DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)
Some additional utitliy functions for tuple-likes and integer-sequences. More...
Modules | |
SequenceElementAccess | |
Random access to sequence elements. | |
SequenceAccumulate | |
Accumulate over all elements of a sequence using functors. | |
SequenceFilter | |
Create sub-sequences by filtering out elements of a given sequence. | |
Loops | |
SequenceGenerators | |
Generate integer sequences. | |
SequenceTransform | |
Apply transformation functors to given integer sequences. | |
SequenceMask | |
Bit-mask and strictly monotone sequences and conversion utilities. | |
SubTuple | |
Generating sub- and super-tuples and related stuff. | |
Namespaces | |
namespace | Dune::ACFem |
A namespace encapsulating everything defined in our dune-acfem project. | |
Classes | |
struct | Dune::ACFem::CanPromoteTupleTypes< T, SFINAE > |
struct | Dune::ACFem::CanPromoteTupleTypes< T, std::enable_if_t< sizeof(TupleScalarPromotionType< T >) >=0 > |
TrueType if the type of the tuple T can be promoted to another type. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<class... T> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::IsIntegralPack = decltype(isIntegralPack(std::declval< T >()...)) |
Decide whether the given parameter pack contains only integral types. | |
template<class T > | |
using | Dune::ACFem::IsIntegralTuple = decltype(isIntegralTuple(std::declval< T >())) |
Decide whether the given tuple contains only integral types. | |
template<class Tuple , template< class... > class Predicate, class... Rest> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::PredicateMatch = PredicateMatchHelper< std::decay_t< Tuple >, PredicateProxy< Predicate, Rest... >::template ForwardFirst > |
Apply the predicate to each tuple type in turn. More... | |
template<template< class... > class Predicate, class... T> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::IndexOfMatching = IndexConstant< PredicateMatch< std::tuple< T... >, Predicate >::index_ > |
Obtain the index of the first matching tuple type. | |
template<template< class... > class Predicate, class... T> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::AnyIs = BoolConstant<(...||Predicate< T >::value)> |
TrueType if any type matches the predicate. | |
template<template< class... > class Predicate, class... T> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::AllAre = BoolConstant<(... &&Predicate< T >::value)> |
TrueType if all types match the predicate. | |
template<std::size_t N, template< class... > class Predicate, class... T> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::NthIs = Predicate< TypePackElement< N, T... > > |
Instantiates to Predicate applied to the N-th element of T... | |
template<class Permutation > | |
using | Dune::ACFem::InversePermutation = typename SortSequence< Permutation >::Permutation |
Compute the inverse of the given permutation. | |
template<class Permutation , std::size_t N> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::ResizedPermutation = typename ResizedPermutationHelper< Permutation, N >::Type |
Pad or truncate the permuation at the given size. | |
template<class Sequence , class Perm > | |
using | Dune::ACFem::PermuteSequenceValues = typename PermuteSequenceValuesHelper< Perm, Sequence >::Type |
Apply the given permutation to the values of the given sequence. | |
template<class Sequence , class Perm > | |
using | Dune::ACFem::PermuteSequence = std::decay_t< decltype(permute(Sequence{}, Perm{}))> |
Apply the given permutation to the positions of the given sequence. | |
template<std::size_t I0, std::size_t I1, std::size_t N = I1 + 1> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::Transposition = typename TranspositionHelper< I0, I1, N >::Type |
Generate the transposition of I0 and I1 as permutation. More... | |
template<class Seq0 , class Seq1 , std::size_t N = Head<Seq1>::value+Seq1::size()> | |
using | Dune::ACFem::BlockTransposition = typename BlockTranspositionHelper< Seq0, Seq1, N >::Type |
Generate the block-transposition of the I0 and the I1-block as permutation. More... | |
template<class Tuple > | |
using | Dune::ACFem::TupleScalarPromotionType = typename ScalarTupleTypePromotionHelper< Tuple, MakeSequenceFor< Tuple > >::Type |
Generate the type resulting from summing up all tuple elements. | |
Functions | |
template<class T , T T0, T... Ts> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isConstant (Sequence< T, T0, Ts... >) |
template<class T > | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isConstant (Sequence< T >) |
Mark one element and empty sequences as pairwise equal. | |
template<class T , T I, T... Rest> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isConsecutive (Sequence< T, I, Rest... > seq) |
template<class T > | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isConsecutive (Sequence< T >) |
template<template< std::size_t, std::size_t > class DoSwap, class T , T... Ts> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isSorted (Sequence< T, Ts... >) |
template<class T , T... Ts> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isSorted (Sequence< T, Ts... > seq) |
template<class T , T... V> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isSimple (Sequence< T, V... > seq) |
template<std::size_t Align, class T , T V0, T... V> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isAlignedBlock (Sequence< T, V0, V... >, IndexConstant< Align >=IndexConstant< Align >{}) |
template<std::size_t... Ind> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isPermutation (IndexSequence< Ind... >=IndexSequence< Ind... >{}) |
template<class... T> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::isIntegralPack (T &&...) |
Decide whether the given parameter pack contains only integral types. | |
template<class T , std::size_t N> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::isIntegralTuple (const std::array< T, N > &) |
Decide whether the given tuple contains only integral types. | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::isIntegralTuple (const std::pair< T1, T2 > &) |
Decide whether the given tuple contains only integral types. | |
template<class... T> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::isIntegralTuple (const std::tuple< T... > &) |
Decide whether the given tuple contains only integral types. | |
template<class Tuple , std::enable_if_t< IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value, int > = 0> | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::isConstant (Tuple &&t) |
true if all elements of the tuple compare equal. | |
template<template< class... > class F, class Tuple , class E , std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value &&PredicateMatch< Tuple, PredicateProxy< F, E >::template ForwardFirst >::value), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::pushBackIf (Tuple &&t, E &&e, PredicateWrapper< F >=PredicateWrapper< F >{}) |
Enforce kind of uniqueness. More... | |
template<template< class... > class F, class Tuple , class E , std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value &&!PredicateMatch< Tuple, PredicateProxy< F, E >::template ForwardFirst >::value), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::pushBackUnless (Tuple &&t, E &&e, PredicateWrapper< F >=PredicateWrapper< F >{}) |
Enforce kind of uniqueness. More... | |
template<template< class... > class F, class Tuple , class E , std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value &&PredicateMatch< Tuple, PredicateProxy< F, E >::template ForwardFirst >::value), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::addFrontIf (Tuple &&t, E &&e, PredicateWrapper< F >=PredicateWrapper< F >{}) |
Enforce kind of uniqueness. More... | |
template<template< class... > class F, class Tuple , class E , std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value &&!PredicateMatch< Tuple, PredicateProxy< F, E >::template ForwardFirst >::value), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::addFrontUnless (Tuple &&t, E &&e, PredicateWrapper< F >=PredicateWrapper< F >{}) |
Enforce kind of uniqueness. More... | |
template<template< class... > class F, class T , class... Arg, std::enable_if_t<(!IsAlwaysTrue< F >::value &&IsTupleLike< T >::value &&sizeof...(Arg)==1 &&size< decltype(joinIfHelper< 0, F >(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< Arg >()...))>() > size< T >()), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::joinIf (T &&t, Arg &&... arg) |
Add the elements of Arg... in turn to T if the predicate F matches. | |
template<template< class... > class F, class T , class... Arg, std::enable_if_t<(!IsAlwaysTrue< F >::value &&IsTupleLike< T >::value &&sizeof...(Arg)==1 &&size< decltype(joinIfHelper< 0, F >(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< Arg >()...))>()==size< T >()), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::joinIf (T &&t, Arg &&...) |
Version of joinIf() which avoids runtime computations if it is clear that nothing is added. | |
template<template< class... > class F, class T , class... Arg, std::enable_if_t<(!IsAlwaysFalse< F >::value &&IsTupleLike< T >::value &&sizeof...(Arg)==1 &&size< decltype(joinUnlessHelper< 0, F >(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< Arg >()...))>() > size< T >()), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::joinUnless (T &&t, Arg &&... arg) |
Add the elements of Arg... in turn to T if the predicate F matches. | |
template<template< class... > class F, class T , class... Arg, std::enable_if_t<(!IsAlwaysFalse< F >::value &&IsTupleLike< T >::value &&sizeof...(Arg)==1 &&size< decltype(joinUnlessHelper< 0, F >(std::declval< T >(), std::declval< Arg >()...))>()==size< T >()), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::TupleUtilities::joinUnless (T &&t, Arg &&...) |
Version of joinUnless() which avoids runtime computations if it is clear that nothing is added. | |
template<std::size_t... Ps, class Seq , std::enable_if_t< IsSequence< Seq >::value, int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::permute (Seq, IndexSequence< Ps... >=IndexSequence< Ps... >{}) |
Permute the given sequence. | |
template<std::size_t... Ps, class T , std::enable_if_t< IsTupleLike< T >::value &&!isSimple(IndexSequence< Ps... >{}), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::permute (T &&t, IndexSequence< Ps... >=IndexSequence< Ps... >{}) |
Permute the given tuple like. | |
template<class T , T... I, std::size_t... P, std::enable_if_t< sizeof...(I)==sizeof...(P), int > = 0> | |
constexpr auto | Dune::ACFem::isInvariant (Sequence< T, I... >, IndexSequence< P... >) |
Return true if applying the given permutation to the value positions leaves the sequence invariant. | |
template<class T , T... Ind> | |
auto | Dune::ACFem::toArray (Sequence< T, Ind... >) |
Convert a compile-time constant integer sequence to a rutime-object with the same values. | |
template<class T , class Tuple , std::enable_if_t< IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value, int > = 0> | |
auto | Dune::ACFem::toArray (Tuple &&t) |
Convert tuples and pairs to arrays. | |
template<class Tuple , std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike< Tuple >::value &&CanPromoteTupleTypes< Tuple >::value), int > = 0> | |
auto | Dune::ACFem::toArray (Tuple &&t) |
Convert tuples and pairs to arrays. | |
template<class T , T I0> | |
auto | Dune::ACFem::toString (Sequence< T, I0 >) |
Generate a compact string representation as a comma separated list of the values, without spaces. | |
template<class T , T I0, T I1, T... Rest> | |
auto | Dune::ACFem::toString (Sequence< T, I0, I1, Rest... >) |
Generate a compact string representation as a comma separated list of the values, without spaces. | |
template<class T > | |
auto | Dune::ACFem::toString (Sequence< T >) |
Variables | |
template<class Seq , class Perm > | |
constexpr bool | Dune::ACFem::HasInvariantValuesV = std::is_same<Seq, PermuteSequenceValues<Seq, Perm> >::value |
Evaluate to true if applying the permutation Perm to the values of Seq leaves the values invariant. | |
Detailed Description
Some additional utitliy functions for tuple-likes and integer-sequences.
Typedef Documentation
◆ BlockTransposition
using Dune::ACFem::BlockTransposition = typedef typename BlockTranspositionHelper<Seq0, Seq1, N>::Type |
Generate the block-transposition of the I0 and the I1-block as permutation.
Passing I0 > I1 will result in undefined behaviour.
◆ PredicateMatch
using Dune::ACFem::PredicateMatch = typedef PredicateMatchHelper<std::decay_t<Tuple>, PredicateProxy<Predicate, Rest...>::template ForwardFirst> |
Apply the predicate to each tuple type in turn.
Derive from TrueType if any type matches, otherwise derive from FalseType.
◆ Transposition
using Dune::ACFem::Transposition = typedef typename TranspositionHelper<I0, I1, N>::Type |
Generate the transposition of I0 and I1 as permutation.
Passing I0 > I1 will result in undefined behaviour.
Function Documentation
◆ addFrontIf()
constexpr |
Enforce kind of uniqueness.
If we do not have a match then just forward the given tuple.
The effort, however, is linear in the tuple size for adding a single element.
◆ addFrontUnless()
constexpr |
Enforce kind of uniqueness.
If we do not have a match then just forward the given tuple.
The effort, however, is linear in the tuple size for adding a single element.
◆ isAlignedBlock()
constexpr |
- Returns
if the given sequence is consecutive and start aligned to Align.
◆ isConsecutive() [1/2]
constexpr |
- Returns
if the sequence is a consecutive sequence without holes.
◆ isConsecutive() [2/2]
constexpr |
- Returns
if the sequence is a consecutive sequence without holes.
◆ isConstant()
constexpr |
- Returns
if given non-empty sequence is constant, i.e. all value ares equal to each other.
Referenced by Dune::ACFem::Tensor::BlockEye< BlockRank, Seq< Dimensions... >, Field >::operator()(), and Dune::ACFem::Tensor::Eye< Seq< Dimensions... >, Field >::operator()().
◆ isPermutation()
constexpr |
- Returns
if the sequence is a permutation of the sequence <0, 1, 2, ...>.
◆ isSimple()
constexpr |
- Returns
for a simple consecutive sequence starting at 0.
◆ isSorted() [1/2]
constexpr |
- Returns
if the sequence is sorted.
◆ isSorted() [2/2]
constexpr |
- Returns
if the sequence is sorted.
◆ pushBackIf()
constexpr |
Enforce kind of uniqueness.
If we do not have a match then just forward the given tuple.
The effort, however, is linear in the tuple size for adding a single element. F is instantiated with the types of the elements of t as first argument and the type E as second argument.
◆ pushBackUnless()
constexpr |
Enforce kind of uniqueness.
If we do not have a match then just forward the given tuple.
The effort, however, is linear in the tuple size for adding a single element. F is instantiated with the types of the elements of t as first argument and the type E as second argument.
◆ toString()
auto Dune::ACFem::toString | ( | Sequence< T > | ) |
Special case: empty sequence yields an empty string.