DUNE-ACFEM (2.5.1)
A namespace encapsulating everything defined in our dune-acfem project. More...
Classes | |
struct | AcosOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
class | AdaptiveFemScheme |
Abstract space adaptative FEM scheme. More... | |
struct | AsinOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
struct | AtanOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
class | BasicFemScheme |
Abstract non-adaptive basic FEM scheme. More... | |
struct | BinaryExpressionTraits |
The default result type is void in order to trigger compilation errors. More... | |
class | BinaryFunctionalExpression |
Binary functional expression. More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionalExpressionTraits |
"No-storage", traits, stuff lives on the stack More... | |
class | BinaryFunctionExpression |
Unary expressions. More... | |
class | BinaryFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, FactorType, FunctionType > |
S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars. More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionExpressionOperation< MultiplyOperation > |
S-multiplication with scalar functions and scalar products. More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionExpressionOperation< SMultiplyOperation > |
Multiplication from the left by a scalar constant. More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionExpressionTraits |
traits of BinaryFunctionExpression More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionExpressionTraits< MinusOperation, LeftFunction, RightFunction > |
Substraction. More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionExpressionTraits< PlusOperation, LeftFunction, RightFunction > |
Simple addition. More... | |
struct | BinaryFunctionExpressionTraits< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, Function > |
S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars. More... | |
class | BinaryGridFunctionExpression |
BinaryGridFunctionExpression implements point-wise vector-space operations for GridFunction-types. More... | |
class | BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, Function > |
S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars. More... | |
struct | BinaryGridFunctionExpressionTraits |
traits of BinaryGridFunctionExpression More... | |
struct | BinaryGridFunctionExpressionTraits< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, Function > |
S-multiplication with RangeFieldType scalars. More... | |
class | BinaryLocalFunctionalExpression< SMultiplyOperation, LeftArg, RightArg > |
Implement S-multiplication by scalars and parameters from the left, multiplication from the right will be redirected to this class. More... | |
class | BinaryModelExpression |
Template for binary operations. More... | |
class | BinaryModelExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, ModelType > |
Multiplication with grid-functions. More... | |
class | BinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, ModelType > |
S-multiplication with numbers (see below for S-multiplication with grid-functions). More... | |
class | BinaryOperatorPartsExpression |
Template for binary operations. More... | |
class | BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, OperandType > |
Multiplication with grid-functions. More... | |
class | BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Factor, OperandType > |
S-multiplication with numbers (see below for S-multiplication with grid-functions). More... | |
class | BinaryVectorExpression |
Binary vector expressions. More... | |
class | BinaryVectorExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Scalar, Vector > |
Special case for S-multiplication. More... | |
struct | BlockConstraintsDefaultStorageTraits |
Default traits for BlockConstraints which LocalObjectStack usage. More... | |
struct | BlockConstraintsDefaultTraits |
We need the type of the implementation and the local operator type. More... | |
class | BlockConstraintsOperatorInterface |
Interface class for a block-constraints-operator. More... | |
struct | BoundaryFunctionTraits |
Helper traits in order to treat function w/o dedicated boundary support in the same way, mostly for the sake of ExpressionTemplates. More... | |
struct | BoundaryFunctionTraits< F, false > |
struct | BoundaryFunctionTraits< F, true > |
struct | BoundaryIdIndicator |
Apply to boundary segments which carry the respective id. More... | |
struct | BoundaryIndicatorExpression |
Expression tag-class for boundary indicators. More... | |
class | BoundaryIndicatorInterface |
A simple interface class for a boundary-indicator. More... | |
struct | BoundaryIndicatorWrapper |
Wrap another boundary indicator. More... | |
class | BoundarySupportedFunction |
A function with potentially partial support on the boundary. More... | |
class | BulkBlockConstraints |
A default implementation for bulk block constraints. More... | |
struct | BulkForcesFunctionModel |
Wrap an existing GridFunction into a model which only conatains this ModelConstituent. More... | |
class | BulkForcesFunctionModel< ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpace, GridPart > > |
Special case for the ZeroGridFunction. More... | |
struct | ComplementBoundaryIndicator |
Turn any boundary-indicator into its complement. More... | |
class | ConstantFunction |
A class describing a constant function. More... | |
class | ConstantGridFunction |
ConstantGridFunction implements a constant function. More... | |
class | CoordinateFunction |
Coordinate function returns a specific component of the world point, x_N, so to say. More... | |
struct | CosOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
class | DataOutputParameters |
Potentially overwrite some parameters. More... | |
struct | DefaultBoundaryIndicator |
Default boundary indicator: like EntireBoundaryIndicator<false> More... | |
struct | DefaultExpressionTraits |
Default expressions traits. More... | |
class | DefaultModel |
Default model implementation. More... | |
struct | DefaultModelTraits |
A structure defining some trivial default values for the template structure ModelTraits<ModelType>, given the function-space the beast maps to, and the grid part. More... | |
class | DefaultOperatorParts |
Default model implementation. More... | |
struct | DefaultOperatorPartsTraits |
A structure defining some trivial default values for the template structure OperatorPartsTraits<PartsImpl>, given the function-space the beast maps to, and the grid part. More... | |
class | DefaultParameter |
Just for completeness, there is no default implementation. More... | |
struct | DefaultQuadratureTraits |
Helper traits-class, defining likely quadrature types. More... | |
class | DeformationTensorOperatorParts |
Define the a model where the flux-part is formed from the symmetric gradient. More... | |
class | DifferentiableBlockConstraintsOperatorInterface |
Interface class for a differentiable block-constraints-operator. More... | |
class | DifferentiableEmptyBlockConstraints |
A class modelling differentiable do-nothing constraints. More... | |
class | DiracDistribution |
Dirac-distribution. More... | |
struct | DirichletBlockConstraintsTraits< JacobianOperator, BoundaryValues, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Spezialization of Dirichlet constraints for emptyboundaryindicator. More... | |
class | DirichletBoundaryModel |
A Dirichlet model. More... | |
class | DirichletBoundaryModel< GridFunction, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Special case for the EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType. More... | |
class | DirichletConstraints |
Implementation of Dirichlet constraints. More... | |
struct | DiscontinuousGalerkinLeafFunctionSelector |
Helper class which defines likey discrete function types. More... | |
struct | DiscontinuousLagrangeLeafFunctionSelector |
Helper class which defines likey discrete function types. More... | |
class | DiscreteLinearFunctional |
Interface class for a discrete linear functional. More... | |
class | DiscreteLinearFunctionalDefault |
Default implementation for linear functionals. More... | |
class | DivergenceOperatorParts |
For a given grid-function define a model implementing the weak divergence. More... | |
class | EllipticEstimator |
An standard residual estimator for elliptic problems. More... | |
class | EllipticFemScheme |
Constructor for the elliptic fem-scheme. More... | |
class | EllipticFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, Model, ZeroGridFunction< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, typename Model::GridPartType > > |
Constructor for the elliptic fem-scheme. More... | |
class | EllipticFemSchemeBase |
Adaptive fem-scheme for "elliptic" problems. More... | |
struct | EllipticModel |
A model for a second order elliptic operator. More... | |
class | EllipticOperator |
A class defining an elliptic operator. More... | |
class | EmptyBlockConstraints |
A class modelling do-nothing constraints. More... | |
struct | ExpOperation |
Exponentiation of an object. More... | |
struct | ExpressionCopyStorage |
Store things as copy, serves as default implementation for the ExpressionStorage class. More... | |
struct | ExpressionReferenceStorage |
Store things as reference, serves as default implementation for the ExpressionStorage class. More... | |
struct | ExpressionResult |
Automatically deduce the type by applying the respective operation. More... | |
struct | ExpressionStorage |
An ExpressionStorage object stores either a copy or a reference of an object. More... | |
struct | ExpressionTemplate |
Provide up-cast functionality for expression templates. More... | |
struct | ExpressionTraits |
A traits class in order to collect properties of expressions. More... | |
struct | ExtractFunctor |
A functor which extracts values from a global array and copies them to a local array. More... | |
struct | ExtractFunctor< T *, GlobalArray > |
A functor which extracts values from a global array and copies them to a local array. More... | |
struct | FixedForcesFunctionalTraits |
Utiliy class to aid in the definition of ModelInterface::ForcesFunctionalTraits. More... | |
class | FluidSelfTransportOperatorParts |
Define a model for the "Navier-Stokes" non-lineariry. More... | |
struct | ForcesFunctionalModel |
Wrap an existing DiscreteLinearFunctional into a model which only conatains this ModelConstituent. More... | |
class | ForcesFunctionalModel< ZeroFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace > > |
Special case for the ZeroFunctional. More... | |
class | FractionGridFunction |
A grid-function which is constant with a scalar fractional value. More... | |
struct | FractionGridFunctionTraits |
A grid-function which is constant with a fractional value. More... | |
class | FunctionExpression |
Underlying tag-structure. More... | |
class | GradientOperatorParts |
For a given grid-function define a model implementing the weak gradient. More... | |
class | GridFunctionAdapter |
GridFunctionAdapter provides local functions for a Function. More... | |
struct | GridFunctionAdapterTraits |
traits of GridFunctionAdapter More... | |
struct | GridFunctionConverter |
Helper class for wrapToGridFunction() and adaptToGridFunction() More... | |
class | GridFunctionExpression |
A class providing some basic functionality common to all expressions. More... | |
class | GridFunctionWrapper |
A special version of Fem::GridFunctionAdapter which stores a copy to the function, not a reference. More... | |
struct | HasBoundarySupport |
Tag-structure to indicate additional functionality. More... | |
struct | HasNoBoundarySupport |
Negative tag-structure for use with std::conditional, complementary to HasBoundarySupport. More... | |
class | IdentityFunction |
A function which returns its argument. More... | |
struct | IdentityOperation |
Identity, i.e. just wrap the object. More... | |
class | IncompressibleSelfTransportOperatorParts |
Define a model for the "Navier-Stokes" non-lineariry. More... | |
class | IncompressibleTransportOperatorParts |
Define a model for an advection term with a divergence-free velocity field. More... | |
struct | IntersectionBoundaryIndicator |
Intersection of two indicators, apply iff both apply. More... | |
class | IntersectionDataHandle |
General intersection - intersection communication which communicates for each intersection a potentially variable number of data-items. More... | |
class | InverseTimeStepParameter |
A Parameter-class which gives access to the inverse of the current time-step size of an underlying Dune::Fem::TimeProvider. More... | |
struct | InvertOperation |
Inversion of an object. More... | |
struct | IsNotPieceWiseConstant |
Negation of IsPieceWiseConstant, in order to have something to branch to with std::conditional. More... | |
struct | IsPieceWiseConstant |
Tag type, consequences are zero Jacobian and Hessian. More... | |
class | L2ProjectionOperator |
Compute the L2-projection of the given functional to a discrete space. More... | |
struct | LagrangeLeafFunctionSelector |
Helper class which defines likey discrete function types. More... | |
class | LaplacianOperatorParts |
Define a simple Laplacian-model, given function-space and grid-part. More... | |
struct | LinearFunctionalTraitsDefault |
Default traits were the local objects are not cached, but created on the fly. More... | |
class | LocalDivergenceAdapter |
An adapter class to compute the divergence of a GridFunction. More... | |
class | LocalFunctionWrapper |
LocalFunctionWrapper wraps a class with a local evaluate method into a grid function. More... | |
struct | LocalFunctionWrapperTraits |
traits of DiscreteFunctionAdapter More... | |
class | LocalGradientAdapter |
An adapter class to compute the gradient of a scalar GridFunction. More... | |
class | LocalLinearFunctional |
Interface or better: factory for local functionals. More... | |
class | LocalLinearFunctionalDefault |
Default implementation for LocalLinearFunctional. More... | |
class | LocalMaxAdapter |
An adapter class to compute the (pointwise) maximum of two scalar GridFunctions. More... | |
class | LocalNormAdapter< GridFunction, 2 > |
An adapter class to represent the pointwise euclidean norm of a (usually vector-valued) GridFunction. More... | |
class | LocalObjectFactory |
Define a factory for a "local object" which has a constructor which accepts a single argument, a "global object". More... | |
class | LocalObjectStack |
Local object stack which (hopefully) efficiently caches local objects. More... | |
class | LocalPiecewiseAdapter |
An adapter class to form a piecewise defined function where the domain decomposition is given by the characteristic function of one of the sub-domains. More... | |
class | LocalRightHandSideAdapter |
An adapter class which takes any ACFem-PDE model and computes from its bulk contributions and any given GridFunction a bulk forces density field (AKA "right hand side") such that the discrete solution of the PDE model should approximate the underlying "exact solution". More... | |
struct | LogOperation |
Taking the logarithm of an object. More... | |
struct | LumpingQuadratureTraits |
Helper traits-class, defining likely quadrature types for mass-lumping. More... | |
class | MassOperatorParts |
Define a simple mass-model, given function-space and grid-part. More... | |
class | MeanCurvatureOperatorParts |
Define a mean-curvature model for graphs and level-sets. More... | |
struct | MinusOperation |
Subtraction of two objects and unary minus. More... | |
struct | ModelConstituents |
A helper class which identifies which components are provided by the given model. More... | |
struct | ModelConstituents< ModelInterface< Model > > |
Redirect to the real ModelConstituents from the interface class. More... | |
class | ModelInterface |
Interface class for second order elliptic models. More... | |
struct | ModelTraits |
Traits-template which has to be specialized for each individual model. More... | |
struct | ModelTraits< BinaryModelExpression< BinOp, LeftModel, RightModel > > |
ModelExpression type traits. More... | |
struct | MultiplyOperation |
Multiplication of two objects. More... | |
struct | MutableLocalObjectStorageProvider |
Provide a writable object stack for technical reasons. More... | |
struct | MutableNoStorageProvider |
Provide a writable pseudo object stack which is only a reference to the global object. More... | |
struct | MutableSMultiplyOperation |
Multiplication by mutable scalars from the left. More... | |
class | NeumannBoundaryModel |
A Neumann-boundary model. More... | |
class | NeumannBoundaryModel< GridFunction, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Special case for the EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType. More... | |
struct | NonZeroExpression |
Complementary to ZeroExpression for use in std::conditional, for example, otherwise unused. More... | |
class | NonZeroFunctional |
Just a place-holder to aid in automatic type-deduction. More... | |
struct | OneExpression |
A tag structure which can be attached as base-class to expressions modelling a 1 (in a field, e.g., or the constant-one function) More... | |
class | OperatorPartsInterface |
Interface class for second order elliptic models. More... | |
struct | OperatorPartsTraits |
Traits-template which has to be specialized for each individual model. More... | |
struct | OperatorPartsTraits< BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< BinOp, LeftOperand, RightOperand > > |
OperatorPartsExpression type traits. More... | |
class | P_LaplacianOperatorParts |
The p-Laplacian-model. More... | |
class | P_MassOperatorParts |
A simplistic non-linear example. More... | |
struct | PairFunctor |
Generate a compound functor out of two functors. More... | |
class | ParabolicEulerEstimator |
Residual estimator for the heat equation. More... | |
class | ParabolicFemScheme |
Basic parabolic fem-scheme class. More... | |
class | ParameterFunction |
A class describing a constant function. More... | |
class | ParameterGridFunction |
ParameterGridFunction implements a constant function where the value is defined by something which fulfills the ParameterInterface. More... | |
class | ParameterInterface |
Parameters are quasi-constant quantities, like the time-step size in one time-step when solving transient problems with finite element methods. More... | |
struct | ParameterSpace |
A model for the vector space a parameter value lives in. More... | |
struct | ParameterSpaceTraits |
The default template definition for this struct constructs a 1-dimensional parameter-value space (i.e. More... | |
struct | ParameterSpaceTraits< FieldVector< Field, dim > > |
The default template definition for this struct constructs a 1-dimensional parameter-value space (i.e. More... | |
struct | PlusOperation |
Addition of two objects. More... | |
class | ProblemInterface |
Problem interface which describes a second order elliptic boundary problem: More... | |
struct | RestrictProlongDefaultTraits |
A helper class which defines the proper RestrictProlong compound data-type for tuples of Fem::DiscreteFunction implementations. More... | |
struct | RestrictProlongDefaultTraits< DiscreteFunction > |
A helper class which defines the proper RestrictProlong compound data-type for tuples of Fem::DiscreteFunction implementations. More... | |
struct | RestrictProlongDefaultTupleHelper |
AFAIK, C++11 is not capable of expanding tuples into parameter packs, so this recursive helper function is used to unpack a tuple and perform the necessary constructions in order to finally have a compound RestrictProlong type. More... | |
struct | RestrictProlongDefaultTupleHelper< Tuple, std::integral_constant< size_t, std::tuple_size< Tuple >::value-1 > > |
Recursion end-point to access the last argument of the tuple. More... | |
class | RestrictProlongPair |
Chain two RestrictProlong implementations together. More... | |
class | RobinBoundaryOperatorParts |
A (homogeneous) Robin-boundary model. More... | |
class | RobinBoundaryOperatorParts< FunctionSpace, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Special case for the EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType. More... | |
struct | SinOperation |
Taking the sine of an object. More... | |
struct | SMultiplyOperation |
Multiplication by scalars from the left. More... | |
struct | SolverFamily |
Define some symbolic constants for SolverSelector and "parse" some preprocessort defines. More... | |
struct | SolverSelector |
Select one appropriate (linear) solver depending on whether the model is symmetric and/or semidefinite. More... | |
class | SplittingFemScheme |
Constructor. More... | |
class | SplittingFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ExplicitDataFunction, ExplicitModel, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType > > |
Constructor. More... | |
class | SplittingFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, ZeroModel< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, InitialGuess > |
Constructor. More... | |
class | SplittingFemScheme< DiscreteFunction, ImplicitModel, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, ZeroModel< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType >, ZeroGridFunction< typename ImplicitModel::FunctionSpaceType, typename ImplicitModel::GridPartType > > |
Constructor. More... | |
class | SplittingFemSchemeBase |
Basic fem-scheme class. More... | |
struct | SqrtOperation |
Taking the square root of an object. More... | |
struct | SquareOperation |
Taking the square of an object. More... | |
struct | TanOperation |
Taking the cosine of an object. More... | |
class | TimeStepParameter |
A Parameter-class which gives access to the current time-step size of an underlying Dune::Fem::TimeProvider. More... | |
class | TimeView |
Generate a view on the current time-step. More... | |
class | TimeViewParameter |
A Parameter-class which returns the absolute time corresponding to a fixed fraction of the current time-step. More... | |
class | TransientProblemInterface |
problem interface class for time dependent problem descriptions, i.e. More... | |
class | TransportOperatorParts |
Define a model for an advection term. More... | |
class | TrivialParameter |
A simple wrapper: a really constant parameter. More... | |
class | TrueErrorEstimator |
"estimator" which return the "true" error with respect to some given function in some standard norm. More... | |
struct | TupleFunctor |
Generate a compound functor out of a tuple of functors. More... | |
struct | UnaryExpressionTraits |
The default result type is void in order to trigger compilation errors. More... | |
struct | UnaryFunctionalExpressionTraits |
"No-storage", traits, stuff lives on the stack More... | |
class | UnaryFunctionExpression |
Binary expressions. More... | |
class | UnaryFunctionExpression< IdentityOperation, FunctionType > |
Specialize for the identity wrapper operation. More... | |
struct | UnaryFunctionExpressionTraits |
traits of UnaryFunctionExpression More... | |
class | UnaryGridFunctionExpression |
UnaryGridFunctionExpression implements point-wise unary operations for GridFunction-types. More... | |
class | UnaryGridFunctionExpression< IdentityOperation, FunctionType > |
Specialize for the identity wrapper operation. More... | |
class | UnaryGridFunctionExpression< InvertOperation, FunctionType > |
For the sake of BoundarySupportedFunction we need to specialize the InvertOperation. More... | |
struct | UnaryGridFunctionExpressionTraits |
traits of UnaryGridFunctionExpression More... | |
class | UnaryModelExpression |
Template for unary operations. More... | |
class | UnaryModelExpression< IdentityOperation, Model > |
Unary identity operation which simply wraps the underlying model. More... | |
class | UnaryModelExpression< MinusOperation, Model > |
Unary minus. More... | |
class | UnaryOperatorPartsExpression |
Template for unary operations. More... | |
class | UnaryOperatorPartsExpression< IdentityOperation, Operand > |
Unary identity operation which simply wraps the underlying stuff. More... | |
class | UnaryOperatorPartsExpression< MinusOperation, Operand > |
Unary minus. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< AcosOperation > |
Componentwise acos. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< AsinOperation > |
Componentwise asin. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< AtanOperation > |
Componentwise atan. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< CosOperation > |
Componentwise cos. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< ExpOperation > |
Componentwise exp. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< SinOperation > |
Componentwise sin. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< SqrtOperation > |
Componentwise square root. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< SquareOperation > |
Componentwise square. More... | |
struct | UnaryParameterOperation< TanOperation > |
Componentwise tan. More... | |
class | UnaryVectorExpression |
Unary vector expressions. More... | |
class | UnaryVectorExpression< IdentityOperation, FieldMatrix< Field, rows, cols > > |
Wrap a FieldMatrix into an IdentityOperation. More... | |
class | UnaryVectorExpression< IdentityOperation, Vector > |
This is the only allowed starting point for vector-expressions: here we allow vectors to be wrapped inside the Identity-operation in order to be valid ExpressionTemplates for further operation. More... | |
struct | UnionBoundaryIndicator |
Union of two indicators, apply to the union of both boundary parts. More... | |
class | VectorExpression |
Tag structure, flag all these as ExpressionTemplates. More... | |
class | WeakDivergenceOperatorParts |
For a given grid-function define a model implementing the weak divergence. More... | |
struct | X |
Used as "tag" for coordinateGridFunction() and coordinateVectorFunction(). More... | |
struct | ZeroExpression |
A tag structure which can be attached as base class to zero-expressions like the ZeroGridFunction, the ZeroModel, the ZeroFunctional. More... | |
class | ZeroFunctional |
This is the famous "do-nothing" functional. More... | |
class | ZeroGridFunction |
A grid-function always returning 0. More... | |
class | ZeroGridFunctionExpression |
A base class for zero function expression. More... | |
struct | ZeroGridFunctionTraits |
A grid-function tight to zero. More... | |
class | ZeroModel |
Define a simple zero model to optimize expression templates. More... | |
class | ZeroOperatorParts |
Define a simple zero model to optimize expression templates. More... | |
class | ZeroParameter |
The zero parameter, unconditionally evalute to zero. More... | |
Functions | |
static std::pair< double, double > | adaptiveAlgorithm (AdaptiveFemScheme &scheme, const std::string &prefix_="") |
Stationary adaptive algorithm like adapt_method_stat() from poor old ALBERTA. More... | |
template<class TimeProvider > | |
static double | adaptiveAlgorithm (TransientAdaptiveFemScheme &scheme, TimeProvider &timeProvider, double endTime, const std::string &prefix_="") |
Space-time adaptive algorithm like adapt_method_instat() from poor old ALBERTA. More... | |
template<class FunctorOne , class FunctorTwo > | |
PairFunctor< FunctorOne, FunctorTwo > | makePairFunctor (FunctorOne &&func1, FunctorTwo &&func2) |
Combine two functors into one. More... | |
template<class... Types> | |
TupleFunctor< Types... > | makeTupleFunctor (Types &&... args) |
Combine several functors into one. More... | |
template<class Geometry > | |
Geometry::ctype | h2Estimate (const Geometry &geometry) |
Compute a rough estimate of the square of the diameter of the element's Geometry. | |
template<class Geometry > | |
Geometry::ctype | hEstimate (const Geometry &geometry) |
Compute a rough estimate of the diameter of the element's Geometry. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | objectToString (const T &something, std::string &text) |
Convert any object which has an associated output stream operator "<<" to a string, return true on success and false on failure. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | stringToObject (const std::string &text, T &something) |
Convert a string to any object with an associated input stream operator ">>", return true on success and false on failure. | |
static bool | checkParenthesis (const std::string &name, unsigned start, unsigned end) |
Check name for correct parenthesis. More... | |
static void | trimParenthesis (std::string &name) |
Remove any outer redundant parenthesis. | |
template<class DofMapper , int coDimension, class Functor > | |
void | mapEntityHierarchy (const DofMapper &mapper, const typename DofMapper::ElementType &element, int subIndex, const std::integral_constant< int, coDimension > &dummy, Functor f) |
Iterate over the entire sub-entity hierarchy below one given sub-entity (including the given one) and call the dof-mapper on each sub-entity in turn. More... | |
template<class DofMapper , class Intersection , class Functor > | |
void | mapEachFaceDof (const DofMapper &mapper, const Intersection &intersection, Functor f) |
Iterate over the codim-1 sub-entity hierarchy linked to the given intersection and call the dof-mapper on each sub-entity in turn. More... | |
template<class DofMapper , class Intersection , class LocalIndices , class GlobalIndices > | |
unsigned | mapFaceDofs (const DofMapper &mapper, const Intersection &intersection, LocalIndices &localIndices, GlobalIndices &globalIndices) |
Fetch all global DoFs of the codim-1 entity intersection belongs to. More... | |
template<class Interface , class Implementation > | |
const Implementation & | asImp (const Fem::BartonNackmanInterface< Interface, Implementation > &arg) |
Up-cast to the implementation for any Fem::BartonNackmanInterface. More... | |
template<class Expression > | |
constexpr bool | isZero (Expression &&) |
Specialize to evaluate to true for zero expressions. | |
template<class Left , class Right > | |
BinaryParameterExpression< MinusOperation, Left, Right > | operator- (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
Difference between parameters. | |
template<class Right > | |
BinaryParameterExpression< MinusOperation, typename Right::ValueType, Right > | operator- (const typename Right::ValueType &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
Difference with vectors from the left. | |
template<class Left > | |
BinaryParameterExpression< MinusOperation, Left, typename Left::ValueType > | operator- (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const typename Left::ValueType &right) |
Difference with vectors from the right. | |
template<class Left , class Right > | |
BinaryParameterExpression< MultiplyOperation, Left, Right > | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
Scalar product between parameters. | |
template<class Right > | |
BinaryParameterExpression< MultiplyOperation, typename Right::ValueType, Right > | operator* (const typename Right::ValueType &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
Multiplication by vectors from the left. | |
template<class Left > | |
auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const typename Left::ValueType &right) -> decltype(right *asImp(left)) |
Multiplication by vectors from the right. | |
template<class Right > | |
BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename FieldTraits< typename Right::ValueType >::field_type, Right > | operator* (const typename FieldTraits< typename Right::ValueType >::field_type &left, const ParameterInterface< Right > &right) |
Multiplication by scalars from the left. | |
template<class Left > | |
auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Left > &left, const typename FieldTraits< typename Left::ValueType >::field_type &right) -> decltype(right *asImp(left)) |
Multiplication by scalars from the right. | |
template<class Field , class Parameter > | |
static auto | operator* (const Field &s_, const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &P_) -> decltype((s_ *P_.left()) *P_.right()) |
Fold s * (s * P) into (s*s) * P. | |
template<class Field , class Parameter1 , class Parameter2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter1 > &P1_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter2 > &P2_) -> decltype(P1_.left() *(P1_.right() *asImp(P2_))) |
Fold (s * P1) * P2 into s * (P1 * P2) | |
template<class Field , class Parameter1 , class Parameter2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter1 > &P1_, const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter2 > &P2_) -> decltype(P2_.left() *(asImp(P1_) *P2_.right())) |
Fold P1 * (s * P2) into s * (P1 * P2) | |
template<class Field , class Parameter1 , class Parameter2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter1 > &P1_, const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter2 > &P2_) -> decltype((P2_.left() *P2_.left()) *(P1_.right() *P2_.right())) |
Fold (s1 * P1) * (s2 * P2) into (s1 * s2) * (P1 * P2) | |
template<class Value > | |
ParameterValue< Value >::ResultType | parameterValue (const Value &value) |
Return the unaltered argument for non-parameters and otherwise the parameter value. More... | |
template<class Expr1 , class Expr2 > | |
static BinaryVectorExpression< PlusOperation, Expr1, Expr2 > | operator+ (const VectorExpression< Expr1 > &e1, const VectorExpression< Expr2 > &e2) |
Expr + Expr. | |
template<class Expr1 , class Expr2 > | |
static BinaryVectorExpression< MinusOperation, Expr1, Expr2 > | operator- (const VectorExpression< Expr1 > &e1, const VectorExpression< Expr2 > &e2) |
Expr - Expr. | |
template<class Expr1 , class Expr2 > | |
static InnerProductHelper< Expr1, Expr2 >::ResultType | operator* (const VectorExpression< Expr1 > &e1, const VectorExpression< Expr2 > &e2) |
Inner-product support. More... | |
template<class Expr > | |
static BinaryVectorExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Expr::FieldType, Expr > | operator* (const typename Expr::FieldType &s, const VectorExpression< Expr > &e) |
s * Expr. | |
template<class Expr > | |
static auto | operator* (const VectorExpression< Expr > &e, const typename Expr::FieldType &s) -> decltype(s *e) |
Expr * s. | |
template<class Expr > | |
static BinaryVectorExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Expr::FieldType, Expr > | operator* (const FieldVector< typename Expr::FieldType, 1 > &s, const VectorExpression< Expr > &e) |
s * e, specialize for scalar FieldVector case | |
template<class Expr > | |
static BinaryVectorExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Expr::FieldType, Expr > | operator* (const VectorExpression< Expr > &e, const FieldVector< typename Expr::FieldType, 1 > &s) |
e * s, specialize for scalar FieldVector case | |
template<class Expr > | |
static UnaryVectorExpression< MinusOperation, Expr > | operator- (const VectorExpression< Expr > &arg) |
-Expr | |
template<class Vector > | |
static UnaryVectorExpression< IdentityOperation, Vector > | asExpr (const Vector &arg) |
Catch all starting point. | |
template<class Field , int rows, int cols> | |
static UnaryVectorExpression< IdentityOperation, FieldMatrix< Field, rows, cols > > | asExpr (const FieldMatrix< Field, rows, cols > &arg) |
Special case for FieldMatrix. | |
template<class Op , class Expr > | |
static UnaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr > | asExpr (const UnaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr > &arg) |
Expr are expressions. More... | |
template<class Op , class Expr1 , class Expr2 > | |
static BinaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr1, Expr2 > | asExpr (const BinaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr1, Expr2 > &arg) |
Expr are expressions. More... | |
template<class Vector , class Op , class Expr1 , class Expr2 > | |
static Vector & | operator+= (Vector &v, const BinaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr1, Expr2 > &e) |
Add-assignment to result vector. | |
template<class Vector , class Op , class Expr > | |
static Vector & | operator+= (Vector &v, const UnaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr > &e) |
Add-assignment to result vector. | |
template<class Vector , class Op , class Expr1 , class Expr2 > | |
static Vector & | operator-= (Vector &v, const BinaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr1, Expr2 > &e) |
Minus-assignment to result vector. | |
template<class Vector , class Op , class Expr > | |
static Vector & | operator-= (Vector &v, const UnaryVectorExpression< Op, Expr > &e) |
Minus-assignment to result vector. | |
template<class GridPart > | |
static auto | identityGridFunction (const GridPart &gridPart) |
A grid-function which returns the world coordinates of its argument. More... | |
template<class GridPart , unsigned N> | |
static auto | coordinateGridFunction (const GridPart &gridPart, const std::integral_constant< unsigned, N > &dummy) |
A grid-function which returns the N-th component of the world coordinates of its argument. More... | |
template<class GridPart , unsigned N> | |
static ConstantGridFunction< Fem::FunctionSpace< typename GridPart::ctype, typename GridPart::ctype, GridPart::dimensionworld, GridPart::dimensionworld >, GridPart > | coordinateVectorFunction (const GridPart &gridPart, const std::integral_constant< unsigned, N > &dummy) |
Construct a unit coordinate vector. | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalDivergenceAdapter< GridFunction >, typename GridFunction::GridPartType > | divergence (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f_, const std::string &name="") |
Take the divergence of a given function. | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalGradientAdapter< GridFunction >, typename GridFunction::GridPartType > | gradient (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f_, const std::string &name="") |
Take the gradient of a given function. | |
template<class CharacteristicFunction , class GridFunction0 , class GridFunction1 > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalPiecewiseAdapter< CharacteristicFunction, GridFunction0, GridFunction1 >, typename GridFunction0::GridPartType > | piecewise (const Fem::Function< typename CharacteristicFunction::FunctionSpaceType, CharacteristicFunction > &characteristic, const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction0::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction0 > &function0, const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction1 > &function1, const std::string &name="") |
Form a piecewise defined function where the domain decomposition is defined by the indicator function of one of the sub-domains. More... | |
template<class CharacteristicFunction , class GridFunction1 > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalPiecewiseAdapter< CharacteristicFunction, ConstantGridFunction< typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType, typename GridFunction1::GridPartType >, GridFunction1 >, typename GridFunction1::GridPartType > | piecewise (const Fem::Function< typename CharacteristicFunction::FunctionSpaceType, CharacteristicFunction > &characteristic, const typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType::RangeType value0, const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction1 > &function1, const std::string &name="") |
specialization for GridFunction0 of RangeType | |
template<class CharacteristicFunction , class GridFunction0 > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalPiecewiseAdapter< CharacteristicFunction, GridFunction0, ConstantGridFunction< typename GridFunction0::FunctionSpaceType, typename GridFunction0::GridPartType > >, typename GridFunction0::GridPartType > | piecewise (const Fem::Function< typename CharacteristicFunction::FunctionSpaceType, CharacteristicFunction > &characteristic, const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction0::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction0 > &function0, const typename GridFunction0::FunctionSpaceType::RangeType value1, const std::string &name="") |
specialization for GridFunction1 of RangeType | |
template<class CharacteristicFunction , class FunctionSpaceType > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalPiecewiseAdapter< CharacteristicFunction, ConstantGridFunction< FunctionSpaceType, typename CharacteristicFunction::GridPartType >, ConstantGridFunction< FunctionSpaceType, typename CharacteristicFunction::GridPartType > >, typename CharacteristicFunction::GridPartType > | piecewise (const Fem::Function< typename CharacteristicFunction::FunctionSpaceType, CharacteristicFunction > &characteristic, const typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeType value0, const typename FunctionSpaceType::RangeType value1, const std::string &name="") |
specialization for GridFunction0 and GridFunction1 of RangeType | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator- (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(-f_.function()), Indicator > |
-Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(-f) | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator+ (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > |
+Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class LeftInd > | |
static auto | operator+ (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Left, LeftInd > &f_, const Fem::Function< typename Right::FunctionSpaceType, Right > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asExprArg(f_)+g_)) |
Wrapped(f) + g = Wrapped(f + g) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator+ (const Fem::Function< typename Left::FunctionSpaceType, Left > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(f_+asExprArg(g_))) |
f + Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f + g) | |
template<class ZeroExpression , class Left , class LeftInd > | |
static auto | operator+ (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Left, LeftInd > &f_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asExprArg(f_)+g_)) |
Wrapped(f) + zero = Wrapped(f + zero) More... | |
template<class ZeroExpression , class Right , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator+ (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(f_+asExprArg(g_))) |
zero + Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(zero + g) More... | |
template<class F , class FC , class Z > | |
static auto | operator+ (const BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > |
Wrapped(f) + Empty = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class F , class FC , class Z > | |
static auto | operator+ (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > &f_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > |
Empty + Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class Z1 , class Z2 > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< typename Z1::FunctionSpaceType, typename Z1::GridPartType >, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | operator+ (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z1, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z1_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z2, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z2_) |
Empty + Empty = Empty. | |
template<class Left , class Right , class LeftInd , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator- (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Left, LeftInd > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asExprArg(f_) - asExprArg(g_))) |
Wrapped(f) - Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f - g) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class LeftInd > | |
static auto | operator- (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Left, LeftInd > &f_, const Fem::Function< typename Right::FunctionSpaceType, Right > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asExprArg(f_) - g_)) |
Wrapped(f) - g = Wrapped(f - g) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator- (const Fem::Function< typename Left::FunctionSpaceType, Left > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(f_ - asExprArg(g_))) |
f - Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f - g) | |
template<class F , class FC , class Z > | |
static auto | operator- (const BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > |
Wrapped(f) - Empty = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class F , class FC , class Z > | |
static auto | operator- (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FC > &f_) -> decltype(-f_) |
Empty - Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(-f) | |
template<class Z1 , class Z2 > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< typename Z1::FunctionSpaceType, typename Z1::GridPartType >, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | operator- (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z1, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z1_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Z2, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z2_) |
Empty - Empty = Empty. | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asEssBndryFct(s_ *asExprArg(f_)))) |
s * Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(s * f) | |
template<class Function > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridPartType >, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | operator* (const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &f_) |
s * Wrapped(f, Empty) = Wrapped(zero, Empty) | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_, const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_) -> decltype(s_ *f_) |
Wrapped(f) * s = Wrapped(s * f) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asEssBndryFct(asImp(p_) *asExprArg(f_)))) |
Param * Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(Param * f) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridPartType >, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &f_) |
Param * Wrapped(f, Empty) = Wrapped(zero, Empty) | |
template<class Field , class Parameter , class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &p_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> decltype(p_.left() *(p_.right() *f_)) |
Move scalars out of BinaryParameterExpression. | |
template<class Left , class Right , class LeftInd , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Left, LeftInd > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asEssBndryFct(asExprArg(f_) *asExprArg(g_)))) |
Wrapped(f) * Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f * g) | |
template<class Zero , class F , class FInd > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Zero, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FInd > &f_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(z_, f_)), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Need to explicitly specialize the zero case, as the the multiplication zero optimiations for grid-function do not take the EmptyBoundaryIndicator into account. | |
template<class F , class Zero , class FInd > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< F, FInd > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Zero, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(z_, f_)), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Need to explicitly specialize the zero case, as the the multiplication zero optimiations for grid-function do not take the EmptyBoundaryIndicator into account. | |
template<class Left , class Right > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Left, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z1_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &z2_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(z1_, z2_)), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Need to explicitly specialize the zero case, as the the multiplication zero optimiations for grid-function do not take the EmptyBoundaryIndicator into account. | |
template<class Left , class Right , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Left::FunctionSpaceType, Left > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< typename EssBndryFct< decltype(asImp(f_) *g_.function())>::Type, typename BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd >::IndicatorType > |
f * Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f * g) | |
template<class Left , class Right > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Left::FunctionSpaceType, Left > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &g_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(asImp(f_), g_)), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Zero specialization. | |
template<class ZeroExpression , class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &b_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(*z_, b_)), typename BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator >::IndicatorType > |
zero * Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(zero) | |
template<class ZeroExpression , class Right > | |
static auto | operator* (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &g_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(*f_, g_)), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Zero specialization. | |
template<class Function , class Wrapped , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Wrapped, Indicator > &b_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< typename EssBndryFct< decltype(b_.function() *asImp(f_))>::Type, typename BoundarySupportedFunction< Wrapped, Indicator >::IndicatorType > |
Wrapped(g) * f = Wrapped(g * f) | |
template<class Function , class Wrapped > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Wrapped, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &b_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(b_, asImp(f_))), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Zero specialization. | |
template<class ZeroExpression , class Wrapped , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Wrapped, Indicator > &b_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(b_, *z_)), typename BoundarySupportedFunction< Wrapped, Indicator >::IndicatorType > |
Wrapped(g) * zero = Wrapped(zero) | |
template<class ZeroExpression , class Wrapped > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Wrapped, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > &b_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) -> BoundarySupportedFunction< decltype(zeroProduct(b_, *z_)), EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > |
Zero specialization. | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > | operator* (const decltype(oneFunction(std::declval< Function >()))&one, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) |
1 * Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > | operator* (const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_, const decltype(oneFunction(std::declval< Function >()))&one) |
Wrapped(f) * 1 = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class RightInd > | |
static auto | operator/ (const Fem::Function< typename Left::FunctionSpaceType, Left > &f_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Right, RightInd > &g_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asEssBndryFct(f_/asExprArg(g_)))) |
f / Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f / g) | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator/ (const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asEssBndryFct(s_/asExprArg(f_)))) |
s / Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(s / f) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function , class Indicator > | |
static auto | operator/ (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f_) -> decltype(asBndryFct(asEssBndryFct(asImp(p_)/asExprArg(f_)))) |
Param * Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(Param * f) | |
template<class Indicator , class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &chi, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f) -> decltype(boundarySupportedFunction(f, chi)) |
chi * f More... | |
template<class Indicator , class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &chi) -> decltype(asImp(chi) *asImp(f)) |
Multiplication from the right. | |
template<class Function > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridParType >, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | operator* (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &chi, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f) |
Empty * Something = Empty. | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< ZeroGridFunction< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridParType >, EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType > | operator* (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &chi, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f) |
Empty * Wrapped = Empty. | |
template<class Function , class Indicator > | |
static BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > | operator* (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &chi, const BoundarySupportedFunction< Function, Indicator > &f) |
Entire * Wrapped = Wrapped. | |
template<class GridFunction , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
BoundarySupportedFunction< GridFunction, Indicator > | boundarySupportedFunction (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &c=EntireBoundaryIndicatorType()) |
Generate a function with partial support on the boundary. | |
template<class GridFunction , class Indicator > | |
BoundarySupportedFunction< GridFunction, Indicator > | boundarySupportedFunction (const BoundarySupportedFunction< GridFunction, Indicator > &f, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &=EntireBoundaryIndicatorType()) |
Avoid re-wrapping. | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
static const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > & | asExprFunction (const GridFunction &arg) |
Cast to the proper underlying expression class; for the generic case this is just the underlying Fem::Function base-class. | |
template<class UnOp , class Function > | |
static const UnaryGridFunctionExpression< UnOp, Function > & | asExprFunction (const UnaryGridFunctionExpression< UnOp, Function > &arg) |
Cast to the proper underlying expression class; this is the identity-specialization for things which actually are* expressions. | |
template<class BinOp , class LeftFunction , class RightFunction > | |
static const BinaryGridFunctionExpression< BinOp, LeftFunction, RightFunction > & | asExprFunction (const BinaryGridFunctionExpression< BinOp, LeftFunction, RightFunction > &arg) |
Cast to the proper underlying expression class; this is the identity-specialization for things which actually are* expressions. | |
template<class F1 , class F2 > | |
static ZeroGridFunction< typename FunctionMultiplicationResultTraits< typename F1::FunctionSpaceType, typename F2::FunctionSpaceType >::FunctionSpaceType, typename F1::GridPartType > | zeroProduct (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2) |
Generate the proper zero-functions for products evaluating to zero. More... | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
GridFunction::LocalFunctionType | localFunction (const GridFunction &f) |
Generate a local function from any GridFunction. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
FractionGridFunction< typename FunctionSpace::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, GridPart, 1L, 1UL > | oneFunction (const FunctionSpace &space, const GridPart &gridPart) |
Generate a proper constant-one function from the given Fem::FunctionSpace and Fem::GridPart. More... | |
template<class F > | |
auto | oneFunction (const F &f) -> decltype(oneFunction(f.space(), f.gridPart())) |
Generate a proper constant-one function from the given function. More... | |
template<class F > | |
auto | zeroFunction (const Fem::Function< typename F::FunctionSpaceType, F > &f_) -> ZeroGridFunction< typename F::FunctionSpaceType, typename F::GridPartType > |
Generate a ZeroGridFunction on the same function space. | |
template<class F > | |
auto | constantFunction (const Fem::Function< typename F::FunctionSpaceType, F > &f_, const typename F::FunctionSpaceType::RangeType &c) -> ConstantGridFunction< typename F::FunctionSpaceType, typename F::GridPartType > |
Generate a ConstantGridFunction on the same function space. | |
template<class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s) -> decltype(s *asImp(f_)) |
f * s | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Parameter, Function > | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Param * f. | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_) -> decltype(asImp(s_) *asImp(f_)) |
f * Param | |
template<class LeftFunction , class RightFunction > | |
auto | operator/ (const Fem::Function< typename LeftFunction::FunctionSpaceType, LeftFunction > &l_, const Fem::Function< typename RightFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, RightFunction > &r_) -> decltype(asImp(l_) *std::declval< UnaryGridFunctionExpression< InvertOperation, RightFunction > >()) |
Divide some function by a scalar function. | |
template<class RightFunction > | |
auto | operator/ (const typename RightFunction::RangeFieldType &l_, const Fem::Function< typename RightFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, RightFunction > &r_) -> decltype(l_ *std::declval< UnaryGridFunctionExpression< InvertOperation, RightFunction > >()) |
Divide a field element by a scalar function. | |
template<class LeftParameter , class RightFunction > | |
auto | operator/ (const ParameterInterface< LeftParameter > &l_, const Fem::Function< typename RightFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, RightFunction > &r_) -> decltype(asImp(l_) *std::declval< UnaryGridFunctionExpression< InvertOperation, RightFunction > >()) |
Divide a parameter by a scalar function. | |
template<class Function > | |
static auto | operator/ (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s) -> decltype((1.0/s) *asImp(f_)) |
Divide a function by a scalar. | |
template<class Function > | |
static BinaryGridFunctionExpression< PlusOperation, ConstantGridFunction< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridPartType >, Function > | operator+ (const typename Function::RangeType &s, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Add a constant function to a function. More... | |
template<class Function > | |
static auto | operator+ (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const typename Function::RangeType &s_) -> decltype(s_+f_) |
Add a constant to a function from the right. More... | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static BinaryGridFunctionExpression< PlusOperation, ParameterGridFunction< Parameter, typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridPartType >, Function > | operator+ (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Add a constant parameter to a function. More... | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static auto | operator+ (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_) -> decltype(s_+f_) |
Add a constant parameter to a function from the right. More... | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static BinaryGridFunctionExpression< MinusOperation, ParameterGridFunction< Parameter, typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridPartType >, Function > | operator- (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Substract a function from a constant parameter, yielding a grid function as result. More... | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static BinaryGridFunctionExpression< MinusOperation, Function, ParameterGridFunction< Parameter, typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, typename Function::GridPartType > > | operator- (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_) |
Substract a constant parameter from a function. More... | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< IdentityOperation, Function > | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Turn a Fem::Function which must have the Fem::HasLocalFunction property into a GridFunctionExpression. | |
template<class Function > | |
static auto | operator+ (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) -> decltype(*asImp(f_)) |
unary + == unary * | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< ExpOperation, Function > | exp (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise exponentiation, exp(f)(x) = [exp(f(x)_0),...,exp(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< LogOperation, Function > | log (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise logarithm, log(f)(x) = [log(f(x)_0),...,log(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< SqrtOperation, Function > | sqrt (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise square-root, sqrt(f)(x) = [sqrt(f(x)_0),...,sqrt(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< SquareOperation, Function > | sqr (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Square operation, yielding the square of the Euclidian norm. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< SinOperation, Function > | sin (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise sine function, sin(f)(x) = [sin(f(x)_0),...,sin(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< CosOperation, Function > | cos (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise cosine function, cos(f)(x) = [cos(f(x)_0),...,cos(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< TanOperation, Function > | tan (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise tanine function, tan(f)(x) = [tan(f(x)_0),...,tan(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< AtanOperation, Function > | atan (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise atan function, atan(f)(x) = [atan(f(x)_0),...,atan(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< AsinOperation, Function > | asin (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise asin function, asin(f)(x) = [asin(f(x)_0),...,asin(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class Function > | |
static UnaryGridFunctionExpression< AcosOperation, Function > | acos (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) |
Component-wise acos function, acos(f)(x) = [acos(f(x)_0),...,acos(f(x)_N]. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class Expression > | |
static Expression | operator* (const GridFunctionExpression< FunctionSpace, Expression > &f_) |
Avoid double wrapping. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
static ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpace, GridPart > | operator* (const ZeroGridFunction< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &f_) |
Avoid double wrapping. | |
template<class F > | |
static auto | operator- (const UnaryGridFunctionExpression< MinusOperation, F > &expr) -> decltype(+expr.function()) |
-(-f) = f | |
template<class F1 , class F2 > | |
static auto | operator- (const BinaryGridFunctionExpression< MinusOperation, F1, F2 > &expr) -> decltype(expr.rightFunction() - expr.leftFunction()) |
-(f - g) = g - f | |
template<class F1 , class F2 > | |
static auto | operator- (const BinaryGridFunctionExpression< PlusOperation, UnaryGridFunctionExpression< MinusOperation, F1 >, F2 > &expr) -> decltype(expr.leftFunction().function() - expr.rightFunction()) |
-(-f + g) = f - g | |
template<class Field , class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const Field &s_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Function > > &f_) -> decltype((s_ *asImp(f_).scalar()) *asImp(f_).function()) |
Fold s * (s * f) into (s*s) * f. | |
template<class Field , class Function1 , class Function2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function1::FunctionSpaceType, BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Function1 > > &f1_, const Fem::Function< typename Function2::FunctionSpaceType, Function2 > &f2_) -> decltype(asImp(f1_).scalar() *(asImp(f1_).function() *asImp(f2_))) |
Fold (s * f1) * f2 into s *(f1 f2) | |
template<class Field , class Function1 , class Function2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function1::FunctionSpaceType, Function1 > &f1_, const Fem::Function< typename Function2::FunctionSpaceType, BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Function2 > > &f2_) -> decltype(asImp(f2_).scalar() *(asImp(f1_) *asImp(f2_).function())) |
Fold f1 * (s * f2) into s *(f1 f2) | |
template<class Field1 , class Field2 , class Function1 , class Function2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function1::FunctionSpaceType, BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field1, Function1 > > &f1_, const Fem::Function< typename Function2::FunctionSpaceType, BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field2, Function2 > > &f2_) -> decltype((asImp(f1_).scalar() *asImp(f2_).scalar()) *(asImp(f1_).function() *asImp(f2_).function())) |
Fold (s1 * f1) * (s2 * f2) into (s1*s2) *(f1 f2) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Function::RangeFieldType, Function > > &f_) -> decltype(asImp(f_).scalar() *(asImp(p_) *asImp(f_).function())) |
Move scalars left-most. | |
template<class Field , class Parameter , class Function > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &p_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) -> decltype(p_.left() *(p_.right() *asImp(f_))) |
Move scalars out of BinaryParameterExpression. | |
template<class Parameter , class ZeroExpression > | |
static ZeroExpression | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename ZeroExpression::RangeFieldType, Parameter > &p_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) |
We need to specialize moving scalars out of expressions for ZeroGridFunction, otherwise the optimization results in ambiguous overloads. More... | |
template<class ZeroExpression > | |
static ZeroExpression | operator* (const typename ZeroExpression::RangeFieldType &s, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z) |
s * zero = zero | |
template<class Parameter , class ZeroExpression > | |
static ZeroExpression | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z) |
Param * zero = zero. | |
template<class Function , class ZeroExpression > | |
static auto | operator* (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &g_) -> decltype(zeroProduct(*z_, g_)) |
Zero * SomeThing = Zero. | |
template<class Function , class ZeroExpression > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &g_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) -> decltype(z_ *g_) |
SomeThing * Zero = Zero. | |
template<class ZeroExpression1 , class ZeroExpression2 > | |
static auto | operator* (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression1::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression1 > &z1, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression2::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression2 > &z2) -> decltype(zeroProduct(*z1, z2)) |
Zero * Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Function , class ZeroExpression > | |
static auto | operator+ (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) -> decltype(*asImp(f_)) |
Zero + SomeThing = SomeThing. | |
template<class Function , class ZeroExpression > | |
static auto | operator+ (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) -> decltype(*asImp(f_)) |
SomeThing + Zero = SomeThing. | |
template<class ZeroExpression1 , class ZeroExpression2 > | |
static ZeroExpression1 | operator+ (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression1::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression1 > &z1_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression2::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression2 > &z2_) |
Zero + Zero has to be specialized in order to avoid ambiguous overloading. | |
template<class Function , class ZeroExpression > | |
static auto | operator- (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) -> decltype(*asImp(f_)) |
SomeThing - Zero = SomeThing. | |
template<class Function , class ZeroExpression > | |
static auto | operator- (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_, const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_) -> decltype(-asImp(f_)) |
Zero - SomeThing = -SomeThing. | |
template<class ZeroExpression1 , class ZeroExpression2 > | |
static ZeroExpression1 | operator- (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression1::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression1 > &z1_, const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression2::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression2 > &z2_) |
Zero - Zero = Zero. More... | |
template<class ZeroExpression > | |
static ZeroExpression | operator- (const ZeroGridFunctionExpression< typename ZeroExpression::FunctionSpaceType, ZeroExpression > &z_) |
-Zero = Zero | |
template<class FunctionImp , class GridPart > | |
static auto | wrapToGridFunction (const std::string &name, const FunctionImp &f, const GridPart &g, unsigned order=111) |
Possibly wrap a function into a GridFunctionWrapper. More... | |
template<class FunctionImp , class GridPart > | |
static auto | adaptToGridFunction (const std::string &name, const FunctionImp &f, const GridPart &g, unsigned order=111) |
Possibly enhance a function by encapsulating a reference into a GridFunctionAdapter. More... | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator- (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(-asExprArg(f_)), GridPart > |
-Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(-f) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator+ (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > |
+Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(f) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator+ (const GridFunctionWrapper< Left, GridPart > &f_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Right, GridPart > &g_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asExprArg(f_)+asExprArg(g_)), GridPart > |
Wrapped(f) + Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f + g) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator- (const GridFunctionWrapper< Left, GridPart > &f_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Right, GridPart > &g_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asExprArg(f_) - asExprArg(g_)), GridPart > |
Wrapped(f) - Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f - g) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator* (const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(s_ *asExprArg(f_)), GridPart > |
s * Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(s * f) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator* (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_, const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_) -> decltype(s_ *f_) |
Wrapped(f) * s = Wrapped(s * f) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asImp(p_) *asExprArg(f_)), GridPart > |
Param * Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(Param * f) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator* (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_) -> decltype(asImp(p_) *f_) |
Wrapped(f) * Param = Wrapped(Param * f) | |
template<class Field , class Parameter , class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &p_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> decltype(p_.left() *(p_.right() *f_)) |
Move scalars out of BinaryParameterExpression. | |
template<class Left , class Right , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator* (const GridFunctionWrapper< Left, GridPart > &f_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Right, GridPart > &g_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asExprArg(f_) *asExprArg(g_)), GridPart > |
Wrapped(f) * Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(f * g) | |
template<class Left , class Right , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator/ (const GridFunctionWrapper< Left, GridPart > &f_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Right, GridPart > &g_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asExprArg(f_)/asExprArg(g_)), GridPart > |
Wrapped(f) / Wrapped(scalar g) = Wrapped(f * 1/g) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator/ (const typename Function::RangeFieldType &s_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(s_/asExprArg(f_)), GridPart > |
s / Wrapped(g) = Wrapped(s / g) | |
template<class Parameter , class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | operator/ (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asImp(p_)/asExprArg(f_)), GridPart > |
Param / Wrapped(f) = Wrapped(Param / f) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | exp (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(exp(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
exp(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(exp(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | log (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(log(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
log(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(log(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | sqrt (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(sqrt(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
sqrt(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(sqrt(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | sqr (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(sqr(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
sqr(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(sqr(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | sin (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(sin(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
sin(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(sin(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | cos (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(cos(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
cos(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(cos(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | tan (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(tan(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
tan(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(tan(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | atan (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(atan(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
atan(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(atan(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | asin (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(asin(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
asin(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(asin(f)) | |
template<class Function , class GridPart > | |
static auto | acos (const GridFunctionWrapper< Function, GridPart > &f_) -> GridFunctionWrapper< decltype(acos(asExprArg(f_))), GridPart > |
acos(Wrapped(f)) = Wrapped(acos(f)) | |
template<class GridFunction1 , class GridFunction2 > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalMaxAdapter< GridFunction1, GridFunction2 >, typename GridFunction1::GridPartType > | max (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction1 > &f1, const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction2::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction2 > &f2, const std::string &name="") |
Pointwise maximum of two given functions. | |
template<class GridFunction1 > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalMaxAdapter< GridFunction1, ConstantGridFunction< typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType, typename GridFunction1::GridPartType > >, typename GridFunction1::GridPartType > | max (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction1 > &f1, const typename GridFunction1::FunctionSpaceType::RangeType value2, const std::string &name="") |
Pointwise maximum of two given functions where one is given by a RangeType value. | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalNormAdapter< GridFunction, 2 >, typename GridFunction::GridPartType > | twoNorm (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f, const std::string &name="") |
Pointwise euclidean norm of a given function. | |
template<class OperatorParts , class Solution > | |
LocalFunctionWrapper< LocalRightHandSideAdapter< OperatorParts, Solution >, typename Solution::GridPartType > | rightHandSide (const OperatorPartsInterface< OperatorParts > &operatorParts, const Fem::Function< typename Solution::FunctionSpaceType, Solution > &solution_, const std::string &name="") |
Take any PDE operatorparts and an "exact solutio" and generate a right-hand-side force-density such that the PDE-operatorparts should reproduce the given "solution" – provided that the boundary conditions match also ... | |
template<class Intersection > | |
bool | isDomainBoundary (const Intersection &intersection) |
Return true if at the global domain boundary. | |
template<class Intersection > | |
bool | isPeriodicBoundary (const Intersection &intersection) |
Return true if at a periodic boundary. More... | |
template<class Intersection > | |
bool | isProcessorBoundary (const Intersection &intersection) |
Retrun true if at the border to another computing note. More... | |
template<class Intersection > | |
bool | isInterior (const Intersection &intersection) |
Return true if there is a neighbor. More... | |
template<class Indicator > | |
BoundaryIndicatorWrapper< Indicator > | operator* (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &arg) |
Wrap another indicator by making a copy. | |
template<class Indicator > | |
auto | operator+ (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &arg) -> decltype(*asImp(arg)) |
Unary plus is like *. | |
template<class Indicator > | |
Indicator | operator* (const BoundaryIndicatorExpression< Indicator > &arg) |
Avoid duplicate wrapping and wrapping of expressions. | |
template<class Indicator > | |
ComplementBoundaryIndicator< Indicator > | operator! (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &arg) |
Boolean negation, take the complement. | |
template<class Indicator > | |
auto | operator- (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &arg) -> decltype(!asImp(arg)) |
Unary - is like ! | |
template<class Indicator > | |
auto | operator! (const ComplementBoundaryIndicator< Indicator > &arg) -> decltype(*arg.containedExpression()) |
Collapse double !, wrap the original indicator. | |
template<class One , class Two > | |
UnionBoundaryIndicator< One, Two > | operator|| (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< One > &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Two > &two) |
Union of two indicators. | |
template<class One , class Two > | |
auto | operator+ (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< One > &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Two > &two) -> decltype(asImp(one)||asImp(two)) |
Union of two indicators. | |
template<class One , class Two > | |
IntersectionBoundaryIndicator< One, Two > | operator&& (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< One > &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Two > &two) |
Intersection of two indicators. | |
template<class One , class Two > | |
auto | operator* (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< One > &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Two > &two) -> decltype(asImp(one) &&asImp(two)) |
Intersection of two indicators. | |
template<class One , class Two > | |
auto | operator- (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< One > &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Two > &two) -> decltype(asImp(one) &&(!asImp(two))) |
Difference in the sense of \(A \setminus B\). | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator! (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &arg) |
!Empty = EntireBoundary | |
static EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType | operator! (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &arg) |
!EntireBoundary = Empty | |
template<class Other > | |
static auto | operator|| (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &two) -> decltype(*asImp(two)) |
Empty || Something = Something. | |
template<class Other > | |
static auto | operator|| (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &one, const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &two) -> decltype(*asImp(one)) |
Something || Empty = Something. | |
static EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType | operator|| (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
Empty || Empty = Empty. | |
template<class Other > | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator|| (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &two) |
All || Something = All. | |
template<class Other > | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator|| (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &one, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
Something || All = All. | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator|| (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
All || All = All. | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator|| (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
All || Empty = All. | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator|| (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
All || Empty = All. | |
template<class Other > | |
static EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType | operator&& (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &fixed, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &other) |
Empty && Other = Empty. | |
template<class Other > | |
auto | operator&& (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &other, const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &fixed) -> decltype(*fixed) |
Other && Empty = Empty. | |
template<class Other > | |
static auto | operator&& (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &fixed, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &other) -> decltype(*asImp(other)) |
All && Other = Other. | |
template<class Other > | |
static auto | operator&& (const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Other > &other, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &fixed) -> decltype(*asImp(other)) |
Other && All = Other. | |
static EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType | operator&& (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
Empty && Empty = Empty. | |
static EntireBoundaryIndicatorType | operator&& (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
All && All = All. | |
static EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType | operator&& (const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
Empty && All = Empty. | |
static EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType | operator&& (const EntireBoundaryIndicatorType &one, const EmptyBoundaryIndicatorType &two) |
All && Empty = Empty. | |
template<class LeftModelType , class RightModelType > | |
BinaryModelExpression< PlusOperation, LeftModelType, RightModelType > | operator+ (const ModelInterface< LeftModelType > &f_, const ModelInterface< RightModelType > &g_) |
Add two models. | |
template<class LeftModelType , class RightModelType > | |
BinaryModelExpression< MinusOperation, LeftModelType, RightModelType > | operator- (const ModelInterface< LeftModelType > &f_, const ModelInterface< RightModelType > &g_) |
Subtract two models. | |
template<class ModelType > | |
BinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename ModelType::RangeFieldType, ModelType > | operator* (const typename ModelType::RangeFieldType &s_, const ModelInterface< ModelType > &f_) |
Multiplication with scalars from the left. | |
template<class ModelType > | |
auto | operator* (const ModelInterface< ModelType > &m_, const typename ModelType::RangeFieldType &s_) -> decltype(s_ *asImp(m_)) |
Multiplication with scalars from the right. | |
template<class Parameter , class ModelType > | |
BinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Parameter, ModelType > | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_, const ModelInterface< ModelType > &f_) |
Multiplication with something satisfying ParameterInterface from the left. | |
template<class Parameter , class ModelType > | |
auto | operator* (const ModelInterface< ModelType > &m_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_) -> decltype(asImp(s_) *asImp(m_)) |
Multiplication with something satisfying ParameterInterface from the right. | |
template<class FactorFunction , class ModelType > | |
BinaryModelExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, ModelType > | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename FactorFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, FactorFunction > &f_, const ModelInterface< ModelType > &m_) |
Left multiplication by a function. More... | |
template<class FactorFunction , class ModelType > | |
BinaryModelExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, ModelType > | operator* (const ModelInterface< ModelType > &m_, const Fem::Function< typename FactorFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, FactorFunction > &f_) |
Right multiplication by a function. | |
template<class Model > | |
class UnaryModelExpression< MinusOperation, Model > | operator- (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_) |
Unary minus. | |
template<class Model > | |
class UnaryModelExpression< IdentityOperation, Model > | operator* (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_) |
Identity. More... | |
template<class Model > | |
auto | operator+ (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_) -> decltype(*m_) |
Unary plus, acts like operator*(const ModelInterface<Model>&). | |
template<class Model , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
auto | operator- (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) -> decltype(m_+std::declval< ForcesFunctionalModel< typename Traits::GlobalFunctionalType > >()) |
Augment the model by a DiscreteLinearFunctional. More... | |
template<class Model , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
auto | operator+ (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) -> decltype(m_ - std::declval< ForcesFunctionalModel< typename Traits::GlobalFunctionalType > >()) |
Augment the model by a DiscreteLinearFunctional. More... | |
template<class Model , class GridFunction > | |
auto | operator- (const ModelInterface< Model > &m, const Fem::Function< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f) -> decltype(m+std::declval< BulkForcesFunctionModel< GridFunction > >()) |
Augment the model by a right hand side, aka a "bulk forces
function". More... | |
template<class Model , class GridFunction > | |
auto | operator+ (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_, const Fem::Function< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f) -> decltype(m_ - std::declval< BulkForcesFunctionModel< GridFunction > >()) |
Augment the model by a right hand side, aka BulkForcesFunction. More... | |
template<class Expression > | |
Expression | operator* (const ModelExpression< Expression > &m_) |
Avoid double identity wrapping. | |
template<class Model > | |
static auto | operator* (const typename Model::RangeFieldType &s_, const BinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Model::RangeFieldType, Model > &m_) -> decltype((s_ *m_.scalar()) *m_.model()) |
Fold s * (s * m) into (s*s) * m. | |
template<class Parameter , class Model > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const ModelInterface< BinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Model::RangeFieldType, Model > > &m_) -> decltype(asImp(m_).scalar() *(asImp(p_) *asImp(m_).model())) |
Move sclars left-most. | |
template<class Field , class Parameter , class Model > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &p_, const ModelInterface< Model > &m_) -> decltype(p_.left() *(p_.right() *asImp(m_))) |
Move scalars out of BinaryParameterExpression. | |
template<class Function , class Field , class Model > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const BinaryModelExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Model > &m_) -> decltype(m_.scalar() *(asImp(f_) *m_.model())) |
Move sclars left-most. | |
template<class Field , class Function , class Model > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Function > &f_, const ModelInterface< Model > &m_) -> decltype(f_.scalar() *(f_.function() *asImp(m_))) |
Move scalars out of BinaryGridFunctionExpression. | |
template<class Model > | |
auto | operator- (const UnaryModelExpression< MinusOperation, Model > &m_) -> decltype(*m_.containedExpression()) |
-(-Model) = Model More... | |
template<class Model , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class GridFunction , template< class > class QuadratureTraits> | |
auto | operator- (const ModelInterface< Model > &m_, const L2InnerProductFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, GridFunction, QuadratureTraits > &phi_) -> decltype(m_ - phi_.function()) |
Avoid adding ordinary L2-functionals as functional. | |
template<class Model > | |
auto | operator+ (const ModelInterface< Model > &m, const ZeroModel< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, typename Model::GridPartType > &z) -> decltype(*asImp(m)) |
Model + Zero = Model. | |
template<class Model > | |
auto | operator+ (const ZeroModel< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, typename Model::GridPartType > &z, const ModelInterface< Model > &m) -> decltype(*asImp(m)) |
Zero + Model = Model. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator+ (const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z1, const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z2) -> decltype(*z1) |
Zero + Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Model > | |
auto | operator- (const ModelInterface< Model > &m, const ZeroModel< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, typename Model::GridPartType > &z) -> decltype(*asImp(m)) |
Model - Zero = Model. | |
template<class Model > | |
auto | operator- (const ZeroModel< typename Model::FunctionSpaceType, typename Model::GridPartType > &z, const ModelInterface< Model > &m) -> decltype(-m) |
Zero - Model = -Model. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator- (const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z1, const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z2) -> decltype(*z1) |
Zero - Zero = Zero. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator* (const typename FunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &s_, const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
s * Zero = Zero | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z, const typename FunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &s) -> decltype(*z) |
Zero * s = Zero. | |
template<class Parameter , class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s, const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
Parameter * Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Parameter , class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s) -> decltype(*z) |
Zero * Parameter = Zero. | |
template<class Function , class ScalarSpace , class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< ScalarSpace, Function > &f, const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
Function * Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Function , class ScalarSpace , class FunctionSpace , class GridPart > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroModel< FunctionSpace, GridPart > &z, const Fem::Function< ScalarSpace, Function > &f) -> decltype(*z) |
Zero * Function = Zero. | |
template<class Model > | |
void | printConstituents (const Model &model, std::ostream &os=std::cout) |
Examine the given model and print to the given stream was has been found. More... | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
BulkForcesFunctionModel< GridFunction > | bulkForcesModel (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a BulkForcesFunctionModel for the "right hand side". More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static DeformationTensorOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | deformationTensorOperatorParts (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a deformation tensor model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< DeformationTensorOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | deformationTensorModel (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a deformation tensor model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class GridFunction , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
DirichletBoundaryModel< GridFunction, Indicator > | dirichletBoundaryModel (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &values, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator()) |
Generate a DirichletBoundaryModel from given grid-function and boundary indicator. More... | |
template<class Object , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
DirichletBoundaryModel< ZeroGridFunction< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, typename Object::GridPartType >, Indicator > | dirichletZeroModel (const Object &object, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator()) |
Generate homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< DivergenceOperatorParts< GridFunction >, typename GridFunction::GridPartType > | divergenceModel (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Laplacian-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static FluidSelfTransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | fluidSelfTransportOperatorParts (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Navier-Stokes non-linearity fitting the given object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< FluidSelfTransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | fluidSelfTransportModel (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Navier-Stokes non-linearity fitting the given object. More... | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
static GradientOperatorParts< GridFunction > | gradientOperatorParts (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Gradient-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static IncompressibleSelfTransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | incompressibleSelfTransportOpertorParts (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Navier-Stokes non-linearity fitting the given object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< IncompressibleSelfTransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | incompressibleSelfTransportModel (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Navier-Stokes non-linearity fitting the given object. More... | |
template<class Object , class Velocity > | |
static IncompressibleTransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity > | incompressibleTransportOperatorParts (const Object &object, const Fem::Function< typename Velocity::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity > &velocity, const std::string &name="") |
Generate an advection-model object. More... | |
template<class Object , class Velocity > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< IncompressibleTransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity >, typename Object::GridPartType > | incompressibleTransportModel (const Object &object, const Fem::Function< typename Velocity::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity > &velocity, const std::string &name="") |
Generate an advection-model object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static LaplacianOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | laplacianOperatorParts (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate OperatorParts for a (weak, of course) Laplacian. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< LaplacianOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | laplacianModel (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a Laplacian-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static MassOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | massOperatorParts (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate OperatorParts for a (weak, of course) Mass. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< MassOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | massModel (const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a mass model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object , class Parameter = TrivialParameter<typename Object::FunctionSpaceType::RangeType>> | |
static MeanCurvatureOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Parameter > | meanCurvatureOperatorParts (const Parameter ®ularization, const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a MeanCurvature-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object , class Parameter = TrivialParameter<typename Object::FunctionSpaceType::RangeType>> | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< MeanCurvatureOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Parameter >, typename Object::GridPartType > | meanCurvatureModel (const Parameter ®ularization, const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a mean-curvature-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class GridFunction , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
NeumannBoundaryModel< GridFunction, Indicator > | neumannBoundaryModel (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &values, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator()) |
Generate a NeumannBoundaryModel from given grid-function and boundary indicator. More... | |
template<class Object , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
NeumannBoundaryModel< ZeroGridFunction< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, typename Object::GridPartType >, Indicator > | neumannZeroModel (const Object &object, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator()) |
Generate homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static P_LaplacianOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | p_LaplacianOperatorParts (const typename Object::FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType &p, const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate OperatorParts for a (weak, of course) p-Laplacian. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< P_LaplacianOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | p_LaplacianModel (const typename Object::FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType &p, const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a P-laplacian model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static P_MassOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType > | p_MassOperatorParts (const typename Object::FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType &p, const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate OperatorParts for a (weak, of course) Mass. More... | |
template<class Object > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< P_MassOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType >, typename Object::GridPartType > | p_MassModel (const typename Object::FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType &p, const Object &object, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a P-power mass-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class Object , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
static RobinBoundaryOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Indicator > | robinOperatorParts (const Object &object, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator(), const std::string &name="") |
Generate OperatorParts for (homogeneous) Robin boundary conditions. More... | |
template<class Object , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
OperatorPartsAdapterModel< RobinBoundaryOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Indicator >, typename Object::GridPartType > | robinZeroModel (const Object &object, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator()) |
Generate homogeneous Robin boundary conditions fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class GridFunction , class Indicator = EntireBoundaryIndicatorType> | |
auto | robinBoundaryModel (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &values, const BoundaryIndicatorInterface< Indicator > &where=Indicator()) -> decltype(robinZeroModel(asImp(values), where *neumannBoundaryModel(asImp(values), where).neumannIndicator())+neumannBoundaryModel(asImp(values), where)) |
Generate a RobinBoundaryModel from given grid-function and boundary indicator. More... | |
template<class Object , class Velocity > | |
static TransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity > | transportOperatorParts (const Object &object, const Fem::Function< typename Velocity::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity > &velocity, const std::string &name="") |
Generate an advection-model object. More... | |
template<class Object , class Velocity > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< TransportOperatorParts< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity >, typename Velocity::GridPartType > | transportModel (const Object &object, const Fem::Function< typename Velocity::FunctionSpaceType, Velocity > &velocity, const std::string &name="") |
Generate an advection-model object. More... | |
template<class GridFunction > | |
static OperatorPartsAdapterModel< WeakDivergenceOperatorParts< GridFunction >, typename GridFunction::GridPartType > | weakDivergenceModel (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &f, const std::string &name="") |
Generate a weak divergence model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class LeftOperand , class RightOperand > | |
BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< PlusOperation, LeftOperand, RightOperand > | operator+ (const OperatorPartsInterface< LeftOperand > &f_, const OperatorPartsInterface< RightOperand > &g_) |
Add two operands. | |
template<class LeftOperand , class RightOperand > | |
BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< MinusOperation, LeftOperand, RightOperand > | operator- (const OperatorPartsInterface< LeftOperand > &f_, const OperatorPartsInterface< RightOperand > &g_) |
Subtract two operands. | |
template<class OperandType > | |
BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename OperandType::RangeFieldType, OperandType > | operator* (const typename OperandType::RangeFieldType &s_, const OperatorPartsInterface< OperandType > &f_) |
Multiplication with scalars from the left. | |
template<class OperandType > | |
auto | operator* (const OperatorPartsInterface< OperandType > &op_, const typename OperandType::RangeFieldType &s_) -> decltype(s_ *asImp(op_)) |
Multiplication with scalars from the right. | |
template<class Parameter , class OperandType > | |
BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Parameter, OperandType > | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_, const OperatorPartsInterface< OperandType > &f_) |
Multiplication with something satisfying ParameterInterface from the left. | |
template<class Parameter , class OperandType > | |
auto | operator* (const OperatorPartsInterface< OperandType > &op_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s_) -> decltype(asImp(s_) *asImp(op_)) |
Multiplication with something satisfying ParameterInterface from the right. | |
template<class FactorFunction , class OperandType > | |
BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, OperandType > | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename FactorFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, FactorFunction > &f_, const OperatorPartsInterface< OperandType > &op_) |
Left multiplication by a function. | |
template<class FactorFunction , class OperandType > | |
BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< MultiplyOperation, FactorFunction, OperandType > | operator* (const OperatorPartsInterface< OperandType > &op_, const Fem::Function< typename FactorFunction::FunctionSpaceType::ScalarFunctionSpaceType, FactorFunction > &f_) |
Right multiplication by a function. | |
template<class Operand > | |
class UnaryOperatorPartsExpression< MinusOperation, Operand > | operator- (const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op_) |
Unary minus. | |
template<class Operand > | |
class UnaryOperatorPartsExpression< IdentityOperation, Operand > | operator* (const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op_) |
Identity. More... | |
template<class Operand > | |
auto | operator+ (const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op_) -> decltype(*op_) |
Unary plus, acts like operator*(const OperatorPartsInterface<Operand>&). | |
template<class Expression > | |
Expression | operator* (const OperatorPartsExpression< Expression > &op_) |
Avoid double identity wrapping. | |
template<class Operand > | |
static auto | operator* (const typename Operand::RangeFieldType &s_, const BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Operand::RangeFieldType, Operand > &op_) -> decltype((s_ *op_.scalar()) *op_.operand()) |
Fold s * (s * op) into (s*s) * op. | |
template<class Parameter , class Operand > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const OperatorPartsInterface< BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename Operand::RangeFieldType, Operand > > &op_) -> decltype(asImp(op_).scalar() *(asImp(p_) *asImp(op_).operand())) |
Move sclars left-most. | |
template<class Field , class Parameter , class Operand > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &p_, const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op_) -> decltype(p_.left() *(p_.right() *asImp(op_))) |
Move scalars out of BinaryParameterExpression. | |
template<class Function , class Field , class Operand > | |
static auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< typename Function::FunctionSpaceType, Function > &f_, const BinaryOperatorPartsExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Operand > &op_) -> decltype(op_.scalar() *(asImp(f_) *op_.operand())) |
Move sclars left-most. | |
template<class Field , class Function , class Operand > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryGridFunctionExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Function > &f_, const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op_) -> decltype(f_.scalar() *(f_.function() *asImp(op_))) |
Move scalars out of BinaryGridFunctionExpression. | |
template<class Operand > | |
auto | operator- (const UnaryOperatorPartsExpression< MinusOperation, Operand > &op_) -> decltype(*op_.containedExpression()) |
-(-Operand) = Operand More... | |
template<class Operand > | |
auto | operator+ (const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op, const ZeroOperatorParts< typename Operand::FunctionSpaceType > &z) -> decltype(*asImp(op)) |
Operand + Zero = Operand. | |
template<class Operand > | |
auto | operator+ (const ZeroOperatorParts< typename Operand::FunctionSpaceType > &z, const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op) -> decltype(*asImp(op)) |
Zero + Operand = Operand. | |
template<class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator+ (const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z1, const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z2) -> decltype(*z1) |
Zero + Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Operand > | |
auto | operator- (const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op, const ZeroOperatorParts< typename Operand::FunctionSpaceType > &z) -> decltype(*asImp(op)) |
Operand - Zero = Operand. | |
template<class Operand > | |
auto | operator- (const ZeroOperatorParts< typename Operand::FunctionSpaceType > &z, const OperatorPartsInterface< Operand > &op) -> decltype(-op) |
Zero - Operand = -Operand. | |
template<class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator- (const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z1, const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z2) -> decltype(*z1) |
Zero - Zero = Zero. | |
template<class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator* (const typename FunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &s_, const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
s * Zero = Zero | |
template<class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z, const typename FunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &s) -> decltype(*z) |
Zero * s = Zero. | |
template<class Parameter , class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s, const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
Parameter * Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Parameter , class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &s) -> decltype(*z) |
Zero * Parameter = Zero. | |
template<class Function , class ScalarSpace , class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator* (const Fem::Function< ScalarSpace, Function > &f, const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
Function * Zero = Zero. | |
template<class Function , class ScalarSpace , class FunctionSpace > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroOperatorParts< FunctionSpace > &z, const Fem::Function< ScalarSpace, Function > &f) -> decltype(*z) |
Zero * Function = Zero. | |
template<class Object > | |
static ZeroModel< typename Object::FunctionSpaceType, typename Object::GridPartType > | zeroModel (const Object &object, const std::string &name="0") |
Generate a Zero-model fitting the specified object. More... | |
template<class DiscreteFunction , class GridFunction > | |
static double | divergenceFunctional (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &u, const Fem::DiscreteFunctionInterface< DiscreteFunction > &p) |
Application of divergence functional. | |
template<class DiscreteSpaceTraits , class GridFunction > | |
static DivergenceFunctional< typename DiscreteSpaceTraits::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > | divergenceFunctional (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &u, const Fem::DiscreteFunctionSpaceInterface< DiscreteSpaceTraits > &space) |
Create a divergence functional, types deduced form arguments. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
UnaryFunctionalExpression< IdentityOperation, typename Traits::GlobalFunctionalType > | operator* (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) |
Identity expression, in order to wrap non-expressions into expressions. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class LeftTraits , class RightTraits > | |
BinaryFunctionalExpression< PlusOperation, typename LeftTraits::GlobalFunctionalType, typename RightTraits::GlobalFunctionalType > | operator+ (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, LeftTraits > &left_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, RightTraits > &right_) |
Binary plus. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class LeftTraits , class RightTraits > | |
BinaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, typename LeftTraits::GlobalFunctionalType, typename RightTraits::GlobalFunctionalType > | operator- (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, LeftTraits > &left_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, RightTraits > &right_) |
Binary minus. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class LeftTraits , class Functional > | |
auto | operator- (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, LeftTraits > &left_, const UnaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, Functional > &right_) -> decltype(asImp(left_)+right_.containedExpression()) |
Reduce a - (-b) to a + b. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Functional , class RightTraits > | |
auto | operator+ (const UnaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, Functional > &left_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, RightTraits > &right_) -> decltype(asImp(right_) - left_.containedExpression()) |
Reduce -a + b to b - a. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class LeftTraits , class Functional > | |
auto | operator+ (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, LeftTraits > &left_, const UnaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, Functional > &right_) -> decltype(asImp(left_) - right_.containedExpression()) |
Reduce a + (-b) to a - b. | |
template<class Left , class Right > | |
auto | operator+ (const UnaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, Left > &left_, const UnaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, Right > &right_) -> decltype(-(left_.containedExpression()+right_.containedExpression())) |
Reduce -a + (-b) to -(b + a) | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
BinaryFunctionalExpression< SMultiplyOperation, const typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType, typename Traits::GlobalFunctionalType > | operator* (const typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &left_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &right_) |
S-Multiplication from the left with scalars. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
auto | operator* (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &left_, const typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &right_) -> decltype(right_ *asImp(left_)) |
S-Multiplication from the right with scalars. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
auto | operator/ (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &left_, const typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &right_) -> decltype(asImp(left_) *(1.0/right_)) |
Division by scalars is S-Multiplication reciprocal scalar. | |
template<class Parameter , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
BinaryFunctionalExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Parameter, typename Traits::GlobalFunctionalType > | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &left_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &right_) |
S-Multiplication from the left with parameters. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits , class Parameter > | |
auto | operator* (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &left_, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &right_) -> decltype(asImp(right_) *asImp(left_)) |
S-Multiplication from the right with parameters. | |
template<class Field , class Functional > | |
static auto | operator* (const Field &s, const BinaryFunctionalExpression< SMultiplyOperation, const Field, Functional > &psi) -> decltype((s *psi.leftExpression()) *psi.rightExpression()) |
Fold s1 * (s2 * psi) into (s1 * s2) * psi. | |
template<class Parameter , class Field , class Functional > | |
static auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p_, const BinaryFunctionalExpression< SMultiplyOperation, const Field, Functional > &psi) -> decltype(psi.leftExpression() *(asImp(p_) *psi.rightExpression())) |
Move scalars left-most. | |
template<class Field , class Parameter , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, Field, Parameter > &p_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &psi_) -> decltype(p_.left() *(p_.right() *asImp(psi_))) |
Move scalars out of s-mult expression with parameters. | |
template<class Parameter , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits > | |
static auto | operator* (const BinaryParameterExpression< SMultiplyOperation, typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType, Parameter > &p, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &phi_) -> decltype(*phi_) |
Avoid ambuigities with zero optimization. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
Traits::GlobalFunctionalType | operator* (const DiscreteLinearFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) |
Avoid double identity wrapping. | |
template<class Functional > | |
auto | operator- (const UnaryFunctionalExpression< MinusOperation, Functional > &phi_) -> decltype(*phi_.containedExpression()) |
-(-Phi) = Phi. More... | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits > | |
auto | operator- (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) -> decltype(*phi_) |
-ZeroFunctional == ZeroFunctional | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator+ (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z_) -> decltype(*asImp(phi_)) |
DiscreteLinearFunctional + ZeroFunctional = DiscreteLinearFunctional. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator+ (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) -> decltype(*asImp(phi_)) |
ZeroFunctional + DiscreteLinearFunctional = DiscreteLinearFunctional. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits1 , class ZeroTraits2 > | |
ZeroFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace > | operator+ (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits1 > &left_, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits2 > &right_) |
Finally Zero + Zero = Zero. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator- (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z_) -> decltype(*asImp(phi_)) |
DiscreteLinearFunctional - ZeroFunctional = DiscreteLinearFunctional. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Traits , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator- (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z_, const DiscreteLinearFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Traits > &phi_) -> decltype(-asImp(phi_)) |
ZeroFunctional - DiscreteLinearFunctional = -DiscreteLinearFunctional. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits1 , class ZeroTraits2 > | |
ZeroFunctional< DiscreteFunctionSpace > | operator- (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits1 > &left_, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits2 > &right_) |
Finally Zero - Zero = Zero. | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator* (const typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &s, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
s * ZeroFunctional = ZeroFunctional, but we have to wrap it (really?) | |
template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z, const typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType &s) -> decltype(*z) |
ZeroFunctional * s = s * ZeroFunctional. | |
template<class Parameter , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator* (const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p, const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z) -> decltype(*z) |
ParameterInterface * ZeroFunctional = ZeroFunctional, but wrap zero. | |
template<class Parameter , class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class ZeroTraits > | |
auto | operator* (const ZeroFunctionalExpression< DiscreteFunctionSpace, ZeroTraits > &z, const ParameterInterface< Parameter > &p) -> decltype(*z) |
ZeroFunctional * ParameterInterface = ZeroFunctional. | |
template<class DiscreteSpaceTraits , class GridFunction > | |
static L2InnerProductFunctional< typename DiscreteSpaceTraits::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > | l2InnerProductFunctional (const Fem::Function< typename GridFunction::FunctionSpaceType, GridFunction > &u, const Fem::DiscreteFunctionSpaceInterface< DiscreteSpaceTraits > &space) |
Create an L2 functional, types deduced form arguments. | |
template<class FunctionSpace , class GridFunction , class DiscreteFunction > | |
static void | L2Projection (const Fem::Function< FunctionSpace, GridFunction > &fct, DiscreteFunction &result) |
Perform an L2-projection for any GridFunction. | |
template<class Traits , class DiscreteFunction > | |
static void | L2Projection (const DiscreteLinearFunctional< typename DiscreteFunction::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType, Traits > &phi, DiscreteFunction &result) |
Perform an L2-projection for any DiscreteLinearFunctional. | |
template<class DF > | |
static Fem::RestrictProlongDefault< DF > | makeRestrictProlongDefault (Fem::Function< typename DF::FunctionSpaceType, DF > &df_) |
Endpoint for the makeRestrictProlongDefault recursion. More... | |
template<class DF1 , class DF2 , class... Rest> | |
static RestrictProlongDefaultTraits< DF1, DF2, Rest... >::Type | makeRestrictProlongDefault (DF1 &df1, DF2 &df2, Rest &... rest) |
Take arbitrary many discrete functions of potentially different type and generate a suitable RestrictProlong implementation for use with the AdaptationManager. | |
template<class... Rest> | |
static RestrictProlongDefaultTraits< Rest... >::Type | makeRestrictProlongDefault (const tuple< Rest &... > &arg) |
Conveniently form a compound RestrictProlong-implementation which conforms to RestrictProlongInterface. More... | |
Detailed Description
A namespace encapsulating everything defined in our dune-acfem project.
dune-acfem extracts and refines the fem-poisson and fem-heat examples from the dune-fem-school-generator and factors out general functionality. It serves as backend for single-purpose standalone dune-modules. Examples are the ellipt-dot-c and heat-dot-c modules which more or less do the same thing as the ALBERTA examples with the same name.
The major difference to the school code is the idea to factor out commonly needed functionality into a Dune::Fem addon-library instead of copying files around.
