Dune Core Modules (2.8.0)
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- offset() : Dune::GlobalGeometryTypeIndex, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >
- one_norm() : Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >
- one_norm_real() : Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >
- OneDGrid() : Dune::OneDGrid
- OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy() : Dune::Amg::OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy< O, S, C >
- Operator : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >, Dune::Amg::OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy< O, S, C >
- operator bitset() : Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >
- operator bool() : Dune::Functions::PolymorphicSmallObject< Base, bufferSize >, Dune::LocalFiniteElementVariant< Implementations >
- operator const size_type &() : Dune::Functions::FlatMultiIndex< size_type >
- operator const SuperMatrix &() : Dune::SuperLUMatrix< BCRSMatrix< B, TA > >
- operator Id() : Dune::GeometryType
- operator integer_sequence() : Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from >
- operator IntegralRange< T >() : Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from >
- operator No_Comm() : Dune::Communication< Communicator >
- operator size_t() : Dune::ParallelLocalIndex< T >
- operator size_type &() : Dune::Functions::FlatMultiIndex< size_type >
- operator std::size_t() : Dune::LocalIndex
- operator SuperMatrix &() : Dune::SuperLUMatrix< BCRSMatrix< B, TA > >
- operator!=() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::EdgeIteratorT< C >, Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::VertexIteratorT< C >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >, Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >, Dune::GeometryType, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::ConstIterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator, Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >::ProcListIterator, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator
- operator%() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator&() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator&=() : Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- operator()() : Dune::Amg::BaseConnectivityConstructor::ConnectedBuilder< G, S, V >, Dune::Amg::Diagonal< N >, Dune::Amg::RowSum, Dune::BoundarySegment< dim, dimworld, ctype >, Dune::BoundarySegmentWrapper< dim, dimworld >, Dune::DuneBoundaryProjection< dimworld >, Dune::Functions::CallableFunctionWrapper< F >, Dune::Functions::DifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >, Dune::Functions::DifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F >, Dune::Functions::DifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F, DF, Derivatives... >, Dune::Functions::GridFunction< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >, Dune::Functions::LocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >, Dune::Functions::Polynomial< K >, Dune::Functions::SizeInfo< B >, Dune::Functions::TrigonometricFunction< K, sinFactor, cosFactor >, Dune::GridViewInfoGTCompare, Dune::hash< T >, Dune::MatrixMarketImpl::MatrixValuesSetter< D, brows, bcols >, Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >, HybridSizeInfoDummy< dim >
- operator*() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::EdgeIteratorT< C >, Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::VertexIteratorT< C >, Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >, Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >, Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::GridPtr< GridType >, Dune::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::ConstIterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator, Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::CreateIterator
- operator*=() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- operator+() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >, Dune::Indent, Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >
- operator++() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::EdgeIteratorT< C >, Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::VertexIteratorT< C >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator, Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >, Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::Indent, Dune::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::ConstIterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator, Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >::ProcListIterator, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator
- operator+=() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- operator-() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >, Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >
- operator--() : Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::Indent, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::ConstIterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator, Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- operator-=() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- operator->() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::EdgeIteratorT< C >, Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator, Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >, Dune::GridPtr< GridType >, Dune::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::ConstIterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator
- operator/() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >, Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >
- operator/=() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- operator<() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::GeometryType, Dune::LocalKey
- operator<<() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::BitSetVector< block_size, Allocator >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >, Dune::GridViewInfo< ctype >, Dune::Indent, Dune::IndexPair< TG, TL >, Dune::LocalKey, Dune::ParallelLocalIndex< T >, Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- operator<<=() : Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- operator<=() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator=() : Dune::AlbertaGridHierarchicIterator< GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridTreeIterator< codim, GridImp, leafIterator >, Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::BDMatrix< B, A >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::BlockVector< B, A >, Dune::BTDMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::DynamicVector< K, Allocator >, Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >, Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >, Dune::Functions::PolymorphicSmallObject< Base, bufferSize >, Dune::Functions::Polynomial< K >, Dune::Functions::TreeData< T, ND, LO >, Dune::Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >, Dune::GridPtr< GridType >, Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< codim, dim, GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >, Dune::IdSet< GridImp, IdSetImp, IdTypeImp >, Dune::IndexSet< GridImp, IndexSetImp, IndexTypeImp, TypesImp >, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::LocalFiniteElementVariant< Implementations >, Dune::LocalIndex, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::ParallelLocalIndex< T >, Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >, Dune::PowerIteration_Algorithms< BCRSMatrix, BlockVector >, Dune::SLList< T, A >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >, Dune::VariableSizeCommunicator< Allocator >, Dune::YaspIntersectionIterator< GridImp >
- operator==() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::EdgeIteratorT< C >, Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::VertexIteratorT< C >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >, Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >, Dune::GeometryType, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::ConstIterator, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >::Iterator, Dune::PartitionSet< partitions >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >::ProcListIterator, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator
- operator>() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator>=() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator>>() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::DynamicVector< K, Allocator >, Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >
- operator>>=() : Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- operator[]() : Dune::Amg::AggregatesMap< V >, Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties, Dune::Amg::GraphEdgePropertiesSelector< G >, Dune::Amg::GraphVertexPropertiesSelector< G >, Dune::Amg::RandomAccessBundledPropertyMap< C, K, i, T, R >, Dune::Amg::VertexProperties, Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::BitSetVector< block_size, Allocator >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >, Dune::Functions::SubEntityDOFs< GridView >, Dune::Functions::TreeData< T, ND, LO >, Dune::GlobalLookupIndexSet< I >, Dune::ImplicitMatrixBuilder< M_ >, Dune::ImplicitMatrixBuilder< M_ >::row_object, Dune::IntegralRange< T >, Dune::InterfaceInformation, Dune::IteratorPropertyMap< RAI, IM, T, R >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N >, Dune::ParameterTree, Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >, Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >, Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from >, Dune::TensorGridFactory< Grid >, Dune::TupleVector< T >, Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
- operator^() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator^=() : Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- operator_ : Dune::Amg::LevelTransferPolicy< FO, CO >
- OperatorHierarchy : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >
- operator|() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
- operator|=() : Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- operator~() : Dune::bigunsignedint< k >, Dune::BitSetVectorConstReference< block_size, Alloc >
- order() : Dune::BasisInterface, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 1 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 2 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 3 >, Dune::BDM1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::DualP1LocalBasis< D, R, dim, faceDualT >, Dune::DualQ1LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::EdgeS0_5Basis< Geometry, RF >, Dune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, R, MI >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualImp< T, Imp >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualInterface< T >, Dune::MonomialLocalBasis< D, R, d, p >, Dune::P0LocalBasis< D, R, d >, Dune::PowerBasis< Backend, dimR >, Dune::QuadratureRule< ct, dim >, Dune::RefinedP0LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::RT02DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT03DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT12DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::ScalarLocalToGlobalBasisAdaptor< LocalBasis, Geometry >
- order_ : Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >
- origin() : Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >
- OrthonormalLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::OrthonormalLocalFiniteElement< dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >
- outerNormal() : Dune::IdentityGridLeafIntersection< GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLevelIntersection< GridImp >, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::YaspIntersection< GridImp >
- outside() : Dune::IdentityGridLeafIntersection< GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLevelIntersection< GridImp >, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::YaspIntersection< GridImp >
- overflow_total : Dune::CompressionStatistics< size_type >
- overlap() : Dune::dgf::YaspGridParameterBlock
- overlapping : Dune::SolverCategory
- OverlappingSchwarzOperator() : Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >
- overlapSize() : Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >, Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >, Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication() : Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >
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