DUNE-FEM (unstable)



class  Dune::Fem::AdaptationManagerInterface
 AdaptationManagerInterface class. More...
class  Dune::Fem::AdaptationMethod< GridType >
 AdaptationMethod is a simple adaptation method reader class. More...
class  Dune::Fem::AdaptationManagerBase< GridType, RestProlOperatorImp >
 This class manages the adaptation process. If the method adapt is called, then the grid is adapted and also all the data belonging to the given dof manager will be rearranged for data set where it is necessary to keep the data. More...
struct  Dune::Fem::AdaptationManagerReferenceFactory< KeyType, ObjectType >
 factory class to create adaptation manager reference counter More...
class  Dune::Fem::AdaptationManager< GridType, RestProlOperatorImp >
 This class manages the adaptation process including a load balancing after the adaptation step. This class is created by the AdaptationManager for each grid instance. See AdaptationManager for details. More...
struct  Dune::Fem::GlobalRefine
 A class with one static method apply to globally refine a grid. All index sets are adapted to the new grid and the managed dof storage is expanded - but no prolongation or restriction of data is performed. More...
struct  Dune::Fem::LocalRefine
 A class with one static method apply for invoking the local adaptation procedure on a given grid instance. All index sets are adapted to the new grid and the managed dof storage is expanded - but no prolongation or restriction of data is performed. More...
class  Dune::Fem::ProlongFunction< LRP >
 prolong discrete functions between grid levels More...
class  Dune::Fem::RestrictFunction< LRP >
 restrict discrete functions between grid levels More...

Detailed Description

Here the interfaces and algorithms for adapatation of a grid are described and implemented.

The strategy for restrict/prolong of data is chosen through the parameter

DUNE-FEM parameter:
method used for prolongation/restriction of data during grid refinement; defaults to generic
Values are:
  • 0 == none: no adaptation is performed
  • 1 == generic: works on all grids
  • 2 == callback: only AlbertaGrid and ALUGrid .
The Interface of Adaptation Manager is described by the class AdaptationManagerInterface.
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