DUNE-ACFEM (unstable)
Dune::ACFem::PDEModel::UnaryModelExpression< ReturnValueFunctor, Model, Methods, Signatures > Class Template Reference
General unary model expression template. More...
Detailed Description
template<class ReturnValueFunctor, class Model, class Methods = typename ModelTraits<Model>::Methods, class Signatures = typename ModelTraits<Model>::MethodCallSignatures>
class Dune::ACFem::PDEModel::UnaryModelExpression< ReturnValueFunctor, Model, Methods, Signatures >
class Dune::ACFem::PDEModel::UnaryModelExpression< ReturnValueFunctor, Model, Methods, Signatures >
General unary model expression template.
- Parameters
[in] Model Type of model the unary expression is applied to. [in] ReturnValueFunctor Functor to apply to the return value of the origianl model-method. This essentially is the implementation of the unary operation. [in] Methods Methods that must be implemented by the resulting model. Defaults to the methods implemented by Model. [in] Signatures Call-signatures that must be implemented by the result-model. The indices contained in Methods are the index into this sequence. Defaults to the call-signatures acutall implemented by Model. [in] Disable Dummy parameter for std::enable_if_t
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- dune/acfem/models/unaryexpression.hh