Dune Core Modules (2.8.0)

Algebraic twolevel methods. More...

#include <tuple>
#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
#include "amg.hh"
#include "galerkin.hh"
#include <dune/istl/solver.hh>

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class  Dune::Amg::LevelTransferPolicy< FO, CO >
 Abstract base class for transfer between levels and creation of the coarse level system. More...
class  Dune::Amg::AggregationLevelTransferPolicy< O, C >
 A LeveTransferPolicy that used aggregation to construct the coarse level system. More...
class  Dune::Amg::OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy< O, S, C >
 A policy class for solving the coarse level system using one step of AMG. More...
class  Dune::Amg::TwoLevelMethod< FO, CSP, S >


namespace  Dune
 Dune namespace.

Detailed Description

Algebraic twolevel methods.

Markus Blatt
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