DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Dune::Fem::FemEocTable Class Reference

The Fem Eoc Table writer. More...

#include <dune/fem/misc/femeoctable.hh>

Static Public Member Functions

static int initialize (const std::string &path, const std::string &name, const std::string &descript)
static int initialize (const std::string &name, const std::string &descript)
template<class StrVectorType >
static size_t addEntry (const int tabId, const StrVectorType &descript, size_t size)
 add a vector of new eoc values More...
template<class StrVectorType >
static size_t addEntry (const int tabId, const StrVectorType &descript)
 add a vector of new eoc values More...
static size_t addEntry (const int tabId, const std::string &descript)
 add a single new eoc output More...
static size_t addEntry (const int tabId, const char *descript)
 add a single new eoc output More...
template<class VectorType >
static void setErrors (const int tabId, size_t id, const VectorType &err, int size)
 add a vector of error values for the given id (returned by addEntry) More...
template<class VectorType >
static void setErrors (const int tabId, size_t id, const VectorType &err)
 add a vector of error values for the given id (returned by addEntry) More...
template<int SIZE>
static void setErrors (const int tabId, size_t id, const FieldVector< double, SIZE > &err)
 add a vector in a FieldVector of error values for the given id (returned by addEntry) More...
static void setErrors (const int tabId, size_t id, const double &err)
 add a single error value for the given id (returned by addEntry) More...
static void write (const int tabId, std::vector< double > &vals, std::vector< std::string > &descriptions, std::string delimiter=" ", std::string terminatingChar="", std::string header="", std::string tableSpacer="", std::string footer="")
 commit a line to the eoc file More...
template<class EocCalculatorType >
static void write (const int tabId, std::vector< double > &vals, std::vector< std::string > &descriptions, std::string delimiter=" ", std::string terminatingChar="", std::string header="", std::string tableSpacer="", std::string footer="")
 commit a line to the eoc file, using EocCalculatorType to calculate the eoc. More...
static void write (const int tabId, std::vector< double > &vals, std::vector< std::string > &descriptions, std::ostream &out, std::string delimiter=" ", std::string terminatingChar="", std::string header="", std::string tableSpacer="", std::string footer="")
 commit a line to the eoc file More...
template<class EocCalculatorType >
static void write (const int tabId, std::vector< double > &vals, std::vector< std::string > &descriptions, std::ostream &out, std::string delimiter=" ", std::string terminatingChar="", std::string header="", std::string tableSpacer="", std::string footer="")
 commit a line to the eoc file, using EocCalculatorType for non standart Eoc calculations. More...

Detailed Description

The Fem Eoc Table writer.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEntry() [1/4]

static size_t Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::addEntry ( const int  tabId,
const char *  descript 

add a single new eoc output

tabIdId of the table we want to add an entry
descriptvector with entry description
a unique index used to add the error values

References addEntry().

◆ addEntry() [2/4]

static size_t Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::addEntry ( const int  tabId,
const std::string &  descript 

add a single new eoc output

tabIdId of the table we want to add an entry
descriptvector with entry description
a unique index used to add the error values

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ addEntry() [3/4]

template<class StrVectorType >
static size_t Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::addEntry ( const int  tabId,
const StrVectorType &  descript 

add a vector of new eoc values

tabIdId of the table we inserte a value
Template Parameters
StrVectorTypea vector type with size() and operator[] returning a string
descriptvector with entry description
a unique index used to add the error values

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ addEntry() [4/4]

template<class StrVectorType >
static size_t Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::addEntry ( const int  tabId,
const StrVectorType &  descript,
size_t  size 

add a vector of new eoc values

tabIdId of the table we inserte a value
Template Parameters
StrVectorTypea vector type with operator[] returning a string (a C style array can be used) the size of the vector is given as parameter
descriptvector with entry description
sizelength of description
a unique index used to add the error values

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance(), and Dune::size().

Referenced by addEntry().

◆ initialize() [1/2]

static int Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::initialize ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  descript 

creates a new table and opens file name as above returns the Id of the table opened.

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ initialize() [2/2]

static int Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::initialize ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  descript 

creates a new table and opens the corresponding file path/name returns the Id of the created table.

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ setErrors() [1/4]

static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::setErrors ( const int  tabId,
size_t  id,
const double &  err 

add a single error value for the given id (returned by addEntry)

tabIdId of the table we want to set errors
idId of the error
errVector containing the error

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ setErrors() [2/4]

template<int SIZE>
static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::setErrors ( const int  tabId,
size_t  id,
const FieldVector< double, SIZE > &  err 

add a vector in a FieldVector of error values for the given id (returned by addEntry)

tabIdId of the table we want to set errors
idId of the error
errVector containing the error

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ setErrors() [3/4]

template<class VectorType >
static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::setErrors ( const int  tabId,
size_t  id,
const VectorType &  err 

add a vector of error values for the given id (returned by addEntry)

tabIdId of the table we want to set errors
idId of the error
errVector containing the error
Template Parameters
VectorTypea vector type with a size() and an operator[] returning a double

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ setErrors() [4/4]

template<class VectorType >
static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::setErrors ( const int  tabId,
size_t  id,
const VectorType &  err,
int  size 

add a vector of error values for the given id (returned by addEntry)

tabIdId of the table we want to set errors
idId of the error
errVector containing the error
sizeSize of error Vector
Template Parameters
VectorTypea vector type with an operator[] returning a double (C style array can be used)

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance(), and Dune::size().

◆ write() [1/4]

static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::write ( const int  tabId,
std::vector< double > &  vals,
std::vector< std::string > &  descriptions,
std::ostream &  out,
std::string  delimiter = " ",
std::string  terminatingChar = "",
std::string  header = "",
std::string  tableSpacer = "",
std::string  footer = "" 

commit a line to the eoc file

tabIdtable Id returned by the initial function
valsstd::vector of vals that should appear in the EOC table
descriptionsstd::vector with descriptions of the values that should appear
terminatingCharchar which ends an entry, default = " "
outstd::ostream to print data to (e.g. std::cout)
headerheader string for Latex output, default = " "
tableSpacerspacer for empty columns in the table, default = " "
footerfooter string for Latex output, default = " "
delimiterspacer between the entries, default " "

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ write() [2/4]

template<class EocCalculatorType >
static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::write ( const int  tabId,
std::vector< double > &  vals,
std::vector< std::string > &  descriptions,
std::ostream &  out,
std::string  delimiter = " ",
std::string  terminatingChar = "",
std::string  header = "",
std::string  tableSpacer = "",
std::string  footer = "" 

commit a line to the eoc file, using EocCalculatorType for non standart Eoc calculations.

tabIdtable Id returned by the initial function
valsstd::vector of vals that should appear in the EOC table
descriptionsstd::vector with descriptions of the values that should appear
terminatingCharchar which ends an entry, default = " "
outstd::ostream to print data to (e.g. std::cout)
headerheader string for Latex output, default = " "
tableSpacerspacer for empty columns in the table, default = " "
footerfooter string for Latex output, default = " "
delimiterspacer between the entries, default " "

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ write() [3/4]

static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::write ( const int  tabId,
std::vector< double > &  vals,
std::vector< std::string > &  descriptions,
std::string  delimiter = " ",
std::string  terminatingChar = "",
std::string  header = "",
std::string  tableSpacer = "",
std::string  footer = "" 

commit a line to the eoc file

tabIdtable Id returned by the initial function
valsstd::vector of vals that should appear in the EOC table, vals[0] is expected to be a charateristical value.
descriptionsstd::vector with descriptions of the values that should appear
terminatingCharchar which ends an entry, default = " "
headerheader string for Latex output, default = ""
tableSpacerspacer for empty columns in the table, default = ""
footerfooter string for Latex output, default = ""
delimiterspacer between the entries, default =" "

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

◆ write() [4/4]

template<class EocCalculatorType >
static void Dune::Fem::FemEocTable::write ( const int  tabId,
std::vector< double > &  vals,
std::vector< std::string > &  descriptions,
std::string  delimiter = " ",
std::string  terminatingChar = "",
std::string  header = "",
std::string  tableSpacer = "",
std::string  footer = "" 

commit a line to the eoc file, using EocCalculatorType to calculate the eoc.

tabIdtable Id returned by the initial function
valsstd::vector of vals that should appear in the EOC table, vals[0] is expected to be a charateristical value.
descriptionsstd::vector with descriptions of the values that should appear
terminatingCharchar which ends an entry, default = " "
headerheader string for Latex output, default = ""
tableSpacerspacer for empty columns in the table, default = ""
footerfooter string for Latex output, default = ""
delimiterspacer between the entries, default =" "

References Dune::Fem::Singleton< Object >::instance().

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