DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)

4 // iostream includes
5 #include <iostream>
7 // include grid part
8 #include <dune/fem/gridpart/adaptiveleafgridpart.hh>
10 // include discrete function space
11 #include <dune/fem/space/lagrange.hh>
13 // adaptation ...
14 #include <dune/fem/function/adaptivefunction.hh>
15 #include <dune/fem/space/common/adaptmanager.hh>
17 // include discrete function
18 #include <dune/fem/function/blockvectorfunction.hh>
20 // Newton's iteration
21 #include <dune/fem/solver/newtoninverseoperator.hh>
23 // lagrange interpolation
24 #include <dune/fem/operator/lagrangeinterpolation.hh>
26 // include norms
27 #include <dune/fem/misc/l2norm.hh>
28 #include <dune/fem/misc/h1norm.hh>
30 // include parameter handling
31 #include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
33 // include vtk output and checkpointing
34 #include <dune/fem/io/file/dataoutput.hh>
35 #include <dune/fem/io/file/datawriter.hh>
37 // blah blah blah if only Dune were as hip as it ought to be
39 // local includes
40 #include "../algorithms/femschemeinterface.hh"
41 #include "../models/modelinterface.hh"
42 #include "../functions/gridfunctionwrapper.hh"
43 #include "../operators/ellipticoperator.hh"
44 #include "../operators/functionals/l2innerproductfunctional.hh"
45 #include "../operators/functionals/l2boundaryfunctional.hh"
46 #include "../operators/functionals/functionalexpression.hh"
47 #include "../operators/constraints/dirichletconstraints.hh"
48 #include "../operators/constraints/emptyblockconstraints.hh"
49 #include "../estimators/parabolicestimator.hh"
50 #include "../estimators/trueerrorestimator.hh"
51 #include "../algorithms/marking.hh"
52 #include "../models/timeview.hh"
53 #include "../common/dataoutput.hh"
55 // Select an appropriate solver, depending on ModelType and solver-family (ISTL, PESC ...)
56 #include "../common/solverselector.hh"
58 namespace Dune {
60  namespace ACFem {
92  template<class DiscreteFunction,
93  class ImplicitModel,
94  class ExplicitDataFunction,
95  class ExplicitModel,
96  class InitialGuessFunction>
98  : public BasicFemScheme
99  {
100  public:
102  typedef DiscreteFunction DiscreteFunctionType;
105  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType::GridType GridType;
108  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType::GridPartType GridPartType;
111  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
114  typedef ImplicitModel ImplicitModelType;
116  typedef ExplicitModel ExplicitModelType;
119  typedef
120  decltype(std::declval<ImplicitModelType>() + std::declval<ExplicitModelType>())
121  SumModelType;
122  typedef ModelConstituents<SumModelType> SumModelConstituents;
125  typedef ExplicitDataFunction ExplicitDataType;
126  typedef
127  typename GridFunctionConverter<ExplicitDataType, GridPartType>::WrappedGridFunctionType
128  ExplicitDataFunctionType;
131  typedef InitialGuessFunction InitialGuessType;
132  typedef
133  typename GridFunctionConverter<InitialGuessType, GridPartType>::WrappedGridFunctionType
134  InitialGuessFunctionType;
139  // or: (must coincide)
140  //typedef typenema DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
142  // choose type of discrete function, Matrix implementation and solver implementation
144  typedef typename SolverSelectorType::LinearOperatorType LinearOperatorType;
145  typedef typename SolverSelectorType::LinearInverseOperatorType LinearInverseOperatorType;
148  typedef
149  Fem::NewtonInverseOperator<LinearOperatorType, LinearInverseOperatorType>
154  typedef Dune::Fem::RestrictProlongDefault<DiscreteFunctionType> RestrictionProlongationType;
157  typedef Dune::Fem::AdaptationManager<GridType, RestrictionProlongationType> AdaptationManagerType;
169  typedef
170  decltype(std::declval<DirichletBoundaryFunctionType>()
171  /
172  std::declval<typename DirichletWeightFunctionType::GridFunctionType>())
182  typedef DifferentiableEllipticOperator<LinearOperatorType, ImplicitModelType, ConstraintsOperatorType> ImplicitOperatorType;
186  typedef EllipticOperator<ExplicitModelType,
187  ExplicitDataFunctionType, DiscreteFunctionType,
201  // Isn't ther a more simpler way for doing this?
202  typedef typename SumModelType::BulkForcesFunctionType BulkForcesFunctionType;
203  typedef
204  L2InnerProductFunctional<DiscreteFunctionSpaceType, BulkForcesFunctionType>
205  BulkForcesFunctional;
206  typedef typename SumModelType::NeumannBoundaryFunctionType BoundaryFluxFunctionType;
207  typedef
208  L2BoundaryFunctional<DiscreteFunctionSpaceType,
209  BoundaryFluxFunctionType,
210  typename ImplicitModelType::NeumannIndicatorType>
211  BoundaryFluxFunctional;
215  typedef InitialGuessFunctionType ExactSolutionFunctionType; // slight abuse
221  typedef DataOutput<GridType, IOTupleType> DataOutputType;
224  typedef Dune::Fem::CheckPointer<GridType> CheckPointerType;
247  const ModelInterface<ImplicitModelType>& implicitModel,
248  const ExplicitDataType& explicitData,
249  const ModelInterface<ExplicitModelType>& explicitModel,
250  const InitialGuessType& initialGuess,
251  const std::string name = "femscheme")
252  : solution_(solution)
253  , implicitModel_(asImp(implicitModel))
254  , explicitData_(explicitData)
255  , explicitModel_(asImp(explicitModel))
256  , initialGuess_(initialGuess)
257  , name_(name)
258  , grid_(solution.space().gridPart().grid())
259  , gridPart_(solution.space().gridPart())
260  , discreteSpace_(solution.space())
261  , residual_("residual", discreteSpace_)
262  , update_("update", discreteSpace_)
263  // create Dirichlet contraints
264  , boundaryValues_(implicitModel_().dirichletBoundaryFunction(gridPart_))
265  , boundaryWeight_(implicitModel_().dirichletWeightFunction(gridPart_))
266  , dirichletConstraints_(discreteSpace_,
267  boundaryValues_ / boundaryWeight_.function(),
268  implicitModel_().dirichletIndicator())
269  // the elliptic operator (implicit)
270  , implicitOperator_(implicitModel_().operatorParts(), dirichletConstraints_)
271  // the elliptic operator (explicit)
272  , explicitOperator_(explicitModel_().operatorParts())
273  // create linear operator (domainSpace,rangeSpace)
274  , linearOperator_("assembled elliptic operator", discreteSpace_, discreteSpace_)
275  , solverEps_(Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>(name_ + ".solvereps", 1e-8))
276  // the right-hand-side
277  , sumModel_(implicitModel_() + explicitModel_())
278  , bulkForces_(sumModel_.bulkForcesFunction(gridPart_))
279  , boundaryFlux_(sumModel_.neumannBoundaryFunction(gridPart_))
280  // other stuff
281  , sequence_(-1)
282  , ioTuple_(&solution_, &initialGuess_())
283  , dataOutput_(0)
284  {}
286  virtual ~SplittingFemSchemeBase() {
287  if (dataOutput_) {
288  delete dataOutput_;
289  }
290  }
292  virtual void initialize()
293  {
294  // select Lagrange interpolation
295  Fem::LagrangeInterpolation<InitialGuessFunctionType, DiscreteFunctionType> interpolation;
297  if (std::is_same<
298  InitialGuessFunctionType,
300  solution_.clear();
301  } else {
302  // apply lagrange interpolation
303  interpolation(initialGuess_(), solution_);
304  }
305  }
308  virtual void solve(bool forceMatrixAssembling = true)
309  {
310  // If we have a RHS _function_ then also take that into
311  // account. Note that it would be comparatively cheap to
312  // omit the enclosing if-claus, because the default
313  // configuration results into an efficient no-op. There is
314  // also no point to optimize further into the case
315  // Forces-but-no-Neumann or Neumann-but-no-forces for the
316  // same reason.
317  auto rhsFunctional =
318  BulkForcesFunctional(discreteSpace_, bulkForces_)
319  +
320  BoundaryFluxFunctional(discreteSpace_, boundaryFlux_, implicitModel_().neumannIndicator())
321  +
322  sumModel_.forcesFunctional(discreteSpace_);
324  if (!isZero(rhsFunctional)) { // avoid copying thousands of zero values
325  rhsFunctional.coefficients(residual_);
326  } else {
327  residual_.clear();
328  }
330  // Compute the contribution from the time derivative
331  explicitOperator_(explicitData_(), update_);
332  residual_ -= update_;
334  if (ImplicitModelConstituents::hasDirichletBoundary) {
335  // set Dirichlet constraints, new time
336  dirichletConstraints_.rebuildValues(); // force update
337  dirichletConstraints_.constrain(solution_);
339  // do no spoil the new Dirichlet-values
340  dirichletConstraints_.zeroConstrain(residual_);
341  }
343  if (ImplicitModelType::isLinear) {
344  linearSolve(residual_, forceMatrixAssembling); // sove Lu = res
345  } else {
346  nonLinearSolve(residual_); // solve Lu = res
347  }
348  }
350  protected:
354  {
355  assert(!ImplicitModelType::isLinear);
357  NonLinearInverseOperatorType newton(implicitOperator_);
359  newton(rhs, solution_);
361  assert(newton.converged());
362  }
368  virtual void linearSolve(DiscreteFunctionType& rhs, bool forceMatrixAssembling)
369  {
370  assert(ImplicitModelType::isLinear);
372  if (sequence_ != discreteSpace_.sequence() || forceMatrixAssembling) {
373  // assemble linear operator (i.e. setup matrix) The jacobian
374  // incorporates the constraints defined by the constraint class.
375  implicitOperator_.jacobian(solution_, linearOperator_);
377  // update sequence number
378  sequence_ = discreteSpace_.sequence();
379  }
381  // inverse operator using linear operator
382  LinearInverseOperatorType solver(linearOperator_, solverEps_, solverEps_);
384  // Apply the affine linear operator to the start value. This
385  // computes the initial residual. In the linear case, Lagrange space,
386  // Dirichlet data g, this computes
387  //
388  // update_ = A u - g
389  //
390  // where it is allowed that A is affine-linear, without having
391  // to apply a non-linear solver for this trivial non-linearity
392  implicitOperator_(solution_, update_);
393  rhs -= update_; // rhs = rhs - A u ...
395  // solve system. Zero initial values for the update_ vector are
396  // ok, because the information about the previous solution already
397  // is contained in residual_.
398  update_.clear();
399  solver(rhs, update_);
401  // subtract the update, difference should be the solution.
402  solution_ += update_; // ... so u = u + invA(rhs - Au)
403  }
405  public:
408  virtual int output()
409  {
410  if (!dataOutput_) {
411  // NOTE: this should allocated dynamically, otherwise a
412  // derived class has problems to define completely different
413  // IO-schemes Also DataOutputType likes to already generate
414  // some files during construction, so make sure this never happens
415  dataOutput_ = new DataOutputType(grid_, ioTuple_, DataOutputParameters());
416  }
418  if (!dataOutput_->willWrite()) {
419  return -1;
420  }
422  dataOutput_->write();
424  return dataOutput_->writeStep() - 1;
425  }
428  virtual double residual() const
429  {
430  assert(0);
431  return -1;
432  }
441  virtual double error() const
442  {
443  // can also use H1-norm
444  typedef Dune::Fem::L2Norm<GridPartType> NormType;
446  // the DiscreteFunctionSpaceAdapter sets the order per default
447  // to 111 == \infty. We set therefore the order just high
448  // enough that we see the asymptotic error. If the polynomial
449  // order is D, then the error should decay with (h^D). In
450  // principle it should thus suffice to use a quadrature of
451  // degree D.
452  NormType norm(gridPart_, 2*discreteSpace_.order()+2);
453  return norm.distance(initialGuess_(), solution_);
454  }
456  virtual size_t size() const
457  {
458  typedef typename DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::BlockMapperType BlockMapperType;
459  typedef Dune::Fem::SlaveDofs<DiscreteFunctionSpaceType, BlockMapperType> SlaveDofsType;
460  typedef typename SlaveDofsType::SingletonKey SlaveDofsKeyType;
461  typedef Dune::Fem::SingletonList<SlaveDofsKeyType, SlaveDofsType> SlaveDofsProviderType;
463  SlaveDofsKeyType key(discreteSpace_, discreteSpace_.blockMapper());
464  SlaveDofsType& slaveDofs(SlaveDofsProviderType::getObject(key));
466  slaveDofs.rebuild();
468  // slaveDofs.size() is off by one
469  size_t numberOfDofs = discreteSpace_.blockMapper().size() - slaveDofs.size() + 1;
471  numberOfDofs = grid_.comm().sum(numberOfDofs);
473  numberOfDofs *= DiscreteFunctionSpaceType::localBlockSize;
475  return numberOfDofs;
476  }
478  protected:
479  DiscreteFunctionType& solution_; // the unknown
481  ExpressionStorage<ExplicitDataFunctionType> explicitData_; // this is already the GRID function
482  ExpressionStorage<ExplicitModelType> explicitModel_; // old time-step
483  ExpressionStorage<InitialGuessFunctionType> initialGuess_; // this is already the GRID function
484  const std::string name_;
486  GridType& grid_; // hierarchical grid
487  GridPartType& gridPart_; // grid part(view), here the leaf grid the discrete space is build with
489  const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& discreteSpace_; // discrete function space
490  DiscreteFunctionType residual_; // initial residual
491  DiscreteFunctionType update_; // distance to solution
493  DirichletBoundaryFunctionType boundaryValues_;
494  DirichletWeightFunctionType boundaryWeight_;
495  ConstraintsOperatorType dirichletConstraints_; // dirichlet boundary constraints
496  EmptyConstraintsType emptyConstraints_; // do-nothing constraints.
498  ImplicitOperatorType implicitOperator_; // the affine-linear operator.
499  ExplicitOperatorType explicitOperator_;
501  LinearOperatorType linearOperator_; // the linear operator (i.e. jacobian of the operator)
503  const double solverEps_ ; // eps for linear solver
505  SumModelType sumModel_;
506  BulkForcesFunctionType bulkForces_;
507  BoundaryFluxFunctionType boundaryFlux_;
509  mutable int sequence_; // sequence number
511  IOTupleType ioTuple_; // tuple with pointers
512  DataOutputType *dataOutput_; // data output class
513  };
515  template<class DiscreteFunction,
516  class ImplicitModel,
517  class ExplicitDataFunction = ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
518  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
519  class ExplicitModel = ZeroModel<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
520  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
521  class InitialGuessFunction = ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
522  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType> >
523  class SplittingFemScheme;
526  template<class DiscreteFunction,
527  class ImplicitModel,
528  class ExplicitDataFunction,
529  class ExplicitModel,
530  class InitialGuessFunction>
532  : public SplittingFemSchemeBase<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ExplicitDataFunction, ExplicitModel, InitialGuessFunction>
533  {
534  typedef
536  BaseType;
537  public:
538  typedef DiscreteFunction DiscreteFunctionType;
539  typedef ImplicitModel ImplicitModelType;
540  typedef ExplicitDataFunction ExplicitDataType;
541  typedef ExplicitModel ExplicitModelType;
542  typedef InitialGuessFunction InitialGuessType;
545  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
546  const ExplicitDataType& explicitData,
547  const ExplicitModelType& explicitModel,
548  const InitialGuessType& initialGuess,
549  const std::string name = "femscheme")
550  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel, explicitData, explicitModel, initialGuess, name)
551  {}
552  };
554  // Instantiate default stuff. This cannot be stuffed in to one
555  // class because default arguments must not depend on other
556  // arguments.
559  template<class DiscreteFunction,
560  class ImplicitModel,
561  class ExplicitDataFunction,
562  class ExplicitModel>
563  class SplittingFemScheme<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ExplicitDataFunction, ExplicitModel,
564  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
565  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType> >
566  : public SplittingFemSchemeBase<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ExplicitDataFunction, ExplicitModel,
567  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
568  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType> >
570  {
571  public:
572  typedef DiscreteFunction DiscreteFunctionType;
573  typedef ImplicitModel ImplicitModelType;
574  typedef ExplicitDataFunction ExplicitDataType;
575  typedef ExplicitModel ExplicitModelType;
576  typedef
579  private:
580  typedef
582  BaseType;
583  public:
585  // Normal constructor
586  SplittingFemScheme(DiscreteFunctionType& solution,
587  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
588  const ExplicitDataType& explicitData,
589  const ExplicitModelType& explicitModel,
590  const InitialGuessType& initialGuess,
591  const std::string name = "femscheme")
592  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel, explicitData, initialGuess, name)
593  {}
595  // Constructor with artificial default argument
596  SplittingFemScheme(DiscreteFunctionType& solution,
597  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
598  const ExplicitDataType& explicitData,
599  const ExplicitModelType& explicitModel,
600  const std::string name = "femscheme")
601  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel, explicitData, explicitModel,
602  InitialGuessType(solution.space().gridPart()),
603  name)
604  {}
605  };
608  template<class DiscreteFunction, class ImplicitModel, class InitialGuess>
609  class SplittingFemScheme<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel,
610  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
611  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
612  ZeroModel<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
613  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
614  InitialGuess>
615  : public SplittingFemSchemeBase<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel,
616  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
617  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
618  ZeroModel<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
619  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
620  InitialGuess>
621  {
622  public:
623  typedef DiscreteFunction DiscreteFunctionType;
624  typedef ImplicitModel ImplicitModelType;
625  typedef
628  typedef
631  typedef InitialGuess InitialGuessType;
632  private:
633  typedef
635  BaseType;
636  public:
638  // Normal constructor
639  SplittingFemScheme(DiscreteFunctionType& solution,
640  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
641  const ExplicitDataType& explicitData,
642  const ExplicitModelType& explicitModel,
643  const InitialGuessType& initialGuess,
644  const std::string name = "femscheme")
645  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel, explicitData, initialGuess, name)
646  {}
648  // Constructor with artificial default arguments
649  SplittingFemScheme(DiscreteFunctionType& solution,
650  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
651  const InitialGuessType& initialGuess,
652  const std::string name = "femscheme")
653  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel,
654  ExplicitDataType(solution.space().gridPart()),
656  initialGuess,
657  name)
658  {}
659  };
662  template<class DiscreteFunction, class ImplicitModel>
663  class SplittingFemScheme<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel,
664  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
665  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
666  ZeroModel<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
667  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
668  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
669  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType> >
670  : public SplittingFemSchemeBase<DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel,
671  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
672  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
673  ZeroModel<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
674  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType>,
675  ZeroGridFunction<typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType,
676  typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType> >
677  {
678  public:
679  typedef DiscreteFunction DiscreteFunctionType;
680  typedef ImplicitModel ImplicitModelType;
681  typedef
684  typedef
687  typedef
690  private:
691  typedef
693  BaseType;
694  public:
696  // Normal constructor
697  SplittingFemScheme(DiscreteFunctionType& solution,
698  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
699  const ExplicitDataType& explicitData,
700  const ExplicitModelType& explicitModel,
701  const InitialGuessType& initialGuess,
702  const std::string name = "femscheme")
703  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel, explicitData, initialGuess, name)
704  {}
706  // Constructor with artificial default arguments
707  SplittingFemScheme(DiscreteFunctionType& solution,
708  const ImplicitModelType& implicitModel,
709  const std::string name = "femscheme")
710  : BaseType(solution, implicitModel,
711  ExplicitDataType(solution.space().gridPart()),
713  InitialGuessType(solution.space().gridPart()),
714  name)
715  {}
716  };
718  template <class DiscreteFunction, class ImplicitModel, class ExplicitDataFunction, class ExplicitModel>
719  void singleSolve(DiscreteFunction& solution,
720  const ImplicitModel& implicitModel,
721  const ExplicitDataFunction& explicitData,
722  const ExplicitModel& explicitModel,
723  const std::string name = "femscheme")
724  {
726  scheme( solution, implicitModel, explicitData, explicitModel, name );
727  scheme.solve(true);
728  }
732  } // namespace ACFem
734 } // namespace Dune
Abstract non-adaptive basic FEM scheme.
Definition: femschemeinterface.hh:24
Potentially overwrite some parameters.
Definition: dataoutput.hh:37
A class modelling differentiable do-nothing constraints.
Definition: emptyblockconstraints.hh:109
Implementation of Dirichlet constraints.
Definition: dirichletconstraints.hh:117
void zeroConstrain(DiscreteFunctionType &w) const
Unconditionally set the values of all masked DoFs to zero.
Definition: blockconstraintsoperator.hh:135
void rebuildValues()
Interpolate the Dirichlet values in any case, but leave slave-DoFs as is if nothing changed.
Definition: dirichletconstraints.hh:190
void constrain(DiscreteFunctionType &w) const
The solution operator; unconditionally install the given constraints into the argument.
Definition: blockconstraintsoperator.hh:129
A class defining an elliptic operator.
Definition: ellipticoperator.hh:86
Interface class for second order elliptic models.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:192
Basic fem-scheme class.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:99
virtual size_t size() const
return some measure about the number of DOFs in use
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:456
DiscreteFunctionType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType
type of the discrete function space
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:111
DiscreteFunctionType::GridType GridType
type of hierarchic grid
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:105
ImplicitModelType::DirichletIndicatorType DirichletIndicatorType
types for various data
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:160
virtual void linearSolve(DiscreteFunctionType &rhs, bool forceMatrixAssembling)
Perform only one step of the Newton scheme for the affine-linear case.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:368
DiscreteFunction DiscreteFunctionType
Type of the discrete solution function.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:102
Dune::Fem::CheckPointer< GridType > CheckPointerType
type of check-pointer (dumps unaltered simulation data)
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:224
DataOutput< GridType, IOTupleType > DataOutputType
type of data writer (produces VTK data)
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:221
InitialGuessFunction InitialGuessType
Initial Guess.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:131
ImplicitModelType::DirichletBoundaryFunctionType DirichletBoundaryFunctionType
type of Dirichlet boundary values
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:163
std::tuple< DiscreteFunctionType *, const ExactSolutionFunctionType * > IOTupleType
type of input/output tuple
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:218
EllipticOperator< ExplicitModelType, ExplicitDataFunctionType, DiscreteFunctionType, EmptyConstraintsType > ExplicitOperatorType
explicit part of differential operator.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:188
DirichletConstraints< LinearOperatorType, EffectiveDirichletFunctionType, DirichletIndicatorType > ConstraintsOperatorType
type of Dirichlet constraints
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:176
InitialGuessFunctionType ExactSolutionFunctionType
adapter to turn exact solution into a grid function (for visualization)
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:215
DifferentiableEmptyBlockConstraints< LinearOperatorType > EmptyConstraintsType
empty constraints for the explicit operator (old solution is already constrained)
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:179
virtual void nonLinearSolve(DiscreteFunctionType &rhs)
Run the full Newton-scheme ...
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:353
virtual double residual() const
calculate residual (in small l^2)
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:428
Dune::Fem::AdaptationManager< GridType, RestrictionProlongationType > AdaptationManagerType
type of adaptation manager handling adapation and DoF compression
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:157
Fem::NewtonInverseOperator< LinearOperatorType, LinearInverseOperatorType > NonLinearInverseOperatorType
Non-linear solver.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:150
DifferentiableEllipticOperator< LinearOperatorType, ImplicitModelType, ConstraintsOperatorType > ImplicitOperatorType
define differential operator, implicit part
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:182
ImplicitModel ImplicitModelType
type of the mathematical model
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:114
virtual void initialize()
initialize the solution
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:292
decltype(std::declval< DirichletBoundaryFunctionType >()/std::declval< typename DirichletWeightFunctionType::GridFunctionType >()) typedef EffectiveDirichletFunctionType
type of effective Dirichlet values
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:173
Dune::Fem::RestrictProlongDefault< DiscreteFunctionType > RestrictionProlongationType
type of restriction/prolongation projection for adaptive simulations (use default here,...
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:154
ImplicitModelType::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType
type of function space (scalar functions, )
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:137
virtual double error() const
Calculate L2/H1 error.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:441
ImplicitModelType::DirichletWeightFunctionType DirichletWeightFunctionType
type of Dirichlet weight function
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:166
DiscreteFunctionType::GridPartType GridPartType
type of the grid view
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:108
virtual void solve(bool forceMatrixAssembling=true)
solve the system
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:308
virtual int output()
data I/O
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:408
ExplicitDataFunction ExplicitDataType
Data for explicit model.
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:125
Definition: splittingfemscheme.hh:533
A grid-function always returning 0.
Definition: constantfunction.hh:352
Define a simple zero model to optimize expression templates.
Definition: zeromodel.hh:28
constexpr bool isZero(Expression &&)
Specialize to evaluate to true for zero expressions.
Definition: expressionoperations.hh:469
const Implementation & asImp(const Fem::BartonNackmanInterface< Interface, Implementation > &arg)
Up-cast to the implementation for any Fem::BartonNackmanInterface.
Definition: expressionoperations.hh:71
Helper class for wrapToGridFunction() and adaptToGridFunction()
Definition: gridfunctionwrapper.hh:279
A helper class which identifies which components are provided by the given model.
Definition: modelinterface.hh:447
Select one appropriate (linear) solver depending on whether the model is symmetric and/or semidefinit...
Definition: solverselector.hh:90
A grid-function tight to zero.
Definition: constantfunction.hh:324
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