DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
Algorithms | Abstract FEM algorithms and schemes |
Convenience | Utility helper classes |
Quadrature | Quadrature related traits |
▼ErrorEstimators | An estimator is a machine which computes a non-negative scalar quantity, called "the estimate", for a given discrete finite element solution and given model and assigns each codim-0 entity of the mesh other non-negative quantities, called the "element residuals" |
StationaryEstimators | Estimators for stationary problems |
EstimatorInterface | Abstract estimator interface |
TransientEstimators | Estimators for instationary problems |
▼ExpressionTemplates | ACFem provides expression templates in order to form algebraic expression for models, grid-functions and parameters |
ExpressionStorage | Store objects either as references (real objects) or as copy (expression templates) |
ExpressionOperations | "Tag"-structures for each supported algebraic operation, used to distinguish the various expression template classes from each other |
ExpressionResults | Helper structures for expression templates which aid in forming an (optimized) result types |
ParameterExpressions | Form algebraic expressions for classes satisfying the ParameterInterface |
VectorExpressions | Avoid tempararies in the usual way by Expression templates for anything which behaves slightly like a vector of field elements |
▼GridFunctionExpressions | Define the usual algebraic vector space operations for grid-functions |
BoundaryFunctionExpressions | Similar to the WrapperExpressionOptimiztation, but rather not an optimization |
IndicatorFunctionExpressions | When viewing the BoundaryIndicator as the characteristic function of a subset of the boundary then it is somewhat natural (and straight forward) to form multiplication operations with indicators and GridFunctions |
▼FunctionExpressionOptimizations | Define common expression optimizations, like double identity-wrapping, double unary minus, operations which involve the usual zero-elements (ZeroGridFunction, ZeroParameter) |
MinusFunctionOptimizations | |
FunctionConstantsOptimizations | |
ZeroFunctionOptimizations | |
OneFunctionOptimizations | Optimizations for scalar (x->1) functions |
WrapperExpressionOptimizations | If a GridFunctionExpression only consists of wrapped components, constants and parameters, then it is much more efficient to wrap the entire expression once more in order to make sure that the transformation from the local to the global coordinate system only has to be performed once for the entire expression instead of computing the global coordinates again and again for each component of the expression |
FunctionExpressions | This repeats some of the expression stuff from \ŗef GridFunctionExpression's in order to cope with the inefficiency caused by combining wrapped non-local functions |
▼IndicatorExpressions | Boolean expression for indicators, corresponding to the usual union, intersection, complement set operations of the boundary segments the indicator applies to |
IndicatorExpressionOptimizations | Handle special cases for EntireBoundaryIndicator |
▼ModelExpressions | Arithmetic with models |
ModelExpressionOptimizations | Collapse the usual "zero" expressions into more simpler ones |
▼OperatorPartsExpressions | Arithmetic with stuff |
OperatorPartsExpressionOptimizations | Collapse the usual "zero" expressions into more simpler ones |
OperatorpartsExpressions | Arithmetic with operatorpartss |
▼FunctionalExpressions | Simple algebraic expressions with linear functionals |
FunctionalExpressionOptimizations | Perform the usual vector-space optimizations (0+x=x and the like) |
▼PDE-Models | Classes which define some diffusion dominated PDE models |
ModelParameters | Parameters are quasi-constant quantities, like the time-step size in one time-step when solving transient problems with finite element methods |
▼Model Building Blocks | Basic PDE-Models which can be used to conveniently form more complicated models by means of ModelExpressions |
▼Building Blocks for the Bulk-Phase | Define some "germs" for the bulk-contributions for differentiable operators |
Generate Model-Building-Blocks Conveniently | Some utility function in order to conveniently define some standard models without having to go through the "typedef" trouble |
▼Building Blocks for the Driving Forces | Some models for the "right hand side", L2 "bulk forces" and DiscreteLinearFunctionals |
Generate Model-Building-Blocks Conveniently | Some utility function in order to conveniently define some standard models without having to go through the "typedef" trouble |
Building Blocks for Boundary Conditions | Models for some common-case boundary conditions |
Generate Model-Building-Blocks Conveniently | Some utility function in order to conveniently define some standard models without having to go through the "typedef" trouble |
BasicOperatorParts | |
ModelInterface | Interface definition for a model for a non-linear diffusion dominated model in the context of continuous FEM |
BoundaryIndicators | See BoundaryIndicatorInterface |
DynamicPolymorphism | In the style of the dune-fem-school-generator we define here dynamic problem descriptions and an EllipticModel such that an application can switch between example problems at run-time |
ModelTests | |
▼GridFunctions | Convenience classes in order to form Fem::Function objects for analytical functions |
Building Blocks | A couple of elementary grid functions which can be combined using GridFunctionExpressions |
BoundaryFunctions | Combine ordinary GridFunctions with BoundaryIndicators in order to support "complicated" boundary conditions |
GridFunctionWrapper | Augment global functions by a HasLocalFunction property |
GridFunctionTests | |
▼DiscreteOperators | Template-classes which define various operators as building blocks for FEM-schemes |
ContraintsOperators | Block-constraints operators are (differentiable) operators which act affine linear on a sub-set of the DoF-space |
PDE-Operators | Operators which originate from a weak formulation of a PDE |
▼LinearFunctionals | Classes modelling linear functionals |
FunctionalEvaluators | On-the-fly evaluation of some functionals, generating temporary instances |
LinearFunctionalTests | |
OtherOperators | Stuff that does not fit somewhere else |
▼Operators | |
▼LinearFunctionals | Classes modelling linear functionals |
FunctionalEvaluators | On-the-fly evaluation of some functionals, generating temporary instances |
LinearFunctionalTests |