template<class Left , class Right > |
BinaryParameterExpression< MinusOperation, Left, Right > | Dune::ACFem::operator- (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
| Difference between parameters.
template<class Right > |
BinaryParameterExpression< MinusOperation, typename Right::ValueType, Right > | Dune::ACFem::operator- (const typename Right::ValueType &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
| Difference with vectors from the left.
template<class Left > |
BinaryParameterExpression< MinusOperation, Left, typename Left::ValueType > | Dune::ACFem::operator- (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const typename Left::ValueType &right) |
| Difference with vectors from the right.
template<class Left , class Right > |
BinaryParameterExpression< MultiplyOperation, Left, Right > | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
| Scalar product between parameters.
template<class Right > |
BinaryParameterExpression< MultiplyOperation, typename Right::ValueType, Right > | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const typename Right::ValueType &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
| Multiplication by vectors from the left.
template<class Left > |
auto | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const typename Left::ValueType &right) -> decltype(right *asImp(left)) |
| Multiplication by vectors from the right.
template<class Right > |
BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename FieldTraits< typename Right::ValueType >::field_type, Right > | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const typename FieldTraits< typename Right::ValueType >::field_type &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
| Multiplication by scalars from the left.
template<class Left > |
auto | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const typename FieldTraits< typename Left::ValueType >::field_type &right) -> decltype(right *asImp(left)) |
| Multiplication by scalars from the right.
template<class Field , class Parameter > |
static auto | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const Field &s_, const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &P_) -> decltype((s_ *P_.left()) *P_.right()) |
| Fold s * (s * P) into (s*s) * P.
template<class Field , class Parameter1 , class Parameter2 > |
static auto | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter1 > &P1_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter2 > &P2_) -> decltype(P1_.left() *(P1_.right() *asImp(P2_))) |
| Fold (s * P1) * P2 into s * (P1 * P2)
template<class Field , class Parameter1 , class Parameter2 > |
static auto | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter1 > &P1_, const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter2 > &P2_) -> decltype(P2_.left() *(asImp(P1_) *P2_.right())) |
| Fold P1 * (s * P2) into s * (P1 * P2)
template<class Field , class Parameter1 , class Parameter2 > |
static auto | Dune::ACFem::operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter1 > &P1_, const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter2 > &P2_) -> decltype((P2_.left() *P2_.left()) *(P1_.right() *P2_.right())) |
| Fold (s1 * P1) * (s2 * P2) into (s1 * s2) * (P1 * P2)