Dune Core Modules (2.8.0)

an algebraic multigrid method using a Krylov-cycle. More...

#include <dune/istl/paamg/kamg.hh>

Public Types

typedef AMG< M, X, S, PI, A > Amg
 The type of the underlying AMG.
typedef K KrylovSolver
 The type of the Krylov solver for the cycle.
typedef Amg::OperatorHierarchy OperatorHierarchy
 The type of the hierarchy of operators.
typedef Amg::CoarseSolver CoarseSolver
 The type of the coarse solver.
typedef Amg::ParallelInformation ParallelInformation
 the type of the parallelinformation to use.
typedef Amg::SmootherArgs SmootherArgs
 The type of the arguments for construction of the smoothers.
typedef Amg::Operator Operator
 the type of the lineatr operator.
typedef Amg::Domain Domain
 the type of the domain.
typedef Amg::Range Range
 The type of the range.
typedef Amg::ParallelInformationHierarchy ParallelInformationHierarchy
 The type of the hierarchy of parallel information.
typedef Amg::ScalarProduct ScalarProduct
 The type of the scalar product.
typedef X domain_type
 The domain type of the preconditioner.
typedef X range_type
 The range type of the preconditioner.
typedef X::field_type field_type
 The field type of the preconditioner.

Public Member Functions

virtual SolverCategory::Category category () const
 Category of the preconditioner (see SolverCategory::Category)
 KAMG (OperatorHierarchy &matrices, CoarseSolver &coarseSolver, const SmootherArgs &smootherArgs, const Parameters &parms, std::size_t maxLevelKrylovSteps=3, double minDefectReduction=1e-1)
 Construct a new amg with a specific coarse solver. More...
template<class C >
 KAMG (const Operator &fineOperator, const C &criterion, const SmootherArgs &smootherArgs=SmootherArgs(), std::size_t maxLevelKrylovSteps=3, double minDefectReduction=1e-1, const ParallelInformation &pinfo=ParallelInformation())
 Construct an AMG with an inexact coarse solver based on the smoother. More...
void pre (Domain &x, Range &b)
 Prepare the preconditioner. More...
void post (Domain &x)
 Clean up. More...
void apply (Domain &v, const Range &d)
 Apply one step of the preconditioner to the system A(v)=d. More...

Detailed Description

template<class M, class X, class S, class PI = SequentialInformation, class K = GeneralizedPCGSolver<X>, class A = std::allocator<X>>
class Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >

an algebraic multigrid method using a Krylov-cycle.

The implementation is based on the paper [Notay and Vassilevski, 2007]

Template Parameters
MThe type of the linear operator.
XThe type of the range and domain.
PIThe parallel information object. Use SequentialInformation (default) for a sequential AMG, OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication for the parallel case.
KThe type of the Krylov method to use for the cycle.
AThe type of the allocator to use.

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