DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼NDune | |
►NACFem | A namespace encapsulating everything defined in our dune-acfem project |
CAcosOperation | Taking the cosine of an object |
CAdaptiveFemScheme | Abstract space adaptative FEM scheme |
CAsinOperation | Taking the cosine of an object |
CAtanOperation | Taking the cosine of an object |
CBasicFemScheme | Abstract non-adaptive basic FEM scheme |
CBinaryExpressionTraits | The default result type is void in order to trigger compilation errors |
CBinaryFunctionalExpression | Binary functional expression |
CBinaryFunctionalExpressionTraits | "No-storage", traits, stuff lives on the stack |
CBinaryFunctionExpression | Unary expressions |
CBinaryFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, FactorType, FunctionType > | S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars |
CBinaryFunctionExpressionOperation< MultiplyOperation > | S-multiplication with scalar functions and scalar products |
CBinaryFunctionExpressionOperation< SMultiplyOperation > | Multiplication from the left by a scalar constant |
CBinaryFunctionExpressionTraits | Traits of BinaryFunctionExpression |
CBinaryFunctionExpressionTraits< MinusOperation, LeftFunction, RightFunction > | Substraction |
CBinaryFunctionExpressionTraits< PlusOperation, LeftFunction, RightFunction > | Simple addition |
CBinaryFunctionExpressionTraits< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, Function > | S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars |
►CBinaryGridFunctionExpression | BinaryGridFunctionExpression implements point-wise vector-space operations for GridFunction-types |
CLocalFunction | General local function object for binary grid-function expressions |
CBinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, Function > | S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars |
CBinaryGridFunctionExpressionTraits | Traits of BinaryGridFunctionExpression |
CBinaryGridFunctionExpressionTraits< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, Function > | S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars |
CBinaryLocalFunctionalExpression< SMultiplyOperation, LeftArg, RightArg > | Implement S-multiplication by scalars and parameters from the left, multiplication from the right will be redirected to this class |
CBinaryModelExpression | Template for binary operations |
CBinaryModelExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, ModelType > | Multiplication with grid-functions |
CBinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, ModelType > | S-multiplication with numbers (see below for S-multiplication with grid-functions) |
CBinaryOperatorPartsExpression | Template for binary operations |
CBinaryOperatorPartsExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, OperandType > | Multiplication with grid-functions |
CBinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, OperandType > | S-multiplication with numbers (see below for S-multiplication with grid-functions) |
CBinaryVectorExpression | Binary vector expressions |
CBinaryVectorExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Scalar, Vector > | Special case for S-multiplication |
CBlockConstraintsDefaultStorageTraits | Default traits for BlockConstraints which LocalObjectStack usage |
CBlockConstraintsDefaultTraits | We need the type of the implementation and the local operator type |
CBlockConstraintsOperatorInterface | Interface class for a block-constraints-operator |
CBoundaryFunctionTraits | Helper traits in order to treat function w/o dedicated boundary support in the same way, mostly for the sake of ExpressionTemplates |
CBoundaryFunctionTraits< F, false > | |
CBoundaryFunctionTraits< F, true > | |
CBoundaryIdIndicator | Apply to boundary segments which carry the respective id |
CBoundaryIndicatorExpression | Expression tag-class for boundary indicators |
CBoundaryIndicatorInterface | A simple interface class for a boundary-indicator |
CBoundaryIndicatorWrapper | Wrap another boundary indicator |
►CBoundarySupportedFunction | A function with potentially partial support on the boundary |
CLocalFunction | LocalFunction object which takes the value of a indicator into account |
CBulkBlockConstraints | A default implementation for bulk block constraints |
CBulkForcesFunctionModel | Wrap an existing GridFunction into a model which only conatains this ModelConstituent |
CBulkForcesFunctionModel< ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpace, GridPart > > | Special case for the ZeroGridFunction |
CComplementBoundaryIndicator | Turn any boundary-indicator into its complement |
CConstantFunction | A class describing a constant function |
CConstantGridFunction | ConstantGridFunction implements a constant function |
CCoordinateFunction | Coordinate function returns a specific component of the world point, x_N, so to say |
CCosOperation | Taking the cosine of an object |
CDataOutputParameters | Potentially overwrite some parameters |
CDefaultBoundaryIndicator | Default boundary indicator: like EntireBoundaryIndicator<false> |
CDefaultExpressionTraits | Default expressions traits |
►CDefaultModel | Default model implementation |
CForcesFunctionalTraits | |
►CDefaultModelTraits | A structure defining some trivial default values for the template structure ModelTraits<ModelType>, given the function-space the beast maps to, and the grid part |
CForcesFunctionalTraits | Helper structure to define an optional functional as part of the "right hand side" |
CDefaultOperatorParts | Default model implementation |
CDefaultOperatorPartsTraits | A structure defining some trivial default values for the template structure OperatorPartsTraits<PartsImpl>, given the function-space the beast maps to, and the grid part |
CDefaultParameter | Just for completeness, there is no default implementation |
CDefaultQuadratureTraits | Helper traits-class, defining likely quadrature types |
CDeformationTensorOperatorParts | Define the a model where the flux-part is formed from the symmetric gradient |
CDifferentiableBlockConstraintsOperatorInterface | Interface class for a differentiable block-constraints-operator |
CDifferentiableEmptyBlockConstraints | A class modelling differentiable do-nothing constraints |
CDiracDistribution | Dirac-distribution |
CDirichletBlockConstraintsTraits< JacobianOperator, BoundaryValues, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | Spezialization of Dirichlet constraints for emptyboundaryindicator |
CDirichletBoundaryModel | A Dirichlet model |
CDirichletBoundaryModel< GridFunction, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | Special case for the EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType |
CDirichletConstraints | Implementation of Dirichlet constraints |
CDiscontinuousGalerkinLeafFunctionSelector | Helper class which defines likey discrete function types |
CDiscontinuousLagrangeLeafFunctionSelector | Helper class which defines likey discrete function types |
CDiscreteLinearFunctional | Interface class for a discrete linear functional |
CDiscreteLinearFunctionalDefault | Default implementation for linear functionals |
CDivergenceOperatorParts | For a given grid-function define a model implementing the weak divergence |
CEllipticEstimator | An standard residual estimator for elliptic problems |
CEllipticFemScheme | Constructor for the elliptic fem-scheme. |
CEllipticFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, Model, ZeroGridFunction< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, typename Model::GridPartType > > | Constructor for the elliptic fem-scheme. |
CEllipticFemSchemeBase | Adaptive fem-scheme for "elliptic" problems |
CEllipticModel | A model for a second order elliptic operator |
CEllipticOperator | A class defining an elliptic operator |
CEmptyBlockConstraints | A class modelling do-nothing constraints |
CExpOperation | Exponentiation of an object |
CExpressionCopyStorage | Store things as copy, serves as default implementation for the ExpressionStorage class |
CExpressionReferenceStorage | Store things as reference, serves as default implementation for the ExpressionStorage class |
CExpressionResult | Automatically deduce the type by applying the respective operation |
CExpressionStorage | An ExpressionStorage object stores either a copy or a reference of an object |
CExpressionTemplate | Provide up-cast functionality for expression templates |
CExpressionTraits | A traits class in order to collect properties of expressions |
CExtractFunctor | A functor which extracts values from a global array and copies them to a local array |
CExtractFunctor< T *, GlobalArray > | A functor which extracts values from a global array and copies them to a local array |
CFixedForcesFunctionalTraits | Utiliy class to aid in the definition of ModelInterface::ForcesFunctionalTraits |
CFluidSelfTransportOperatorParts | Define a model for the "Navier-Stokes" non-lineariry |
CForcesFunctionalModel | Wrap an existing DiscreteLinearFunctional into a model which only conatains this ModelConstituent |
CForcesFunctionalModel< ZeroFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace > > | Special case for the ZeroFunctional |
CFractionGridFunction | A grid-function which is constant with a scalar fractional value |
CFractionGridFunctionTraits | A grid-function which is constant with a fractional value |
CFunctionExpression | Underlying tag-structure |
CGradientOperatorParts | For a given grid-function define a model implementing the weak gradient |
CGridFunctionAdapter | GridFunctionAdapter provides local functions for a Function |
CGridFunctionAdapterTraits | Traits of GridFunctionAdapter |
CGridFunctionConverter | Helper class for wrapToGridFunction() and adaptToGridFunction() |
CGridFunctionExpression | A class providing some basic functionality common to all expressions |
CGridFunctionWrapper | A special version of Fem::GridFunctionAdapter which stores a copy to the function, not a reference |
CHasBoundarySupport | Tag-structure to indicate additional functionality |
CHasNoBoundarySupport | Negative tag-structure for use with std::conditional, complementary to HasBoundarySupport |
CIdentityFunction | A function which returns its argument |
CIdentityOperation | Identity, i.e. just wrap the object |
CIncompressibleSelfTransportOperatorParts | Define a model for the "Navier-Stokes" non-lineariry |
CIncompressibleTransportOperatorParts | Define a model for an advection term with a divergence-free velocity field |
CIntersectionBoundaryIndicator | Intersection of two indicators, apply iff both apply |
CIntersectionDataHandle | General intersection - intersection communication which communicates for each intersection a potentially variable number of data-items |
CInverseTimeStepParameter | A Parameter-class which gives access to the inverse of the current time-step size of an underlying Dune::Fem::TimeProvider |
CInvertOperation | Inversion of an object |
CIsNotPieceWiseConstant | Negation of IsPieceWiseConstant, in order to have something to branch to with std::conditional |
CIsPieceWiseConstant | Tag type, consequences are zero Jacobian and Hessian |
CL2ProjectionOperator | Compute the L2-projection of the given functional to a discrete space |
CLagrangeLeafFunctionSelector | Helper class which defines likey discrete function types |
CLaplacianOperatorParts | Define a simple Laplacian-model, given function-space and grid-part |
CLinearFunctionalTraitsDefault | Default traits were the local objects are not cached, but created on the fly |
CLocalDivergenceAdapter | An adapter class to compute the divergence of a GridFunction |
CLocalFunctionWrapper | LocalFunctionWrapper wraps a class with a local evaluate method into a grid function |
CLocalFunctionWrapperTraits | Traits of DiscreteFunctionAdapter |
CLocalGradientAdapter | An adapter class to compute the gradient of a scalar GridFunction |
CLocalLinearFunctional | Interface or better: factory for local functionals |
CLocalLinearFunctionalDefault | Default implementation for LocalLinearFunctional |
CLocalMaxAdapter | An adapter class to compute the (pointwise) maximum of two scalar GridFunctions |
CLocalNormAdapter< GridFunction, 2 > | An adapter class to represent the pointwise euclidean norm of a (usually vector-valued) GridFunction |
CLocalObjectFactory | Define a factory for a "local object" which has a constructor which accepts a single argument, a "global object" |
CLocalObjectStack | Local object stack which (hopefully) efficiently caches local objects |
CLocalPiecewiseAdapter | An adapter class to form a piecewise defined function where the domain decomposition is given by the characteristic function of one of the sub-domains |
CLocalRightHandSideAdapter | An adapter class which takes any ACFem-PDE model and computes from its bulk contributions and any given GridFunction a bulk forces density field (AKA "right hand side") such that the discrete solution of the PDE model should approximate the underlying "exact solution" |
CLogOperation | Taking the logarithm of an object |
CLumpingQuadratureTraits | Helper traits-class, defining likely quadrature types for mass-lumping |
CMassOperatorParts | Define a simple mass-model, given function-space and grid-part |
CMeanCurvatureOperatorParts | Define a mean-curvature model for graphs and level-sets |
CMinusOperation | Subtraction of two objects and unary minus |
CModelConstituents | A helper class which identifies which components are provided by the given model |
CModelConstituents< ModelInterface< Model > > | Redirect to the real ModelConstituents from the interface class |
►CModelInterface | Interface class for second order elliptic models |
CForcesFunctionalTraits | Helper structure to define an optional functional as part of the "right hand side". |
CModelTraits | Traits-template which has to be specialized for each individual model |
►CModelTraits< BinaryModelExpression< BinOp, LeftModel, RightModel > > | ModelExpression type traits |
CForcesFunctionalTraits | |
CMultiplyOperation | Multiplication of two objects |
CMutableLocalObjectStorageProvider | Provide a writable object stack for technical reasons |
CMutableNoStorageProvider | Provide a writable pseudo object stack which is only a reference to the global object |
CMutableSMultiplyOperation | Multiplication by mutable scalars from the left |
CNeumannBoundaryModel | A Neumann-boundary model |
CNeumannBoundaryModel< GridFunction, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | Special case for the EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType |
CNonZeroExpression | Complementary to ZeroExpression for use in std::conditional, for example, otherwise unused |
CNonZeroFunctional | Just a place-holder to aid in automatic type-deduction |
COneExpression | A tag structure which can be attached as base-class to expressions modelling a 1 (in a field, e.g., or the constant-one function) |
COperatorPartsInterface | Interface class for second order elliptic models |
COperatorPartsTraits | Traits-template which has to be specialized for each individual model |
COperatorPartsTraits< BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< BinOp, LeftOperand, RightOperand > > | OperatorPartsExpression type traits |
CP_LaplacianOperatorParts | The p-Laplacian-model |
CP_MassOperatorParts | A simplistic non-linear example |
CPairFunctor | Generate a compound functor out of two functors |
CParabolicEulerEstimator | Residual estimator for the heat equation |
CParabolicFemScheme | Basic parabolic fem-scheme class |
CParameterFunction | A class describing a constant function |
CParameterGridFunction | ParameterGridFunction implements a constant function where the value is defined by something which fulfills the ParameterInterface |
CParameterInterface | Parameters are quasi-constant quantities, like the time-step size in one time-step when solving transient problems with finite element methods |
CParameterSpace | A model for the vector space a parameter value lives in |
CParameterSpaceTraits | The default template definition for this struct constructs a 1-dimensional parameter-value space (i.e |
CParameterSpaceTraits< FieldVector< Field, dim > > | The default template definition for this struct constructs a 1-dimensional parameter-value space (i.e. |
CPlusOperation | Addition of two objects |
CProblemInterface | Problem interface which describes a second order elliptic boundary problem: |
CRestrictProlongDefaultTraits | A helper class which defines the proper RestrictProlong compound data-type for tuples of Fem::DiscreteFunction implementations |
CRestrictProlongDefaultTraits< DiscreteFunction > | A helper class which defines the proper RestrictProlong compound data-type for tuples of Fem::DiscreteFunction implementations. |
CRestrictProlongDefaultTupleHelper | AFAIK, C++11 is not capable of expanding tuples into parameter packs, so this recursive helper function is used to unpack a tuple and perform the necessary constructions in order to finally have a compound RestrictProlong type |
CRestrictProlongDefaultTupleHelper< Tuple, std::integral_constant< size_t, std::tuple_size< Tuple >::value-1 > > | Recursion end-point to access the last argument of the tuple |
CRestrictProlongPair | Chain two RestrictProlong implementations together |
CRobinBoundaryOperatorParts | A (homogeneous) Robin-boundary model |
CRobinBoundaryOperatorParts< FunctionSpace, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | Special case for the EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType |
CSinOperation | Taking the sine of an object |
CSMultiplyOperation | Multiplication by scalars from the left |
CSolverFamily | Define some symbolic constants for SolverSelector and "parse" some preprocessort defines |
CSolverSelector | Select one appropriate (linear) solver depending on whether the model is symmetric and/or semidefinite |
CSplittingFemScheme | Constructor. |
CSplittingFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ExplicitDataFunction, ExplicitModel, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType > > | Constructor. |
CSplittingFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, ZeroModel< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, InitialGuess > | Constructor. |
CSplittingFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, ZeroModel< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType > > | Constructor. |
CSplittingFemSchemeBase | Basic fem-scheme class |
CSqrtOperation | Taking the square root of an object |
CSquareOperation | Taking the square of an object |
CTanOperation | Taking the cosine of an object |
CTimeStepParameter | A Parameter-class which gives access to the current time-step size of an underlying Dune::Fem::TimeProvider |
CTimeView | Generate a view on the current time-step |
CTimeViewParameter | A Parameter-class which returns the absolute time corresponding to a fixed fraction of the current time-step |
CTransientProblemInterface | Problem interface class for time dependent problem descriptions, i.e |
CTransportOperatorParts | Define a model for an advection term |
CTrivialParameter | A simple wrapper: a really constant parameter |
CTrueErrorEstimator | "estimator" which return the "true" error with respect to some given function in some standard norm |
CTupleFunctor | Generate a compound functor out of a tuple of functors |
CUnaryExpressionTraits | The default result type is void in order to trigger compilation errors |
CUnaryFunctionalExpressionTraits | "No-storage", traits, stuff lives on the stack |
CUnaryFunctionExpression | Binary expressions |
CUnaryFunctionExpression< IdentityOperation, FunctionType > | Specialize for the identity wrapper operation |
CUnaryFunctionExpressionTraits | Traits of UnaryFunctionExpression |
CUnaryGridFunctionExpression | UnaryGridFunctionExpression implements point-wise unary operations for GridFunction-types |
CUnaryGridFunctionExpression< IdentityOperation, FunctionType > | Specialize for the identity wrapper operation |
CUnaryGridFunctionExpression< InvertOperation, FunctionType > | For the sake of BoundarySupportedFunction we need to specialize the InvertOperation |
CUnaryGridFunctionExpressionTraits | Traits of UnaryGridFunctionExpression |
CUnaryModelExpression | Template for unary operations |
CUnaryModelExpression< IdentityOperation, Model > | Unary identity operation which simply wraps the underlying model |
CUnaryModelExpression< MinusOperation, Model > | Unary minus |
CUnaryOperatorPartsExpression | Template for unary operations |
CUnaryOperatorPartsExpression< IdentityOperation, Operand > | Unary identity operation which simply wraps the underlying stuff |
CUnaryOperatorPartsExpression< MinusOperation, Operand > | Unary minus |
CUnaryParameterOperation< AcosOperation > | Componentwise acos |
CUnaryParameterOperation< AsinOperation > | Componentwise asin |
CUnaryParameterOperation< AtanOperation > | Componentwise atan |
CUnaryParameterOperation< CosOperation > | Componentwise cos |
CUnaryParameterOperation< ExpOperation > | Componentwise exp |
CUnaryParameterOperation< SinOperation > | Componentwise sin |
CUnaryParameterOperation< SqrtOperation > | Componentwise square root |
CUnaryParameterOperation< SquareOperation > | Componentwise square |
CUnaryParameterOperation< TanOperation > | Componentwise tan |
CUnaryVectorExpression | Unary vector expressions |
CUnaryVectorExpression< IdentityOperation, FieldMatrix< Field, rows, cols > > | Wrap a FieldMatrix into an IdentityOperation |
CUnaryVectorExpression< IdentityOperation, Vector > | This is the only allowed starting point for vector-expressions: here we allow vectors to be wrapped inside the Identity-operation in order to be valid ExpressionTemplates for further operation |
CUnionBoundaryIndicator | Union of two indicators, apply to the union of both boundary parts |
CVectorExpression | Tag structure, flag all these as ExpressionTemplates |
CWeakDivergenceOperatorParts | For a given grid-function define a model implementing the weak divergence |
CX | Used as "tag" for coordinateGridFunction() and coordinateVectorFunction() |
CZeroExpression | A tag structure which can be attached as base class to zero-expressions like the ZeroGridFunction, the ZeroModel, the ZeroFunctional |
CZeroFunctional | This is the famous "do-nothing" functional |
CZeroGridFunction | A grid-function always returning 0 |
CZeroGridFunctionExpression | A base class for zero function expression |
CZeroGridFunctionTraits | A grid-function tight to zero |
CZeroModel | Define a simple zero model to optimize expression templates |
CZeroOperatorParts | Define a simple zero model to optimize expression templates |
CZeroParameter | The zero parameter, unconditionally evalute to zero |
CScopedRedirect | A class to redirect streams |