DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)
361 typedef typename DefaultTraitsType::DirichletBoundaryFunctionType DirichletBoundaryFunctionType;
408 return DirichletBoundaryFunctionType(ZeroGridFunction<FunctionSpaceType, GridPartType>(gridPart),
415 FractionGridFunction<typename FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, GridPartType, 1L, 1UL>
456 typename InterfaceType::template ForcesFunctionalTraits<DiscreteAdapterSpaceType>::FunctionalType
469 hasDirichletBoundary = !ExpressionTraits<typename InterfaceType::DirichletIndicatorType>::isZero,
470 hasNeumannBoundary = !allDirichlet && !ExpressionTraits<typename InterfaceType::NeumannIndicatorType>::isZero,
516 os << "isSemiDefinite: " << std::to_string(Model::OperatorPartsType::isSemiDefinite) << std::endl;
A function with potentially partial support on the boundary.
Definition: boundarysupportedfunction.hh:234
NeumannIndicatorType neumannIndicator() const
Generate an object to identify parts of the boundary subject to Neumann boundary conditions.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:434
TraitsType::template ForcesFunctionalTraits< DiscreteFunctionSpace >::FunctionalType forcesFunctional(const DiscreteFunctionSpace &space) const
Generate an instance of a class defining a functional which forms part of the force-terms for the mod...
Definition: modelinterface.hh:400
DirichletIndicatorType dirichletIndicator() const
Generate an object to identify parts of the boundary subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:429
std::string name() const
Print a descriptive name for debugging and output.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:381
DirichletWeightFunctionType dirichletWeightFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining a "left hand side" weight on the Dirichlet boundary conditio...
Definition: modelinterface.hh:413
BulkForcesFunctionType bulkForcesFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining the bulk-forces the model is subject to.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:392
DirichletBoundaryFunctionType dirichletBoundaryFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining Dirichlet boundary values as a Fem grid-function.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:406
NeumannBoundaryFunctionType neumannBoundaryFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining Neumann boundary values as a Fem grid-function.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:422
A grid-function which is constant with a scalar fractional value.
Definition: constantfunction.hh:598
Interface class for second order elliptic models.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:192
TraitsType::template ForcesFunctionalTraits< DiscreteFunctionSpace >::FunctionalType forcesFunctional(const DiscreteFunctionSpace &space) const
Generate an instance of a class defining a functional which forms part of the force-terms for the mod...
Definition: modelinterface.hh:272
NeumannBoundaryFunctionType neumannBoundaryFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining Neumann boundary values as a Fem grid-function.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:302
std::string name() const
Print a descriptive name for debugging and output.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:247
OperatorPartsType operatorParts() const
Return the integral kernels for the bilinear form.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:253
DirichletIndicatorType dirichletIndicator() const
Generate an object to identify parts of the boundary subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:310
BulkForcesFunctionType bulkForcesFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining the bulk-forces the model is subject to.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:263
TraitsType::DirichletBoundaryFunctionType DirichletBoundaryFunctionType
A BoundarySupportedFunction which must be sub-ordinate to the DirichletIndicatorType.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:241
DirichletBoundaryFunctionType dirichletBoundaryFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining Dirichlet boundary values as a Fem grid-function.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:285
TraitsType::DirichletIndicatorType DirichletIndicatorType
A BoundarySupportedFunction which must be sub-ordinate to the DirichletIndicatorType.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:243
TraitsType::BulkForcesFunctionType BulkForcesFunctionType
A function modelling "force" terms in the bulk-phase.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:226
TraitsType::DirichletWeightFunctionType DirichletWeightFunctionType
A BoundarySupportedFunction which must be sub-ordinate to the DirichletIndicatorType.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:242
TraitsType::NeumannBoundaryFunctionType NeumannBoundaryFunctionType
A function modelling "force" terms in the bulk-phase.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:227
TraitsType::NeumannIndicatorType NeumannIndicatorType
A function modelling "force" terms in the bulk-phase.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:228
DirichletWeightFunctionType dirichletWeightFunction(const GridPartType &gridPart) const
Generate an instance of a class defining a "left hand side" weight on the Dirichlet boundary conditio...
Definition: modelinterface.hh:294
NeumannIndicatorType neumannIndicator() const
Generate an object to identify parts of the boundary subject to Neumann boundary conditions.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:318
Just a place-holder to aid in automatic type-deduction.
Definition: nonzerofunctional.hh:43
This is the famous "do-nothing" functional.
Definition: zerofunctional.hh:42
Define a simple zero model to optimize expression templates.
Definition: zerooperatorparts.hh:31
const Implementation & asImp(const Fem::BartonNackmanInterface< Interface, Implementation > &arg)
Up-cast to the implementation for any Fem::BartonNackmanInterface.
Definition: expressionoperations.hh:71
void printConstituents(const Model &model, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
Examine the given model and print to the given stream was has been found.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:498
Helper structure to define an optional functional as part of the "right hand side".
Definition: modelinterface.hh:162
A structure defining some trivial default values for the template structure ModelTraits<ModelType>,...
Definition: modelinterface.hh:57
BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpaceType, GridPartType >, NeumannIndicatorType > NeumannBoundaryFunctionType
A function modelling the "right hand side" inhomogeneous von Neumann as for inhomogeneous Robin bound...
Definition: modelinterface.hh:153
EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType NeumannIndicatorType
Something satisfying the BoundaryIndicatorInterface.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:138
ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > OperatorPartsType
The integral kernel of the bilinear form.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:68
FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType ScalarFunctionSpaceType
The compatible scalar-valued function space.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:62
BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpaceType, GridPartType >, DirichletIndicatorType > DirichletBoundaryFunctionType
A BoundarySupportedFunction which must be sub-ordinate to the DirichletIndicatorType.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:93
FunctionSpace FunctionSpaceType
The FunctionSpace defining domain and range co-ordinates.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:59
GridPart GridPartType
The GridPart the model is meant for.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:65
BoundarySupportedFunction< FractionGridFunction< ScalarFunctionSpaceType, GridPartType, 1L, 1UL >, DirichletIndicatorType > DirichletWeightFunctionType
A scalar BoundarySupportedFunction which defines "weighted" Dirichlet values of the form.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:119
EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType DirichletIndicatorType
Something satisfying the BoundaryIndicatorInterface.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:80
ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpaceType, GridPartType > BulkForcesFunctionType
A function modelling "force" terms in the bulk-phase.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:128
Definition: modelinterface.hh:378
A traits class in order to collect properties of expressions.
Definition: expressionoperations.hh:465
Utiliy class to aid in the definition of ModelInterface::ForcesFunctionalTraits.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:551
A helper class which identifies which components are provided by the given model.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:447
Helper structure to define an optional functional as part of the "right hand side".
Definition: modelinterface.hh:234
Traits-template which has to be specialized for each individual model.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:48
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