Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ dune | |
▼ acfem | |
► algorithms | |
ellipticfemscheme.hh | |
femschemeinterface.hh | Abstract adaptive scheme |
marking.hh | |
modelparameters.hh | |
operatorselector.hh | |
parabolicfemscheme.hh | |
stationaryadaptivealgorithm.hh | |
transientadaptivealgorithm.hh | |
► common | |
► typetraits | |
isapplicableto.hh | |
removervaluereference.hh | |
compiler.hh | |
containertuple.hh | |
csvwriter.hh | |
dataoutput.hh | |
discretefunctionselector.hh | |
dofmappertupledatahandle.hh | |
entitystorage.hh | |
findbit.hh | |
flops.hh | |
fractionconstant.hh | |
functional.hh | |
functionspacenorm.hh | |
functor.hh | |
geometry.hh | |
gridfunctionspace.hh | |
intersectionclassification.hh | |
intersectiondatahandle.hh | |
literals.hh | |
localobjectstorage.hh | |
matrixhelper.hh | |
namedconstant.hh | |
namespace.hh | |
ostream.hh | |
quadrature.hh | |
quadraturepoint.hh | |
scopedredirect.hh | |
solverselector.hh | |
stringconversion.hh | |
stringhelper.hh | |
subentitymapper.hh | This is proof of concept |
timeprovidertraits.hh | |
timeview.hh | |
tostring.hh | |
types.hh | |
typestring.hh | |
typetraits.hh | |
► estimators | |
► misc | |
diameter.hh | |
ellipticestimator.hh | |
parabolicestimator.hh | |
trueerrorestimator.hh | |
► expressions | |
complexity.hh | |
constantoperations.hh | |
cseoptimization.hh | |
decay.hh | |
densestorage.hh | |
examine.hh | |
examineutil.hh | |
explodesum.hh | |
expressionoperations.hh | A list of supported expression operations |
expressions.hh | |
expressiontraits.hh | Traits-class in order to deduce properties from expressions |
extract.hh | |
fieldpromotion.hh | Field promotion stuff |
find.hh | |
interface.hh | |
operandpromotion.hh | |
operationpair.hh | |
operationtraits.hh | A list of supported expression operations |
optimization.hh | |
optimizationbase.hh | |
optimizationprofile.hh | |
optimizegeneral.hh | |
optimizesums.hh | |
policy.hh | |
polynomialtraits.hh | |
powers.hh | |
reassemblesum.hh | |
runtimeequal.hh | |
sign.hh | |
signutil.hh | |
storage.hh | |
subexpression.hh | |
tags.hh | Tag structures defining properties of expressions |
terminal.hh | |
traitsdefault.hh | |
transform.hh | |
treeextract.hh | |
treeoperand.hh | |
typetraits.hh | Various traits for expressions |
usingpromotion.hh | |
usingstd.hh | |
usingtyped.hh | |
weight.hh | |
► functions | |
► modules | |
elementmeasure.hh | |
identity.hh | |
meshpenalty.hh | |
modeldirichletvalues.hh | |
one.hh | |
zero.hh | |
► placeholders | |
elementmeasure.hh | |
localfunctionderivatives.hh | |
localfunctionhessianplaceholder.hh | |
localfunctionjacobianplaceholder.hh | |
localfunctionplaceholder.hh | |
placeholdertraits.hh | |
basicfunctions.hh | |
bindabletensorfunction.hh | |
expressions.hh | |
expressiontraits.hh | |
functions.hh | |
functiontraits.hh | |
gridfunction.hh | |
localfunctiontraits.hh | |
operandpromotion.hh | |
policy.hh | |
► models | |
► indicators | |
boundaryindicator.hh | |
► modules | |
bulkloadmodel.hh | |
deformationtensormodel.hh | |
dirichletmodel.hh | |
divergenceloadmodel.hh | |
divergencemodel.hh | |
fluidselftransportmodel.hh | |
gradientloadmodel.hh | |
gradientmodel.hh | |
incompressibleselftransportmodel.hh | |
incompressibletransportmodel.hh | |
laplacianmodel.hh | |
massmodel.hh | |
meancurvaturemodel.hh | |
neumannmodel.hh | |
nitschedirichletmodel.hh | |
plaplacianmodel.hh | |
pmassmodel.hh | |
robinmodel.hh | |
transportmodel.hh | |
weakdirichletmodel.hh | |
weakdivergenceloadmodel.hh | |
zeromodel.hh | |
► operations | |
apply.hh | |
assume.hh | |
closure.hh | |
crop.hh | |
► test | |
advection.hh | |
assume.hh | |
default-test.hh | |
divergence.hh | |
factor-in-scalars.hh | |
gradient.hh | |
mean-curvature.hh | |
p-laplacian.hh | |
s-multiply-added-models.hh | |
test-template.hh | |
weak-divergence.hh | |
applyexpression.hh | |
basicmodels.hh | |
binaryexpression.hh | |
closuretraits.hh | |
definiteness.hh | |
expressionoperations.hh | |
expressions.hh | |
expressiontraits.hh | |
model.hh | |
modelbase.hh | |
modelboundaryindicators.hh | |
modelfacade.hh | |
modeltraits.hh | |
operandpromotion.hh | |
operationtraits.hh | |
ostream.hh | |
symmetry.hh | |
unaryexpression.hh | |
► mpl | |
access.hh | |
accumulate.hh | |
assign.hh | |
compare.hh | |
conditional.hh | |
conditionaljoin.hh | |
filter.hh | |
foreach.hh | |
generators.hh | |
insertat.hh | |
lexcompare.hh | |
makesequence.hh | |
mask.hh | |
mpl.hh | |
multiindex.hh | |
permutation.hh | |
sequencesetoperations.hh | |
sequenceslice.hh | |
sequencesort.hh | |
size.hh | |
sort.hh | |
submask.hh | |
subtuple.hh | |
toarray.hh | |
tostring.hh | |
transform.hh | |
transformtuple.hh | |
typepackelement.hh | |
typetuple.hh | |
typetuplesort.hh | |
typetupleuniq.hh | |
typetupleutil.hh | |
uniquetaglist.hh | |
uniquetags.hh | |
usingcomparisons.hh | By intention there is no header guard |
► operators | |
► constraints | |
bulkblockconstraints.hh | |
dirichletconstraints.hh | |
emptyblockconstraints.hh | Empty do-nothing constraints |
► functionals | |
► modules | |
diracfunctional.hh | |
dofstorage.hh | |
modelfunctional.hh | |
operatorfunctional.hh | |
zero.hh | |
► operations | |
inner.hh | |
operateassign.hh | |
basicfunctionals.hh | |
closuretraits.hh | |
expressions.hh | |
expressiontraits.hh | |
functionalexpression.hh | |
functionals.hh | |
functionaltraits.hh | |
linearfunctional.hh | |
operandpromotion.hh | |
ellipticoperator.hh | |
generators.hh | |
l2projection.hh | |
► parameters | |
generic.hh | |
timestep.hh | |
timestepreciprocal.hh | |
timeview.hh | |
► template | |
empty.hh | |
► tensors | |
► bindings | |
► dune | |
closuretraits.hh | |
densestorage.hh | |
densevectorview.hh | |
fieldtensor.hh | |
fieldvectortraits.hh | |
generators.hh | |
operandpromotion.hh | |
tensorresult.hh | |
dune.hh | |
► modules | |
blockeye.hh | |
constant.hh | |
eye.hh | |
kronecker.hh | |
linearstorage.hh | |
► operations | |
► autodiff | |
fad.hh | |
placeholder.hh | |
placeholdertraits.hh | |
subexpression.hh | |
util.hh | |
assign.hh | |
associativity.hh | |
assume.hh | |
dependson.hh | |
derivative.hh | |
derivativetraits.hh | |
divergence.hh | |
einsum.hh | |
einsumtraces.hh | |
indeterminate.hh | |
placeholder.hh | |
product.hh | |
reassociatetree.hh | |
reciprocal.hh | |
reshape.hh | |
restriction.hh | |
restrictiondetail.hh | |
restrictionoperators.hh | |
subexpression.hh | |
transpose.hh | |
transposetraits.hh | |
► optimization | |
associativity.hh | |
constants.hh | |
distributivity.hh | |
einsum.hh | |
explodesum.hh | |
policy.hh | |
powers.hh | |
product.hh | |
reshape.hh | |
restriction.hh | |
scalareinsum.hh | |
subexpression.hh | |
sum.hh | |
sumoperandtuple.hh | |
transpose.hh | |
► test | |
derivative-cos-product.hh | |
test-replacement.hh | |
test-template.hh | |
binaryexpression.hh | |
bindings.hh | |
densestorage.hh | |
expressionoperations.hh | |
expressions.hh | |
expressiontraits.hh | |
literals.hh | |
modules.hh | |
operandpromotion.hh | |
operations.hh | |
operationtraits.hh | |
optimization.hh | |
ostream.hh | |
polynomialtraits.hh | |
tensor.hh | |
tensorbase.hh | |
unaryexpression.hh | |
core-fixes.hh | |
version.hh | |