Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
4 #ifndef DUNE_UGGRID_HH
5 #define DUNE_UGGRID_HH
11 #include <dune/common/classname.hh>
19 #include <dune/grid/common/grid.hh>
23 #ifdef ModelP
25 #endif
27 /* [Before reading the following: the macros UG_DIM_2 and UG_DIM_3 where named
28  * _2 and _3, respectively, up until ug-3.12.0.]
29  *
30  * The following lines including the necessary UG headers are somewhat
31  tricky. Here's what's happening:
32  UG can support two- and three-dimensional grids. You choose by setting
33  either UG_DIM_2 or UG_DIM_3 while compiling. This changes all sorts of stuff, in
34  particular data structures in the headers.
35  UG was never supposed to provide 2d and 3d grids at the same time.
36  However, when compiling it as c++, the dimension-dependent parts are
37  wrapped up cleanly in the namespaces UG::D2 and UG::D3, respectively. That
38  way it is possible to link together the UG lib for 2d and the one for 3d.
39  But we also need the headers twice! Once with UG_DIM_2 set and once with UG_DIM_3!
40  So here we go:*/
42 /* The following define tells the UG headers that we want access to a few
43  special fields, for example the extra index fields in the element data structures. */
44 #define FOR_DUNE
46 // Set UG's space-dimension flag to 2d
48 #define UG_DIM_2
49 #else
50 #define _2
51 #endif
52 // And include all necessary UG headers
53 #include "uggrid/ugincludes.hh"
55 // Wrap a few large UG macros by functions before they get undef'ed away.
56 // Here: The 2d-version of the macros
57 #define UG_DIM 2
58 #include "uggrid/ugwrapper.hh"
59 #undef UG_DIM
61 // UG defines a whole load of preprocessor macros. ug_undefs.hh undefines
62 // them all, so we don't get name clashes.
63 #include "uggrid/ug_undefs.hh"
65 #undef UG_DIM_2
66 #else
67 #undef _2
68 #endif
70 /* Now we're done with 2d, and we can do the whole thing over again for 3d */
72 /* All macros set by UG have been unset. This includes the macros that ensure
73  single inclusion of headers. We can thus include them again. However, we
74  only want to include those headers again that contain dimension-dependent stuff.
75  Therefore, we set a few single-inclusion defines manually before including
76  ugincludes.hh again.
77  */
78 #define UGTYPES_H
79 #define __HEAPS__
80 #define __UGENV__
81 #define __DEVICESH__
82 #ifdef ModelP
83 #define __PPIF__
84 #endif
87 #define UG_DIM_3
88 #else
89 #define _3
90 #endif
92 #include "uggrid/ugincludes.hh"
94 // Wrap a few large UG macros by functions before they get undef'ed away.
95 // This time it's the 3d-versions.
96 #define UG_DIM 3
97 #include "uggrid/ugwrapper.hh"
98 #undef UG_DIM
100 // undef all macros defined by UG
101 #include "uggrid/ug_undefs.hh"
104 #undef UG_DIM_3
105 #else
106 #undef _3
107 #endif
108 #undef FOR_DUNE
110 // The components of the UGGrid interface
111 #include "uggrid/uggridgeometry.hh"
112 #include "uggrid/uggridlocalgeometry.hh"
113 #include "uggrid/uggridentity.hh"
114 #include "uggrid/uggridentitypointer.hh"
115 #include "uggrid/uggridentityseed.hh"
116 #include "uggrid/uggridintersections.hh"
117 #include "uggrid/uggridintersectioniterators.hh"
118 #include "uggrid/uggridleveliterator.hh"
119 #include "uggrid/uggridleafiterator.hh"
120 #include "uggrid/uggridhieriterator.hh"
121 #include "uggrid/uggridindexsets.hh"
122 #include <dune/grid/uggrid/uggridviews.hh>
123 #ifdef ModelP
124 #include "uggrid/ugmessagebuffer.hh"
125 #include "uggrid/uglbgatherscatter.hh"
126 #endif
128 // Not needed here, but included for user convenience
129 #include "uggrid/uggridfactory.hh"
131 #ifdef ModelP
132 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
133 DataHandle *Dune::UGMessageBufferBase<DataHandle,GridDim,codim>::duneDataHandle_ = 0;
135 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
136 int Dune::UGMessageBufferBase<DataHandle,GridDim,codim>::level = -1;
137 #endif // ModelP
139 namespace Dune {
141 #ifdef ModelP
142  template <int dim>
143  class CollectiveCommunication<Dune::UGGrid<dim> > :
144  public CollectiveCommunication< Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator >
145  {
146  typedef CollectiveCommunication< Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator > ParentType;
147  public:
149  : ParentType(MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
150  {}
151  };
152 #endif // ModelP
154  template<int dim>
155  struct UGGridFamily
156  {
157  typedef GridTraits<dim,dim,Dune::UGGrid<dim>,
158  UGGridGeometry,
159  UGGridEntity,
160  UGGridEntityPointer,
161  UGGridLevelIterator,
162  UGGridLeafIntersection,
163  UGGridLevelIntersection,
164  UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator,
165  UGGridLevelIntersectionIterator,
166  UGGridHierarchicIterator,
167  UGGridLeafIterator,
168  UGGridLevelIndexSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
169  UGGridLeafIndexSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
170  UGGridIdSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
171  typename UG_NS<dim>::UG_ID_TYPE,
172  UGGridIdSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
173  typename UG_NS<dim>::UG_ID_TYPE,
174  CollectiveCommunication<Dune::UGGrid<dim> >,
175  UGGridLevelGridViewTraits,
176  UGGridLeafGridViewTraits,
177  UGGridEntitySeed,
178  UGGridLocalGeometry>
179  Traits;
180  };
183  //**********************************************************************
184  //
185  // --UGGrid
186  //
187  //**********************************************************************
226  template <int dim>
227  class UGGrid : public GridDefaultImplementation <dim, dim, double, UGGridFamily<dim> >
228  {
231  friend class UGGridGeometry<0,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
232  friend class UGGridGeometry<dim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
233  friend class UGGridGeometry<1,2,const UGGrid<dim> >;
234  friend class UGGridGeometry<2,3,const UGGrid<dim> >;
236  friend class UGGridEntity <0,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
237  friend class UGGridEntity <dim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
238  friend class UGGridHierarchicIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
239  friend class UGGridLeafIntersection<const UGGrid<dim> >;
240  friend class UGGridLevelIntersection<const UGGrid<dim> >;
241  friend class UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
242  friend class UGGridLevelIntersectionIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
244  friend class UGGridLevelIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
245  friend class UGGridLeafIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
246  friend class UGGridIdSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
247  template <class GridImp_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_>
248  friend class UGGridLeafGridView;
249  template <class GridImp_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_>
250  friend class UGGridLevelGridView;
252  friend class GridFactory<UGGrid<dim> >;
254 #ifdef ModelP
255  friend class UGLBGatherScatter;
256 #endif
258  template <int codim_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_, class GridImp_>
259  friend class UGGridLeafIterator;
260  template <int codim_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_, class GridImp_>
261  friend class UGGridLevelIterator;
262  template <int codim_, class GridImp_>
263  friend class UGGridEntityPointer;
266  static_assert(dim==2 || dim==3, "Use UGGrid only for 2d and 3d!");
268  // The different instantiations are mutual friends so they can access
269  // each others numOfUGGrids field
270  friend class UGGrid<2>;
271  friend class UGGrid<3>;
273  //**********************************************************
274  // The Interface Methods
275  //**********************************************************
276  public:
278  typedef UGGridFamily<dim> GridFamily;
280  // the Traits
281  typedef typename UGGridFamily<dim>::Traits Traits;
284  typedef UG::DOUBLE ctype;
296  noexcept(false)
297 #endif
298  ;
302  int maxLevel() const;
305  template<int codim>
306  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::LevelIterator lbegin (int level) const;
309  template<int codim>
310  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::LevelIterator lend (int level) const;
313  template<int codim, PartitionIteratorType PiType>
314  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LevelIterator lbegin (int level) const;
317  template<int codim, PartitionIteratorType PiType>
318  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LevelIterator lend (int level) const;
321  template<int codim>
322  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::LeafIterator leafbegin() const {
323  return typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<All_Partition>::LeafIterator(*this);
324  }
327  template<int codim>
328  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::LeafIterator leafend() const {
329  return UGGridLeafIterator<codim,All_Partition, const UGGrid<dim> >();
330  }
333  template<int codim, PartitionIteratorType PiType>
334  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LeafIterator leafbegin() const {
335  return typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LeafIterator(*this);
336  }
339  template<int codim, PartitionIteratorType PiType>
340  typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<PiType>::LeafIterator leafend() const {
341  return UGGridLeafIterator<codim,PiType, const UGGrid<dim> >();
342  }
345  template <typename Seed>
346  DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("entityPointer() is deprecated and will be removed after the release of dune-grid 2.4. Use entity() instead to directly obtain an Entity object.")
347  typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::EntityPointer
348  entityPointer(const Seed& seed) const
349  {
350  enum {codim = Seed::codimension};
351  return typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::EntityPointer(UGGridEntityPointer<codim,const UGGrid<dim> >(this->getRealImplementation(seed).target(),this));
352  }
355  template <typename Seed>
356  typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::Entity
357  entity(const Seed& seed) const
358  {
359  const int codim = Seed::codimension;
360  return typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::Entity(UGGridEntity<codim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >(this->getRealImplementation(seed).target(),this));
361  }
365  int size (int level, int codim) const;
368  int size (int codim) const
369  {
370  return leafIndexSet().size(codim);
371  }
374  int size (int level, GeometryType type) const
375  {
376  return this->levelIndexSet(level).size(type);
377  }
380  int size (GeometryType type) const
381  {
382  return this->leafIndexSet().size(type);
383  }
386  size_t numBoundarySegments() const {
387  // The number is stored as a member of UGGrid upon grid creation.
388  // The corresponding data structure is not exported by UG. (It is in ug/dom/std/std_internal.h)
389  return numBoundarySegments_;
390  }
393  const typename Traits::GlobalIdSet& globalIdSet() const
394  {
395  return idSet_;
396  }
399  const typename Traits::LocalIdSet& localIdSet() const
400  {
401  return idSet_;
402  }
405  const typename Traits::LevelIndexSet& levelIndexSet(int level) const
406  {
407  if (level<0 || level>maxLevel())
408  DUNE_THROW(GridError, "levelIndexSet of nonexisting level " << level << " requested!");
409  return *levelIndexSets_[level];
410  }
413  const typename Traits::LeafIndexSet& leafIndexSet() const
414  {
415  return leafIndexSet_;
416  }
433  bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e );
491  bool mark(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e,
492  typename UG_NS<dim>::RefinementRule rule,
493  int side=0);
496  int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity& e) const;
500  bool preAdapt();
503  bool adapt();
506  void postAdapt();
510  unsigned int overlapSize(int codim) const {
511  return 0;
512  }
515  unsigned int ghostSize(int codim) const {
516  return (codim==0) ? 1 : 0;
517  }
520  unsigned int overlapSize(int level, int codim) const {
521  return 0;
522  }
525  unsigned int ghostSize(int level, int codim) const {
526  return (codim==0) ? 1 : 0;
527  }
536  template<class DataHandle>
537  bool loadBalance (DataHandle& dataHandle)
538  {
539 #ifdef ModelP
540  // gather element data
541  // UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
543  // gather node data
544  UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
545 #endif
547  // the load balancing step now also attaches
548  // the data to the entities and distributes it
549  loadBalance();
551 #ifdef ModelP
552  // scatter element data
553  // UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
555  // scatter node data
556  UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
557 #endif
559  return true;
560  }
568  bool loadBalance(int minlevel=0);
600  bool loadBalance(const std::vector<unsigned int>& targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel);
611  template<class DataHandle>
612  bool loadBalance (const std::vector<unsigned int>& targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel, DataHandle& dataHandle)
613  {
614 #ifdef ModelP
615  // gather element data
616  // UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
618  // gather node data
619  UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
620 #endif
622  // the load balancing step now also attaches
623  // the data to the entities and distributes it
624  loadBalance(targetProcessors,fromLevel);
626 #ifdef ModelP
627  // scatter element data
628  // UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
630  // scatter node data
631  UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
632 #endif
634  return true;
635  }
648  template<class DataHandle>
649  void communicate (DataHandle& dataHandle, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
650  {
651 #ifdef ModelP
652  typedef typename UGGrid::LevelGridView LevelGridView;
654  for (int curCodim = 0; curCodim <= dim; ++curCodim) {
655  if (!dataHandle.contains(dim, curCodim))
656  continue;
658  if (curCodim == 0)
659  communicateUG_<LevelGridView, DataHandle, 0>(this->levelGridView(level), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
660  else if (curCodim == dim)
661  communicateUG_<LevelGridView, DataHandle, dim>(this->levelGridView(level), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
662  else if (curCodim == dim - 1)
663  communicateUG_<LevelGridView, DataHandle, dim-1>(this->levelGridView(level), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
664  else if (curCodim == 1)
665  communicateUG_<LevelGridView, DataHandle, 1>(this->levelGridView(level), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
666  else
668  className(*this) << "::communicate(): Not "
669  "supported for dim " << dim << " and codim " << curCodim);
670  }
671 #endif // ModelP
672  }
683  template<class DataHandle>
684  void communicate(DataHandle& dataHandle, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir) const
685  {
686 #ifdef ModelP
687  typedef typename UGGrid::LeafGridView LeafGridView;
689  for (int curCodim = 0; curCodim <= dim; ++curCodim) {
690  if (!dataHandle.contains(dim, curCodim))
691  continue;
692  int level = -1;
693  if (curCodim == 0)
694  communicateUG_<LeafGridView, DataHandle, 0>(this->leafGridView(), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
695  else if (curCodim == dim)
696  communicateUG_<LeafGridView, DataHandle, dim>(this->leafGridView(), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
697  else if (curCodim == dim - 1)
698  communicateUG_<LeafGridView, DataHandle, dim-1>(this->leafGridView(), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
699  else if (curCodim == 1)
700  communicateUG_<LeafGridView, DataHandle, 1>(this->leafGridView(), level, dataHandle, iftype, dir);
701  else
703  className(*this) << "::communicate(): Not "
704  "supported for dim " << dim << " and codim " << curCodim);
705  }
706 #endif // ModelP
707  }
711  {
712  return ccobj_;
713  }
715  protected:
716 #ifdef ModelP
717  template <class GridView, class DataHandle, int codim>
718  void communicateUG_(const GridView& gv, int level,
719  DataHandle &dataHandle,
720  InterfaceType iftype,
721  CommunicationDirection dir) const
722  {
723  typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF_DIR ugIfDir;
724  // Translate the communication direction from Dune-Speak to UG-Speak
725  if (dir==ForwardCommunication)
726  ugIfDir = UG_NS<dim>::IF_FORWARD();
727  else
728  ugIfDir = UG_NS<dim>::IF_BACKWARD();
730  typedef UGMessageBuffer<DataHandle,dim,codim> UGMsgBuf;
731  UGMsgBuf::duneDataHandle_ = &dataHandle;
733  UGMsgBuf::level = level;
735  std::vector<typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF> ugIfs;
736  findDDDInterfaces_(ugIfs, iftype, codim);
738  unsigned bufSize = UGMsgBuf::ugBufferSize_(gv);
739  if (!bufSize)
740  return; // we don't need to communicate if we don't have any data!
741  for (unsigned i=0; i < ugIfs.size(); ++i)
742  UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IFOneway(ugIfs[i],
743  ugIfDir,
744  bufSize,
745  &UGMsgBuf::ugGather_,
746  &UGMsgBuf::ugScatter_);
747  }
749  void findDDDInterfaces_(std::vector<typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF > &dddIfaces,
750  InterfaceType iftype,
751  int codim) const
752  {
753  dddIfaces.clear();
754  if (codim == 0)
755  {
756  switch (iftype) {
758  // do not communicate anything: Elements can not be in
759  // the interior of two processes at the same time
760  return;
762  // The communicated elements are in the sender's
763  // interior and it does not matter what they are for
764  // the receiver
765  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::ElementVHIF());
766  return;
767  case All_All_Interface :
768  // It does neither matter what the communicated
769  // elements are for sender nor for the receiver. If
770  // they are seen by these two processes, data is send
771  // and received.
772  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::ElementSymmVHIF());
773  return;
774  default :
775  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
776  "Element communication not supported for "
777  "interfaces of type "
778  << iftype);
779  }
780  }
781  else if (codim == dim)
782  {
783  switch (iftype)
784  {
786  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderNodeSymmIF());
787  return;
789  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderNodeSymmIF());
790  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::NodeIF());
791  return;
792  case All_All_Interface :
793  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::NodeAllIF());
794  return;
795  default :
796  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
797  "Node communication not supported for "
798  "interfaces of type "
799  << iftype);
800  }
801  }
802  else if (codim == dim-1)
803  {
804  switch (iftype)
805  {
807  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderEdgeSymmIF());
808  return;
810  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderEdgeSymmIF());
811  // Is the following line needed or not?
812  // dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::EdgeIF());
813  return;
814  case All_All_Interface :
815  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::EdgeSymmVHIF());
816  return;
817  default :
818  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
819  "Edge communication not supported for "
820  "interfaces of type "
821  << iftype);
822  }
823  }
824  else if (codim == 1)
825  {
826  switch (iftype)
827  {
830  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderVectorSymmIF());
831  return;
832  default :
833  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
834  "Face communication not supported for "
835  "interfaces of type "
836  << iftype);
837  }
838  }
839  else
840  {
841  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
842  "Communication for codim "
843  << codim
844  << " entities is not yet supported "
845  << " by the DUNE UGGrid interface!");
846  }
847  };
848 #endif // ModelP
850  public:
851  // **********************************************************
852  // End of Interface Methods
853  // **********************************************************
855 #ifdef DOXYGEN
868  void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer & e,
869  int elementSide,
870  int maxl,
871  std::vector<typename Traits::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer>& childElements,
872  std::vector<unsigned char>& childElementSides) const;
874 #else
876  // This is the actual implementation of the deprecated method. We need this ugly trick of turning
877  // it into a template to avoid triggering a deprecation warning every time UGGrid is used.
878  template< typename T >
879  DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("This version of getChildrenOfSubface() uses EntityPointer and is deprecated. It will be removed after the release of Dune 2.4. Please use the new version with entities instead.")
880  typename std::enable_if<
881  std::is_same<
882  T,
883  typename UGGrid<dim>::Traits::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer
884  >::value
885  >::type
886  getChildrenOfSubface(const T & e,
887  int elementSide,
888  int maxl,
889  std::vector<typename Traits::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer>& childElements,
890  std::vector<unsigned char>& childElementSides) const
891  {
893  typedef std::pair<typename UG_NS<dim>::Element*,int> ListEntryType;
897  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
898  // Change the input face number from Dune numbering to UG numbering
899  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
901  elementSide = UGGridRenumberer<dim>::facesDUNEtoUG(elementSide, e->type());
903  // ///////////////
904  // init list
905  // ///////////////
906  if (!e->isLeaf() // Get_Sons_of_ElementSide returns GM_FATAL when called for a leaf !?!
907  && e->level() < maxl) {
909  typename UG_NS<dim>::Element* theElement = this->getRealImplementation(*e).target_;
911  int Sons_of_Side = 0;
912  typename UG_NS<dim>::Element* SonList[UG_NS<dim>::MAX_SONS];
913  int SonSides[UG_NS<dim>::MAX_SONS];
915  int rv = Get_Sons_of_ElementSide(theElement,
916  elementSide,
917  &Sons_of_Side,
918  SonList, // the output elements
919  SonSides, // Output element side numbers
920  true, // Element sons are not precomputed
921  true); // ioflag: I have no idea what this is supposed to do
922  if (rv!=0)
923  DUNE_THROW(GridError, "Get_Sons_of_ElementSide returned with error value " << rv);
925  for (int i=0; i<Sons_of_Side; i++)
926  list.push_back(ListEntryType(SonList[i],SonSides[i]));
928  }
930  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
931  // Traverse and collect all children of the side
932  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
934  typename SLList<ListEntryType>::iterator f = list.begin();
935  for (; f!=list.end(); ++f) {
937  typename UG_NS<dim>::Element* theElement = f->first;
938  int side = f->second;
940  int Sons_of_Side = 0;
941  typename UG_NS<dim>::Element* SonList[UG_NS<dim>::MAX_SONS];
942  int SonSides[UG_NS<dim>::MAX_SONS];
944  if (UG_NS<dim>::myLevel(theElement) < maxl) {
946  Get_Sons_of_ElementSide(theElement,
947  side, // Input element side number
948  &Sons_of_Side, // Number of topological sons of the element side
949  SonList, // Output elements
950  SonSides, // Output element side numbers
951  true,
952  true);
954  for (int i=0; i<Sons_of_Side; i++)
955  list.push_back(ListEntryType(SonList[i],SonSides[i]));
957  }
959  }
961  // //////////////////////////////
962  // Extract result from stack
963  // //////////////////////////////
965  // Use reserve / push_back since EntityPointer is not default constructable
966  childElements.clear();
967  childElements.reserve( list.size() );
968  childElementSides.resize(list.size());
970  int i=0;
971  for (f = list.begin(); f!=list.end(); ++f, ++i)
972  {
974  // Set element
975  typedef typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::EntityPointer EntityPointer;
976  childElements.push_back( EntityPointer( UGGridEntityPointer< 0, const UGGrid< dim > >( f->first, this ) ) );
978  int side = f->second;
980  // Dune numbers the faces of several elements differently than UG.
981  // The following switch does the transformation
982  childElementSides[i] = UGGridRenumberer<dim>::facesUGtoDUNE(side, childElements[i]->type());
984  }
986  }
987 #endif
996  void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e,
997  int elementSide,
998  int maxl,
999  std::vector<typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity>& childElements,
1000  std::vector<unsigned char>& childElementSides) const;
1007  COPY
1008  };
1015  NONE
1016  };
1020  refinementType_ = type;
1021  }
1025  closureType_ = type;
1026  }
1034  static void setDefaultHeapSize(unsigned size) {
1035  heapSize_ = size;
1036  }
1038 #ifdef DOXYGEN
1048  void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim<dim>::EntityPointer& e,
1049  const FieldVector<double, dim>& pos);
1051 #else
1053  // This is the actual implementation of the deprecated method. We need this ugly trick of turning
1054  // it into a template to avoid triggering a deprecation warning every time UGGrid is used.
1055  template< typename T >
1056  DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("This version of setPosition() uses EntityPointer and is deprecated. It will be removed after the release of Dune 2.4. Please use the new version with entities instead.")
1057  typename std::enable_if<
1058  std::is_same<
1059  T,
1060  typename UGGrid<dim>::Traits::template Codim<dim>::EntityPointer
1061  >::value
1062  >::type
1063  setPosition(const T& e,
1064  const FieldVector<double, dim>& pos)
1065 {
1066  typename UG_NS<dim>::Node* target = this->getRealImplementation(*e).target_;
1068  for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
1069  target->myvertex->iv.x[i] = pos[i];
1070 }
1072 #endif
1077  void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim<dim>::Entity& e,
1078  const FieldVector<double, dim>& pos);
1084  void globalRefine(int n);
1090  void saveState(const std::string& filename) const;
1096  void loadState(const std::string& filename);
1098  private:
1100  typename UG_NS<dim>::MultiGrid* multigrid_;
1110  void setIndices(bool setLevelZero,
1111  std::vector<unsigned int>* nodePermutation);
1113  // Each UGGrid object has a unique name to identify it in the
1114  // UG environment structure
1115  std::string name_;
1117  // Our set of level indices
1118  std::vector<shared_ptr<UGGridLevelIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> > > > levelIndexSets_;
1120  UGGridLeafIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> > leafIndexSet_;
1122  // One id set implementation
1123  // Used for both the local and the global UGGrid id sets
1124  UGGridIdSet<const UGGrid<dim> > idSet_;
1127  RefinementType refinementType_;
1130  ClosureType closureType_;
1139  static int numOfUGGrids;
1146  bool someElementHasBeenMarkedForRefinement_;
1153  bool someElementHasBeenMarkedForCoarsening_;
1159  static unsigned int heapSize_;
1162  std::vector<shared_ptr<BoundarySegment<dim> > > boundarySegments_;
1169  unsigned int numBoundarySegments_;
1171  }; // end Class UGGrid
1173  namespace Capabilities
1174  {
1190  template<int dim>
1191  struct hasEntity< UGGrid<dim>, 0>
1192  {
1193  static const bool v = true;
1194  };
1199  template<int dim>
1200  struct hasEntity< UGGrid<dim>, dim>
1201  {
1202  static const bool v = true;
1203  };
1208  template<int dim>
1209  struct DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") isParallel< UGGrid<dim> >
1210  {
1211 #ifdef ModelP
1212  static const bool DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") v = true;
1213 #else // !ModelP
1214  static const bool DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") v = false;
1215 #endif // !ModelP
1216  };
1221  template<int dim>
1223  {
1224  static const bool v = true;
1225  };
1230  template<int dim>
1232  {
1233  static const bool v = false;
1234  };
1236  }
1238 } // namespace Dune
1240 #endif // HAVE_UG || DOXYGEN
1241 #endif // DUNE_UGGRID_HH
Base class for grid boundary segments of arbitrary geometry.
Construct default object.
Definition: collectivecommunication.hh:76
Wrapper class for pointers to entities.
Definition: entitypointer.hh:113
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:94
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:25
Definition: grid.hh:1030
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typename std::add_lvalue_reference< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typename std::remove_const< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1305
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LevelIterator DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("The method lbegin( level ) is superseded by levelGridView( level ).begin.") lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level for PartitionType All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:1043
Traits::template Partition< pitype >::LevelGridView levelGridView(int level) const
View for a grid level.
Definition: grid.hh:1105
bool loadBalance()
default implementation of load balance does nothing and returns false
Definition: grid.hh:1220
Traits::template Partition< pitype >::LeafGridView leafGridView() const
View for the leaf grid.
Definition: grid.hh:1115
Base class for exceptions in Dune grid modules.
Definition: exceptions.hh:18
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:263
Grid view abstract base class.
Definition: gridview.hh:59
GridFamily::Traits::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication
A type that is a model of Dune::CollectiveCommunication. It provides a portable way for collective co...
Definition: grid.hh:545
Partition< All_Partition >::LevelGridView LevelGridView
View types for All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:428
Id Set Interface.
Definition: indexidset.hh:414
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:76
Default exception for dummy implementations.
Definition: exceptions.hh:288
A mutable iterator for the SLList.
Definition: sllist.hh:269
A single linked list.
Definition: sllist.hh:42
Front-end for the grid manager of the finite element toolbox UG.
Definition: uggrid.hh:228
void communicate(DataHandle &dataHandle, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir) const
The communication interface for all codims on the leaf level.
Definition: uggrid.hh:684
void postAdapt()
Clean up refinement markers.
size_t numBoundarySegments() const
Return the number of boundary segments.
Definition: uggrid.hh:386
void setRefinementType(RefinementType type)
Sets the type of grid refinement.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1019
int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e) const
Query whether element is marked for refinement.
bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e)
Mark element for refinement.
unsigned int overlapSize(int level, int codim) const
Size of the overlap on a given level.
Definition: uggrid.hh:520
bool loadBalance(int minlevel=0)
Distributes this grid over the available nodes in a distributed machine.
void communicate(DataHandle &dataHandle, InterfaceType iftype, CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
The communication interface for all codims on a given level.
Definition: uggrid.hh:649
Default constructor.
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level.
const CollectiveCommunication< UGGrid > & comm() const
Definition: uggrid.hh:710
void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim< dim >::EntityPointer &e, const FieldVector< double, dim > &pos)
Sets a vertex to a new position.
void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e, int elementSide, int maxl, std::vector< typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity > &childElements, std::vector< unsigned char > &childElementSides) const
Rudimentary substitute for a hierarchic iterator on faces.
UGGridFamily< dim > GridFamily
type of the used GridFamily for this grid
Definition: uggrid.hh:278
bool mark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e, typename UG_NS< dim >::RefinementRule rule, int side=0)
Mark method accepting a UG refinement rule.
void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::EntityPointer &e, int elementSide, int maxl, std::vector< typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::EntityPointer > &childElements, std::vector< unsigned char > &childElementSides) const
Rudimentary substitute for a hierarchic iterator on faces.
int maxLevel() const
bool loadBalance(const std::vector< unsigned int > &targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel, DataHandle &dataHandle)
Distributes the grid over the processes of a parallel machine, and sends data along with it.
Definition: uggrid.hh:612
void setClosureType(ClosureType type)
Sets the type of grid refinement closure.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1024
DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("entityPointer() is deprecated and will be removed after the release of dune-grid 2.4. Use entity() instead to directly obtain an Entity object.") typename Traits int size(int codim) const
Create an EntityPointer from an EntitySeed.
Definition: uggrid.hh:368
const Traits::GlobalIdSet & globalIdSet() const
Access to the GlobalIdSet.
Definition: uggrid.hh:393
int size(int level, GeometryType type) const
number of entities per level and geometry type in this process
Definition: uggrid.hh:374
The different forms of grid refinement that UG supports.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1003
New level consists of the refined elements and the unrefined ones, too.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1007
New level consists only of the refined elements and the closure.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1005
int size(GeometryType type) const
number of leaf entities per geometry type in this process
Definition: uggrid.hh:380
void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim< dim >::Entity &e, const FieldVector< double, dim > &pos)
Sets a vertex to a new position.
unsigned int ghostSize(int codim) const
Size of the ghost cell layer on the leaf level.
Definition: uggrid.hh:515
UG::DOUBLE ctype
The type used to store coordinates.
Definition: uggrid.hh:284
const Traits::LocalIdSet & localIdSet() const
Access to the LocalIdSet.
Definition: uggrid.hh:399
unsigned int ghostSize(int level, int codim) const
Size of the ghost cell layer on a given level.
Definition: uggrid.hh:525
bool adapt()
Triggers the grid refinement process.
const Traits::LevelIndexSet & levelIndexSet(int level) const
Access to the LevelIndexSets.
Definition: uggrid.hh:405
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LeafIterator leafbegin() const
Iterator to first leaf entity of given codim.
Definition: uggrid.hh:322
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
one past the end on this level
void loadState(const std::string &filename)
Read entire grid hierarchy from disk.
unsigned int overlapSize(int codim) const
Size of the overlap on the leaf level.
Definition: uggrid.hh:510
bool loadBalance(DataHandle &dataHandle)
Distributes the grid and some data over the available nodes in a distributed machine.
Definition: uggrid.hh:537
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LeafIterator leafend() const
one past the end of the sequence of leaf entities
Definition: uggrid.hh:328
const Traits::LeafIndexSet & leafIndexSet() const
Access to the LeafIndexSet.
Definition: uggrid.hh:413
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LevelIterator lend(int level) const
one past the end on this level
void saveState(const std::string &filename) const
Save entire grid hierarchy to disk.
bool preAdapt()
returns true, if some elements might be coarsend during grid adaption, here always returns true
void globalRefine(int n)
Does uniform refinement.
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LeafIterator leafbegin() const
Iterator to first leaf entity of given codim.
Definition: uggrid.hh:334
Traits::template Codim< codim >::LevelIterator lbegin(int level) const
Iterator to first entity of given codim on level.
Decide whether to add a green closure to locally refined grid sections or not.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1011
Standard red/green refinement.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1013
No closure, results in nonconforming meshes.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1015
bool loadBalance(const std::vector< unsigned int > &targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel)
Distribute this grid over a distributed machine.
Traits::template Codim< codim >::template Partition< PiType >::LeafIterator leafend() const
one past the end of the sequence of leaf entities
Definition: uggrid.hh:340
static void setDefaultHeapSize(unsigned size)
Sets the default heap size.
Definition: uggrid.hh:1034
A free function to provide the demangled class name of a given object or type as a string.
Implements an utility class that provides collective communication methods for sequential programs.
A set of traits classes to store static information about grid implementation.
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
Definition of the DUNE_DEPRECATED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
A few common exception classes.
void push_back(const MemberType &item)
Add a new entry to the end of the list.
Definition: sllist.hh:657
int size() const
Get the number of elements the list contains.
Definition: sllist.hh:770
iterator end()
Get an iterator pointing to the end of the list.
Definition: sllist.hh:788
iterator begin()
Get an iterator pointing to the first element in the list.
Definition: sllist.hh:776
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:243
Define a type for communication direction parameter.
Definition: gridenums.hh:168
Parameter to be used for the communication functions.
Definition: gridenums.hh:84
@ ForwardCommunication
communicate as given in InterfaceType
Definition: gridenums.hh:169
@ InteriorBorder_All_Interface
send interior and border, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:86
@ All_All_Interface
send all and receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:89
@ InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface
send/receive interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:85
struct DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Capabilities::isParallel will be removed after dune-grid-2.4.") isParallel< ALU3dGrid< elType
YaspGrid is parallel.
Implements an utility class that provides MPI's collective communication methods.
Helpers for dealing with MPI.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:10
std::string className(T &t)
Provide the demangled class name of a given object as a string.
Definition: classname.hh:23
Specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid implements entities for. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:58
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees a conforming leaf grid. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:108
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees conforming level grids. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:99
Specialize with 'true' if implementation supports parallelism. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:73
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
A traits struct that collects all associated types of one grid model.
Definition: grid.hh:1344
The specialization of the generic GridFactory for UGGrid.
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