DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ dune | |
▼ acfem | |
▼ algorithms | |
ellipticfemscheme.hh | |
femschemeinterface.hh | Abstract adaptive scheme |
marking.hh | |
parabolicfemscheme.hh | |
splittingfemscheme.hh | |
stationaryadaptivealgorithm.hh | |
transientadaptivealgorithm.hh | |
▼ common | |
dataoutput.hh | |
discretefunctionselector.hh | |
functor.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
intersectiondatahandle.hh | |
localobjectstorage.hh | |
namespace.hh | |
quadrature.hh | |
solverselector.hh | |
stringconversion.hh | |
stringhelper.hh | |
subentitymapper.hh | This is proof of concept |
▼ estimators | |
ellipticestimator.hh | |
estimatorinterface.hh | |
parabolicestimator.hh | |
trueerrorestimator.hh | |
▼ expressions | |
expressionoperations.hh | A list of supported expression operations as class-tags |
parameterexpression.hh | Some basic algebraic expression for Parameter classes |
parameterinterface.hh | Define a fancy parameter class in order to parametrize expressions with mutable parameters in a not too unclean way |
parameteroperations.hh | |
vectorexpression.hh | |
▼ functions | |
basicfunctions.hh | |
boundaryfunctionexpression.hh | |
boundarysupportedfunction.hh | |
constantfunction.hh | |
coordinatefunctions.hh | |
divergencefunction.hh | |
functionexpression.hh | |
functionoperations.hh | |
gradientfunction.hh | |
gridfunctionadapter.hh | |
gridfunctionexpression.hh | |
gridfunctionexpressionbase.hh | |
gridfunctionwrapper.hh | |
gridfunctionwrapperexpression.hh | |
localfunctionwrapper.hh | |
maxfunction.hh | |
normfunction.hh | |
parameterfunction.hh | Turn something conforming to Dune::ACFem::ParameterInterface into a function or grid-function |
piecewisefunction.hh | |
righthandsidefunction.hh | |
▼ models | |
► modules | |
► operatorparts | |
basicmodels.hh | |
boundaryindicator.hh | |
ellipticmodel.hh | |
modelexpression.hh | |
modelexpressionbase.hh | |
modelinterface.hh | |
modeloperations.hh | |
probleminterface.hh | |
timestepparameter.hh | Define a class which models the time-step and the inverse of the time-step in order to be used as part of expression templates |
timeview.hh | |
zeromodel.hh | |
▼ operators | |
► constraints | |
► functionals | |
ellipticoperator.hh | |
l2projection.hh | |
restrictprolongtuple.hh | Define a default RestrictProlongTuple by chaining sufficiently many Dune::ACFem::RestrictProlongPair templates together |
▼ test | |
simplemodel.hh | |
version.hh |