() : Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >, Dune::QuadraturePoint< ct, dim >, Dune::VTKWriter< GridView >::CellIterator, Dune::VTKWriter< GridView >::VertexIterator
- positiveDefinite() : Dune::Fem::LinearOperator< DomainFunction, RangeFunction >
- post() : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >, Dune::Amg::KAmgTwoGrid< AMG >, Dune::BlockPreconditioner< X, Y, C, P >, Dune::InverseOperator2Preconditioner< O, c >, Dune::NonoverlappingBlockPreconditioner< C, P >, Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::Preconditioner< X, Y >, Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Dune::SeqDILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqILDL< M, X, Y >, Dune::SeqILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqJac< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqOverlappingSchwarz< M, X, TM, TD, TA >, Dune::SeqSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSSOR< M, X, Y, l >
- postAdapt() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::GridDefaultImplementation< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >, Dune::OneDGrid, Dune::UGGrid< dim >, Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- postRefinement() : Dune::AdaptDataHandleInterface< Grid, Impl >
- postSmooth() : Dune::Amg::SmootherApplier< T >
- power() : Dune::Fem::QuadPtsBase
- PowerBasis() : Dune::PowerBasis< Backend, dimR >
- PowerCoefficients() : Dune::PowerCoefficients
- PowerFiniteElement() : Dune::PowerFiniteElement< Backend, dimR >
- PowerInterpolation() : Dune::PowerInterpolation< Backend, BasisTraits >
- PowerIteration_Algorithms() : Dune::PowerIteration_Algorithms< BCRSMatrix, BlockVector >
- PQkLocalFiniteElementCache() : Dune::PQkLocalFiniteElementCache< D, R, dim, k >
- pre() : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >, Dune::Amg::KAmgTwoGrid< AMG >, Dune::BlockPreconditioner< X, Y, C, P >, Dune::InverseOperator2Preconditioner< O, c >, Dune::NonoverlappingBlockPreconditioner< C, P >, Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::Preconditioner< X, Y >, Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Dune::SeqDILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqILDL< M, X, Y >, Dune::SeqILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqJac< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqOverlappingSchwarz< M, X, TM, TD, TA >, Dune::SeqSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSSOR< M, X, Y, l >
- preAdapt() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::GridDefaultImplementation< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >, Dune::OneDGrid, Dune::UGGrid< dim >, Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- precision() : Dune::P0VTKFunction< GV, V >, Dune::P1VTKFunction< GV, V >, Dune::VTK::FieldInfo, Dune::VTKFunction< GridView >
- preCoarsening() : Dune::AdaptDataHandleInterface< Grid, Impl >
- PreconditionerType : Dune::Fem::ConjugateGradientSolver< Operator >
- preconditioningAvailable : Dune::Fem::AMGXInverseOperator< DF >, Dune::Fem::NewtonInverseOperator< JacobianOperator, LInvOp >
- prefix() : Dune::Fem::CheckPointerParameters, Dune::Fem::DataOutputParameters
- prepareGlobal() : Dune::Fem::CombinedLocalOperator< A, B >, Dune::Fem::LocalOperatorDefault< FstPType, SecPType, SType, LocalOperatorImp >, Dune::Fem::ScaledLocalOperator< A, ScalarType >
- prepareLocal() : Dune::Fem::CombinedLocalOperator< A, B >, Dune::Fem::ScaledLocalOperator< A, ScalarType >
- preSmooth() : Dune::Amg::SmootherApplier< T >
- primarySize() : Dune::Fem::AuxiliaryDofs< GridPart, Mapper >, Dune::Fem::DiscreteFunctionSpaceDefault< FunctionSpaceTraits >, Dune::Fem::DiscreteFunctionSpaceInterface< FunctionSpaceTraits >
- print() : Dune::AlbertaMarkerVector< dim, dimworld >, Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::Fem::CombinedDiscreteFunction< ContainedDiscreteFunctionImp, N >, Dune::Fem::DenseMatrix< T >, Dune::Fem::DiscreteFunctionDefault< Impl >, Dune::Fem::DiscreteFunctionInterface< Impl >, Dune::Fem::FlopCounter, Dune::Fem::SparseRowMatrix< T, IndexT, ValuesVector, IndicesVector >, Dune::GridViewInfo< ctype >, Dune::Interface, Dune::Pool< T, s >, Dune::TensorGridFactory< Grid >, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::Torus< Communication, d >
- printFlags() : Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties
- printHeader() : Dune::InverseOperator< X, Y >
- printOutput() : Dune::InverseOperator< X, Y >
- prism : Dune::GeometryType
- process() : Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator
- ProcListIterator() : Dune::Torus< Communication, d >::ProcListIterator
- procs() : Dune::Torus< Communication, d >
- prod() : Dune::Communication< Communicator >, Dune::Communication< MPI_Comm >
- project() : Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >
- prolongLocal() : Dune::CombinedAdaptProlongRestrict< A, B >, Dune::Fem::RestrictProlongDefault< DiscreteFunction >, Dune::Fem::RestrictProlongInterface< Traits >
- PropertiesGraph() : Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >
- provideQuad() : Dune::Fem::QuadCreator< dummy >
- ProviderType : Dune::Fem::GridWidthProvider< GridType, MinMax >
- provideTimeStepEstimate() : Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase
- provideTimeStepUpperBound() : Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase
- purge() : Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >
- push() : Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >
- push_back() : Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::SLList< T, A >
- push_front() : Dune::SLList< T, A >
- PVTUWriter() : Dune::VTK::PVTUWriter
- pwrite() : Dune::VTKWriter< GridView >
- pyramid : Dune::GeometryType
- PyramidPoints() : Dune::Fem::PyramidPoints