DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
3 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
4 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
8 #include <cassert>
9 #include <map>
10 #include <utility>
11 #include <cmath>
14 // Explicitly use C linkage as scotch does not extern "C" in its headers.
15 // Works because ParMETIS/METIS checks whether compiler is C++ and otherwise
16 // does not use extern "C". Therefore no nested extern "C" will be created.
17 extern "C"
18 {
19 #include <parmetis.h>
20 }
21 #endif
23 #include <dune/common/timer.hh>
24 #include <dune/common/enumset.hh>
34 #include <dune/istl/paamg/graph.hh>
44 namespace Dune
45 {
46  namespace Metis
47  {
48  // Explicitly specify a real_t and idx_t for older (Par)METIS versions that do not
49  // provide these typedefs
51  using real_t = ::real_t;
52 #else
53  using real_t = float;
54 #endif
57  using idx_t = ::idx_t;
59  using idx_t = SCOTCH_Num;
61  using idx_t = int;
62 #else
63  using idx_t = std::size_t;
64 #endif
65  }
68 #if HAVE_MPI
82  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
84  {
86  typedef typename IndexSet::LocalIndex::Attribute Attribute;
88  IndexSet& indexSet = oocomm.indexSet();
89  const typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>::GlobalLookupIndexSet& lookup =oocomm.globalLookup();
91  std::size_t sum=0, needed = graph.noVertices()-indexSet.size();
92  std::vector<std::size_t> neededall(oocomm.communicator().size(), 0);
94  MPI_Allgather(&needed, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType() , &(neededall[0]), 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator());
95  for(int i=0; i<oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i)
96  sum=sum+neededall[i]; // MAke this for generic
98  if(sum==0)
99  // Nothing to do
100  return;
102  //Compute Maximum Global Index
103  T1 maxgi=0;
104  auto end = indexSet.end();
105  for(auto it = indexSet.begin(); it != end; ++it)
106  maxgi=std::max(maxgi,it->global());
108  //Process p creates global indices consecutively
109  //starting atmaxgi+\sum_{i=1}^p neededall[i]
110  // All created indices are owned by the process
111  maxgi=oocomm.communicator().max(maxgi);
112  ++maxgi; // Start with the next free index.
114  for(int i=0; i<oocomm.communicator().rank(); ++i)
115  maxgi=maxgi+neededall[i]; // TODO: make this more generic
117  // Store the global index information for repairing the remote index information
118  std::map<int,SLList<std::pair<T1,Attribute> > > globalIndices;
119  storeGlobalIndicesOfRemoteIndices(globalIndices, oocomm.remoteIndices());
120  indexSet.beginResize();
122  for(auto vertex = graph.begin(), vend=graph.end(); vertex != vend; ++vertex) {
123  const typename IndexSet::IndexPair* pair=lookup.pair(*vertex);
124  if(pair==0) {
125  // No index yet, add new one
126  indexSet.add(maxgi, typename IndexSet::LocalIndex(*vertex, OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner, false));
127  ++maxgi;
128  }
129  }
131  indexSet.endResize();
133  repairLocalIndexPointers(globalIndices, oocomm.remoteIndices(), indexSet);
135  oocomm.freeGlobalLookup();
136  oocomm.buildGlobalLookup();
137 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
138  std::cout<<"Holes are filled!"<<std::endl;
139  std::cout<<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<": "<<oocomm.indexSet()<<std::endl;
140 #endif
141  }
143  namespace
144  {
146  class ParmetisDuneIndexMap
147  {
148  public:
149  template<class Graph, class OOComm>
150  ParmetisDuneIndexMap(const Graph& graph, const OOComm& com);
151  int toParmetis(int i) const
152  {
153  return duneToParmetis[i];
154  }
155  int toLocalParmetis(int i) const
156  {
157  return duneToParmetis[i]-base_;
158  }
159  int operator[](int i) const
160  {
161  return duneToParmetis[i];
162  }
163  int toDune(int i) const
164  {
165  return parmetisToDune[i];
166  }
167  std::vector<int>::size_type numOfOwnVtx() const
168  {
169  return parmetisToDune.size();
170  }
171  Metis::idx_t* vtxDist()
172  {
173  return &vtxDist_[0];
174  }
175  int globalOwnerVertices;
176  private:
177  int base_;
178  std::vector<int> duneToParmetis;
179  std::vector<int> parmetisToDune;
180  // range of vertices for processor i: vtxdist[i] to vtxdist[i+1] (parmetis global)
181  std::vector<Metis::idx_t> vtxDist_;
182  };
184  template<class G, class OOComm>
185  ParmetisDuneIndexMap::ParmetisDuneIndexMap(const G& graph, const OOComm& oocomm)
186  : duneToParmetis(graph.noVertices(), -1), vtxDist_(oocomm.communicator().size()+1)
187  {
188  int npes=oocomm.communicator().size(), mype=oocomm.communicator().rank();
190  typedef typename OOComm::OwnerSet OwnerSet;
192  int numOfOwnVtx=0;
193  auto end = oocomm.indexSet().end();
194  for(auto index = oocomm.indexSet().begin(); index != end; ++index) {
195  if (OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
196  numOfOwnVtx++;
197  }
198  }
199  parmetisToDune.resize(numOfOwnVtx);
200  std::vector<int> globalNumOfVtx(npes);
201  // make this number available to all processes
202  MPI_Allgather(&numOfOwnVtx, 1, MPI_INT, &(globalNumOfVtx[0]), 1, MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
204  int base=0;
205  vtxDist_[0] = 0;
206  for(int i=0; i<npes; i++) {
207  if (i<mype) {
208  base += globalNumOfVtx[i];
209  }
210  vtxDist_[i+1] = vtxDist_[i] + globalNumOfVtx[i];
211  }
212  globalOwnerVertices=vtxDist_[npes];
213  base_=base;
215 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
216  std::cout << oocomm.communicator().rank()<<" vtxDist: ";
217  for(int i=0; i<= npes; ++i)
218  std::cout << vtxDist_[i]<<" ";
219  std::cout<<std::endl;
220 #endif
222  // Traverse the graph and assign a new consecutive number/index
223  // starting by "base" to all owner vertices.
224  // The new index is used as the ParMETIS global index and is
225  // stored in the vector "duneToParmetis"
226  auto vend = graph.end();
227  for(auto vertex = graph.begin(); vertex != vend; ++vertex) {
228  const typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::IndexPair* index=oocomm.globalLookup().pair(*vertex);
229  assert(index);
230  if (OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
231  // assign and count the index
232  parmetisToDune[base-base_]=index->local();
233  duneToParmetis[index->local()] = base++;
234  }
235  }
237  // At this point, every process knows the ParMETIS global index
238  // of it's owner vertices. The next step is to get the
239  // ParMETIS global index of the overlap vertices from the
240  // associated processes. To do this, the Dune::Interface class
241  // is used.
242 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
243  std::cout <<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<": before ";
244  for(std::size_t i=0; i<duneToParmetis.size(); ++i)
245  std::cout<<duneToParmetis[i]<<" ";
246  std::cout<<std::endl;
247 #endif
248  oocomm.copyOwnerToAll(duneToParmetis,duneToParmetis);
249 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
250  std::cout <<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<": after ";
251  for(std::size_t i=0; i<duneToParmetis.size(); ++i)
252  std::cout<<duneToParmetis[i]<<" ";
253  std::cout<<std::endl;
254 #endif
255  }
256  }
258  struct RedistributeInterface
259  : public Interface
260  {
261  void setCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm)
262  {
263  communicator_=comm;
264  }
265  template<class Flags,class IS>
266  void buildSendInterface(const std::vector<int>& toPart, const IS& idxset)
267  {
268  std::map<int,int> sizes;
270  for(auto i=idxset.begin(), end=idxset.end(); i!=end; ++i)
271  if(Flags::contains(i->local().attribute()))
272  ++sizes[toPart[i->local()]];
274  // Allocate the necessary space
275  for(auto i=sizes.begin(), end=sizes.end(); i!=end; ++i)
276  interfaces()[i->first].first.reserve(i->second);
278  //Insert the interface information
279  for(auto i=idxset.begin(), end=idxset.end(); i!=end; ++i)
280  if(Flags::contains(i->local().attribute()))
281  interfaces()[toPart[i->local()]].first.add(i->local());
282  }
284  void reserveSpaceForReceiveInterface(int proc, int size)
285  {
286  interfaces()[proc].second.reserve(size);
287  }
288  void addReceiveIndex(int proc, std::size_t idx)
289  {
290  interfaces()[proc].second.add(idx);
291  }
292  template<typename TG>
293  void buildReceiveInterface(std::vector<std::pair<TG,int> >& indices)
294  {
295  std::size_t i=0;
296  for(auto idx=indices.begin(); idx!= indices.end(); ++idx) {
297  interfaces()[idx->second].second.add(i++);
298  }
299  }
301  ~RedistributeInterface()
302  {}
304  };
306  namespace
307  {
317  template<class GI>
318  void createSendBuf(std::vector<GI>& ownerVec, std::set<GI>& overlapVec, std::set<int>& neighbors, char *sendBuf, int buffersize, MPI_Comm comm) {
319  // Pack owner vertices
320  std::size_t s=ownerVec.size();
321  int pos=0;
322  if(s==0)
323  ownerVec.resize(1); // otherwise would read beyond the memory bound
324  MPI_Pack(&s, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
325  MPI_Pack(&(ownerVec[0]), s, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
326  s = overlapVec.size();
327  MPI_Pack(&s, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
328  for(auto i=overlapVec.begin(), end= overlapVec.end(); i != end; ++i)
329  MPI_Pack(const_cast<GI*>(&(*i)), 1, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
331  s=neighbors.size();
332  MPI_Pack(&s, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
334  for(auto i=neighbors.begin(), end= neighbors.end(); i != end; ++i)
335  MPI_Pack(const_cast<int*>(&(*i)), 1, MPI_INT, sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
336  }
345  template<class GI>
346  void saveRecvBuf(char *recvBuf, int bufferSize, std::vector<std::pair<GI,int> >& ownerVec,
347  std::set<GI>& overlapVec, std::set<int>& neighbors, RedistributeInterface& inf, int from, MPI_Comm comm) {
348  std::size_t size;
349  int pos=0;
350  // unpack owner vertices
351  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &size, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), comm);
352  inf.reserveSpaceForReceiveInterface(from, size);
353  ownerVec.reserve(ownerVec.size()+size);
354  for(; size!=0; --size) {
355  GI gi;
356  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &gi, 1, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), comm);
357  ownerVec.push_back(std::make_pair(gi,from));
358  }
359  // unpack overlap vertices
360  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &size, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), comm);
361  typename std::set<GI>::iterator ipos = overlapVec.begin();
362  Dune::dverb << "unpacking "<<size<<" overlap"<<std::endl;
363  for(; size!=0; --size) {
364  GI gi;
365  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &gi, 1, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), comm);
366  ipos=overlapVec.insert(ipos, gi);
367  }
368  //unpack neighbors
369  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &size, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), comm);
370  Dune::dverb << "unpacking "<<size<<" neighbors"<<std::endl;
371  typename std::set<int>::iterator npos = neighbors.begin();
372  for(; size!=0; --size) {
373  int n;
374  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &n, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
375  npos=neighbors.insert(npos, n);
376  }
377  }
392  template<typename T>
393  void getDomain(const MPI_Comm& comm, T *part, int numOfOwnVtx, int nparts, int *myDomain, std::vector<int> &domainMapping) {
394  int npes, mype;
395  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
396  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &mype);
397  MPI_Status status;
399  *myDomain = -1;
400  int i=0;
401  int j=0;
403  std::vector<int> domain(nparts, 0);
404  std::vector<int> assigned(npes, 0);
405  // init domain Mapping
406  domainMapping.assign(domainMapping.size(), -1);
408  // count the occurrence of domains
409  for (i=0; i<numOfOwnVtx; i++) {
410  domain[part[i]]++;
411  }
413  std::vector<int> domainMatrix(npes * nparts, -1);
415  // init buffer with the own domain
416  int *buf = new int[nparts];
417  for (i=0; i<nparts; i++) {
418  buf[i] = domain[i];
419  domainMatrix[mype*nparts+i] = domain[i];
420  }
421  int pe=0;
422  int src = (mype-1+npes)%npes;
423  int dest = (mype+1)%npes;
424  // ring communication, we need n-1 communications for n processors
425  for (i=0; i<npes-1; i++) {
426  MPI_Sendrecv_replace(buf, nparts, MPI_INT, dest, 0, src, 0, comm, &status);
427  // pe is the process of the actual received buffer
428  pe = ((mype-1-i)+npes)%npes;
429  for(j=0; j<nparts; j++) {
430  // save the values to the domain matrix
431  domainMatrix[pe*nparts+j] = buf[j];
432  }
433  }
434  delete[] buf;
436  // Start the domain calculation.
437  // The process which contains the maximum number of vertices of a
438  // particular domain is selected to choose it's favorate domain
439  int maxOccurance = 0;
440  pe = -1;
441  std::set<std::size_t> unassigned;
443  for(i=0; i<nparts; i++) {
444  for(j=0; j<npes; j++) {
445  // process has no domain assigned
446  if (assigned[j]==0) {
447  if (maxOccurance < domainMatrix[j*nparts+i]) {
448  maxOccurance = domainMatrix[j*nparts+i];
449  pe = j;
450  }
451  }
453  }
454  if (pe!=-1) {
455  // process got a domain, ...
456  domainMapping[i] = pe;
457  // ...mark as assigned
458  assigned[pe] = 1;
459  if (pe==mype) {
460  *myDomain = i;
461  }
462  pe = -1;
463  }
464  else
465  {
466  unassigned.insert(i);
467  }
468  maxOccurance = 0;
469  }
471  typename std::vector<int>::iterator next_free = assigned.begin();
473  for(auto udomain = unassigned.begin(),
474  end = unassigned.end(); udomain != end; ++udomain)
475  {
476  next_free = std::find_if(next_free, assigned.end(), std::bind(std::less<int>(), std::placeholders::_1, 1));
477  assert(next_free != assigned.end());
478  domainMapping[*udomain] = next_free-assigned.begin();
479  *next_free = 1;
480  }
481  }
483  struct SortFirst
484  {
485  template<class T>
486  bool operator()(const T& t1, const T& t2) const
487  {
488  return t1<t2;
489  }
490  };
503  template<class GI>
504  void mergeVec(std::vector<std::pair<GI, int> >& ownerVec, std::set<GI>& overlapSet) {
506 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
507  // Safety check for duplicates.
508  if(ownerVec.size()>0)
509  {
510  auto old=ownerVec.begin();
511  for(auto i=old+1, end=ownerVec.end(); i != end; old=i++)
512  {
513  if(i->first==old->first)
514  {
515  std::cerr<<"Value at index "<<old-ownerVec.begin()<<" is the same as at index "
516  <<i-ownerVec.begin()<<" ["<<old->first<<","<<old->second<<"]==["
517  <<i->first<<","<<i->second<<"]"<<std::endl;
518  throw "Huch!";
519  }
520  }
521  }
523 #endif
525  auto v=ownerVec.begin(), vend=ownerVec.end();
526  for(auto s=overlapSet.begin(), send=overlapSet.end(); s!=send;)
527  {
528  while(v!=vend && v->first<*s) ++v;
529  if(v!=vend && v->first==*s) {
530  // Move to the next element before erasing
531  // thus s stays valid!
532  auto tmp=s;
533  ++s;
534  overlapSet.erase(tmp);
535  }else
536  ++s;
537  }
538  }
554  template<class OwnerSet, class Graph, class IS, class GI>
555  void getNeighbor(const Graph& g, std::vector<int>& part,
556  typename Graph::VertexDescriptor vtx, const IS& indexSet,
557  int toPe, std::set<GI>& neighbor, std::set<int>& neighborProcs) {
558  for(auto edge=g.beginEdges(vtx), end=g.endEdges(vtx); edge!=end; ++edge)
559  {
560  const typename IS::IndexPair* pindex = indexSet.pair(edge.target());
561  assert(pindex);
562  if(part[pindex->local()]!=toPe || !OwnerSet::contains(pindex->local().attribute()))
563  {
564  // is sent to another process and therefore becomes overlap
565  neighbor.insert(pindex->global());
566  neighborProcs.insert(part[pindex->local()]);
567  }
568  }
569  }
571  template<class T, class I>
572  void my_push_back(std::vector<T>& ownerVec, const I& index, [[maybe_unused]] int proc)
573  {
574  ownerVec.push_back(index);
575  }
577  template<class T, class I>
578  void my_push_back(std::vector<std::pair<T,int> >& ownerVec, const I& index, int proc)
579  {
580  ownerVec.push_back(std::make_pair(index,proc));
581  }
582  template<class T>
583  void reserve(std::vector<T>&, RedistributeInterface&, int)
584  {}
585  template<class T>
586  void reserve(std::vector<std::pair<T,int> >& ownerVec, RedistributeInterface& redist, int proc)
587  {
588  redist.reserveSpaceForReceiveInterface(proc, ownerVec.size());
589  }
609  template<class OwnerSet, class G, class IS, class T, class GI>
610  void getOwnerOverlapVec(const G& graph, std::vector<int>& part, IS& indexSet,
611  [[maybe_unused]] int myPe, int toPe, std::vector<T>& ownerVec, std::set<GI>& overlapSet,
612  RedistributeInterface& redist, std::set<int>& neighborProcs) {
613  for(auto index = indexSet.begin(); index != indexSet.end(); ++index) {
614  // Only Process owner vertices, the others are not in the parmetis graph.
615  if(OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute()))
616  {
617  if(part[index->local()]==toPe)
618  {
619  getNeighbor<OwnerSet>(graph, part, index->local(), indexSet,
620  toPe, overlapSet, neighborProcs);
621  my_push_back(ownerVec, index->global(), toPe);
622  }
623  }
624  }
625  reserve(ownerVec, redist, toPe);
627  }
636  template<class F, class IS>
637  inline bool isOwner(IS& indexSet, int index) {
639  const typename IS::IndexPair* pindex=indexSet.pair(index);
641  assert(pindex);
642  return F::contains(pindex->local().attribute());
643  }
646  class BaseEdgeFunctor
647  {
648  public:
649  BaseEdgeFunctor(Metis::idx_t* adj,const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data)
650  : i_(), adj_(adj), data_(data)
651  {}
653  template<class T>
654  void operator()(const T& edge)
655  {
656  // Get the edge weight
657  // const Weight& weight=edge.weight();
658  adj_[i_] = data_.toParmetis(edge.target());
659  i_++;
660  }
661  std::size_t index()
662  {
663  return i_;
664  }
666  private:
667  std::size_t i_;
668  Metis::idx_t* adj_;
669  const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data_;
670  };
672  template<typename G>
673  struct EdgeFunctor
674  : public BaseEdgeFunctor
675  {
676  EdgeFunctor(Metis::idx_t* adj, const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data, std::size_t)
677  : BaseEdgeFunctor(adj, data)
678  {}
680  Metis::idx_t* getWeights()
681  {
682  return NULL;
683  }
684  void free(){}
685  };
687  template<class G, class V, class E, class VM, class EM>
688  class EdgeFunctor<Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph<G,V,E,VM,EM> >
689  : public BaseEdgeFunctor
690  {
691  public:
692  EdgeFunctor(Metis::idx_t* adj, const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data, std::size_t s)
693  : BaseEdgeFunctor(adj, data)
694  {
695  weight_=new Metis::idx_t[s];
696  }
698  template<class T>
699  void operator()(const T& edge)
700  {
701  weight_[index()]=edge.properties().depends() ? 3 : 1;
702  BaseEdgeFunctor::operator()(edge);
703  }
704  Metis::idx_t* getWeights()
705  {
706  return weight_;
707  }
708  void free(){
709  delete[] weight_;
710  weight_ = nullptr;
711  }
712  private:
713  Metis::idx_t* weight_;
714  };
731  template<class F, class G, class IS, class EW>
732  void getAdjArrays(G& graph, IS& indexSet, Metis::idx_t *xadj,
733  EW& ew)
734  {
735  int j=0;
736  auto vend = graph.end();
738  for(auto vertex = graph.begin(); vertex != vend; ++vertex) {
739  if (isOwner<F>(indexSet,*vertex)) {
740  // The type of const edge iterator.
741  auto eend = vertex.end();
742  xadj[j] = ew.index();
743  j++;
744  for(auto edge = vertex.begin(); edge != eend; ++edge) {
745  ew(edge);
746  }
747  }
748  }
749  xadj[j] = ew.index();
750  }
751  } // end anonymous namespace
753  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
754  bool buildCommunication(const G& graph, std::vector<int>& realparts,
756  std::shared_ptr<Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>>& outcomm,
757  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
758  bool verbose=false);
760 #ifndef METIS_VER_MAJOR
761  extern "C"
762  {
763  // backwards compatibility to parmetis < 4.0.0
764  void METIS_PartGraphKway(int *nvtxs, Metis::idx_t *xadj, Metis::idx_t *adjncy, Metis::idx_t *vwgt,
765  Metis::idx_t *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts,
766  int *options, int *edgecut, Metis::idx_t *part);
768  void METIS_PartGraphRecursive(int *nvtxs, Metis::idx_t *xadj, Metis::idx_t *adjncy, Metis::idx_t *vwgt,
769  Metis::idx_t *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts,
770  int *options, int *edgecut, Metis::idx_t *part);
771  }
772 #endif
773 #endif // HAVE_PARMETIS
775  template<class S, class T>
776  inline void print_carray(S& os, T* array, std::size_t l)
777  {
778  for(T *cur=array, *end=array+l; cur!=end; ++cur)
779  os<<*cur<<" ";
780  }
782  template<class S, class T>
783  inline bool isValidGraph(std::size_t noVtx, std::size_t gnoVtx, S noEdges, T* xadj,
784  T* adjncy, bool checkSymmetry)
785  {
786  bool correct=true;
788  using std::signbit;
789  for(Metis::idx_t vtx=0; vtx<(Metis::idx_t)noVtx; ++vtx) {
790  if(static_cast<S>(xadj[vtx])>noEdges || signbit(xadj[vtx])) {
791  std::cerr <<"Check graph: xadj["<<vtx<<"]="<<xadj[vtx]<<" (>"
792  <<noEdges<<") out of range!"<<std::endl;
793  correct=false;
794  }
795  if(static_cast<S>(xadj[vtx+1])>noEdges || signbit(xadj[vtx+1])) {
796  std::cerr <<"Check graph: xadj["<<vtx+1<<"]="<<xadj[vtx+1]<<" (>"
797  <<noEdges<<") out of range!"<<std::endl;
798  correct=false;
799  }
800  // Check numbers in adjncy
801  for(Metis::idx_t i=xadj[vtx]; i< xadj[vtx+1]; ++i) {
802  if(signbit(adjncy[i]) || ((std::size_t)adjncy[i])>gnoVtx) {
803  std::cerr<<" Edge "<<adjncy[i]<<" out of range ["<<0<<","<<noVtx<<")"
804  <<std::endl;
805  correct=false;
806  }
807  }
808  if(checkSymmetry) {
809  for(Metis::idx_t i=xadj[vtx]; i< xadj[vtx+1]; ++i) {
810  Metis::idx_t target=adjncy[i];
811  // search for symmetric edge
812  int found=0;
813  for(Metis::idx_t j=xadj[target]; j< xadj[target+1]; ++j)
814  if(adjncy[j]==vtx)
815  found++;
816  if(found!=1) {
817  std::cerr<<"Edge ("<<target<<","<<vtx<<") "<<i<<" time"<<std::endl;
818  correct=false;
819  }
820  }
821  }
822  }
823  return correct;
824  }
826  template<class M, class T1, class T2>
827  bool commGraphRepartition(const M& mat, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>& oocomm,
828  Metis::idx_t nparts,
829  std::shared_ptr<Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>>& outcomm,
830  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
831  bool verbose=false)
832  {
833  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
834  std::cout<<"Repartitioning from "<<oocomm.communicator().size()
835  <<" to "<<nparts<<" parts"<<std::endl;
836  Timer time;
837  int rank = oocomm.communicator().rank();
839  int* part = new int[1];
840  part[0]=0;
841 #else
842  Metis::idx_t* part = new Metis::idx_t[1]; // where all our data moves to
844  if(nparts>1) {
846  part[0]=rank;
848  { // sublock for automatic memory deletion
850  // Build the graph of the communication scheme and create an appropriate indexset.
851  // calculate the neighbour vertices
852  int noNeighbours = oocomm.remoteIndices().neighbours();
854  for(auto n= oocomm.remoteIndices().begin(); n != oocomm.remoteIndices().end();
855  ++n)
856  if(n->first==rank) {
857  //do not include ourselves.
858  --noNeighbours;
859  break;
860  }
862  // A parmetis graph representing the communication graph.
863  // The diagonal entries are the number of nodes on the process.
864  // The offdiagonal entries are the number of edges leading to other processes.
866  Metis::idx_t *xadj=new Metis::idx_t[2];
867  Metis::idx_t *vtxdist=new Metis::idx_t[oocomm.communicator().size()+1];
868  Metis::idx_t *adjncy=new Metis::idx_t[noNeighbours];
869 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
870  Metis::idx_t *vwgt = 0;
871  Metis::idx_t *adjwgt = 0;
872 #endif
874  // each process has exactly one vertex!
875  for(int i=0; i<oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i)
876  vtxdist[i]=i;
877  vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()]=oocomm.communicator().size();
879  xadj[0]=0;
880  xadj[1]=noNeighbours;
882  // count edges to other processor
883  // a vector mapping the index to the owner
884  // std::vector<int> owner(mat.N(), oocomm.communicator().rank());
885  // for(NeighbourIterator n= oocomm.remoteIndices().begin(); n != oocomm.remoteIndices().end();
886  // ++n)
887  // {
888  // if(n->first!=oocomm.communicator().rank()){
889  // typedef typename RemoteIndices::RemoteIndexList RIList;
890  // const RIList& rlist = *(n->second.first);
891  // typedef typename RIList::const_iterator LIter;
892  // for(LIter entry=rlist.begin(); entry!=rlist.end(); ++entry){
893  // if(entry->attribute()==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
894  // owner[entry->localIndexPair().local()] = n->first;
895  // }
896  // }
897  // }
899  // std::map<int,Metis::idx_t> edgecount; // edges to other processors
900  // typedef typename M::ConstRowIterator RIter;
901  // typedef typename M::ConstColIterator CIter;
903  // // calculate edge count
904  // for(RIter row=mat.begin(), endr=mat.end(); row != endr; ++row)
905  // if(owner[row.index()]==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
906  // for(CIter entry= row->begin(), end = row->end(); entry != end; ++entry)
907  // ++edgecount[owner[entry.index()]];
909  // setup edge and weight pattern
911  Metis::idx_t* adjp=adjncy;
913 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
914  vwgt = new Metis::idx_t[1];
915  vwgt[0]= mat.N(); // weight is number of rows TODO: Should actually be the nonzeros.
917  adjwgt = new Metis::idx_t[noNeighbours];
918  Metis::idx_t* adjwp=adjwgt;
919 #endif
921  for(auto n= oocomm.remoteIndices().begin(); n != oocomm.remoteIndices().end();
922  ++n)
923  if(n->first != rank) {
924  *adjp=n->first;
925  ++adjp;
926 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
927  *adjwp=1; //edgecount[n->first];
928  ++adjwp;
929 #endif
930  }
931  assert(isValidGraph(vtxdist[rank+1]-vtxdist[rank],
932  vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()],
933  noNeighbours, xadj, adjncy, false));
935  [[maybe_unused]] Metis::idx_t wgtflag=0;
936  Metis::idx_t numflag=0;
937  Metis::idx_t edgecut;
938 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
939  wgtflag=3;
940 #endif
941  Metis::real_t *tpwgts = new Metis::real_t[nparts];
942  for(int i=0; i<nparts; ++i)
943  tpwgts[i]=1.0/nparts;
944  MPI_Comm comm=oocomm.communicator();
946  Dune::dinfo<<rank<<" vtxdist: ";
947  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, vtxdist, oocomm.communicator().size()+1);
948  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" xadj: ";
949  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, xadj, 2);
950  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" adjncy: ";
951  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, adjncy, noNeighbours);
953 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
954  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" vwgt: ";
955  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, vwgt, 1);
956  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" adwgt: ";
957  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, adjwgt, noNeighbours);
958 #endif
959  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
960  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
961  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
962  std::cout<<"Creating comm graph took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
963  time.reset();
966  Metis::real_t ubvec = 1.15;
967  int ncon=1;
968  int options[5] ={ 0,1,15,0,0};
970  //=======================================================
971  // ParMETIS_V3_PartKway
972  //=======================================================
973  ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy,
974  vwgt, adjwgt, &wgtflag,
975  &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, &ubvec, options, &edgecut, part,
976  &comm);
977  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
978  std::cout<<"ParMETIS took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
979  time.reset();
980 #else
981  Timer time1;
982  std::size_t gnoedges=0;
983  int* noedges = 0;
984  noedges = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
985  Dune::dverb<<"noNeighbours: "<<noNeighbours<<std::endl;
986  // gather number of edges for each vertex.
987  MPI_Allgather(&noNeighbours,1,MPI_INT,noedges,1, MPI_INT,oocomm.communicator());
989  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
990  std::cout<<"Gathering noedges took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
991  time1.reset();
993  Metis::idx_t noVertices = vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()];
994  Metis::idx_t *gxadj = 0;
995  Metis::idx_t *gvwgt = 0;
996  Metis::idx_t *gadjncy = 0;
997  Metis::idx_t *gadjwgt = 0;
998  Metis::idx_t *gpart = 0;
999  int* displ = 0;
1000  int* noxs = 0;
1001  int* xdispl = 0; // displacement for xadj
1002  int* novs = 0;
1003  int* vdispl=0; // real vertex displacement
1004 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1005  std::size_t localNoVtx=vtxdist[rank+1]-vtxdist[rank];
1006 #endif
1007  std::size_t gxadjlen = vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()]-vtxdist[0]+oocomm.communicator().size();
1009  {
1010  Dune::dinfo<<"noedges: ";
1011  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, noedges, oocomm.communicator().size());
1012  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
1013  displ = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1014  xdispl = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1015  noxs = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1016  vdispl = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1017  novs = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1019  for(int i=0; i < oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i) {
1020  noxs[i]=vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i]+1;
1021  novs[i]=vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i];
1022  }
1024  Metis::idx_t *so= vtxdist;
1025  int offset = 0;
1026  for(int *xcurr = xdispl, *vcurr = vdispl, *end=vdispl+oocomm.communicator().size();
1027  vcurr!=end; ++vcurr, ++xcurr, ++so, ++offset) {
1028  *vcurr = *so;
1029  *xcurr = offset + *so;
1030  }
1032  int *pdispl =displ;
1033  int cdispl = 0;
1034  *pdispl = 0;
1035  for(int *curr=noedges, *end=noedges+oocomm.communicator().size()-1;
1036  curr!=end; ++curr) {
1037  ++pdispl; // next displacement
1038  cdispl += *curr; // next value
1039  *pdispl = cdispl;
1040  }
1041  Dune::dinfo<<"displ: ";
1042  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, displ, oocomm.communicator().size());
1043  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
1045  // calculate global number of edges
1046  // It is bigger than the actual one as we habe size-1 additional end entries
1047  for(int *curr=noedges, *end=noedges+oocomm.communicator().size();
1048  curr!=end; ++curr)
1049  gnoedges += *curr;
1051  // allocate global graph
1052  Dune::dinfo<<"gxadjlen: "<<gxadjlen<<" noVertices: "<<noVertices
1053  <<" gnoedges: "<<gnoedges<<std::endl;
1054  gxadj = new Metis::idx_t[gxadjlen];
1055  gpart = new Metis::idx_t[noVertices];
1056 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1057  gvwgt = new Metis::idx_t[noVertices];
1058  gadjwgt = new Metis::idx_t[gnoedges];
1059 #endif
1060  gadjncy = new Metis::idx_t[gnoedges];
1061  }
1063  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1064  std::cout<<"Preparing global graph took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1065  time1.reset();
1066  // Communicate data
1068  MPI_Allgatherv(xadj,2,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1069  gxadj,noxs,xdispl,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1070  comm);
1071  MPI_Allgatherv(adjncy,noNeighbours,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1072  gadjncy,noedges,displ,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1073  comm);
1074 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1075  MPI_Allgatherv(adjwgt,noNeighbours,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1076  gadjwgt,noedges,displ,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1077  comm);
1078  MPI_Allgatherv(vwgt,localNoVtx,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1079  gvwgt,novs,vdispl,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1080  comm);
1081 #endif
1082  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1083  std::cout<<"Gathering global graph data took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1084  time1.reset();
1086  {
1087  // create the real gxadj array
1088  // i.e. shift entries and add displacements.
1090  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gxadj, gxadjlen);
1092  int offset = 0;
1093  Metis::idx_t increment = vtxdist[1];
1094  Metis::idx_t *start=gxadj+1;
1095  for(int i=1; i<oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i) {
1096  offset+=1;
1097  int lprev = vtxdist[i]-vtxdist[i-1];
1098  int l = vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i];
1099  start+=lprev;
1100  assert((start+l+offset)-gxadj<=static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(gxadjlen));
1101  increment = *(start-1);
1102  std::transform(start+offset, start+l+offset, start, std::bind(std::plus<Metis::idx_t>(), std::placeholders::_1, increment));
1103  }
1104  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<"shifted xadj:";
1105  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gxadj, noVertices+1);
1106  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<" gadjncy: ";
1107  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gadjncy, gnoedges);
1108 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1109  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<" gvwgt: ";
1110  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gvwgt, noVertices);
1111  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<"adjwgt: ";
1112  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gadjwgt, gnoedges);
1113  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
1114 #endif
1115  // everything should be fine now!!!
1116  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1117  std::cout<<"Postprocessing global graph data took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1118  time1.reset();
1119 #ifndef NDEBUG
1120  assert(isValidGraph(noVertices, noVertices, gnoedges,
1121  gxadj, gadjncy, true));
1122 #endif
1124  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1125  std::cout<<"Creating grah one 1 process took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1126  time.reset();
1127 #if METIS_VER_MAJOR >= 5
1128  Metis::idx_t ncon = 1;
1129  Metis::idx_t moptions[METIS_NOPTIONS];
1130  METIS_SetDefaultOptions(moptions);
1131  moptions[METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING] = numflag;
1132  METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&noVertices, &ncon, gxadj, gadjncy, gvwgt, NULL, gadjwgt,
1133  &nparts, NULL, NULL, moptions, &edgecut, gpart);
1134 #else
1135  int options[5] = {0, 1, 1, 3, 3};
1136  // Call metis
1137  METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&noVertices, gxadj, gadjncy, gvwgt, gadjwgt, &wgtflag,
1138  &numflag, &nparts, options, &edgecut, gpart);
1139 #endif
1141  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1142  std::cout<<"METIS took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1143  time.reset();
1145  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<"part:";
1146  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gpart, noVertices);
1148  delete[] gxadj;
1149  delete[] gadjncy;
1150 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1151  delete[] gvwgt;
1152  delete[] gadjwgt;
1153 #endif
1154  }
1155  // Scatter result
1156  MPI_Scatter(gpart, 1, MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(), part, 1,
1157  MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(), 0, comm);
1159  {
1160  // release remaining memory
1161  delete[] gpart;
1162  delete[] noedges;
1163  delete[] displ;
1164  }
1167 #endif
1168  delete[] xadj;
1169  delete[] vtxdist;
1170  delete[] adjncy;
1171 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1172  delete[] vwgt;
1173  delete[] adjwgt;
1174 #endif
1175  delete[] tpwgts;
1176  }
1177  }else{
1178  part[0]=0;
1179  }
1180 #endif
1181  Dune::dinfo<<" repart "<<rank <<" -> "<< part[0]<<std::endl;
1183  std::vector<int> realpart(mat.N(), part[0]);
1184  delete[] part;
1186  oocomm.copyOwnerToAll(realpart, realpart);
1188  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1189  std::cout<<"Scattering repartitioning took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1190  time.reset();
1193  oocomm.buildGlobalLookup(mat.N());
1194  Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph<M> graph(const_cast<M&>(mat));
1195  fillIndexSetHoles(graph, oocomm);
1196  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1197  std::cout<<"Filling index set took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1198  time.reset();
1200  if(verbose) {
1201  int noNeighbours=oocomm.remoteIndices().neighbours();
1202  noNeighbours = oocomm.communicator().sum(noNeighbours)
1203  / oocomm.communicator().size();
1204  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1205  std::cout<<"Average no neighbours was "<<noNeighbours<<std::endl;
1206  }
1207  bool ret = buildCommunication(graph, realpart, oocomm, outcomm, redistInf,
1208  verbose);
1209  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1210  std::cout<<"Building index sets took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1211  time.reset();
1214  return ret;
1216  }
1232  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
1233  bool graphRepartition(const G& graph, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>& oocomm, Metis::idx_t nparts,
1234  std::shared_ptr<Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>>& outcomm,
1235  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
1236  bool verbose=false)
1237  {
1238  Timer time;
1240  MPI_Comm comm=oocomm.communicator();
1241  oocomm.buildGlobalLookup(graph.noVertices());
1242  fillIndexSetHoles(graph, oocomm);
1244  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1245  std::cout<<"Filling holes took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1246  time.reset();
1248  // simple precondition checks
1250 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1251  // Profiling variables
1252  double t1=0.0, t2=0.0, t3=0.0, t4=0.0, tSum=0.0;
1253 #endif
1256  // MPI variables
1257  int mype = oocomm.communicator().rank();
1259  assert(nparts<=static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(oocomm.communicator().size()));
1261  int myDomain = -1;
1263  //
1264  // 1) Prepare the required parameters for using ParMETIS
1265  // Especially the arrays that represent the graph must be
1266  // generated by the DUNE Graph and IndexSet input variables.
1267  // These are the arrays:
1268  // - vtxdist
1269  // - xadj
1270  // - adjncy
1271  //
1272  //
1273 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1274  // reset timer for step 1)
1275  t1=MPI_Wtime();
1276 #endif
1279  typedef typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2> OOComm;
1280  typedef typename OOComm::OwnerSet OwnerSet;
1282  // Create the vtxdist array and parmetisVtxMapping.
1283  // Global communications are necessary
1284  // The parmetis global identifiers for the owner vertices.
1285  ParmetisDuneIndexMap indexMap(graph,oocomm);
1286  Metis::idx_t *part = new Metis::idx_t[indexMap.numOfOwnVtx()];
1287  for(std::size_t i=0; i < indexMap.numOfOwnVtx(); ++i)
1288  part[i]=mype;
1291  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0 && nparts>1)
1292  std::cerr<<"ParMETIS not activated. Will repartition to 1 domain instead of requested "
1293  <<nparts<<" domains."<<std::endl;
1294  nparts=1; // No parmetis available, fallback to agglomerating to 1 process
1296 #else
1298  if(nparts>1) {
1299  // Create the xadj and adjncy arrays
1300  Metis::idx_t *xadj = new Metis::idx_t[indexMap.numOfOwnVtx()+1];
1301  Metis::idx_t *adjncy = new Metis::idx_t[graph.noEdges()];
1302  EdgeFunctor<G> ef(adjncy, indexMap, graph.noEdges());
1303  getAdjArrays<OwnerSet>(graph, oocomm.globalLookup(), xadj, ef);
1305  //
1306  // 2) Call ParMETIS
1307  //
1308  //
1309  Metis::idx_t numflag=0, wgtflag=0, options[3], edgecut=0, ncon=1;
1310  //float *tpwgts = NULL;
1311  Metis::real_t *tpwgts = new Metis::real_t[nparts];
1312  for(int i=0; i<nparts; ++i)
1313  tpwgts[i]=1.0/nparts;
1314  Metis::real_t ubvec[1];
1315  options[0] = 0; // 0=default, 1=options are defined in [1]+[2]
1316 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1317  options[1] = 3; // show info: 0=no message
1318 #else
1319  options[1] = 0; // show info: 0=no message
1320 #endif
1321  options[2] = 1; // random number seed, default is 15
1322  wgtflag = (ef.getWeights()!=NULL) ? 1 : 0;
1323  numflag = 0;
1324  edgecut = 0;
1325  ncon=1;
1326  ubvec[0]=1.05; // recommended by ParMETIS
1328 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1329  if (mype == 0) {
1330  std::cout<<std::endl;
1331  std::cout<<"Testing ParMETIS_V3_PartKway with options[1-2] = {"
1332  <<options[1]<<" "<<options[2]<<"}, Ncon: "
1333  <<ncon<<", Nparts: "<<nparts<<std::endl;
1334  }
1335 #endif
1336 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1337  // stop the time for step 1)
1338  t1=MPI_Wtime()-t1;
1339  // reset timer for step 2)
1340  t2=MPI_Wtime();
1341 #endif
1343  if(verbose) {
1344  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1345  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1346  std::cout<<"Preparing for parmetis took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1347  }
1348  time.reset();
1350  //=======================================================
1351  // ParMETIS_V3_PartKway
1352  //=======================================================
1353  ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(indexMap.vtxDist(), xadj, adjncy,
1354  NULL, ef.getWeights(), &wgtflag,
1355  &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, &edgecut, part, &const_cast<MPI_Comm&>(comm));
1358  delete[] xadj;
1359  delete[] adjncy;
1360  delete[] tpwgts;
1362  ef.free();
1364 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1365  if (mype == 0) {
1366  std::cout<<std::endl;
1367  std::cout<<"ParMETIS_V3_PartKway reported a cut of "<<edgecut<<std::endl;
1368  std::cout<<std::endl;
1369  }
1370  std::cout<<mype<<": PARMETIS-Result: ";
1371  for(int i=0; i < indexMap.vtxDist()[mype+1]-indexMap.vtxDist()[mype]; ++i) {
1372  std::cout<<part[i]<<" ";
1373  }
1374  std::cout<<std::endl;
1375  std::cout<<"Testing ParMETIS_V3_PartKway with options[1-2] = {"
1376  <<options[1]<<" "<<options[2]<<"}, Ncon: "
1377  <<ncon<<", Nparts: "<<nparts<<std::endl;
1378 #endif
1379 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1380  // stop the time for step 2)
1381  t2=MPI_Wtime()-t2;
1382  // reset timer for step 3)
1383  t3=MPI_Wtime();
1384 #endif
1387  if(verbose) {
1388  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1389  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1390  std::cout<<"Parmetis took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1391  }
1392  time.reset();
1393  }else
1394 #endif
1395  {
1396  // Everything goes to process 0!
1397  for(std::size_t i=0; i<indexMap.numOfOwnVtx(); ++i)
1398  part[i]=0;
1399  }
1402  //
1403  // 3) Find a optimal domain based on the ParMETIS repartitioning
1404  // result
1405  //
1407  std::vector<int> domainMapping(nparts);
1408  if(nparts>1)
1409  getDomain(comm, part, indexMap.numOfOwnVtx(), nparts, &myDomain, domainMapping);
1410  else
1411  domainMapping[0]=0;
1413 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1414  std::cout<<mype<<": myDomain: "<<myDomain<<std::endl;
1415  std::cout<<mype<<": DomainMapping: ";
1416  for(auto j : range(nparts)) {
1417  std::cout<<" do: "<<j<<" pe: "<<domainMapping[j]<<" ";
1418  }
1419  std::cout<<std::endl;
1420 #endif
1422  // Make a domain mapping for the indexset and translate
1423  //domain number to real process number
1424  // domainMapping is the one of parmetis, that is without
1425  // the overlap/copy vertices
1426  std::vector<int> setPartition(oocomm.indexSet().size(), -1);
1428  std::size_t i=0; // parmetis index
1429  for(auto index = oocomm.indexSet().begin(); index != oocomm.indexSet().end(); ++index)
1430  if(OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
1431  setPartition[index->local()]=domainMapping[part[i++]];
1432  }
1434  delete[] part;
1435  oocomm.copyOwnerToAll(setPartition, setPartition);
1436  // communication only needed for ALU
1437  // (ghosts with same global id as owners on the same process)
1438  if (SolverCategory::category(oocomm) ==
1439  static_cast<int>(SolverCategory::nonoverlapping))
1440  oocomm.copyCopyToAll(setPartition, setPartition);
1441  bool ret = buildCommunication(graph, setPartition, oocomm, outcomm, redistInf,
1442  verbose);
1443  if(verbose) {
1444  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1445  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1446  std::cout<<"Creating indexsets took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1447  }
1448  return ret;
1449  }
1453  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
1454  bool buildCommunication(const G& graph,
1455  std::vector<int>& setPartition, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>& oocomm,
1456  std::shared_ptr<Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>>& outcomm,
1457  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
1458  bool verbose)
1459  {
1460  typedef typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2> OOComm;
1461  typedef typename OOComm::OwnerSet OwnerSet;
1463  Timer time;
1465  // Build the send interface
1466  redistInf.buildSendInterface<OwnerSet>(setPartition, oocomm.indexSet());
1468 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1469  // stop the time for step 3)
1470  t3=MPI_Wtime()-t3;
1471  // reset timer for step 4)
1472  t4=MPI_Wtime();
1473 #endif
1476  //
1477  // 4) Create the output IndexSet and RemoteIndices
1478  // 4.1) Determine the "send to" and "receive from" relation
1479  // according to the new partition using a MPI ring
1480  // communication.
1481  //
1482  // 4.2) Depends on the "send to" and "receive from" vector,
1483  // the processes will exchange the vertices each other
1484  //
1485  // 4.3) Create the IndexSet, RemoteIndices and the new MPI
1486  // communicator
1487  //
1489  //
1490  // 4.1) Let's start...
1491  //
1492  int npes = oocomm.communicator().size();
1493  int *sendTo = 0;
1494  int noSendTo = 0;
1495  std::set<int> recvFrom;
1497  // the max number of vertices is stored in the sendTo buffer,
1498  // not the number of vertices to send! Because the max number of Vtx
1499  // is used as the fixed buffer size by the MPI send/receive calls
1501  int mype = oocomm.communicator().rank();
1503  {
1504  std::set<int> tsendTo;
1505  for(auto i=setPartition.begin(), iend = setPartition.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
1506  tsendTo.insert(*i);
1508  noSendTo = tsendTo.size();
1509  sendTo = new int[noSendTo];
1510  int idx=0;
1511  for(auto i=tsendTo.begin(); i != tsendTo.end(); ++i, ++idx)
1512  sendTo[idx]=*i;
1513  }
1515  //
1516  int* gnoSend= new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1517  int* gsendToDispl = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()+1];
1519  MPI_Allgather(&noSendTo, 1, MPI_INT, gnoSend, 1,
1520  MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
1522  // calculate total receive message size
1523  int totalNoRecv = 0;
1524  for(int i=0; i<npes; ++i)
1525  totalNoRecv += gnoSend[i];
1527  int *gsendTo = new int[totalNoRecv];
1529  // calculate displacement for allgatherv
1530  gsendToDispl[0]=0;
1531  for(int i=0; i<npes; ++i)
1532  gsendToDispl[i+1]=gsendToDispl[i]+gnoSend[i];
1534  // gather the data
1535  MPI_Allgatherv(sendTo, noSendTo, MPI_INT, gsendTo, gnoSend, gsendToDispl,
1536  MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
1538  // Extract from which processes we will receive data
1539  for(int proc=0; proc < npes; ++proc)
1540  for(int i=gsendToDispl[proc]; i < gsendToDispl[proc+1]; ++i)
1541  if(gsendTo[i]==mype)
1542  recvFrom.insert(proc);
1544  bool existentOnNextLevel = recvFrom.size()>0;
1546  // Delete memory
1547  delete[] gnoSend;
1548  delete[] gsendToDispl;
1549  delete[] gsendTo;
1552 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1553  if(recvFrom.size()) {
1554  std::cout<<mype<<": recvFrom: ";
1555  for(auto i=recvFrom.begin(); i!= recvFrom.end(); ++i) {
1556  std::cout<<*i<<" ";
1557  }
1558  }
1560  std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
1561  std::cout<<mype<<": sendTo: ";
1562  for(int i=0; i<noSendTo; i++) {
1563  std::cout<<sendTo[i]<<" ";
1564  }
1565  std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
1566 #endif
1568  if(verbose)
1569  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1570  std::cout<<" Communicating the receive information took "<<
1571  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1572  time.reset();
1574  //
1575  // 4.2) Start the communication
1576  //
1578  // Get all the owner and overlap vertices for myself and save
1579  // it in the vectors myOwnerVec and myOverlapVec.
1580  // The received vertices from the other processes are simple
1581  // added to these vector.
1582  //
1585  typedef typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::GlobalIndex GI;
1586  typedef std::vector<GI> GlobalVector;
1587  std::vector<std::pair<GI,int> > myOwnerVec;
1588  std::set<GI> myOverlapSet;
1589  GlobalVector sendOwnerVec;
1590  std::set<GI> sendOverlapSet;
1591  std::set<int> myNeighbors;
1593  // getOwnerOverlapVec<OwnerSet>(graph, setPartition, oocomm.globalLookup(),
1594  // mype, mype, myOwnerVec, myOverlapSet, redistInf, myNeighbors);
1596  char **sendBuffers=new char*[noSendTo];
1597  MPI_Request *requests = new MPI_Request[noSendTo];
1599  // Create all messages to be sent
1600  for(int i=0; i < noSendTo; ++i) {
1601  // clear the vector for sending
1602  sendOwnerVec.clear();
1603  sendOverlapSet.clear();
1604  // get all owner and overlap vertices for process j and save these
1605  // in the vectors sendOwnerVec and sendOverlapSet
1606  std::set<int> neighbors;
1607  getOwnerOverlapVec<OwnerSet>(graph, setPartition, oocomm.globalLookup(),
1608  mype, sendTo[i], sendOwnerVec, sendOverlapSet, redistInf,
1609  neighbors);
1610  // +2, we need 2 integer more for the length of each part
1611  // (owner/overlap) of the array
1612  int buffersize=0;
1613  int tsize;
1614  MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &buffersize);
1615  MPI_Pack_size(sendOwnerVec.size(), MPITraits<GI>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1616  buffersize +=tsize;
1617  MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1618  buffersize +=tsize;
1619  MPI_Pack_size(sendOverlapSet.size(), MPITraits<GI>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1620  buffersize += tsize;
1621  MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1622  buffersize += tsize;
1623  MPI_Pack_size(neighbors.size(), MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1624  buffersize += tsize;
1626  sendBuffers[i] = new char[buffersize];
1628 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1629  std::cout<<mype<<" sending "<<sendOwnerVec.size()<<" owner and "<<
1630  sendOverlapSet.size()<<" overlap to "<<sendTo[i]<<" buffersize="<<buffersize<<std::endl;
1631 #endif
1632  createSendBuf(sendOwnerVec, sendOverlapSet, neighbors, sendBuffers[i], buffersize, oocomm.communicator());
1633  MPI_Issend(sendBuffers[i], buffersize, MPI_PACKED, sendTo[i], 99, oocomm.communicator(), requests+i);
1634  }
1636  if(verbose) {
1637  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1638  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1639  std::cout<<" Creating sends took "<<
1640  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1641  }
1642  time.reset();
1644  // Receive Messages
1645  int noRecv = recvFrom.size();
1646  int oldbuffersize=0;
1647  char* recvBuf = 0;
1648  while(noRecv>0) {
1649  // probe for an incoming message
1650  MPI_Status stat;
1651  MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 99, oocomm.communicator(), &stat);
1652  int buffersize;
1653  MPI_Get_count(&stat, MPI_PACKED, &buffersize);
1655  if(oldbuffersize<buffersize) {
1656  // buffer too small, reallocate
1657  delete[] recvBuf;
1658  recvBuf = new char[buffersize];
1659  oldbuffersize = buffersize;
1660  }
1661  MPI_Recv(recvBuf, buffersize, MPI_PACKED, stat.MPI_SOURCE, 99, oocomm.communicator(), &stat);
1662  saveRecvBuf(recvBuf, buffersize, myOwnerVec, myOverlapSet, myNeighbors, redistInf,
1663  stat.MPI_SOURCE, oocomm.communicator());
1664  --noRecv;
1665  }
1667  if(recvBuf)
1668  delete[] recvBuf;
1670  time.reset();
1671  // Wait for sending messages to complete
1672  MPI_Status *statuses = new MPI_Status[noSendTo];
1673  int send = MPI_Waitall(noSendTo, requests, statuses);
1675  // check for errors
1676  if(send==MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) {
1677  std::cerr<<mype<<": Error in sending :"<<std::endl;
1678  // Search for the error
1679  for(int i=0; i< noSendTo; i++)
1680  if(statuses[i].MPI_ERROR!=MPI_SUCCESS) {
1681  char message[300];
1682  int messageLength;
1683  MPI_Error_string(statuses[i].MPI_ERROR, message, &messageLength);
1684  std::cerr<<" source="<<statuses[i].MPI_SOURCE<<" message: ";
1685  for(int j = 0; j < messageLength; j++)
1686  std::cout<<message[j];
1687  }
1688  std::cerr<<std::endl;
1689  }
1691  if(verbose) {
1692  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1693  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1694  std::cout<<" Receiving and saving took "<<
1695  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1696  }
1697  time.reset();
1699  for(int i=0; i < noSendTo; ++i)
1700  delete[] sendBuffers[i];
1702  delete[] sendBuffers;
1703  delete[] statuses;
1704  delete[] requests;
1706  redistInf.setCommunicator(oocomm.communicator());
1708  //
1709  // 4.2) Create the IndexSet etc.
1710  //
1712  // build the new outputIndexSet
1715  int color=0;
1717  if (!existentOnNextLevel) {
1718  // this process is not used anymore
1719  color= MPI_UNDEFINED;
1720  }
1721  MPI_Comm outputComm;
1723  MPI_Comm_split(oocomm.communicator(), color, oocomm.communicator().rank(), &outputComm);
1724  outcomm = std::make_shared<OOComm>(outputComm,SolverCategory::category(oocomm),true);
1726  // translate neighbor ranks.
1727  int newrank=outcomm->communicator().rank();
1728  int *newranks=new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1729  std::vector<int> tneighbors;
1730  tneighbors.reserve(myNeighbors.size());
1732  typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet& outputIndexSet = outcomm->indexSet();
1734  MPI_Allgather(&newrank, 1, MPI_INT, newranks, 1,
1735  MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
1737 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1738  std::cout<<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<" ";
1739  for(auto i=myNeighbors.begin(), end=myNeighbors.end();
1740  i!=end; ++i) {
1741  assert(newranks[*i]>=0);
1742  std::cout<<*i<<"->"<<newranks[*i]<<" ";
1743  tneighbors.push_back(newranks[*i]);
1744  }
1745  std::cout<<std::endl;
1746 #else
1747  for(auto i=myNeighbors.begin(), end=myNeighbors.end();
1748  i!=end; ++i) {
1749  tneighbors.push_back(newranks[*i]);
1750  }
1751 #endif
1752  delete[] newranks;
1753  myNeighbors.clear();
1755  if(verbose) {
1756  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1757  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1758  std::cout<<" Calculating new neighbours ("<<tneighbors.size()<<") took "<<
1759  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1760  }
1761  time.reset();
1764  outputIndexSet.beginResize();
1765  // 1) add the owner vertices
1766  // Sort the owners
1767  std::sort(myOwnerVec.begin(), myOwnerVec.end(), SortFirst());
1768  // The owners are sorted according to there global index
1769  // Therefore the entries of ownerVec are the same as the
1770  // ones in the resulting index set.
1771  int i=0;
1772  using LocalIndexT = typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::LocalIndex;
1773  for(auto g=myOwnerVec.begin(), end =myOwnerVec.end(); g!=end; ++g, ++i ) {
1774  outputIndexSet.add(g->first,LocalIndexT(i, OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner, true));
1775  redistInf.addReceiveIndex(g->second, i);
1776  }
1778  if(verbose) {
1779  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1780  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1781  std::cout<<" Adding owner indices took "<<
1782  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1783  }
1784  time.reset();
1787  // After all the vertices are received, the vectors must
1788  // be "merged" together to create the final vectors.
1789  // Because some vertices that are sent as overlap could now
1790  // already included as owner vertiecs in the new partition
1791  mergeVec(myOwnerVec, myOverlapSet);
1793  // Trick to free memory
1794  myOwnerVec.clear();
1795  myOwnerVec.swap(myOwnerVec);
1797  if(verbose) {
1798  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1799  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1800  std::cout<<" Merging indices took "<<
1801  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1802  }
1803  time.reset();
1806  // 2) add the overlap vertices
1807  for(auto g=myOverlapSet.begin(), end=myOverlapSet.end(); g!=end; ++g, i++) {
1808  outputIndexSet.add(*g,LocalIndexT(i, OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy, true));
1809  }
1810  myOverlapSet.clear();
1811  outputIndexSet.endResize();
1814  int numOfOwnVtx =0;
1815  auto end = outputIndexSet.end();
1816  for(auto index = outputIndexSet.begin(); index != end; ++index) {
1817  if (OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
1818  numOfOwnVtx++;
1819  }
1820  }
1821  numOfOwnVtx = oocomm.communicator().sum(numOfOwnVtx);
1822  // if(numOfOwnVtx!=indexMap.globalOwnerVertices)
1823  // {
1824  // std::cerr<<numOfOwnVtx<<"!="<<indexMap.globalOwnerVertices<<" owners missing or additional ones!"<<std::endl;
1825  // DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, numOfOwnVtx<<"!="<<indexMap.globalOwnerVertices<<" owners missing or additional ones"
1826  // <<" during repartitioning.");
1827  // }
1828  std::is_sorted(outputIndexSet.begin(), outputIndexSet.end(),
1829  [](const auto& v1, const auto& v2){ return v1.global() < v2.global();});
1830 #endif
1831  if(verbose) {
1832  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1833  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1834  std::cout<<" Adding overlap indices took "<<
1835  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1836  }
1837  time.reset();
1840  if(color != MPI_UNDEFINED) {
1841  outcomm->remoteIndices().setNeighbours(tneighbors);
1842  outcomm->remoteIndices().template rebuild<true>();
1844  }
1846  // release the memory
1847  delete[] sendTo;
1849  if(verbose) {
1850  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1851  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1852  std::cout<<" Storing indexsets took "<<
1853  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1854  }
1856 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1857  // stop the time for step 4) and print the results
1858  t4=MPI_Wtime()-t4;
1859  tSum = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4;
1860  std::cout<<std::endl
1861  <<mype<<": WTime for step 1): "<<t1
1862  <<" 2): "<<t2
1863  <<" 3): "<<t3
1864  <<" 4): "<<t4
1865  <<" total: "<<tSum
1866  <<std::endl;
1867 #endif
1869  return color!=MPI_UNDEFINED;
1871  }
1872 #else
1873  template<class G, class P,class T1, class T2, class R>
1874  bool graphRepartition(const G& graph, P& oocomm, int nparts,
1875  std::shared_ptr<P>& outcomm,
1876  R& redistInf,
1877  bool v=false)
1878  {
1879  if(nparts!=oocomm.size())
1880  DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "only available for MPI programs");
1881  }
1884  template<class G, class P,class T1, class T2, class R>
1885  bool commGraphRepartition(const G& graph, P& oocomm, int nparts,
1886  std::shared_ptr<P>& outcomm,
1887  R& redistInf,
1888  bool v=false)
1889  {
1890  if(nparts!=oocomm.size())
1891  DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "only available for MPI programs");
1892  }
1893 #endif // HAVE_MPI
1894 } // end of namespace Dune
1895 #endif
The (undirected) graph of a matrix.
Definition: graph.hh:51
T max(const T &in) const
Compute the maximum of the argument over all processes and return the result in every process....
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:257
int barrier() const
Wait until all processes have arrived at this point in the program.
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:272
int rank() const
Return rank, is between 0 and size()-1.
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:133
T sum(const T &in) const
Compute the sum of the argument over all processes and return the result in every process....
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:208
int size() const
Number of processes in set, is greater than 0.
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:139
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:78
auto size(GeometryType type) const
Return total number of entities of given geometry type in entity set .
Definition: indexidset.hh:223
MPI_Comm communicator_
The MPI communicator we use.
Definition: interface.hh:325
size_type N() const
Return the number of rows.
Definition: matrix.hh:691
A class setting up standard communication for a two-valued attribute set with owner/overlap/copy sema...
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:174
const ParallelIndexSet & indexSet() const
Get the underlying parallel index set.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:462
void copyCopyToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from copy data points to all other data points.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:328
const RemoteIndices & remoteIndices() const
Get the underlying remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:471
void copyOwnerToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from owner data points to all other data points.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:311
Manager class for the mapping between local indices and globally unique indices.
Definition: indexset.hh:218
LocalIndex::Attribute Attribute
The type of the attribute.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:227
A simple stop watch.
Definition: timer.hh:43
void reset() noexcept
Reset timer while keeping the running/stopped state.
Definition: timer.hh:57
double elapsed() const noexcept
Get elapsed user-time from last reset until now/last stop in seconds.
Definition: timer.hh:77
Provides utility classes for syncing distributed data via MPI communication.
Provides a map between global and local indices.
Classes providing communication interfaces for overlapping Schwarz methods.
Classes for building sets out of enumeration values.
Provides classes for building the matrix graph.
const IndexPair * pair(const std::size_t &local) const
Get the index pair corresponding to a local index.
size_t size() const
Get the total number (public and nonpublic) indices.
void repairLocalIndexPointers(std::map< int, SLList< std::pair< typename T::GlobalIndex, typename T::LocalIndex::Attribute >, A > > &globalMap, RemoteIndices< T, A1 > &remoteIndices, const T &indexSet)
Repair the pointers to the local indices in the remote indices.
Definition: indicessyncer.hh:495
iterator begin()
Get an iterator over the indices positioned at the first index.
iterator end()
Get an iterator over the indices positioned after the last index.
const_iterator end() const
Get an iterator over all remote index lists.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1528
const InformationMap & interfaces() const
Get information about the interfaces.
Definition: interface.hh:433
int neighbours() const
Get the number of processors we share indices with.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1445
void storeGlobalIndicesOfRemoteIndices(std::map< int, SLList< std::pair< typename T::GlobalIndex, typename T::LocalIndex::Attribute >, A > > &globalMap, const RemoteIndices< T, A1 > &remoteIndices)
Stores the corresponding global indices of the remote index information.
Definition: indicessyncer.hh:469
const_iterator begin() const
Get an iterator over all remote index lists.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1521
constexpr index_constant< 1 > _1
Compile time index with value 1.
Definition: indices.hh:55
typename FieldTraits< Type >::real_type real_t
Convenient access to FieldTraits<Type>::real_type.
Definition: typetraits.hh:301
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
constexpr GeometryType vertex
GeometryType representing a vertex.
Definition: type.hh:492
concept IndexSet
Model of an index set.
Definition: indexidset.hh:44
constexpr auto max
Function object that returns the greater of the given values.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:484
DInfoType dinfo(std::cout)
Stream for informative output.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:140
DVerbType dverb(std::cout)
Singleton of verbose debug stream.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:116
Class for adding missing indices of a distributed index set in a local communication.
Traits classes for mapping types onto MPI_Datatype.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
void fillIndexSetHoles(const G &graph, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< T1, T2 > &oocomm)
Fills the holes in an index set.
Definition: repartition.hh:83
constexpr std::integral_constant< std::size_t, sizeof...(II)> size(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >)
Return the size of the sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:75
bool graphRepartition(const G &graph, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< T1, T2 > &oocomm, Metis::idx_t nparts, std::shared_ptr< Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< T1, T2 >> &outcomm, RedistributeInterface &redistInf, bool verbose=false)
execute a graph repartition for a giving graph and indexset.
Definition: repartition.hh:1233
Utilities for reduction like operations on ranges.
Classes describing a distributed indexset.
Standard Dune debug streams.
A traits class describing the mapping of types onto MPI_Datatypes.
Definition: mpitraits.hh:41
@ nonoverlapping
Category for non-overlapping solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:27
static Category category(const OP &op, decltype(op.category()) *=nullptr)
Helperfunction to extract the solver category either from an enum, or from the newly introduced virtu...
Definition: solvercategory.hh:34
A simple timing class.
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