DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Dune::Fem::TemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dof > Class Template Reference

A temporary function carrying values for one entity. More...

#include <dune/fem/function/localfunction/temporary.hh>

Public Types

typedef BaseType::EntityType EntityType
 type of Entity
typedef BaseType::DiscreteFunctionSpaceType DiscreteFunctionSpaceType
 type of the discrete function space
typedef BaseType::BasisFunctionSetType BasisFunctionSetType
 type of BasisFunctionSet
typedef BaseType::LocalDofVectorType LocalDofVectorType
 type of LocalDofVector
typedef LocalDofVectorType::value_type DofType
 type of DoF use with the discrete function
typedef LocalDofVectorType::size_type SizeType
 type of index
typedef EntityType::Geometry Geometry
 type of the geometry, the local function lives on is given by the space
typedef BasisFunctionSetType::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType
 type of functionspace
typedef FunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType DomainFieldType
 field type of the domain
typedef FunctionSpaceType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType
 field type of the range
typedef FunctionSpaceType::DomainType DomainType
 type of domain vectors, i.e., type of coordinates
typedef FunctionSpaceType::RangeType RangeType
 type of range vectors, i.e., type of function values
typedef FunctionSpaceType::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType
 type of the Jacobian, i.e., type of evaluated Jacobian matrix
typedef FunctionSpaceType::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType
 type of the Hessian
typedef Geometry::LocalCoordinate LocalCoordinateType
 type of local coordinates
typedef Traits::derived_type derived_type
 type of derived vector class
typedef Traits::value_type value_type
 export the type representing the field
typedef FieldTraits< value_type >::field_type field_type
 export the type representing the field
typedef Traits::value_type block_type
 export the type representing the components
typedef Traits::size_type size_type
 The type used for the index access and size operation.
typedef DenseIterator< DenseVector, value_typeIterator
 Iterator class for sequential access.
typedef Iterator iterator
 typedef for stl compliant access
typedef DenseIterator< const DenseVector, const value_typeConstIterator
 ConstIterator class for sequential access.
typedef ConstIterator const_iterator
 typedef for stl compliant access

Public Member Functions

 TemporaryLocalFunction (const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType &dfSpace)
 constructor creating a local function without binding it to an entity More...
 TemporaryLocalFunction (const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType &dfSpace, const EntityType &entity)
 constructor creating a local function and binding it to an entity More...
void init (const EntityType &entity)
 initialize the local function for an entity More...
void bind (const EntityType &entity)
 initialize the local function for an entity More...
void bind (const IntersectionType &intersection, IntersectionSide side)
 initialize the local function for an entity adjacent to the intersection More...
void unbind ()
 Unbinds a local function from an entity.
const DiscreteFunctionSpaceTypespace () const
 return discrete function space this local function belongs to
const LocalDofVectorTypelocalDofVector () const
 return const reference to local Dof Vector

LocalDofVectorTypelocalDofVector ()
 return mutable reference to local Dof Vector

const DofTypeoperator[] (SizeType num) const
 access to local dofs (read-only) More...
DofTypeoperator[] (SizeType num)
 access to local dofs (read-write) More...
constexpr value_typeoperator[] (size_type i)
 random access
void assign (const LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, T > &other)
 assign all DoFs of this local function More...
void clear ()
 set all DoFs to zero
void axpy (const PointType &x, const RangeType &factor)
 axpy operation for local function More...
void axpy (const PointType &x, const JacobianRangeType &factor)
 axpy operation for local function More...
void axpy (const PointType &x, const RangeType &factor1, const JacobianRangeType &factor2)
 axpy operation for local function More...
constexpr derived_typeaxpy (const field_type &a, const DenseVector< Other > &x)
 vector space axpy operation ( *this += a x )
int order () const
 obtain the order of this local function More...
const BasisFunctionSetTypebasisFunctionSet () const
 obtain the basis function set for this local function More...
const EntityTypeentity () const
 obtain the entity, this local function lives on More...
const Geometrygeometry () const
 obtain the geometry, this local function lives on More...
void evaluate (const PointType &x, RangeType &ret) const
 evaluate the local function More...
void jacobian (const PointType &x, JacobianRangeType &ret) const
 evaluate Jacobian of the local function More...
void hessian (const PointType &x, HessianRangeType &ret) const
 evaluate Hessian of the local function More...
int numDofs () const
 obtain the number of local DoFs More...
SizeType size () const
 obtain the number of local DoFs More...
void axpyQuadrature (const QuadratureType &quad, const Vectors &... values)
 evaluate all basisfunctions for all quadrature points, multiply with the given factor and add the result to the local coefficients

void axpyQuadrature (const QuadratureType &quad, const RangeVectorType &rangeVector, const JacobianRangeVectorType &jacobianVector)
 evaluate all basisfunctions for all quadrature points, multiply with the given factor and add the result to the local coefficients
void evaluateQuadrature (const QuadratureType &quad, Vectors &... vec) const
 evaluate all basisfunctions for all quadrature points and store the results in the result vector
void jacobianQuadrature (const QuadratureType &quad, Vectors &... vec) const
 evaluate all Jacobians for all basis functions for all quadrature points and store the results in the result vector
void hessianQuadrature (const QuadratureType &quad, Vectors &... vec) const
 evaluate all hessians of all basis functions for all quadrature points and store the results in the result vector
bool valid () const
 Returns true if local function if bind or init was previously called.
constexpr value_typefront ()
 return reference to first element
constexpr const value_typefront () const
 return reference to first element
constexpr value_typeback ()
 return reference to last element
constexpr const value_typeback () const
 return reference to last element
constexpr bool empty () const
 checks whether the container is empty
constexpr Iterator begin ()
 begin iterator
constexpr ConstIterator begin () const
 begin ConstIterator
constexpr Iterator end ()
 end iterator
constexpr ConstIterator end () const
 end ConstIterator
constexpr Iterator beforeEnd ()
constexpr ConstIterator beforeEnd () const
constexpr Iterator beforeBegin ()
constexpr ConstIterator beforeBegin () const
constexpr Iterator find (size_type i)
 return iterator to given element or end()
constexpr ConstIterator find (size_type i) const
 return iterator to given element or end()
constexpr derived_typeoperator+= (const DenseVector< Other > &x)
 vector space addition
constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< ValueType, value_type >::value, derived_type >::type & operator+= (const ValueType &kk)
 vector space add scalar to all comps More...
constexpr derived_typeoperator-= (const DenseVector< Other > &x)
 vector space subtraction
constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< ValueType, value_type >::value, derived_type >::type & operator-= (const ValueType &kk)
 vector space subtract scalar from all comps More...
constexpr derived_type operator+ (const DenseVector< Other > &b) const
 Binary vector addition.
constexpr derived_type operator- (const DenseVector< Other > &b) const
 Binary vector subtraction.
constexpr derived_type operator- () const
 Vector negation.
constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< FieldType, field_type >::value, derived_type >::type & operator*= (const FieldType &kk)
 vector space multiplication with scalar More...
constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< FieldType, field_type >::value, derived_type >::type & operator/= (const FieldType &kk)
 vector space division by scalar More...
constexpr bool operator== (const DenseVector< Other > &x) const
 Binary vector comparison.
constexpr bool operator!= (const DenseVector< Other > &x) const
 Binary vector incomparison.
constexpr PromotionTraits< field_type, typenameDenseVector< Other >::field_type >::PromotedType operator* (const DenseVector< Other > &x) const
 indefinite vector dot product \(\left (x^T \cdot y \right)\) which corresponds to Petsc's VecTDot More...
constexpr PromotionTraits< field_type, typenameDenseVector< Other >::field_type >::PromotedType dot (const DenseVector< Other > &x) const
 vector dot product \(\left (x^H \cdot y \right)\) which corresponds to Petsc's VecDot More...
constexpr FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type one_norm () const
 one norm (sum over absolute values of entries)
constexpr FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type one_norm_real () const
 simplified one norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
constexpr FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type two_norm () const
 two norm sqrt(sum over squared values of entries)
constexpr FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type two_norm2 () const
 square of two norm (sum over squared values of entries), need for block recursion
constexpr FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm () const
 infinity norm (maximum of absolute values of entries)
constexpr FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm () const
 infinity norm (maximum of absolute values of entries)
constexpr FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm_real () const
 simplified infinity norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
constexpr FieldTraits< vt >::real_type infinity_norm_real () const
 simplified infinity norm (uses Manhattan norm for complex values)
constexpr size_type N () const
 number of blocks in the vector (are of size 1 here)
constexpr size_type dim () const
 dimension of the vector space

Static Public Attributes

static const int dimDomain
 dimension of the domain
static const int dimRange
 dimension of the range
static constexpr int blocklevel
 The number of block levels we contain. This is the leaf, that is, 1.

Protected Member Functions

void init (const BasisFunctionSetType &basisFunctionSet)
 initialize the local function for an basisFunctionSet More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > > &v)
 Write a DenseVector to an output stream. More...

Detailed Description

template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace, class Dof = typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType>
class Dune::Fem::TemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dof >

A temporary function carrying values for one entity.

A TemporaryLocalFunction is a LocalFunction which is not associated with any DiscreteFunction. It can be used when generating discrete functions to temporarily store values for one entity.

Local DoF numbers correspond directly to array indices. Hence it may be more cache efficient to generate a TemporaryLocalFunction and then do only one update step on the discrete function's LocalFunction.
DiscreteFunctionSpaceImptype of the discrete function space, the local function shall belong to

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TemporaryLocalFunction() [1/2]

template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Dof = typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType>
Dune::Fem::TemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dof >::TemporaryLocalFunction ( const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType dfSpace)

constructor creating a local function without binding it to an entity

Creates the local function without initializing the fields depending on the current entity.

Before using the local function it must be bound by
localFunction.bind( entity );
const EntityType & entity() const
obtain the entity, this local function lives on
Definition: localfunction.hh:305
[in]dfSpacediscrete function space the local function shall belong to

◆ TemporaryLocalFunction() [2/2]

template<class DiscreteFunctionSpace , class Dof = typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType>
Dune::Fem::TemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dof >::TemporaryLocalFunction ( const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType dfSpace,
const EntityType entity 

constructor creating a local function and binding it to an entity

Creates the local function and initializes the fields depending on the current entity. It is not necessary, though allowed, to call bind before using the discrete function.

The degrees of freedom are not initialized by this function.
[in]dfSpacediscrete function space the local function shall belong to
[in]entityentity for initialize the local function to

Member Function Documentation

◆ assign()

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::assign ( const LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , T > &  other)

assign all DoFs of this local function

[in]lflocal function to assign DoFs from

◆ axpy() [1/3]

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::axpy ( const PointType &  x,
const JacobianRangeType factor 

axpy operation for local function

Denoting the DoFs of the local function by \(u_i\) and the basis functions by \(\varphi_i\), this function performs the following operation:

\[ u_i = u_i + factor \cdot \nabla\varphi_i( x ) \]

[in]xpoint to evaluate jacobian of basis functions in
[in]factoraxpy factor

◆ axpy() [2/3]

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::axpy ( const PointType &  x,
const RangeType factor 

axpy operation for local function

Denoting the DoFs of the local function by \(u_i\) and the basis functions by \(\varphi_i\), this function performs the following operation:

\[ u_i = u_i + factor \cdot \varphi_i( x ) \]

[in]xpoint to evaluate basis functions in
[in]factoraxpy factor

◆ axpy() [3/3]

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::axpy ( const PointType &  x,
const RangeType factor1,
const JacobianRangeType factor2 

axpy operation for local function

Denoting the DoFs of the local function by \(u_i\) and the basis functions by \(\varphi_i\), this function performs the following operation:

\[ u_i = u_i + factor1 \cdot \varphi_i( x ) + factor2 \cdot \nabla\varphi_i( x ) \]

[in]xpoint to evaluate basis functions in
[in]factor1axpy factor for \(\varphi( x )\)
[in]factor2axpy factor for \(\nabla\varphi( x )\)

◆ basisFunctionSet()

const BasisFunctionSetType & Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::basisFunctionSet ( ) const

obtain the basis function set for this local function

reference to the basis function set

◆ beforeBegin() [1/2]

constexpr Iterator Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::beforeBegin ( )
an iterator that is positioned before the first entry of the vector.

◆ beforeBegin() [2/2]

constexpr ConstIterator Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::beforeBegin ( ) const
an iterator that is positioned before the first entry of the vector.

◆ beforeEnd() [1/2]

constexpr Iterator Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::beforeEnd ( )
an iterator that is positioned before the end iterator of the vector, i.e. at the last entry.

◆ beforeEnd() [2/2]

constexpr ConstIterator Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::beforeEnd ( ) const
an iterator that is positioned before the end iterator of the vector. i.e. at the last element

◆ bind() [1/2]

void Dune::Fem::BasicTemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::bind ( const EntityType entity)

initialize the local function for an entity

Binds the local function to an entity.

A local function must be initialized to an entity before it can be used.
This function can be called multiple times to use the local function for more than one entity.
[in]entityentity to bind the local function to

◆ bind() [2/2]

void Dune::Fem::BasicTemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::bind ( const IntersectionType &  intersection,
IntersectionSide  side 

initialize the local function for an entity adjacent to the intersection

Binds the local function to an entity.

A local function must be initialized to an entity before it can be used.
This function can be called multiple times to use the local function for more than one entity.
[in]intersectionto bind the local function to either inside or outside entity
[in]sideside of intersection, i.e. in or out

◆ dot()

constexpr PromotionTraits< field_type, typenameDenseVector< Other >::field_type >::PromotedType Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::dot ( const DenseVector< Other > &  x) const

vector dot product \(\left (x^H \cdot y \right)\) which corresponds to Petsc's VecDot


xother vector

◆ entity()

const EntityType & Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::entity ( ) const

obtain the entity, this local function lives on

reference to the entity

◆ evaluate()

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::evaluate ( const PointType &  x,
RangeType ret 
) const

evaluate the local function

[in]xevaluation point in local coordinates
[out]retvalue of the function in the given point

◆ geometry()

const Geometry & Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::geometry ( ) const

obtain the geometry, this local function lives on

reference to the geometry

◆ hessian()

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::hessian ( const PointType &  x,
HessianRangeType ret 
) const

evaluate Hessian of the local function

Though the Hessian is evaluated on the reference element, the return value is the Hessian with respect to the actual entity.
[in]xevaluation point in local coordinates
[out]retHessian of the function in the evaluation point

◆ init() [1/2]

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::init ( const BasisFunctionSetType basisFunctionSet)

initialize the local function for an basisFunctionSet

Binds the local function to an basisFunctionSet and entity.

A local function must be initialized to an entity before it can be used.
This function can be called multiple times to use the local function for more than one entity.
[in]basisFunctionSetto bind the local function to

◆ init() [2/2]

void Dune::Fem::BasicTemporaryLocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::init ( const EntityType entity)

initialize the local function for an entity

Binds the local function to an entity.

A local function must be initialized to an entity before it can be used.
This function can be called multiple times to use the local function for more than one entity.
[in]entityentity to bind the local function to

◆ jacobian()

void Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::jacobian ( const PointType &  x,
JacobianRangeType ret 
) const

evaluate Jacobian of the local function

Though the Jacobian is evaluated on the reference element, the return value is the Jacobian with respect to the actual entity.
[in]xevaluation point in local coordinates
[out]retJacobian of the function in the evaluation point

◆ numDofs()

int Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::numDofs ( ) const

obtain the number of local DoFs

Obtain the number of local DoFs of this local function. The value is identical to the number of basis functons on the entity.

number of local DoFs

◆ operator*()

constexpr PromotionTraits< field_type, typenameDenseVector< Other >::field_type >::PromotedType Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::operator* ( const DenseVector< Other > &  x) const

indefinite vector dot product \(\left (x^T \cdot y \right)\) which corresponds to Petsc's VecTDot


xother vector

◆ operator*=()

constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< FieldType, field_type >::value, derived_type >::type & Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::operator*= ( const FieldType &  kk)

vector space multiplication with scalar

we use enable_if to avoid an ambiguity, if the function parameter can be converted to field_type implicitly. (see FS#1457)

The function is only enabled, if the parameter is directly convertible to field_type.

◆ operator+=()

constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< ValueType, value_type >::value, derived_type >::type & Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::operator+= ( const ValueType &  kk)

vector space add scalar to all comps

we use enable_if to avoid an ambiguity, if the function parameter can be converted to value_type implicitly. (see FS#1457)

The function is only enabled, if the parameter is directly convertible to value_type.

◆ operator-=()

constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< ValueType, value_type >::value, derived_type >::type & Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::operator-= ( const ValueType &  kk)

vector space subtract scalar from all comps

we use enable_if to avoid an ambiguity, if the function parameter can be converted to value_type implicitly. (see FS#1457)

The function is only enabled, if the parameter is directly convertible to value_type.

◆ operator/=()

constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< FieldType, field_type >::value, derived_type >::type & Dune::DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > >::operator/= ( const FieldType &  kk)

vector space division by scalar

we use enable_if to avoid an ambiguity, if the function parameter can be converted to field_type implicitly. (see FS#1457)

The function is only enabled, if the parameter is directly convertible to field_type.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

DofType & Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::operator[] ( SizeType  num)

access to local dofs (read-write)

[in]numlocal DoF number
reference to DoF

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const DofType & Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::operator[] ( SizeType  num) const

access to local dofs (read-only)

[in]numlocal dof number
reference to dof

◆ order()

int Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::order ( ) const

obtain the order of this local function

The order of a local function refers to the polynomial order required to integrate it exactly.

It is not completely clear what this value should be, e.g., for bilinear basis functions.
order of the local function

◆ size()

SizeType Dune::Fem::LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType , Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > >::size ( ) const

obtain the number of local DoFs

Obtain the number of local DoFs of this local function. The value is identical to the number of basis functons on the entity.

number of local DoFs

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const DenseVector< LocalFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpace ::BasisFunctionSetType, Dune::DynamicVector< typename DiscreteFunctionSpace::RangeFieldType > > > &  v 

Write a DenseVector to an output stream.

[in]sstd :: ostream to write to
[in]vDenseVector to write
the output stream (s)

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