DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)
expressionoperations.hh File Reference
A list of supported expression operations as class-tags. More...
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Classes | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpressionTemplate< ExpressionImp > |
Provide up-cast functionality for expression templates. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpressionReferenceStorage< SomeThing > |
Store things as reference, serves as default implementation for the ExpressionStorage class. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpressionCopyStorage< SomeThing > |
Store things as copy, serves as default implementation for the ExpressionStorage class. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpressionStorage< SomeThing > |
An ExpressionStorage object stores either a copy or a reference of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::PlusOperation |
Addition of two objects. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::MinusOperation |
Subtraction of two objects and unary minus. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::MultiplyOperation |
Multiplication of two objects. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::SMultiplyOperation |
Multiplication by scalars from the left. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::MutableSMultiplyOperation |
Multiplication by mutable scalars from the left. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::InvertOperation |
Inversion of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::IdentityOperation |
Identity, i.e. just wrap the object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpOperation |
Exponentiation of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::LogOperation |
Taking the logarithm of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::SqrtOperation |
Taking the square root of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::SquareOperation |
Taking the square of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::SinOperation |
Taking the sine of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::CosOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::TanOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::AtanOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::AsinOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::AcosOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ZeroExpression< ExpressionImpl > |
A tag structure which can be attached as base class to zero-expressions like the ZeroGridFunction, the ZeroModel, the ZeroFunctional. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::NonZeroExpression< ExpressionImpl > |
Complementary to ZeroExpression for use in std::conditional, for example, otherwise unused. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::OneExpression< ExpressionImpl > |
A tag structure which can be attached as base-class to expressions modelling a 1 (in a field, e.g., or the constant-one function) More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::DefaultExpressionTraits< ExpressionImpl > |
Default expressions traits. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpressionTraits< Expression > |
A traits class in order to collect properties of expressions. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::UnaryExpressionTraits< UnOp, Value > |
The default result type is void in order to trigger compilation errors. More... | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::BinaryExpressionTraits< BinOp, LeftValue, RightValue > |
The default result type is void in order to trigger compilation errors. More... | |
Namespaces | |
namespace | Dune::ACFem |
A namespace encapsulating everything defined in our dune-acfem project. | |
Functions | |
template<class Interface , class Implementation > | |
const Implementation & | Dune::ACFem::asImp (const Fem::BartonNackmanInterface< Interface, Implementation > &arg) |
Up-cast to the implementation for any Fem::BartonNackmanInterface. More... | |
template<class Expression > | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isZero (Expression &&) |
Specialize to evaluate to true for zero expressions. | |
Detailed Description
A list of supported expression operations as class-tags.