DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)


see BoundaryIndicatorInterface More...


struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::BoundaryIndicator
 Boundary indicators need to inherit this tag-class in order to signal that they are boundary indicators. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::IsIndicator< T >
 TrueType if T is a BoundaryIndicator. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::AreProperOperands< T0, T1 >
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::IndicatorTraits< T >
 Paraphrase isOne and isZero to indicator function talk. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::BoundaryIdIndicator
 Apply to boundary segments which carry the respective id. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::Complement< Indicator >
 Turn any boundary-indicator into its complement. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::UnionIndicator< T0, T1 >
 Union of two indicators, apply to the union of both boundary parts. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::IntersectionIndicator< T0, T1 >
 Intersection of two indicators, apply iff both apply. More...


template<class T , std::enable_if_t<(IsIndicator< T >::value &&!Expressions::IsClosure< T >::value), int > = 0>
constexpr decltype(auto) Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::expressionClosure (T &&t)
 BoundaryIndicators do not need a closure.
template<class F , class T >
constexpr auto Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::zero (F &&, T &&)
 Define the canonical zero object.
template<class T0 , class T1 >
constexpr auto Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::zero (OperationTraits< LogicalAndOperation >, T0 &&, T1 &&)
 Define the canonical zero object for product operations.
template<class T >
constexpr auto Dune::ACFem::BoundaryIndicator::one (T &&)
 Define the canonical one object.

Detailed Description

see BoundaryIndicatorInterface

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