"Tag"-structures for each supported algebraic operation, used to distinguish the various expression template classes from each other.
struct | Dune::ACFem::PlusOperation |
| Addition of two objects. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::PlusEqOperation |
| A += B. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::MinusOperation |
| Subtraction of two objects and unary minus. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::MinusEqOperation |
| A -= B. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LogicalNotOperation |
| Logical Not. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LogicalAndOperation |
| Logical And. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LogicalOrOperation |
| Logical Or. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::EqOperation |
| == More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::NeOperation |
| != More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::GtOperation |
struct | Dune::ACFem::GeOperation |
| >= More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LtOperation |
| < More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LeOperation |
| <= More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SMultiplyOperation |
| Multiplication by scalars from the left. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SMultiplyEqOperation |
| A *= s. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::IdentityOperation |
| Identity, i.e. just wrap the object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AssumeOperation< Property > |
| Assume operations attach a property to the wrapped expression. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::IndeterminateOperation< Id > |
| Indeterminate operation, wrap another object and attach an id. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::PlaceholderOperation< Placeholder > |
| Placeholder operation wraps another object and attaches an id to it. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SubExpressionOperation< TreePos > |
| Kind of placeholder. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::ReciprocalOperation |
| Inversion of a scalar object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SqrtOperation |
| Taking the square root of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SquareOperation |
| Taking the square of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::PowOperation |
| Taking something to the power of something. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::ExpOperation |
| Exponentiation of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LogOperation |
| Taking the logarithm of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::CoshOperation |
| Hyperbolic cosine. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SinhOperation |
| Hyperbolic sine. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::TanhOperation |
| Hyperbolic tangens. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AcoshOperation |
| Inverse hyperbolic cosine. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AsinhOperation |
| Inverse hyperbolic sine. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AtanhOperation |
| Inverse hyperbolic tangens. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::SinOperation |
| Taking the sine of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::CosOperation |
| Taking the cosine of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::TanOperation |
| Taking the tangens of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AsinOperation |
| Taking the arc sine of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AcosOperation |
| Taking the arc cosine of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AtanOperation |
| Taking the arctan of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::Atan2Operation |
| Taking the arctan of an object. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::ErfOperation |
| erf More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::TGammaOperation |
| tgamma More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::LGammaOperation |
| ;gamma More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::CeilOperation |
| ceil More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::FloorOperation |
| floor More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::RoundOperation |
| round More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::AbsOperation |
| abs More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::MinOperation |
| min More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::MaxOperation |
| max More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::TernaryOperation |
| IfOperation. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::PDEModel::CropOperation< MethodTags > |
| Remove all methods which are not listed in MethodTags. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::PDEModel::ClosureOperation< MethodTags, ClosureCallSignatures > |
| Augment the call signature of the methods listed in MethodTags by the call-signature indicated by the bit-masks in ClosureCallSignatures. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::PDEModel::ApplyOperation< Flavour > |
| Apply a model to a function. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::RestrictionOperation< Dims, Pivot > |
| AutoDiff operation. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::TransposeOperation< Perm > |
| Permutation of index positions of tensors. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::ReshapeOperation< Signature > |
| Signature of index positions of tensors. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::EinsumOperation< Pos1, Pos2, ContractDims > |
| Einstein summation, i.e. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::TensorProductOperation< Pos1, Pos2, ProductDims > |
| Component-wise product over given index-set. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::OperationTraits< TransposeOperation< Perm > > |
| Permutation of index positions of tensors. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::OperationTraits< ReshapeOperation< Sig > > |
| Reshape a tensor to another signature. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::OperationTraits< EinsumOperation< Pos1, Pos2, Dims > > |
| Einstein summation, i.e. More...
struct | Dune::ACFem::OperationTraits< TensorProductOperation< Pos1, Pos2, Dims > > |
| Component-wise product over given index-set. More...
"Tag"-structures for each supported algebraic operation, used to distinguish the various expression template classes from each other.