Dune Core Modules (2.8.0)
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Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- e -
- e() : Dune::StandardMathematicalConstants< T >
- eBegin() : Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >, Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >
- Edge : Dune::Amg::GraphEdgePropertiesSelector< G >
- EdgeDescriptor : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >, Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >, Dune::Amg::VertexPropertiesGraph< G, VP, VM >
- EdgeIndexMap() : Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::EdgeIndexMap
- EdgeIterator : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >, Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::EdgeIterator, Dune::Amg::VertexPropertiesGraph< G, VP, VM >
- EdgeIteratorT() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::EdgeIteratorT< C >
- EdgeMap : Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >
- EdgeProperties() : Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties, Dune::Amg::GraphEdgePropertiesSelector< G >, Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >
- edges() : Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >
- EdgeS0_5Basis() : Dune::EdgeS0_5Basis< Geometry, RF >
- EdgeS0_5Coefficients() : Dune::EdgeS0_5Coefficients< dim >
- EdgeS0_5FiniteElement() : Dune::EdgeS0_5FiniteElement< Geometry, RF >
- EdgeS0_5Interpolation() : Dune::EdgeS0_5Interpolation< Geometry, Traits_ >
- eEnd() : Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >, Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >
- elapsed : Dune::InverseOperatorResult, Dune::Timer
- element() : Dune::Functions::DefaultLocalView< GB >
- Element : Dune::Functions::DefaultLocalView< GB >, Dune::Functions::GridViewEntitySet< GV, cd >, Dune::Functions::SubspaceLocalView< RLV, PP >
- element() : Dune::Functions::SubspaceLocalView< RLV, PP >, Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T >
- elementAt() : Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >
- ElementIterator : Dune::StaticRefinement< topologyId, CoordType, coerceToId, dimension_ >, Dune::VirtualRefinement< dimension, CoordType >
- elements() : Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >, Dune::Pool< T, s >
- elements_ : Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >
- empty() : Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >, Dune::IntegralRange< T >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::SLList< T, A >, Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from >, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >
- end() : Dune::Amg::Aggregate< G, S >, Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >, Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >::VertexIteratorT< C >, Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::VertexIterator, Dune::Amg::VertexPropertiesGraph< G, VP, VM >, Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::BitSetVector< block_size, Allocator >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Functions::GridViewEntitySet< GV, cd >, Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >, Dune::Functions::SubEntityDOFs< GridView >, Dune::GeneralVertexOrder< dim, Index_ >, Dune::GlobalLookupIndexSet< I >, Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >, Dune::IntegralRange< T >, Dune::IteratorRange< Iterator >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N >, Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Selection< TS, TG, TL, N >, Dune::SLList< T, A >, Dune::StaticIntegralRange< T, to, from >, Dune::TransformedRangeView< R, F, T >, Dune::UncachedSelection< TS, TG, TL, N >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >, Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >, Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >, Dune::YGridList< Coordinates >
- endAppended() : Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- endCellData() : Dune::VTK::PVTUWriter, Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- endCells() : Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- endEdges() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >, Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >, Dune::Amg::VertexPropertiesGraph< G, VP, VM >
- endindices() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
- endMain() : Dune::VTK::PVTUWriter, Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- endModify() : Dune::SLList< T, A >
- endPointData() : Dune::VTK::PVTUWriter, Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- endPoints() : Dune::VTK::PVTUWriter, Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- endResize() : Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N >
- endrowsizes() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
- endWrite() : Dune::VTK::ConformingConnectivityWriter< IteratorFactory >, Dune::VTK::CoordinatesWriter< Cell >, Dune::VTK::FunctionWriterBase< Cell_ >, Dune::VTK::NonConformingConnectivityWriter< Cell >, Dune::VTK::OffsetsWriter< Cell >, Dune::VTK::SkeletonFunctionWriter< Func >, Dune::VTK::TypesWriter< Cell >, Dune::VTK::VTKFunctionWriter< Func >
- entities() : Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >
- entity() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >
- Entity() : Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >::Codim< codim >
- entity() : Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >
- Entity : Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::Codim< cd >
- entity() : Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >
- Entity : Dune::GridTraits< dim, dimw, GridImp, GeometryImp, EntityImp, LevelIteratorImp, LeafIntersectionImp, LevelIntersectionImp, LeafIntersectionIteratorImp, LevelIntersectionIteratorImp, HierarchicIteratorImp, LeafIteratorImp, LevelIndexSetImp, LeafIndexSetImp, GlobalIdSetImp, GIDType, LocalIdSetImp, LIDType, CCType, LevelGridViewTraits, LeafGridViewTraits, EntitySeedImp, LocalGeometryImp >::Codim< cd >, Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >::Codim< cd >, Dune::HostGridAccess< GeometryGrid< HG, CoordFunction, Allocator > >::Codim< codim >, Dune::HostGridAccess< IdentityGrid< HG > >::Codim< codim >
- entity() : Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >
- Entity : Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >
- entity() : Dune::OneDGrid, Dune::UGGrid< dim >
- EntityInfo() : Dune::EntityInfo< ctype >
- EntityIterator() : Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >
- EntitySeed : Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityDefaultImplementation< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityDefaultImplementation< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntitySeed< GridImp, EntitySeedImp >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::Codim< cd >, Dune::GridTraits< dim, dimw, GridImp, GeometryImp, EntityImp, LevelIteratorImp, LeafIntersectionImp, LevelIntersectionImp, LeafIntersectionIteratorImp, LevelIntersectionIteratorImp, HierarchicIteratorImp, LeafIteratorImp, LevelIndexSetImp, LeafIndexSetImp, GlobalIdSetImp, GIDType, LocalIdSetImp, LIDType, CCType, LevelGridViewTraits, LeafGridViewTraits, EntitySeedImp, LocalGeometryImp >::Codim< cd >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< codim, dim, GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
- entitySet() : Dune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction< B, V, NTRE, R >, Dune::Functions::GridFunction< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >
- entry() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
- enumerate() : Dune::TypeTree::HybridTreePath< T >
- epsilon() : Dune::FloatCmpOps< T, cstyle_, rstyle_ >
- EpsilonType : Dune::FloatCmpOps< T, cstyle_, rstyle_ >
- eq() : Dune::FloatCmpOps< T, cstyle_, rstyle_ >
- equals() : Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< codim, dim, Grid >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::AlbertaGridHierarchicIterator< GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridTreeIterator< codim, GridImp, leafIterator >, Dune::Amg::Hierarchy< T, A >::LevelIterator< C, T1 >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::EdgeIterator, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >::VertexIterator, Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >::RealRowIterator< T >, Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >, Dune::IdentityGridHierarchicIterator< GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLeafIntersectionIterator< GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLeafIterator< codim, pitype, GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator< GridImp >, Dune::IdentityGridLevelIterator< codim, pitype, GridImp >, Dune::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImp, IntersectionImp >, Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >, Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >, Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::RealIterator< T, R >, Dune::YaspHierarchicIterator< GridImp >, Dune::YaspIntersectionIterator< GridImp >, Dune::YaspLevelIterator< codim, pitype, GridImp >
- EquidistantCoordinates() : Dune::EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim >
- EquidistantOffsetCoordinates() : Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim >
- eraseToHere() : Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >
- errorcode : MPIError
- errorstring : MPIError
- eval() : Dune::MonomImp::Evaluate< Traits, c >, Dune::MonomImp::Evaluate< Traits, 1 >
- evaluate() : Dune::AnalyticalCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimD, dimR, Impl >, Dune::DiscreteCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimR, Impl >, Dune::Function< Domain, Range >, Dune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, R, MI >, Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >, Dune::Functions::FunctionFromCallable< Range(Domain), F, FunctionInterface >, Dune::P0VTKFunction< GV, V >, Dune::P1VTKFunction< GV, V >, Dune::VirtualFunction< DomainType, RangeType >, Dune::VTK::SkeletonFunctionInterface< GV, RF >, Dune::VTKFunction< GridView >
- evaluateAll() : Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >
- evaluateFunction() : Dune::BasisInterface, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 1 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 2 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 3 >, Dune::BDM1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::DualP1LocalBasis< D, R, dim, faceDualT >, Dune::DualQ1LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::EdgeS0_5Basis< Geometry, RF >, Dune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, R, MI >, Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualImp< T, Imp >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualInterface< T >, Dune::MonomialLocalBasis< D, R, d, p >, Dune::P0LocalBasis< D, R, d >, Dune::PolynomialBasis< Eval, CM, D, R >, Dune::PowerBasis< Backend, dimR >, Dune::RefinedP0LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::RT02DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT03DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT12DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- evaluateFunctionFull() : Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >
- evaluateHessian() : Dune::PolynomialBasis< Eval, CM, D, R >
- evaluateJacobian() : Dune::BasisInterface, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 1 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 2 >, Dune::BDFMCubeLocalBasis< D, R, 2, 3 >, Dune::BDM1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM1Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::BDM2Simplex2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::DualP1LocalBasis< D, R, dim, faceDualT >, Dune::DualQ1LocalBasis< D, R, dim >, Dune::EdgeS0_5Basis< Geometry, RF >, Dune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, R, MI >, Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV, MI >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::HierarchicalSimplexP2WithElementBubbleLocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualImp< T, Imp >, Dune::LocalBasisVirtualInterface< T >, Dune::MonomialLocalBasis< D, R, d, p >, Dune::P0LocalBasis< D, R, d >, Dune::PolynomialBasis< Eval, CM, D, R >, Dune::PowerBasis< Backend, dimR >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 1 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 2 >, Dune::RefinedP1LocalBasis< D, R, 3 >, Dune::RT02DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT03DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT12DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >, Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- exchange() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- Excluded : Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >
- excludedBorder() : Dune::Amg::VertexProperties
- exists() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- exportIdx() : Dune::MatrixIndexSet
- extended : Dune::GeometryType