DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
▼Algorithms | Abstract FEM algorithms and schemes |
SchemeGenerators | |
DGSpecialities | |
▼++-Templates | Additional C++ template stuff needed in some places |
TemplateAlgorithms | Various template meta-programming stuff (non-tuple, non-sequence) |
. | |
Type-Traits Helpers | Some convenience type-traits in order to help doing SFINAE things |
▼TupleUtilities | Some additional utitliy functions for tuple-likes and integer-sequences |
SequenceElementAccess | Random access to sequence elements |
▼SequenceAccumulate | Accumulate over all elements of a sequence using functors |
SequenceAccumulateFunctors | Pre-defined functors as argument to the AccumulateSequence template |
▼SequenceFilter | Create sub-sequences by filtering out elements of a given sequence |
SequenceFilterFunctors | Pre-defined functors as argument to FilteredSequence template |
Loops | |
SequenceGenerators | Generate integer sequences |
▼SequenceTransform | Apply transformation functors to given integer sequences |
SequenceTransformFunctors | Predefined functors as arguments for TransformFunctor for the TransformSequence template |
SequenceAcceptFunctors | Predefined functors as arguments for AcceptFunctor for the TransformSequence template |
SequenceMask | Bit-mask and strictly monotone sequences and conversion utilities |
SubTuple | Generating sub- and super-tuples and related stuff |
Convenience | Utility helper classes |
Quadrature | Quadrature related traits |
▼PDE-Models | Classes which define some diffusion dominated PDE models |
▼Model Building Blocks | Basic PDE-Models which can be used to conveniently form more complicated models by means of ModelExpressions |
Building Blocks for the Bulk-Phase | Define some "germs" for the bulk-contributions for differentiable operators |
▼Building Blocks for the Driving Forces | Some models for the "right hand side", L2 "bulk forces" and DiscreteLinearFunctionals |
Generate Model-Building-Blocks Conveniently | Some utility function in order to conveniently define some standard models without having to go through the "typedef" trouble |
Building Blocks for Boundary Conditions | Models for some common-case boundary conditions |
Generate Model-Building-Blocks Conveniently | Some utility function in order to conveniently define some standard models without having to go through the "typedef" trouble |
▼BulkModel | |
Generate Model-Building-Blocks Conveniently | Some utility function in order to conveniently define some standard models without having to go through the "typedef" trouble |
BoundaryValueModel | |
BoundaryIndicators | See BoundaryIndicatorInterface |
ModelInterface | Interface definition for a model for a non-linear diffusion dominated model in the context of continuous FEM |
Model-Adapters | |
ModelTests | |
▼ErrorEstimators | |
StationaryEstimators | Estimators for stationary problems |
TransientEstimators | Estimators for instationary problems |
▼ExpressionTemplates | ACFem provides expression templates in order to form algebraic expression for models, grid-functions and parameters |
ExpressionTraits | "Tag"-structures for each supported algebraic operation, used to distinguish the various expression template classes from each other |
ConstantOperations | |
ExpressionInterface | Helper constructs in order to inject non-expressions into the expression chain and to interface generated expressions to pre-existing non-expressions |
ExpressionOperations | "Tag"-structures for each supported algebraic operation, used to distinguish the various expression template classes from each other |
ExpressionResults | Helper structures for expression templates which aid in forming an (optimized) result types |
▼ExpressionOptimization | General optimization patterns |
▼SumOptimization | |
ExpensiveOptimizations | |
ExpressionStorage | Expressions store their arguments as copies if constructed from rvalue references or as references if constructed from lvalues |
SubExpressions | Sub-expression support |
▼ModelExpressions | All implemented arithmetic operations with models |
ModelTypeTraits | |
IndicatorExpressions | Boolean expression for indicators, corresponding to the usual union, intersection, complement set operations of the boundary segments the indicator applies to |
FieldTraits | |
▼GridFunctions | |
GridFunctionModules | |
GridFunctionTests | |
Tests | |
MetaProgrammingLibrary | |
▼DiscreteOperators | Template-classes which define various operators as building blocks for FEM-schemes |
ContraintsOperators | |
PDE-Operators | Operators which originate from a weak formulation of a PDE |
▼LinearFunctionals | |
LinearFunctionalTests | |
▼Operators | |
▼LinearFunctionals | |
LinearFunctionalTests | |
Parameters | |
▼LinearAlgebra | |
▼Tensors | |
▼TensorExpressions | |
TensorComparison | |
TensorMathOperations | |
▼TensorExpressionOptimizations | |
TensorEinsumOptimizations | Perform the following substitutions: |
TensorPowerOptimizations | Perform the following substitutions: |
TensorSumOptimizations | Perform the following substitutions: |
TensorSymbols | Provide scalar tensors which wrap the standard math constants |
TensorAtoms | |
▼TensorOperations | |
TensorOperationTraits | |
TensorTests |