Dune Core Modules (2.8.0)

Dune::Std::is_callable< D, R > Struct Template Reference

Traits class to check if function is callable. More...

Detailed Description

template<class D, class R = void>
struct Dune::Std::is_callable< D, R >

Traits class to check if function is callable.

Use std::is_invocable from <type_traits>
Template Parameters
DFunction descriptor
RReturn value

If D = F(Args...) this checks if F can be called with an argument list of type Args..., and if the return value can be converted to R. If R is void, any return type is accepted. The result is encoded by deriving from std::integral_constant<bool, result>.

If D is not of the form D = F(Args...) this class is not defined.

This implements std::is_callable as proposed in N4446 for C++17.

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