DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)

File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 femschemeinterface.hhAbstract adaptive scheme
 subentitymapper.hhThis is proof of concept
 expressionoperations.hhA list of supported expression operations as class-tags
 parameterexpression.hhSome basic algebraic expression for Parameter classes
 parameterinterface.hhDefine a fancy parameter class in order to parametrize expressions with mutable parameters in a not too unclean way
 parameterfunction.hhTurn something conforming to Dune::ACFem::ParameterInterface into a function or grid-function
 timestepparameter.hhDefine a class which models the time-step and the inverse of the time-step in order to be used as part of expression templates
 restrictprolongtuple.hhDefine a default RestrictProlongTuple by chaining sufficiently many Dune::ACFem::RestrictProlongPair templates together
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