DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Modified Class Reference

one-dimensional modified Newton-Cotes points and their weights The difference to Newton-Cotes is that the first and last interval is only h/2 instead of h in the original Newton-Cotes rule. This allows to compute integrals of DG functions on quadrature points that correspond to a finite volume submesh. More...

Detailed Description

one-dimensional modified Newton-Cotes points and their weights The difference to Newton-Cotes is that the first and last interval is only h/2 instead of h in the original Newton-Cotes rule. This allows to compute integrals of DG functions on quadrature points that correspond to a finite volume submesh.

Lobatto <--> FV identification)

ModifiedNewtonCotes is an array of one-dimensional quadratures for the interval [0,1]. The index of a quadrature equals its number of quadrature points (so there is no 0-th quadrature).

This class implements the Singleton pattern

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