DUNE-FEM (unstable)

4 #include <type_traits>
5 #include <utility>
9 //- local includes
10 #include <dune/fem/version.hh>
11 #include <dune/fem/common/coordinate.hh>
12 #include <dune/fem/function/common/discretefunction.hh>
14 // for compatibility
15 #include <dune/fem/function/common/localfunctionadapter.hh>
17 namespace Dune
18 {
20  namespace Fem
21  {
37  //- forward declaration
38  template <class FunctionImp, class GridPartImp>
39  class BasicGridFunctionAdapter;
42  template <class FunctionImp, class GridPartImp>
44  {
45  typedef typename std::decay_t< FunctionImp >::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
47  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
48  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
49  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType;
50  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType;
51  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
55  typedef GridPartImp GridPartType;
56  typedef typename GridPartType :: GridType GridType;
57  typedef typename GridPartType :: template Codim<0> :: EntityType EntityType;
58  typedef typename GridPartType :: IntersectionType IntersectionType;
60  typedef typename GridPartType :: template Codim<0> :: IteratorType IteratorType;
62  typedef typename GridPartType :: IndexSetType IndexSetType;
65  };
69  // BasicGridFunctionAdapter
70  // ------------------------
74  template< class FunctionImp, class GridPartImp >
76  : public Function< typename std::decay_t< FunctionImp >::FunctionSpaceType,
77  BasicGridFunctionAdapter< FunctionImp, GridPartImp > >,
78  public HasLocalFunction
79  {
83  // Make sure the function is not a discrete functon
84  static_assert( !(std::is_convertible< FunctionImp, HasLocalFunction >::value),
85  "FunctionType may not be a discrete function type." );
87  public:
92  typedef std::decay_t< FunctionImp > FunctionType;
95  typedef GridPartImp GridPartType;
100  // type of discrete function space
101  typedef typename Traits::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
107  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType ;
109  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType ;
111  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType ;
113  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType ;
115  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
118  typedef typename Traits :: EntityType EntityType;
119  typedef typename Traits :: IntersectionType IntersectionType;
121  private:
122  class LocalFunction;
124  public:
126  typedef LocalFunction LocalFunctionType;
128  // reference to function this local belongs to
129  BasicGridFunctionAdapter ( std::string name, FunctionImp f, const GridPartType &gridPart, unsigned int order = DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::polynomialOrder )
130  : space_( gridPart, order ),
131  function_( std::move( f ) ),
132  name_( std::move( name ) )
133  {}
135  // reference to function this local belongs to
136  BasicGridFunctionAdapter ( const ThisType &other )
137  : space_( other.space_ ),
138  function_( other.function_ ),
139  name_( other.name_ )
140  {}
143  void evaluate ( const DomainType &global, RangeType &result ) const
144  {
145  function_.evaluate( global, result );
146  }
149  void jacobian ( const DomainType &global, JacobianRangeType &result ) const
150  {
151  function_.jacobian(global,result);
152  }
156  {
157  return LocalFunctionType( entity, *this );
158  }
161  const LocalFunctionType localFunction ( const EntityType &entity ) const
162  {
163  return LocalFunctionType( entity, *this );
164  }
167  const std::string &name () const
168  {
169  return name_;
170  }
174  {
175  return space_;
176  }
178  const GridPartType &gridPart () const
179  {
180  return space().gridPart();
181  }
184  inline int order () const
185  {
186  return space().order();
187  }
190  inline bool continuous () const
191  {
192  return space().continuous();
193  }
195  protected:
196  DiscreteFunctionSpaceType space_;
197  FunctionImp function_;
198  const std::string name_;
199  };
203  // BasicGridFunctionAdapter::LocalFunction
204  // ---------------------------------------
206  template< class Function, class GridPart >
207  class BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >::LocalFunction
208  {
209  typedef LocalFunction ThisType;
210  typedef BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart > DiscreteFunctionType;
212  public:
214  typedef typename Traits::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
221  static const int dimDomain = GridPart::GridType::dimensionworld;
223  static const int dimRange = FunctionSpaceType::dimRange;
235  typedef typename Traits::EntityType EntityType;
236  typedef typename Traits::IntersectionType IntersectionType;
238  typedef typename EntityType::Geometry::LocalCoordinate LocalCoordinateType;
240  static const int dimLocal = LocalCoordinateType::dimension;
243  LocalFunction ( const EntityType &entity, const DiscreteFunctionType &df )
244  : function_( &df.function_ ),
245  entity_( &entity ),
246  order_( df.space().order() )
247  {}
249  LocalFunction ( const DiscreteFunctionType &df )
250  : function_( &df.function_ ),
251  entity_( 0 ),
252  order_( df.space().order() )
253  {}
256  LocalFunction ( const LocalFunction &other ) = default;
259  template< class PointType >
260  void evaluate ( const PointType &x, RangeType &ret ) const
261  {
262  const auto geometry = entity().geometry();
263  auto global = geometry.global( coordinate( x ) );
264  function().evaluate( global, ret );
265  }
266  template< class PointType >
267  RangeType operator() ( const PointType &x ) const
268  {
269  RangeType ret;
270  evaluate(x,ret);
271  return ret;
272  }
275  template< class PointType >
276  void jacobian ( const PointType &x, JacobianRangeType &ret ) const
277  {
278  const auto geometry = entity().geometry();
279  auto global = geometry.global( coordinate( x ) );
280  function().jacobian( global, ret );
282  if( dimLocal != dimDomain )
283  {
284  // This computes the projection to the tangential space
285  // (i.e. the hyperplane this entity is contained in). This
286  // is done in a generic way by first projecting to the local
287  // tangential space of the reference elment, and then
288  // projecting back to the ambient space.
290  const auto gjt = geometry.jacobianTransposed( coordinate( x ) );
291  const auto gjit = geometry.jacobianInverseTransposed( coordinate( x ) );
294  for( auto i = 0; i < dimRange; ++i )
295  {
296  gjit.mtv( ret[ i ], tmp );
297  gjt.mtv( tmp, ret[ i ] );
298  }
299  }
300  }
303  template< class PointType >
304  void hessian ( const PointType &x, HessianRangeType &ret ) const
305  {
306  DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "Method hessian() not implemented yet" );
307  }
310  template < class QuadratureType, class ... Vectors >
311  void evaluateQuadrature( const QuadratureType& quadrature, Vectors& ... values ) const
312  {
313  static_assert( sizeof...( Vectors ) > 0, "evaluateQuadrature needs to be called with at least one vector." );
314  std::ignore = std::make_tuple( ( evaluateQuadratureImp( quadrature, values ), 1 ) ... );
315  }
317  int order () const { return order_; }
320  void init ( const EntityType &entity )
321  {
322  entity_ = &entity;
323  }
325  const EntityType &entity () const
326  {
327  assert( entity_ );
328  return *entity_;
329  }
331  protected:
332  template < class QuadratureType, class VectorType >
333  auto evaluateQuadratureImp( const QuadratureType& quadrature, VectorType& values ) const
334  -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< std::decay_t< decltype(values[ 0 ] ) >, RangeType >::value >
335  {
336  for( auto qp : quadrature )
337  evaluate( qp, values[ qp.index() ] );
338  }
340  template < class QuadratureType, class VectorType >
341  auto evaluateQuadratureImp( const QuadratureType& quadrature, VectorType& values ) const
342  -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< std::decay_t< decltype(values[ 0 ] ) >, JacobianRangeType >::value >
343  {
344  for( auto qp : quadrature )
345  jacobian( qp, values[ qp.index() ] );
346  }
348  const FunctionType &function () const
349  {
350  return *function_;
351  }
353  const FunctionType *function_;
354  const EntityType *entity_;
355  int order_;
356  };
360  // GridFunctionAdapter
361  // -------------------
363  template< class Function, class GridPart >
364  using GridFunctionAdapter = BasicGridFunctionAdapter< const Function &, GridPart >;
368  // gridFunctionAdapter
369  // -------------------
382  template< class Function, class GridPart >
383  inline static GridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >
384  gridFunctionAdapter ( std::string name, const Function &function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order )
385  {
386  return GridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >( std::move( name ), function, gridPart, order );
387  }
399  template< class Function, class GridPart >
400  inline static GridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >
401  gridFunctionAdapter ( const Function &function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order )
402  {
403  return GridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >( std::string(), function, gridPart, order );
404  }
417  template< class Function, class GridPart >
418  inline static GridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >
419  gridFunctionAdapter ( std::string name, Function &function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order )
420  {
421  const Function& cf = function;
422  return gridFunctionAdapter( name, cf, gridPart, order );
423  }
435  template< class Function, class GridPart >
436  inline static GridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >
437  gridFunctionAdapter ( Function &function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order )
438  {
439  const Function& cf = function;
440  return gridFunctionAdapter( cf, gridPart, order );
441  }
454  template< class Function, class GridPart >
455  inline static BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >
456  gridFunctionAdapter ( std::string name, Function &&function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order )
457  {
458  return BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >( std::move( name ), std::move( function ), gridPart, order );
459  }
471  template< class Function, class GridPart >
472  inline static BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >
473  gridFunctionAdapter ( Function &&function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order )
474  {
475  return BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart >( std::string(), std::move( function ), gridPart, order );
476  }
480  namespace
481  {
482  template <class FunctionImp,class GridPartType,bool>
483  struct ConvertDFTypeHelper;
485  template <class FunctionImp,class GridPartType>
486  struct ConvertDFTypeHelper<FunctionImp,GridPartType,true>
487  {
488  typedef ConvertDFTypeHelper<FunctionImp,GridPartType,true> ThisType;
489  enum {compatible = std::is_convertible<GridPartType,typename FunctionImp::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::GridPartType>::value};
490  typedef FunctionImp FunctionType;
491  typedef typename FunctionType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DFSType;
492  ConvertDFTypeHelper(const std::string& name,const FunctionImp& func,const GridPartType& gp) :
493  func_(func)
494  {}
495  ConvertDFTypeHelper(const ConvertDFTypeHelper& other) :
496  func_(other.func_)
497  {}
498  const FunctionType& function() const
499  {
500  return func_;
501  }
502  const DFSType& space() const
503  {
504  return func_.space();
505  }
506  private:
507  const FunctionImp& func_;
508  };
510  template <class FunctionImp,class GridPartType>
511  struct ConvertDFTypeHelper<FunctionImp,GridPartType,false>
512  : GridFunctionAdapter<FunctionImp,GridPartType>
513  {
514  typedef ConvertDFTypeHelper<FunctionImp,GridPartType,false> ThisType;
515  typedef GridFunctionAdapter<FunctionImp,GridPartType> BaseType;
516  typedef BaseType FunctionType;
517  typedef typename FunctionType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DFSType;
518  ConvertDFTypeHelper(const std::string& name,const FunctionImp& func,const GridPartType& gp) :
519  BaseType(name,func,gp)
520  {}
521  ConvertDFTypeHelper(const ConvertDFTypeHelper& other) :
522  BaseType(other)
523  {}
524  const FunctionType& function() const
525  {
526  return *this;
527  }
528  const DFSType& space() const
529  {
530  return BaseType::space();
531  }
532  };
533  }
535  template< class FunctionImp, class GridPartImp >
536  class ConvertToGridFunction
537  : public Function< typename FunctionImp::FunctionSpaceType,
538  ConvertToGridFunction< FunctionImp, GridPartImp > >,
539  public HasLocalFunction
540  {
541  typedef ConvertToGridFunction< FunctionImp, GridPartImp > ThisType;
542  typedef Function< typename FunctionImp::FunctionSpaceType, ThisType > BaseType;
543  static const bool hasLocalFunction = std::is_convertible< FunctionImp, HasLocalFunction >::value;
544  typedef ConvertDFTypeHelper< FunctionImp, GridPartImp, hasLocalFunction > Helper;
545  typedef typename Helper::FunctionType ConvertedType;
547  public:
548  typedef FunctionImp FunctionType;
549  typedef GridPartImp GridPartType;
552  typedef typename ConvertedType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
553  // type of discrete function space
554  typedef typename ConvertedType::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
560  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType ;
562  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType ;
564  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType ;
566  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType ;
568  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
571  typedef typename GridPartType :: template Codim<0> :: EntityType EntityType;
574  typedef typename ConvertedType::LocalFunctionType LocalFunctionType;
577  ConvertToGridFunction ( const std::string &name,
578  const FunctionImp &function,
579  const GridPartType &gridPart )
580  : name_( name ),
581  helper_( name, function, gridPart )
582  {}
584  ConvertToGridFunction ( const ThisType &other )
585  : name_( other.name_ ),
586  helper_( other.helper_ )
587  {}
590  void evaluate ( const DomainType &global, RangeType &result ) const
591  {
592  helper_.function().evaluate(global,result);
593  }
596  const LocalFunctionType localFunction( const EntityType &entity ) const
597  {
598  return helper_.function().localFunction(entity);
599  }
603  {
604  return helper_.function().localFunction(entity);
605  }
608  const std::string &name() const
609  {
610  return name_;
611  }
613  const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType &space() const
614  {
615  return helper_.space();
616  }
618  private:
619  const std::string name_;
620  Helper helper_;
621  };
623  template< class Function, class GridPart >
624  inline ConvertToGridFunction< Function, GridPart >
625  convertToGridFunction ( const std::string &name,
626  const Function &function,
627  const GridPart &gridPart )
628  {
629  return ConvertToGridFunction< Function, GridPart >( name, function, gridPart );
630  }
632  } // namespace Fem
634 } // namespace Dune
BasicGridFunctionAdapter provides local functions for a Function.
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:79
Create Obejct that behaves like a discrete function space without to provide functions with the itera...
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1000
GridPartType ::GridType GridType
type of the grid
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1016
const GridPartType & gridPart() const
get a reference to the associated grid partition
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1075
bool continuous() const
returns true if the space contains only globally continuous functions
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1093
int order() const
get global order of space
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:1104
GridPartType ::GridType GridType
type of underlying dune grid
Definition: discretefunctionspace.hh:214
Definition: explicitfieldvector.hh:75
FunctionSpaceTraits::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
Intrinsic type used for values in the domain field (usually a double)
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:60
FunctionSpaceTraits::RangeType RangeType
Type of range vector (using type of range field) has a Dune::FieldVector type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:71
FunctionSpaceTraits::LinearMappingType JacobianRangeType
Intrinsic type used for the jacobian values has a Dune::FieldMatrix type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:75
FunctionSpaceTraits::DomainType DomainType
Type of domain vector (using type of domain field) has a Dune::FieldVector type interface.
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:67
FunctionSpaceTraits::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
Intrinsic type used for values in the range field (usually a double)
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:63
@ dimRange
dimension of range vector space
Definition: functionspaceinterface.hh:48
Abstract class representing a function.
Definition: function.hh:50
virtual void operator()(const DomainType &arg, RangeType &dest) const
application operator call evaluate
Definition: function.hh:97
base class for determing whether a function has local functions or not
Definition: discretefunction.hh:57
forward declaration
Definition: discretefunction.hh:51
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:95
Default exception for dummy implementations.
Definition: exceptions.hh:263
A few common exception classes.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
FunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
domain field type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:217
GridPartType ::template Codim< 0 >::IteratorType IteratorType
type of iterator
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:60
const LocalFunctionType localFunction(const EntityType &entity) const
obtain a local function for an entity (read-write)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:161
void jacobian(const DomainType &global, JacobianRangeType &result) const
evaluate function on local coordinate local
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:149
ConvertedType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType
type of discrete function space
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:552
FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
range field type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:219
const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType & space() const
obtain a reference to the corresponding DiscreteFunctionSpace
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:173
EntityType::Geometry::LocalCoordinate LocalCoordinateType
local coordinate type
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:238
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
range type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:109
LocalFunctionType localFunction(const EntityType &entity)
obtain a local function for an entity (read-write)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:602
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType
domain type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:111
void init(const EntityType &entity)
init local function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:320
void evaluate(const PointType &x, RangeType &ret) const
evaluate local function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:260
FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType
domain type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:226
Traits::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType
function space type
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:214
Traits::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType
type of discrete function space
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:98
GridPartType ::template Codim< 0 >::EntityType EntityType
type of codim 0 entity
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:571
void jacobian(const PointType &x, JacobianRangeType &ret) const
jacobian of local function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:276
FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType
range type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:228
LocalFunctionType localFunction(const EntityType &entity)
obtain a local function for an entity (read-write)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:155
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType
range type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:113
GridPartType ::IndexSetType IndexSetType
type of IndexSet
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:62
void evaluateQuadrature(const QuadratureType &quadrature, Vectors &... values) const
evaluate function or jacobian of function for given quadrature
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:311
FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
jacobian type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:230
LocalFunction(const LocalFunction &other)=default
copy constructor
std::decay_t< FunctionImp > FunctionType
type of function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:92
void hessian(const PointType &x, HessianRangeType &ret) const
hessian of local function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:304
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::GridType GridType
type of grid
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:104
Traits ::EntityType EntityType
type of codim 0 entity
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:118
LocalFunction(const EntityType &entity, const DiscreteFunctionType &df)
constructor initializing local function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:243
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType
domain type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:564
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
jacobian type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:568
void evaluate(const DomainType &global, RangeType &result) const
evaluate function on local coordinate local
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:143
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType
range type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:566
const std::string & name() const
obtain the name of the discrete function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:167
const std::string & name() const
obtain the name of the discrete function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:608
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
range type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:562
BasicGridFunctionAdapterTraits< FunctionImp, GridPartImp > Traits
type of traits
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:85
const LocalFunctionType localFunction(const EntityType &entity) const
obtain a local function for an entity (read-write)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:596
static BasicGridFunctionAdapter< Function, GridPart > gridFunctionAdapter(Function &&function, const GridPart &gridPart, unsigned int order)
convert a function to a grid function
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:473
FunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType
hessian type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:232
void evaluate(const DomainType &global, RangeType &result) const
evaluate function on local coordinate local
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:590
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
jacobian type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:115
Traits::EntityType EntityType
entity type
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:235
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
domain type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:107
bool continuous() const
return true, probably
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:190
ConvertedType::LocalFunctionType LocalFunctionType
type of local function to export
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:574
GridPartImp GridPartType
type of grid part
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:95
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::GridType GridType
type of grid
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:557
ConvertToGridFunction(const std::string &name, const FunctionImp &function, const GridPartType &gridPart)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:577
int order() const
return true, probably
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:184
LocalFunction LocalFunctionType
type of local function to export
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:122
DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
domain type (from function space)
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:560
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
traits of GridFunctionAdapter
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:44
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