DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Dune::Fem::DefaultEocCalculator Class Reference

Write a self contained tex table for eoc runs with timing information. More...

#include <dune/fem/misc/femeoctable.hh>

Detailed Description

Write a self contained tex table for eoc runs with timing information.

Constructor takes base file name for the tex file and generate the files: filename.dat

The class is singleton but severeal numbers of tables can be written with different errors. Each time the class is initialized a new table will be written. Since the class is singelton new errors for eoc computations can be added in any part of the program for each table, specified by the table Id returned by the initializer. To add a new entry for eoc computations use one of the addEntry methods. These return a unique unsigned int which can be used to add error values to the table with the setErrors methods. The method write is used to write a single line to the eoc table. Default eoc calculator, it can be re-implemented if another Eoc calulator is needed

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