DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Parameters used in DUNE-FEM
Module Adaptation
method used for prolongation/restriction of data during grid refinement; defaults to generic
Values are:
  • 0 == none: no adaptation is performed
  • 1 == generic: works on all grids
  • 2 == callback: only AlbertaGrid and ALUGrid .
Module DiscFuncIO

fem.prefix path used for all file output

default: .

fem.io.datafileprefix prefix used for all data files

no default

fem.io.outputformat output format

default: vtk-vertex
values are:

  • vtk-cell = VTK cell data
  • vtk-vertex = VTK vertex data (might require interpolation into Lagrange space)
  • sub-vtk-cell = VTK cell data including a specified level of subsampling
  • binary = write binary data (only available with DataWriter and CheckPointer)
  • gnuplot = write gunplot compatible data
  • none = no data output

fem.io.grapedisplay use grape for online visualization; default is false

no default

fem.io.savestep interval for writting data files

no default
use value <0 to deativate

fem.io.savecount number of time steps between writting file

no default
use value <0 to deactivate

Class Dune::Fem::TimeProvider< Communication >

multiplication factor to use for each time step; defaults to 1.

time used for initializing the starting time defaults to zero.

only do the update of the time step size every 'updatestep' to avoid the expensive communication to achieve this (for testing only); defaults to 1

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