Dune Core Modules (2.8.0)
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Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- rAlloc : Dune::RestartedGMResSolver< X, Y, F >
- random : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
- RandomAccessBundledPropertyMap() : Dune::Amg::RandomAccessBundledPropertyMap< C, K, i, T, R >
- RandomAccessIterator : Dune::IteratorPropertyMap< RAI, IM, T, R >
- Range : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >, Dune::BasisInterfaceSwitch< Basis, Dummy >, Dune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< Signature >, Dune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< double(double) >, Dune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldMatrix< K, 1, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)>, Dune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldVector< K, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)>, Dune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< K(FieldVector< K, n >)>, Dune::PowerBasis< Backend, dimR >::Traits
- range_type : Dune::BlockPreconditioner< X, Y, C, P >, Dune::ILU0SubdomainSolver< M, X, Y >, Dune::ILUSubdomainSolver< M, X, Y >, Dune::InverseOperator2Preconditioner< O, c >, Dune::InverseOperator< X, Y >, Dune::LDL< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > >, Dune::LinearOperator< X, Y >, Dune::NonoverlappingBlockPreconditioner< C, P >, Dune::NonoverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::Preconditioner< X, Y >, Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Dune::SeqILDL< M, X, Y >, Dune::SeqILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqJac< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqOverlappingSchwarz< M, X, TM, TD, TA >, Dune::SeqSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SPQR< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > >, Dune::SuperLU< M >, Dune::UMFPack< M >
- RangeField : Dune::BasisInterfaceSwitch< Basis, Dummy >
- RangeFieldType : Dune::BasisInterface::Traits, Dune::LocalBasisTraits< DF, n, D, RF, m, R, J >
- RangeType : Dune::BasisInterface::Traits, Dune::Function< Domain, Range >, Dune::LocalBasisTraits< DF, n, D, RF, m, R, J >
- RangeVector : Dune::AnalyticalCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimD, dimR, Impl >, Dune::DiscreteCoordFunctionInterface< ct, dimR, Impl >
- rank() : Dune::Communication< Communicator >, Dune::Communication< MPI_Comm >, Dune::FakeMPIHelper, Dune::MPIHelper, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >::ProcListIterator, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- Rank : Dune::UGGrid< dim >
- rank : Dune::YGridList< Coordinates >::Intersection
- rank_relative() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- rank_to_coord() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- RannacherTurekPreBasis() : Dune::Functions::RannacherTurekPreBasis< GV, MI >
- RaviartThomasSimplexLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RaviartThomasSimplexLocalFiniteElement< dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >
- RawRange : Dune::TransformedRangeView< R, F, T >
- rawRange() : Dune::TransformedRangeView< R, F, T >
- RawStream() : Dune::RawStream
- reactivate() : Dune::MPIGuard
- read() : Dune::GmshReader< GridType >, Dune::MessageBufferIF< MessageBufferImp >, Dune::StarCDReader< GridType >
- readDuneGrid() : Dune::DuneGridFormatParser
- readGrid() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >
- readINITree() : Dune::ParameterTreeParser
- readNamedOptions() : Dune::ParameterTreeParser
- readOptions() : Dune::ParameterTreeParser
- ready() : Dune::Future< T >
- Real : Dune::PowerIteration_Algorithms< BCRSMatrix, BlockVector >, MatrixInfo< BCRSMatrix >
- real_field_type : Dune::InverseOperator2Preconditioner< O, c >, Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Dune::SeqILDL< M, X, Y >, Dune::SeqILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqJac< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSSOR< M, X, Y, l >
- real_type : Dune::InverseOperator< X, Y >
- RealIterator() : Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::RealIterator< T, R >
- RealRowIterator() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >::RealRowIterator< T >
- rebuild() : Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- recalculateGalerkin() : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- recalculateHierarchy() : Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >, Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >
- reconstruct() : Dune::Amg::Aggregate< G, S >
- recv() : Dune::Communication< Communicator >, Dune::Communication< MPI_Comm >, Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- recvbegin() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- recvend() : Dune::Torus< CollectiveCommunication, d >
- RedistributeInfoList : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- redistributeInformation() : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- RedistributeInfoType : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- reduction : Dune::InverseOperatorResult
- reduction_strategy : Dune::TypeTree::TypeAccumulationPolicy< Functor, Reduction, StartType, ParentChildReduction, ReductionAlgorithm >
- RefElem : Dune::EdgeS0_5Common< dim, DF >
- refelem : Dune::EdgeS0_5Common< dim, DF >
- Reference : Dune::Amg::RandomAccessBundledPropertyMap< C, K, i, T, R >
- reference : Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >
- Reference : Dune::BidirectionalIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- reference : Dune::BitSetVector< block_size, Allocator >, Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- Reference : Dune::EntityIterator< codim, Grid, IteratorImp >
- reference : Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >
- Reference : Dune::ForwardIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- reference : Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >
- Reference : Dune::GenericIterator< C, T, R, D, IteratorFacade >, Dune::IdentityMap, Dune::IteratorPropertyMap< RAI, IM, T, R >
- reference : Dune::PoolAllocator< T, s >
- Reference : Dune::RandomAccessIteratorFacade< T, V, R, D >
- reference : Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >::CreateIterator, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
- referenceElement() : Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >
- ReferenceElement() : Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement< Implementation >, Dune::Geo::ReferenceElements< ctype_, dim >
- referenceElement() : Dune::Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >
- ReferenceElement : Dune::MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
- refine() : Dune::EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< ct, dim >
- RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >, Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >, Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >
- RefinedP1LocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RefinedP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >
- RefinedSimplexLocalBasis() : Dune::RefinedSimplexLocalBasis< D, 1 >, Dune::RefinedSimplexLocalBasis< D, 2 >, Dune::RefinedSimplexLocalBasis< D, 3 >
- RefinementType : Dune::OneDGrid, Dune::UGGrid< dim >
- refineOptions() : Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- refineStepsForHalf() : Dune::DGFGridInfo< GridType >
- refineWeight() : Dune::DGFGridInfo< GridType >
- registerHook() : Dune::Exception
- reinit() : Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator
- relaxationFactor : Dune::Amg::DefaultSmootherArgs< T >
- RelaxationFactor : Dune::Amg::DefaultSmootherArgs< T >
- release() : Dune::GridPtr< GridType >, Dune::TopologyFactory< Traits >, Dune::TopologySingletonFactory< Factory >
- RemoteIndex() : Dune::RemoteIndex< T1, T2 >, Dune::RemoteIndexListModifier< T, A, mode >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- RemoteIndexList : Dune::RemoteIndexListModifier< T, A, mode >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- RemoteIndexListModifier() : Dune::RemoteIndexListModifier< T, A, mode >
- RemoteIndexMap : Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- RemoteIndexTripel : Dune::IndexInfoFromGrid< G, L >
- remoteIndices() : Dune::IndexInfoFromGrid< G, L >
- RemoteIndices : Dune::IndicesSyncer< T >, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >
- remoteIndices() : Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType >
- RemoteIndices() : Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- remove() : Dune::RemoteIndexListModifier< T, A, mode >, Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >
- rend() : Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
- renumberLocal() : Dune::ParallelIndexSet< TG, TL, N >
- repairLocalIndexPointers() : Dune::RemoteIndexListModifier< T, A, mode >
- report() : Dune::ParameterTree
- reserve() : Dune::BlockVector< B, A >, Dune::InterfaceInformation
- ReservedDeque() : Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >
- ReservedVector() : Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >
- reset() : Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties, Dune::Amg::VertexProperties, Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >, Dune::SizeCache< GridImp >, Dune::Timer
- resetDepends() : Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties
- resetExcludedBorder() : Dune::Amg::VertexProperties
- resetFront() : Dune::Amg::VertexProperties
- resetInfluences() : Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties
- resetIsolated() : Dune::Amg::VertexProperties
- resetVisited() : Dune::Amg::VertexProperties
- resize() : Dune::BitSetVector< block_size, Allocator >, Dune::BlockVector< B, A >, Dune::DynamicMatrix< K >, Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >, Dune::lru< Key, Tp, Traits >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::MatrixIndexSet, Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
- RestartedFCGSolver() : Dune::RestartedFCGSolver< X >
- RestartedGMResSolver() : Dune::RestartedGMResSolver< X, Y, F >
- restore() : Dune::BackupRestoreFacility< Grid >, Dune::BackupRestoreFacility< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates > >, Dune::BackupRestoreFacility< YaspGrid< dim, TensorProductCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >, Dune::ios_base_all_saver
- restrictLocal() : Dune::CombinedAdaptProlongRestrict< A, B >
- result : Dune::TypeTree::AccumulateValue< Tree, Functor, Reduction, startValue, ParentChildReduction >
- result_type : Dune::TypeTree::AccumulateValue< Tree, Functor, Reduction, startValue, ParentChildReduction >
- rhs_ : Dune::Amg::LevelTransferPolicy< FO, CO >
- Richardson() : Dune::Richardson< X, Y >
- rightmultiply() : Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >
- rightmultiplyany() : Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >
- RILAllocator : Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >
- rootBasis() : Dune::Functions::DefaultGlobalBasis< PB >
- RootTree : Dune::Functions::SubspaceLocalView< RLV, PP >
- round() : Dune::FloatCmpOps< T, cstyle_, rstyle_ >
- Row : Dune::Amg::Dependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricDependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricMatrixDependency< M, N >
- row_ : Dune::Amg::Dependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricDependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricMatrixDependency< M, N >
- row_reference : Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >
- row_type : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- row_wise : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
- RowIterator : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- rows() : Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >, Dune::MatrixIndexSet, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- rowsize : Dune::CommMatrixRow< M, I >, Dune::MatrixIndexSet
- rowSizesBuilt : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
- rowtodomain_vector : Dune::SeqOverlappingSchwarz< M, X, TM, TD, TA >
- rstyle : Dune::FloatCmpOps< T, cstyle_, rstyle_ >
- RT02DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT02DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT02DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT02DLocalCoefficients
- RT02DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT02DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT03DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT03DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT03DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT03DLocalCoefficients
- RT03DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT03DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT0Cube2DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT0Cube2DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalCoefficients
- RT0Cube2DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT0Cube2DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT0Cube3DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT0Cube3DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalCoefficients
- RT0Cube3DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT0Cube3DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT12DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT12DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT12DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT12DLocalCoefficients
- RT12DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT12DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT12DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT12DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT1Cube2DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT1Cube2DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalCoefficients
- RT1Cube2DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT1Cube2DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT1Cube2DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT1Cube3DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT1Cube3DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalCoefficients
- RT1Cube3DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT1Cube3DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT1Cube3DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT2Cube2DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT2Cube2DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalCoefficients
- RT2Cube2DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT2Cube2DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT2Cube2DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT3Cube2DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT3Cube2DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalCoefficients
- RT3Cube2DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT3Cube2DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT3Cube2DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- RT4Cube2DLocalBasis() : Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalBasis< D, R >
- RT4Cube2DLocalCoefficients() : Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalCoefficients
- RT4Cube2DLocalFiniteElement() : Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalFiniteElement< D, R >
- RT4Cube2DLocalInterpolation() : Dune::RT4Cube2DLocalInterpolation< LB >
- rule() : Dune::QuadratureRules< ctype, dim >