DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)

typetraits.hh File Reference

Various traits for expressions. More...

#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include "../common/types.hh"
+ Include dependency graph for typetraits.hh:

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struct  Dune::ACFem::IsIntegral< I >
 TrueType if I is an integral type. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::IsScalar< F, class >
 std::true_type if F is an "elementary" scalar. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::IsScalar< F, std::enable_if_t<(std::is_convertible< F *, typename FieldTraits< F >::field_type * >::value &&(std::numeric_limits< typename FieldTraits< F >::real_type >::is_iec559||std::numeric_limits< typename FieldTraits< F >::real_type >::is_integer))> >
 Standard floating point types and integral types are scalars, also FieldVectors of dimension 1 convertible to standard floating point types. More...
struct  Dune::ACFem::FieldTraits< T, SFINAE >
 Helper class for specializing Dune::FieldTraits. More...


namespace  Dune::ACFem
 A namespace encapsulating everything defined in our dune-acfem project.

Detailed Description

Various traits for expressions.

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