DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)

4#include "../../expressions/storage.hh"
5#include "../../expressions/operationtraits.hh"
6#include "../../mpl/insertat.hh"
7#include "../../mpl/toarray.hh"
8#include "../tensorbase.hh"
9#include "../expressiontraits.hh"
10#include "restrictiondetail.hh"
12namespace Dune {
14 namespace ACFem {
16 // Forward.
17 template<class Dims, class Pivot>
18 struct RestrictionOperation;
28 namespace Tensor {
52 template<class Tensor, class Dims, class Indices = Seq<> >
56 template<class Tensor, std::size_t... IndexPositions, std::size_t... PivotIndices>
57 class Restriction<Tensor, Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<PivotIndices...> >
58 : public TensorBase<typename TensorTraits<Tensor>::FieldType,
59 ACFem::SubSequenceComplement<typename TensorTraits<Tensor>::Signature, IndexPositions...>,
60 Restriction<Tensor, Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<PivotIndices...> > >
61 , public Expressions::Storage<OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<PivotIndices...> > >, Tensor>
62 {
63 static_assert(isSorted(Seq<IndexPositions...>{}),
64 "Index positions must be sorted.");
66 public:
67 using DefectPositions = Seq<IndexPositions...>;
68 using PivotSequence = Seq<PivotIndices...>;
69 using FunctorType = OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<DefectPositions, PivotSequence> >;
70 private:
71 using ArgType = Tensor;
72 using HostType = std::decay_t<Tensor>;
73 using BaseType = TensorBase<typename HostType::FieldType,
74 ACFem::SubSequenceComplement<typename HostType::Signature, IndexPositions...>,
76 using StorageType = Expressions::Storage<FunctorType, Tensor>;
77 public:
78 using DefectSignature = SequenceSlice<typename HostType::Signature, DefectPositions>;
79 static constexpr std::size_t defectRank_ = DefectSignature::size();
80 public:
81 using BaseType::rank;
82 using typename BaseType::Signature;
83 using typename BaseType::FieldType;
84 using StorageType::operand;
85 using StorageType::operation;
86 using BaseType::operator[];
91 template<class Arg,
92 std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value, int> = 0>
93 Restriction(Arg&& host, PivotSequence = PivotSequence{})
94 : StorageType(std::forward<Arg>(host))
95 {}
98 template<
99 class... Dummy,
100 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Dummy) == 0
101 && IsTypedValue<ArgType>::value), int> = 0>
102 Restriction(Dummy&&...)
103 : StorageType(ArgType{})
104 {}
107 auto operator[](std::size_t i)
108 {
109 using Positions = JoinedDefects<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
110 using Injections = JoinedInjections<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
111 using ResultType = Restriction<Tensor, Positions, Seq<> >;
112 return ResultType(operand(0_c), insertAt(std::make_tuple(PivotIndices...), i, Head<Injections>::value));
113 }
122 auto operator[](std::size_t i) const
123 {
124 using Positions = JoinedDefects<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
125 using Injections = JoinedInjections<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
126 using ResultType = Restriction<Tensor, Positions, Seq<> >;
127 return ResultType(operand(0_c), insertAt(std::make_tuple(PivotIndices...), i, Head<Injections>::value));
128 }
133 template<class... Dims,
134 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Dims) == rank
135 &&
137 , int> = 0>
138 decltype(auto) operator()(Dims... indices)
139 {
140 return tensorValue(operand(0_c), insertAt<IndexPositions...>(std::forward_as_tuple(indices...), toArray(PivotSequence{})));
141 }
146 template<class... Dims,
147 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Dims) == rank
148 &&
150 , int> = 0>
151 decltype(auto) operator()(Dims... indices) const
152 {
153 return tensorValue(operand(0_c), insertAt<IndexPositions...>(std::forward_as_tuple(indices...), toArray(PivotSequence{})));
154 }
157 template<std::size_t... Indices,
158 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Indices) == rank
159 ), int> = 0>
160 decltype(auto) constexpr operator()(Seq<Indices...>)
161 {
162 return operand(0_c)(InsertAt<Seq<Indices...>, PivotSequence, DefectPositions>{});
163 }
166 template<std::size_t... Indices,
167 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Indices) == rank
168 ), int> = 0>
169 decltype(auto) constexpr operator()(Seq<Indices...>) const
170 {
171 return operand(0_c)(InsertAt<Seq<Indices...>, PivotSequence, DefectPositions>{});
172 }
174 template<std::size_t... Indices, class Pos = MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Indices)> >
175 static bool constexpr isZero(Seq<Indices...> = Seq<Indices...>{}, Pos = Pos{})
176 {
177 // Truncate Pos to size of Indices and sort it, otherwise
178 // the JoinedDefects stuff will not work properly
179 using TruncatedPos = HeadPart<sizeof...(Indices), Pos>;
180 using RealPos = typename SortSequence<TruncatedPos>::Result;
181 using Permutation = typename SortSequence<TruncatedPos>::Permutation;
182 using RealIndices = PermuteSequence<Seq<Indices...>, Permutation>;
184 using Positions = JoinedDefects<DefectPositions, RealPos>;
185 using Injections = JoinedInjections<DefectPositions, RealPos>;
187 return HostType::isZero(InsertAt<PivotSequence, RealIndices, Injections>{}, Positions{});
188 }
191 static constexpr auto lookAt()
192 {
193 return PivotSequence{};
194 }
196 std::string name() const
197 {
198 using T = Tensor;
199 std::string pfx = std::is_reference<T>::value ? (RefersConst<T>::value ? "cref" : "ref") : "";
200 return operationName(operation(), pfx+operand(0_c).name());
201 }
203 };
206 template<class Tensor, std::size_t... IndexPositions>
207 class Restriction<Tensor, Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> >
208 : public TensorBase<typename TensorTraits<Tensor>::FieldType,
209 ACFem::SubSequenceComplement<typename TensorTraits<Tensor>::Signature, IndexPositions...>,
210 Restriction<Tensor, Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> > >
211 , public Expressions::Storage<OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> > >, Tensor>
212 {
213 public:
214 using DefectPositions = Seq<IndexPositions...>;
215 using PivotSequence = Seq<>;
216 using FunctorType = OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> > >;
217 private:
218 using ArgType = Tensor;
219 using HostType = std::decay_t<Tensor>;
220 using BaseType = TensorBase<typename HostType::FieldType,
221 ACFem::SubSequenceComplement<typename HostType::Signature, IndexPositions...>,
222 Restriction<Tensor, Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> > >;
223 using StorageType = Expressions::Storage<FunctorType, Tensor>;
224 using StorageType::functor_;
225 public:
226 using StorageType::operation;
227 using StorageType::operand;
228 using DefectSignature = SequenceSlice<typename HostType::Signature, DefectPositions>;
229 static constexpr std::size_t defectRank_ = DefectSignature::size();
230 public:
231 using BaseType::rank;
232 using typename BaseType::Signature;
233 using typename BaseType::FieldType;
234 using PivotIndexType = typename FunctorType::IndexType;
236 private:
238 template<class Arg, class T, std::size_t... Idx,
239 std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value, int> = 0>
240 Restriction(Arg&& host, T&& t, IndexSequence<Idx...>)
241 : StorageType(std::forward<Arg>(host), FunctorType({{ get<Idx>(std::forward<T>(t))... }}))
242 {}
244 public:
253 template<class Arg, class T,
254 std::enable_if_t<(std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value
256 && size<T>() == sizeof...(IndexPositions)
258 , int> = 0>
259 Restriction(Arg&& host, const T& tuple)
260 : StorageType(FunctorType(tuple), std::forward<Arg>(host))
261 {}
271 template<class Arg, class T, std::size_t N,
272 std::enable_if_t<(std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value
274 && (N == sizeof...(IndexPositions) || N == 0)
275 && std::is_integral<T>::value)
276 , int> = 0>
277 Restriction(Arg&& host, const T (&t)[N])
278 : StorageType(std::forward<Arg>(host), FunctorType(t))
279 {}
282 template<class Arg, class T,
283 std::enable_if_t<(std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value
285 && size<T>() == 0
287 , int> = 0>
288 Restriction(Arg&& host, T&& tuple)
289 : StorageType(std::forward<Arg>(host))
290 {}
299 template<class Arg, class... Indices,
300 std::enable_if_t<(std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value
301 && sizeof...(Indices) != 0
302 && sizeof...(Indices) == sizeof...(IndexPositions)
304 ), int> = 0>
305 Restriction(Arg&& host, Indices... indices)
306 : StorageType(std::forward<Arg>(host), FunctorType({{{ (PivotIndexType)indices... }}}))
307 {}
315 template<class Arg, std::size_t... Pivots,
316 std::enable_if_t<(std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value
317 && sizeof...(Pivots) != 0
318 ), int> = 0>
320 : Restriction(std::forward<Arg>(host), Pivots...)
321 {}
326 template<class Arg, std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<ArgType, Arg>::value, int> = 0>
327 Restriction(ArgType&& host, Seq<> = Seq<>{})
328 : StorageType(std::forward<Arg>(host))
329 {}
332 auto operator[](std::size_t i)
333 {
334 using Positions = JoinedDefects<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
335 using Injections = JoinedInjections<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
337 return Restriction<Tensor, Positions, Seq<> >(operand(0_c), insertAt(lookAt(), i, Head<Injections>{}));
338 }
341 auto operator[](std::size_t i) const
342 {
343 using Positions = JoinedDefects<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
344 using Injections = JoinedInjections<DefectPositions, Seq<0> >;
346 return Restriction<Tensor, Positions, Seq<> >(operand(0_c), insertAt(lookAt(), i, Head<Injections>{}));
347 }
352 template<class... Dims,
353 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Dims) == rank
354 &&
356 , int> = 0>
357 decltype(auto) operator()(Dims... indices)
358 {
359 return tensorValue(operand(0_c), insertAt<IndexPositions...>(std::forward_as_tuple(indices...), lookAt()));
360 }
365 template<class... Dims,
366 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Dims) == rank
367 &&
369 , int> = 0>
370 decltype(auto) operator()(Dims... indices) const
371 {
372 return tensorValue(operand(0_c), insertAt<IndexPositions...>(std::forward_as_tuple(indices...), lookAt()));
373 }
376 template<std::size_t... Indices,
377 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Indices) == rank
378 ), int> = 0>
379 decltype(auto) constexpr operator()(Seq<Indices...>)
380 {
381 return (*this)(Indices...);
382 }
385 template<std::size_t... Indices,
386 std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Indices) == rank
387 ), int> = 0>
388 decltype(auto) constexpr operator()(Seq<Indices...>) const
389 {
390 return (*this)(Indices...);
391 }
393 private:
394 template<class Indices, class Positions, class Injections, std::size_t... N>
395 static bool constexpr isZeroExpander(Indices, Positions, Injections, Seq<N...>)
396 {
397 return (... && HostType::isZero(InsertAt<MultiIndex<N, DefectSignature>, Indices, Injections>{}, Positions{}));
398 }
400 public:
401 template<std::size_t... Indices, class Pos = MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Indices)> >
402 static bool constexpr isZero(Seq<Indices...> = Seq<Indices...>{}, Pos = Pos{})
403 {
404 // Truncate Pos to size of Indices and sort it, otherwise
405 // the JoinedDefects stuff will not work properly
406 using TruncatedPos = HeadPart<sizeof...(Indices), Pos>;
407 using RealPos = typename SortSequence<TruncatedPos>::Result;
408 using Permutation = typename SortSequence<TruncatedPos>::Permutation;
409 using RealIndices = PermuteSequence<Seq<Indices...>, Permutation>;
411 using Positions = JoinedDefects<DefectPositions, RealPos>;
412 using Injections = JoinedInjections<DefectPositions, RealPos>;
414 //std::clog << Seq<1,2,3>{} << std::endl;
415 //std::clog << Injections{} << std::endl;
417 return isZeroExpander(RealIndices{}, Positions{}, Injections{},
418 MakeIndexSequence<multiDim(DefectSignature{})>{});
419 }
425 template<class... Indices,
426 std::enable_if_t<((sizeof...(Indices) > 0)
427 && IsIntegralPack<Indices...>::value)
428 , int> = 0>
429 void lookAt(Indices... indices)
430 {
431 static_assert(sizeof...(Indices) <= defectRank_,
432 "The number of pivot indices must match the co-dimension.");
433 auto indexList = { (std::size_t)indices... };
434 std::copy(indexList.begin(), indexList.end(), functor_.pivotIndices_.end() - indexList.size());
435 }
442 template<class T,
443 std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike<T>::value)
444 , int> = 0>
445 void lookAt(T&& tuple)
446 {
447 static_assert(size<T>() <= defectRank_,
448 "The number of pivot indices must match the co-dimension.");
449 std::copy(tuple.begin(), tuple.end(), functor_.pivotIndices_.end() - tuple.size());
450 }
453 const auto& lookAt() const
454 {
455 return functor_.pivotIndices_;
456 }
459 auto& lookAt()
460 {
461 return functor_.pivotIndices_;
462 }
464 std::string name() const
465 {
466 using T = Tensor;
467 std::string pfx = std::is_reference<T>::value ? (RefersConst<T>::value ? "cref" : "ref") : "";
468 return operationName(operation(), pfx+operand(0_c).name());
469 }
471 };
474 template<class T>
476 : FalseType
477 {};
479 template<class T>
480 struct IsRestriction<T&>
482 {};
484 template<class T>
485 struct IsRestriction<T&&>
486 : IsRestriction<std::decay_t<T> >
487 {};
489 template<class T, class DefectPositions, class PivotIndices>
490 struct IsRestriction<Restriction<T, DefectPositions, PivotIndices> >
491 : TrueType
492 {};
494 template<class T, class SFINAE = void>
495 struct IsConstRestriction
496 : FalseType
497 {};
499 template<class T>
500 struct IsConstRestriction<T, std::enable_if_t<!IsDecay<T>::value> >
501 : IsConstRestriction<std::decay_t<T> >
502 {};
507 template<class T, class Pos, class Pivots>
508 struct IsConstRestriction<Restriction<T, Pos, Pivots>,
509 std::enable_if_t<Pos::size() == Pivots::size()> >
510 : TrueType
511 {};
513 template<class T>
514 struct IsDynamicRestriction
515 : FalseType
516 {};
518 template<class T>
519 struct IsDynamicRestriction<T&>
520 : IsDynamicRestriction<std::decay_t<T> >
521 {};
523 template<class T>
524 struct IsDynamicRestriction<T&&>
525 : IsDynamicRestriction<std::decay_t<T> >
526 {};
531 template<class T, std::size_t P0, std::size_t... PRest>
532 struct IsDynamicRestriction<Restriction<T, Seq<P0, PRest...>, Seq<> > >
533 : TrueType
534 {};
536 template<class Pos, class Ind, class T>
537 constexpr auto operate(Expressions::DontOptimize, const OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<Pos, Ind> >& f, T&& t)
538 {
541 return Restriction<T, Pos, Ind>(std::forward<T>(t), f.pivotIndices_);
542 }
544 using Expressions::finalize;
547 template<std::size_t... IndexPositions, class T, std::size_t... Indices,
548 std::enable_if_t<(IsProperTensor<T>::value
549 && sizeof...(IndexPositions) == sizeof...(Indices)
550 ), int> = 0>
551 auto restriction(T&& t, Seq<Indices...>, Seq<IndexPositions...> = Seq<IndexPositions...>{})
552 {
553 using Operation = RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<Indices...> >;
554 return finalize<Operation>(std::forward<T>(t));
555 }
560 template<std::size_t... IndexPositions, class T, class Indices,
561 std::enable_if_t<(IsTupleLike<Indices>::value
562 && IsProperTensor<T>::value
563 ), int> = 0>
564 auto restriction(T&& t, Indices&& indices, Seq<IndexPositions...> = Seq<IndexPositions...>{})
565 {
566 static_assert(sizeof...(IndexPositions) == size<Indices>() || size<Indices>() == 0,
567 "The number of pivot indices must match the number of defect positions.");
569 using Functor = OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> > >;
571 return finalize(Functor(indices), std::forward<T>(t));
572 }
577 template<std::size_t... IndexPositions, class T, class I, std::size_t N, std::enable_if_t<IsProperTensor<T>::value, int> = 0>
578 auto restriction(T&& t, const I (&l)[N], Seq<IndexPositions...> = Seq<IndexPositions...>{})
579 {
580 static_assert(sizeof...(IndexPositions) == N || N == 0,
581 "Either all or no pivot indices must be given.");
583 using Functor = OperationTraits<RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> > >;
585 return finalize(Functor(l), std::forward<T>(t));
586 }
590 template<std::size_t... IndexPositions, class T, std::enable_if_t<IsProperTensor<T>::value, int> = 0>
591 auto restriction(T&& t)
592 {
593 using Operation = RestrictionOperation<Seq<IndexPositions...>, Seq<> >;
594 return finalize<Operation>(std::forward<T>(t));
595 }
599 template<class T, class DefectPositions, std::enable_if_t<IsProperTensor<T>::value, int> = 0>
600 auto restriction(T&& t, DefectPositions)
601 {
602 using Operation = RestrictionOperation<DefectPositions, Seq<> >;
603 return finalize<Operation>(std::forward<T>(t));
604 }
606 } // NS Tensor
610 namespace Expressions {
612 template<class T>
613 constexpr inline std::size_t WeightV<T, std::enable_if_t<Tensor::IsConstRestriction<T>::value> > =
614 ExpressionWeightV<Operand<0, T> > + prod(typename std::decay_t<T>::DefectPositions{}) + prod(std::decay_t<T>::lookAt());
616 }
618 } // NS ACFem
620 template<class Tensor, class Pos, class Indices>
621 struct FieldTraits<ACFem::Tensor::Restriction<Tensor, Pos, Indices> >
622 : FieldTraits<Tensor>
623 {};
629} // NS Dune
A meta-tensor restricting a given tensor w.r.t.
Definition: restriction.hh:53
OptimizeTag< 0 > DontOptimize
Bottom level is overloaded to do nothing.
Definition: optimizationbase.hh:74
std::string operationName(F &&f, const std::string &arg)
Verbose print of an operation, helper function to produce noise.
Definition: operationtraits.hh:601
BoolConstant< ExpressionTraits< T >::isTypedValue > IsTypedValue
Compile-time true if T is a "typed value", e.g. a std::integral_constant.
Definition: expressiontraits.hh:90
typename GetHeadPartHelper< Cnt, Seq >::Type HeadPart
Extract Cnt many consecutive elements from the front of Seq.
Definition: access.hh:217
constexpr std::size_t size()
Gives the number of elements in tuple-likes and std::integer_sequence.
Definition: size.hh:73
MakeSequence< std::size_t, N, Offset, Stride, Repeat > MakeIndexSequence
Make a sequence of std::size_t elements.
Definition: generators.hh:34
typename InsertAtHelper< Sequence< typename Input::value_type >, Input, Inject, Pos, AssumeSorted >::Type InsertAt
Insert Inject into the sequence Input at the position specified by Pos.
Definition: insertat.hh:87
auto insertAt(SrcTuple &&src, DataTuple &&data, BoolConstant< AssumeSorted >=BoolConstant< AssumeSorted >{})
Insert the elements of data at positions given by pos into src in turn.
Definition: subtuple.hh:106
Restriction(Arg &&host, IndexSequence< Pivots... >)
Constructor from a given index sequence.
Definition: restriction.hh:319
auto & lookAt()
Return the array of indices currently looking at.
Definition: restriction.hh:459
Restriction(Arg &&host, T &&tuple)
Constructor from emtpy tuple like.
Definition: restriction.hh:288
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const
Implement kind of a nested vector interface via operator[].
Definition: restriction.hh:341
Restriction(Arg &&host, const T &tuple)
Constructor from a given tuple-like index collection.
Definition: restriction.hh:259
Restriction(Dummy &&...)
Allow default construction if contained types fulfill IsTypedValue.
Definition: restriction.hh:102
void lookAt(Indices... indices)
"Move" the view to the given index pack.
Definition: restriction.hh:429
auto restriction(T &&t, Seq< Indices... >, Seq< IndexPositions... >=Seq< IndexPositions... >{})
Generate a compile-time constant restriction.
Definition: restriction.hh:551
auto operator[](std::size_t i)
Implement kind of a nested vector interface via operator[].
Definition: restriction.hh:332
Restriction(Arg &&host, const T(&t)[N])
Constructor from a given C-array index collection.
Definition: restriction.hh:277
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const
Implement kind of a nested vector interface via operator[].
Definition: restriction.hh:122
Restriction(ArgType &&host, Seq<>=Seq<>{})
Constructor from a given host-tensor, looking at the sub-tensor at (0, ...).
Definition: restriction.hh:327
const auto & lookAt() const
Return the array of indices currently looking at.
Definition: restriction.hh:453
Restriction(Arg &&host, PivotSequence=PivotSequence{})
Constructor from a given host-tensor, looking at the pivot indices specified by the template argument...
Definition: restriction.hh:93
auto operator[](std::size_t i)
Implement kind of a nested vector interface via operator[].
Definition: restriction.hh:107
Restriction(Arg &&host, Indices... indices)
Constructor from a given index pack of lookAt() indices.
Definition: restriction.hh:305
static constexpr auto lookAt()
Return the array of indices currently looking at.
Definition: restriction.hh:191
void lookAt(T &&tuple)
"Move" the view to the given index tuple.
Definition: restriction.hh:445
auto toArray(Sequence< T, Ind... >)
Convert a compile-time constant integer sequence to a rutime-object with the same values.
Definition: toarray.hh:76
decltype(isIntegralTuple(std::declval< T >())) IsIntegralTuple
Decide whether the given tuple contains only integral types.
Definition: compare.hh:402
decltype(isIntegralPack(std::declval< T >()...)) IsIntegralPack
Decide whether the given parameter pack contains only integral types.
Definition: compare.hh:377
constexpr bool isSorted(Sequence< T, Ts... >)
Definition: compare.hh:318
std::decay_t< decltype(permute(Sequence{}, Perm{}))> PermuteSequence
Apply the given permutation to the positions of the given sequence.
Definition: permutation.hh:137
Sequence< std::size_t, V... > IndexSequence
Sequence of std::size_t values.
Definition: types.hh:64
BoolConstant<(std::is_const< T >::value||std::is_const< std::remove_reference_t< T > >::value)> RefersConst
TrueType if const or a reference to a const.
Definition: types.hh:133
BoolConstant< false > FalseType
Alias for std::false_type.
Definition: types.hh:110
BoolConstant< true > TrueType
Alias for std::true_type.
Definition: types.hh:107
std::decay_t< decltype(multiIndex< I >(DimSeq{}))> MultiIndex
Generate the multi-index corresponding to the flattened index I where the multiindex varies between t...
Definition: multiindex.hh:68
static std::size_t constexpr multiDim(IndexSequence< Dimensions... >, IndexSequence< IndexPositions... >=IndexSequence< IndexPositions... >{})
Compute the "dimension" corresponding to the given signature, i.e.
Definition: multiindex.hh:171
STL namespace.
Gets the type of the n-th element of a tuple-like or the std::integral_constant corresponding to the ...
Definition: access.hh:42
Definition: types.hh:374
AutoDiff operation.
Definition: expressionoperations.hh:53
Traits in order to identify a Restriction class.
Definition: restriction.hh:477
Base class for all tensors.
Definition: tensorbase.hh:144
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