Dune Core Modules (2.4.2)

Common (foundation classes)


 Implementations of the STL allocator concept.
 Debug output
 Dense Matrix and Vector Template Library
 Type traits to retrieve the field and the real type of classes.
 Exception handling
 Iterator facades
 Iterator facades for writing stl conformant iterators.
 Parallel Communication
 Abstractions for paralle computing.
 Filesystem Paths


file  alignment.hh
 This file implements a template class to determine alignment requirements of types at compile time.
file  function.hh
 Simple base class templates for functions.
file  gcd.hh
 Statically compute the greatest common divisor of two integers.
file  indent.hh
 Utility class for handling nested indentation in output.
file  ios_state.hh
 Utility class for storing and resetting stream attributes.
file  lcm.hh
 Statically compute the least common multiple of two integers.
file  sllist.hh
 Implements a singly linked list together with the necessary iterators.
file  timer.hh
 A simple timing class.
file  tuples.hh
 Fallback implementation of the std::tuple class.


struct  Dune::AlignmentOf< T >
 Calculates the alignment requirement of a type. More...
class  Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >
 A dynamically growing random access list. More...
class  Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >
 A random access iterator for the Dune::ArrayList class. More...
class  Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >
 A constant random access iterator for the Dune::ArrayList class. More...
struct  Dune::MPITraits< T >
 A traits class describing the mapping of types onto MPI_Datatypes. More...
class  Dune::bigunsignedint< k >
 Portable very large unsigned integers. More...
class  Dune::EmptySet< TA >
 An empty set. More...
class  Dune::AllSet< TA >
 A set containing everything. More...
class  Dune::EnumItem< TA, item >
 A set consisting only of one item. More...
class  Dune::EnumRange< TA, from, end >
 A set representing a range including the borders. More...
class  Dune::NegateSet< S >
 The negation of a set. An item is contained in the set if and only if it is not contained in the negated set. More...
class  Dune::Combine< TI1, TI2, TA >
 A set combining two other sets. More...
class  Dune::fvector_assigner< T, s >
 fvector assignment operator More...
class  Dune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >
 fmatrix assignment operator More...
class  Dune::Function< Domain, Range >
 Base class template for function classes. More...
class  Dune::VirtualFunction< DomainType, RangeType >
 Virtual base class template for function classes. More...
struct  Dune::Gcd< a, b >
 Calculator of the greatest common divisor. More...
class  Dune::Indent
 Utility class for handling nested indentation in output. More...
class  Dune::ios_base_all_saver
 Utility class for storing and resetting stream attributes. More...
struct  Dune::Lcm< m, n >
 Calculate the least common multiple of two numbers. More...
class  Dune::ParameterTree
 Hierarchical structure of string parameters. More...
class  Dune::ParameterTreeParser
 Parsers to set up a ParameterTree from various input sources. More...
struct  Dune::StaticPower< m, p >
 Calculates m^p at compile time. More...
struct  Dune::StaticPower< m, 0 >
 end of recursion via specialization More...
struct  Dune::Power< p >
 Compute power for a run-time mantissa and a compile-time integer exponent. More...
class  Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >
 A mutable iterator for the SLList. More...
class  Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >
 A constant iterator for the SLList. More...
class  Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >
 A mutable iterator for the SLList. More...
class  Dune::SLList< T, A >
 A single linked list. More...
class  Dune::TimerError
 Exception thrown by the Timer class More...
class  Dune::Timer
 A simple stop watch. More...
struct  Dune::Empty
 Just an empty class. More...
class  Dune::TypeTraits< T >
 General type traits class to check whether type is reference or pointer type. More...
struct  Dune::ConstantVolatileTraits< T >
 Determines wether a type is const or volatile and provides the unqualified types. More...
struct  Dune::IsVolatile< T >
 Tests wether a type is volatile. More...
struct  Dune::IsConst< T >
 Tests wether a type is constant. More...
class  Dune::Conversion< From, To >
 Checks wether a type is convertible to another. More...
class  Dune::IsBaseOf< Base, Derived >
 Checks wether a type is derived from another. More...
struct  Dune::IsInteroperable< T1, T2 >
 Checks wether two types are interoperable. More...
struct  Dune::EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, Type >
 Enable typedef if two types are interoperable. More...
struct  Dune::is_pointer< T >
 is_pointer More...
struct  Dune::is_lvalue_reference< T >
 Determine whether a type is a lvalue reference type. More...
struct  Dune::remove_pointer< _Tp >
 Return the type a pointer type points to. More...
struct  Dune::AlwaysFalse< T >
 template which always yields a false value More...
struct  Dune::AlwaysTrue< T >
 template which always yields a true value More...
struct  Dune::is_indexable< T, I >


 Mark some entity as deprecated. More...
 Mark some entity as deprecated. More...
#define dune_static_assert(COND, MSG)    static_assert(COND,MSG)
 Helper template so that compilation fails if condition is not true. More...


typedef std::ios_base Dune::ios_base_all_saver::state_type
 Export type of object we save the state for.
typedef A::size_type Dune::SLList< T, A >::size_type
 The size type.
typedef T Dune::SLList< T, A >::MemberType
 The type we store.
typedef A::template rebind< Element >::other Dune::SLList< T, A >::Allocator
 The allocator to use.
typedef SLListIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::iterator
 The mutable iterator of the list.
typedef SLListConstIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::const_iterator
 The constant iterator of the list.
typedef SLListModifyIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::ModifyIterator
 The type of the iterator capable of deletion and insertion.


 power stores m^p
 m^0 = 1


template<class T , size_t N>
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< (std::ostream &s, const array< T, N > &e)
 Output operator for array.
template<class T >
array< T, 10 > Dune::make_array (const T &t0, const T &t1, const T &t2, const T &t3, const T &t4, const T &t5, const T &t6, const T &t7, const T &t8, const T &t9)
 create an initialize an array More...
template<typename T , std::size_t n>
array< T, n > Dune::fill_array (const T &t)
 Create an array and fill it with copies of the provided value. More...
template<class A , class B >
enable_if<!IsVector< A >::value &&!is_same< typenameFieldTraits< A >::field_type, typenameFieldTraits< A >::real_type >::value, typenamePromotionTraits< A, B >::PromotedType >::type Dune::dot (const A &a, const B &b)
 computes the dot product for fundamental data types according to Petsc's VectDot function: dot(a,b) := std::conj(a)*b More...
 operator double ()
 Conversion operator to double.
 operator int ()
 Conversion operator to int.
 Dune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::fvector_assigner (fvector_assigner &a)
 Copy Constructor.
 Dune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::fvector_assigner (FieldVector< T, s > &_v, bool t)
 Constructor from vector and temporary flag. More...
 Dune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::~fvector_assigner ()
 Destructor checks for complete initialization of the vector. The check is skipped, if this object is marked temporary.
fvector_assignerDune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::append (const T &t)
 append data to this vector
fvector_assignerDune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::append (Zero z)
 append zeros to this vector
fvector_assignerDune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::operator, (const T &t)
 append data to this vector the overloaded comma operator is used to assign a comma separated list of values to the vector
fvector_assignerDune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::operator, (Zero z)
 append zeros to this vector the overloaded comma operator is used to stop the assign of values to the vector, all remaining entries are assigned 0.
template<class T , class K , int s>
fvector_assigner< T, s > Dune::operator<<= (FieldVector< T, s > &v, const K &t)
 fvector assignment operator More...
template<class T , int s>
fvector_assigner< T, s > Dune::operator<<= (FieldVector< T, s > &v, Zero z)
 fvector assignment operator More...
 Dune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::fmatrix_assigner (fmatrix_assigner &a)
 Copy Constructor.
 Dune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::fmatrix_assigner (FieldMatrix< T, n, m > &_A, bool t)
 Constructor from matrix and temporary flag. More...
 Dune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::~fmatrix_assigner ()
 Destructor checks for complete initialization of the matrix. The check is skipped, if this object is marked temporary.
fmatrix_assignerDune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::append (const T &t)
 append data to this matrix
fmatrix_assignerDune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::append (Zero z)
 append zeros to this matrix
fmatrix_assignerDune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::append (NextRow nr)
 move to next row of the matrix
fmatrix_assignerDune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::operator, (const T &t)
 append data to this matrix the overloaded comma operator is used to assign a comma separated list of values to the matrix
fmatrix_assignerDune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::operator, (Zero z)
 append zeros to this matrix the overloaded comma operator is used to stop the assign of values to the matrix, all remaining entries are assigned 0.
fmatrix_assignerDune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::operator, (NextRow nr)
 append zeros to this matrix the overloaded comma operator is used to stop the assign of values to the current row, it will be checked whether all entries have been assigned values.
template<class T , class K , int n, int m>
fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m > Dune::operator<<= (FieldMatrix< T, n, m > &v, const K &t)
 FieldMatrix assignment operator. More...
template<class T , int n, int m>
fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m > Dune::operator<<= (FieldMatrix< T, n, m > &v, Zero z)
 FieldMatrix assignment operator. More...
 Dune::Indent::Indent (const std::string &basic_indent_=" ", unsigned level_=0)
 setup without parent More...
 Dune::Indent::Indent (unsigned level_)
 setup without parent and basic_indentation of two spaces
 Dune::Indent::Indent (const Indent *parent_, const std::string &basic_indent_=" ", unsigned level_=1)
 setup with parent More...
 Dune::Indent::Indent (const Indent *parent_, unsigned level_)
 setup with parent
Indent Dune::Indent::operator+ (const std::string &newindent) const
 create new indentation object with this one as parent
Indent Dune::Indent::operator+ (unsigned morelevel) const
 create a copy of this indetation object with raised level
IndentDune::Indent::operator++ ()
 raise indentation level
IndentDune::Indent::operator-- ()
 lower indentation level
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Indent &indent)
 write indentation to a stream
 Dune::ios_base_all_saver::ios_base_all_saver (state_type &ios_)
 Constructor that stores the currently used flags. More...
 Dune::ios_base_all_saver::~ios_base_all_saver ()
 Destructor that restores the flags stored by the constructor.
void Dune::ios_base_all_saver::restore ()
 Restore flags now. More...
 Dune::SLList< T, A >::SLList ()
template<typename T1 , typename A1 >
 Dune::SLList< T, A >::SLList (const SLList< T1, A1 > &other)
 Copy constructor with type conversion.
 Dune::SLList< T, A >::SLList (const SLList< T, A > &other)
 Copy constructor.
 Dune::SLList< T, A >::~SLList ()
 Destructor. More...
SLList< T, A > & Dune::SLList< T, A >::operator= (const SLList< T, A > &other)
 Assignment operator.
void Dune::SLList< T, A >::push_back (const MemberType &item)
 Add a new entry to the end of the list. More...
void Dune::SLList< T, A >::push_front (const MemberType &item)
 Add a new entry to the beginning of the list. More...
void Dune::SLList< T, A >::pop_front ()
 Remove the first item in the list.
void Dune::SLList< T, A >::clear ()
 Remove all elements from the list.
iterator Dune::SLList< T, A >::begin ()
 Get an iterator pointing to the first element in the list. More...
const_iterator Dune::SLList< T, A >::begin () const
 Get an iterator pointing to the first element in the list. More...
ModifyIterator Dune::SLList< T, A >::beginModify ()
 Get an iterator capable of deleting and inserting elements. More...
ModifyIterator Dune::SLList< T, A >::endModify ()
 Get an iterator capable of deleting and inserting elements. More...
iterator Dune::SLList< T, A >::end ()
 Get an iterator pointing to the end of the list. More...
const_iterator Dune::SLList< T, A >::end () const
 Get an iterator pointing to the end of the list. More...
bool Dune::SLList< T, A >::empty () const
 Check whether the list is empty. More...
int Dune::SLList< T, A >::size () const
 Get the number of elements the list contains.
T & Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::dereference () const
 Dereferencing function for the iterator facade. More...
bool Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListConstIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Equality test for the iterator facade. More...
bool Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Equality test for the iterator facade. More...
bool Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListModifyIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Equality test for the iterator facade. More...
void Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::increment ()
 Increment function for the iterator facade.
void Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::insertAfter (const T &v) const
 Insert an element in the underlying list after the current position. More...
void Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::deleteNext () const
 Delete the entry after the current position. More...
const T & Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >::dereference () const
 Dereferencing function for the facade. More...
bool Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListConstIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Equality test for the iterator facade. More...
void Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >::increment ()
 Increment function for the iterator facade.
T & Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::dereference () const
 Dereferencing function for the iterator facade. More...
bool Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListConstIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Test whether another iterator is equal. More...
bool Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Test whether another iterator is equal. More...
bool Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::equals (const SLListModifyIterator< T, A > &other) const
 Test whether another iterator is equal. More...
void Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::increment ()
 Increment function for the iterator facade.
void Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::insert (const T &v)
 Insert an element at the current position. More...
void Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::remove ()
 Delete the entry at the current position. More...
template<typename C >
bool Dune::hasPrefix (const C &c, const char *prefix)
 Check whether a character container has a given prefix. More...
template<typename C >
bool Dune::hasSuffix (const C &c, const char *suffix)
 Check whether a character container has a given suffix. More...
template<class... T>
static std::string Dune::formatString (const std::string &s, const T &... args)
 Format values according to printf format string. More...
template<typename T1 >
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const tuple< T1 > &t)
 Print a tuple.
template<typename T1 >
std::istream & Dune::operator>> (std::istream &is, tuple< T1 > &t)
 Read a tuple.
 Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::ArrayList ()
 Constructs an Array list with one chunk.
void Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::clear ()
 Delete all entries from the list.
size_type Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::size () const
 Get the number of elements in the list. More...
void Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::push_back (const_reference entry)
 Append an entry to the list. More...
reference Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::operator[] (size_type i)
 Get the element at specific position. More...
const_reference Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::operator[] (size_type i) const
 Get the element at specific position. More...
iterator Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::begin ()
 Get an iterator that is positioned at the first element. More...
const_iterator Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::begin () const
 Get a random access iterator that is positioned at the first element. More...
iterator Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::end ()
 Get a random access iterator positioned after the last element.
const_iterator Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::end () const
 Get a random access iterator positioned after the last element.
void Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::purge ()
 Purge the list. More...
void Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::advance (difference_type n)
void Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::advance (difference_type n)
bool Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::equals (const ArrayListIterator< MemberType, N, A > &other) const
 Comares two iterators. More...
bool Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::equals (const ConstArrayListIterator< MemberType, N, A > &other) const
 Comares two iterators. More...
bool Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::equals (const ConstArrayListIterator< MemberType, N, A > &other) const
 Comares to iterators. More...
void Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::increment ()
 Increment the iterator.
void Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::increment ()
 Increment the iterator.
void Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::decrement ()
 decrement the iterator.
void Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::decrement ()
 decrement the iterator.
reference Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt (size_type i) const
 Get the value of the list at an arbitrary position. More...
const_reference Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt (size_type i) const
 Get the value of the list at an arbitrary position. More...
reference Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::dereference () const
 Access the element at the current position. More...
const_reference Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::dereference () const
 Access the element at the current position. More...
difference_type Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::distanceTo (const ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &other) const
difference_type Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::distanceTo (const ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &other) const
ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > & Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::operator= (const ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &other)
void Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::eraseToHere ()
 Erase all entries before the current position and the one at the current position. More...
 Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::bigunsignedint ()
 Construct uninitialized.
template<typename Signed >
 Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::bigunsignedint (Signed x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< Signed >::value &&std::is_signed< Signed >::value >::type *=0)
 Construct from signed int.
 Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::bigunsignedint (std::uintmax_t x)
 Construct from unsigned int.
std::uint_least32_t Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::touint () const
 export to other types
double Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::todouble () const
 Convert to a double. More...
void Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::print (std::ostream &s) const
 Print number in hex notation.
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator+ (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator- (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator* (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
bigunsignedint< k > & Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator++ ()
 prefix increment
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator/ (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator% (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator& (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 bitwise and
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator^ (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 bitwise exor
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator| (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 bitwise or
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator~ () const
 bitwise komplement
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator<< (int i) const
 left shift1/
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator>> (int i) const
 right shift
bool Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator!= (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 not equal
bool Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator== (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
bool Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator< (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 less than
bool Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator<= (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 less than or equal
bool Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator> (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 greater than
bool Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator>= (const bigunsignedint< k > &x) const
 greater or equal
static bool Dune::EmptySet< TA >::contains (const Type &attribute)
 Always returns false.
static bool Dune::AllSet< TA >::contains (const Type &attribute)
 Always returns false.
static bool Dune::EnumItem< TA, item >::contains (const Type &attribute)
 Tests whether an item is in the set. More...


static const long Dune::Lcm< m, n >::value = (m/Gcd<m,n>::value)*n
 The least common multiple of the template parameters m and n.
Element * Dune::SLList< T, A >::Element::next_
 The next element in the list.
MemberType Dune::SLList< T, A >::Element::item_
 The element we hold.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Mark some entity as deprecated.

Definition of the DUNE_DEPRECATED macro for the case that config.h is not available.

This is a preprocessor define which can be used to mark functions, typedefs, enums and other stuff deprecated. If something is marked deprecated, users are advised to migrate to the new interface, since it will probably be removed in the next release of Dune.

DUNE_DEPRECATED currently works with g++ and clang++. For other compilers it will be defined empty. This way the user will not get any deprecation warning, but at least his code still compiles (well, until the next Dune release, that is).

Here are some examples how to mark different stuff deprecated:

  • Classes
    class DUNE_DEPRECATED Class {}; // 1)
    class Class {} DUNE_DEPRECATED; // 2)
    Mark some entity as deprecated.
    Definition: deprecated.hh:84
    Both forms do not work properly with g++-4.1: no deprecation warning will be given, although the code still compiles. 1) should be preferred over 2) since 2) does not work with clang++-1.1 (again, no warning given but code still compiles, works with clang++-3.1)
  • Template classes
    template<class T>
    class DUNE_DEPRECATED Class {}; // 1)
    template<class T>
    class Class {} DUNE_DEPRECATED; // 2)
    This works works with g++ >=4.3 only; g++-4.1 and clang++ compile the code without warning in both cases. Furthermore, the warning is only triggered when copying an object of that template class, neither making a typedef nor simply creating such an object emit the warning. It is thus recommended that some essential class member be marked deprecated as well, if possible.
  • Member constants
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    static const int c0 DUNE_DEPRECATED = 0;
    static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED c1 = 1;
    Works with g++-4.1, g++ >=4.3 and clang++3.1. No warning but clean compile with clang++-1.1.
  • Member enumerators
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    enum enumeration { enumerator = 0 };
    No form of deprecation is known that does not trigger an error on most compilers.
  • Member functions
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    void frob() DUNE_DEPRECATED {}
    }; // 1)
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    void DUNE_DEPRECATED frob() {}
    }; // 2)
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    DUNE_DEPRECATED void frob() {}
    }; // 3)
    With g++ only 2) emits a warning for templated member functions.



Mark some entity as deprecated.

This is a preprocessor define which can be used to mark functions, typedefs, enums and other stuff deprecated and to also specify a hint what replaces the given functionality. If something is marked deprecated, users are advised to migrate to the new interface, since it will probably be removed in the next release of Dune.

DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG currently works only for compilers which support the attribute attribute((deprecated("message")). For other compilers it will be defined empty. This way the user will not get any deprecation warning, but at least his code still compiles (well, until the next Dune release, that is).

Here are some examples how to mark different stuff deprecated:

  • Classes
    class DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("In the future, please use 'Glass'") Class {}; // 1)
    class Class {} DUNE_DEPRECATED("In the future, please use 'Glass'"); // 2)
    #define DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG(text)
    Mark some entity as deprecated.
    Definition: deprecated.hh:169
    For both forms, deprecation warnings and the additional hint "In the future, please use 'Glass'" will be printed on compilers which support it (e.g. G++ >= 4.5.0, clang++ >= 1.1). For compilers which support deprecating but do not take an additional hint (e.g. G++ < 4.5.0), only the deprecation warning is printed, and finally compilers which do not support deprecation of code won't print anything, but the code will still compile. 1) should be preferred over 2) since 2) does not work with clang++-1.1 (again, no warning will be given but code still compiles)
  • Template classes
    template<class T>
    class DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("In the future, please use 'Glass'") Class {}; // 1)
    template<class T>
    class Class {} DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("In the future, please use 'Glass'"); // 2)
    This works works with g++ >= 4.5, clang++ until at least version 1.1 will compile the code without warning in both cases. Furthermore, the warning is only triggered when copying an object of that template class, neither making a typedef nor simply creating such an object emit the warning. It is thus recommended that some essential class member be marked deprecated as well, if possible.
  • Member constants
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    static const int c0 DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("c2 is the new hype") = 0;
    static const int DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("c2 is the new hype") c1 = 1;
    Works without printing the hint on g++-4.1, g++-4.3, g++-4.4 and fully on g++ >= 4.5. Works for clang++-3.1. No warning but clean compile with clang++-1.1.
  • Member enumerators
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    enum enumeration { enumerator = 0 };
    No form of deprecation is known that does not trigger an error on most compilers.
  • Member functions
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    void frob() DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("use frog") {}
    }; // 1)
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    void DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("use frog") frob() {}
    }; // 2)
    template<typename T> struct Class {
    DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("use frog") void frob() {}
    }; // 3)
    With g++ only 2) emits a warning for templated member functions.

◆ dune_static_assert

#define dune_static_assert (   COND,
)     static_assert(COND,MSG)

Helper template so that compilation fails if condition is not true.

Use static_assert from C++11 instead.

Function Documentation

◆ advance() [1/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
void Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::advance ( difference_type  n)
Please doc me!

◆ advance() [2/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
void Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::advance ( difference_type  n)
Please doc me!

◆ begin() [1/4]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::begin

Get an iterator that is positioned at the first element.

The iterator.

◆ begin() [2/4]

template<typename T , class A >
SLListIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::begin

Get an iterator pointing to the first element in the list.

An iterator pointing to the first element or the end if the list is empty.

Referenced by Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::CollectiveIterator(), and Dune::IndicesSyncer< T >::sync().

◆ begin() [3/4]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A > Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::begin

Get a random access iterator that is positioned at the first element.

The iterator.

◆ begin() [4/4]

template<typename T , class A >
SLListConstIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::begin

Get an iterator pointing to the first element in the list.

An iterator pointing to the first element or the end if the list is empty.

◆ beginModify()

template<typename T , class A >
SLListModifyIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::beginModify

Get an iterator capable of deleting and inserting elements.

Modifying iterator positioned at the beginning of the list.

Referenced by Dune::IndicesSyncer< T >::Iterators::reset().

◆ contains()

template<typename TA , int i>
bool Dune::EnumItem< TA, i >::contains ( const Type attribute)

Tests whether an item is in the set.

True if item==Type.

◆ deleteNext()

template<typename T , class A >
void Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::deleteNext ( ) const

Delete the entry after the current position.

This will invalidate all iterators positioned at the delete position! Use with care!

◆ dereference() [1/5]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::reference Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::dereference

Access the element at the current position.

The element at the current position.

References Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt().

◆ dereference() [2/5]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::const_reference Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::dereference

Access the element at the current position.

The element at the current position.

References Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt().

◆ dereference() [3/5]

template<typename T , class A >
T & Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::dereference ( ) const

Dereferencing function for the iterator facade.

A reference to the element at the current position.

◆ dereference() [4/5]

template<class T , class A >
const T & Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >::dereference ( ) const

Dereferencing function for the facade.

A reference to the element at the current position.

◆ dereference() [5/5]

template<typename T , class A >
T & Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::dereference ( ) const

Dereferencing function for the iterator facade.

A reference to the element at the current position.

◆ distanceTo() [1/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::difference_type Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::distanceTo ( const ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &  other) const
Please doc me!

◆ distanceTo() [2/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::difference_type Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::distanceTo ( const ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &  other) const
Please doc me!

◆ dot()

template<class A , class B >
enable_if<!IsVector< A >::value &&!is_same< typenameFieldTraits< A >::field_type, typenameFieldTraits< A >::real_type >::value, typenamePromotionTraits< A, B >::PromotedType >::type Dune::dot ( const A &  a,
const B &  b 

computes the dot product for fundamental data types according to Petsc's VectDot function: dot(a,b) := std::conj(a)*b

See also

Referenced by Dune::DenseVector< V >::dot(), Dune::ParameterTree::hasKey(), Dune::ParameterTree::hasSub(), Dune::ParameterTree::operator[](), and Dune::ParameterTree::sub().

◆ elementAt() [1/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::reference Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt ( size_type  i) const

Get the value of the list at an arbitrary position.

The value at that postion.

References Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt().

Referenced by Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::dereference(), and Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt().

◆ elementAt() [2/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::const_reference Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt ( size_type  i) const

Get the value of the list at an arbitrary position.

The value at that postion.

References Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt().

Referenced by Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::dereference(), and Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::elementAt().

◆ empty()

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLList< T, A >::empty

Check whether the list is empty.

True if the list is empty;

◆ end() [1/2]

template<typename T , class A >
SLListIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::end

Get an iterator pointing to the end of the list.

An iterator pointing to the end.

Referenced by Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::CollectiveIterator(), and Dune::IndicesSyncer< T >::sync().

◆ end() [2/2]

template<typename T , class A >
SLListConstIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::end

Get an iterator pointing to the end of the list.

An iterator pointing to the end.

◆ endModify()

template<typename T , class A >
SLListModifyIterator< T, A > Dune::SLList< T, A >::endModify

Get an iterator capable of deleting and inserting elements.

Modifying iterator positioned after the end of the list.

◆ equals() [1/10]

template<class T , int N, class A >
bool Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::equals ( const ArrayListIterator< MemberType, N, A > &  other) const

Comares two iterators.

True if the iterators are for the same list and at the position.

◆ equals() [2/10]

template<class T , int N, class A >
bool Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::equals ( const ConstArrayListIterator< MemberType, N, A > &  other) const

Comares two iterators.

True if the iterators are for the same list and at the position.

◆ equals() [3/10]

template<class T , int N, class A >
bool Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::equals ( const ConstArrayListIterator< MemberType, N, A > &  other) const

Comares to iterators.

true if the iterators are for the same list and at the position.

◆ equals() [4/10]

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListConstIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Equality test for the iterator facade.

otherThe other iterator to check.
true If the other iterator is at the same position.

◆ equals() [5/10]

template<class T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListConstIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListConstIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Equality test for the iterator facade.

otherThe other iterator to check.
true If the other iterator is at the same position.

◆ equals() [6/10]

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListConstIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Test whether another iterator is equal.

true if the other iterator is at the same position as this one.

◆ equals() [7/10]

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Equality test for the iterator facade.

otherThe other iterator to check.
true If the other iterator is at the same position.

◆ equals() [8/10]

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Test whether another iterator is equal.

true if the other iterator is at the same position as this one.

◆ equals() [9/10]

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListModifyIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Equality test for the iterator facade.

otherThe other iterator to check.
true If the other iterator is at the same position.

◆ equals() [10/10]

template<typename T , class A >
bool Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::equals ( const SLListModifyIterator< T, A > &  other) const

Test whether another iterator is equal.

true if the other iterator is at the same position as this one.

◆ eraseToHere()

template<class T , int N, class A >
void Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::eraseToHere

Erase all entries before the current position and the one at the current position.

Afterwards the iterator will be positioned at the next unerased entry or the end if the list is empty. This does not invalidate any iterators positioned after the current position but those positioned at previous ones.

An iterator to the first position after the deleted ones or to the end if the list is empty.

◆ fill_array()

template<typename T , std::size_t n>
array< T, n > Dune::fill_array ( const T &  t)

Create an array and fill it with copies of the provided value.

This method is Dune-specific and not part of any C++ standard.

◆ fmatrix_assigner()

template<class T , int n, int m>
Dune::fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m >::fmatrix_assigner ( FieldMatrix< T, n, m > &  _A,
bool  t 

Constructor from matrix and temporary flag.

_Amatrix which should be initialized
tbool indicating, that this is a temporary object (see ~fmatrix_assigner)

◆ formatString()

template<class... T>
static std::string Dune::formatString ( const std::string &  s,
const T &...  args 

Format values according to printf format string.

sThe format string to be used
argsThe valued to be formated

This is a wrapper to std::snprintf that provides overflow save printf functionality. For up to 1000 characters a static buffer is used. If this is not sufficient a dynamic buffer of appropriate size is allocated.

References DUNE_THROW.

◆ fvector_assigner()

template<class T , int s>
Dune::fvector_assigner< T, s >::fvector_assigner ( FieldVector< T, s > &  _v,
bool  t 

Constructor from vector and temporary flag.

_vvector which should be initialized
tbool indicating, that this is a temporary object (see ~fvector_assigner)

◆ hasPrefix()

template<typename C >
bool Dune::hasPrefix ( const C &  c,
const char *  prefix 

Check whether a character container has a given prefix.

The container must support the begin() and size() methods.

Referenced by Dune::processPath(), and Dune::relativePath().

◆ hasSuffix()

template<typename C >
bool Dune::hasSuffix ( const C &  c,
const char *  suffix 

Check whether a character container has a given suffix.

The container must support the begin() and size() methods and the const_iterator member type.

This is slow for containers which don't have random access iterators. In the case of containers with bidirectional iterators, this slowness is unnecessary.

Referenced by Dune::concatPaths(), Dune::pathIndicatesDirectory(), and Dune::prettyPath().

◆ Indent() [1/2]

Dune::Indent::Indent ( const Indent parent_,
const std::string &  basic_indent_ = "  ",
unsigned  level_ = 1 

setup with parent

Initial indentation level is 1 by default for this constructor.

◆ Indent() [2/2]

Dune::Indent::Indent ( const std::string &  basic_indent_ = "  ",
unsigned  level_ = 0 

setup without parent

Initial indentation level is 0 by default for this constructor.

Referenced by Dune::Indent::operator+().

◆ insert()

template<typename T , class A >
void Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::insert ( const T &  v)

Insert an element at the current position.

Starting from the element at the current position all elements will be shifted by one position to the back. The iterator will point to the same element as before after the insertion, i.e the number of increments to reach the same position from a begin iterator increases by one. This means the inserted element is the one before the one the iterator points to.

vThe value to insert.

◆ insertAfter()

template<typename T , class A >
void Dune::SLListIterator< T, A >::insertAfter ( const T &  v) const

Insert an element in the underlying list after the current position.

vThe value to insert.

◆ ios_base_all_saver()

Dune::ios_base_all_saver::ios_base_all_saver ( state_type ios_)

Constructor that stores the currently used flags.

ios_The ios_base object whose flags are to be saved and restored. Any stream object should work here.
A reference to the ios_base object is store in this object. Thus the ios_base object must remain valid until the destructor of this object has been called.

◆ make_array()

template<class T >
array< T, 10 > Dune::make_array ( const T &  t0,
const T &  t1,
const T &  t2,
const T &  t3,
const T &  t4,
const T &  t5,
const T &  t6,
const T &  t7,
const T &  t8,
const T &  t9 

create an initialize an array

There are overloads for this method which take fewer arguments (minimum 1). The current maximum of 10 arguments is arbitrary and can be raised on demand.
This method is Dune-specific and not part of any C++-standard.

◆ operator%()

template<int k>
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator% ( const bigunsignedint< k > &  x) const


This function is very slow and its usage should be prevented if possible

◆ operator/()

template<int k>
bigunsignedint< k > Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::operator/ ( const bigunsignedint< k > &  x) const


This function is very slow and its usage should be prevented if possible

References DUNE_THROW.

◆ operator<<=() [1/4]

template<class T , class K , int n, int m>
fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m > Dune::operator<<= ( FieldMatrix< T, n, m > &  v,
const K &  t 

FieldMatrix assignment operator.

overload operator <<= for FieldMatrix assignment from comma separated list of values

◆ operator<<=() [2/4]

template<class T , int n, int m>
fmatrix_assigner< T, n, m > Dune::operator<<= ( FieldMatrix< T, n, m > &  v,
Zero  z 

FieldMatrix assignment operator.

overload operator <<= for FieldMatrix row assignment from Dune::Zero

◆ operator<<=() [3/4]

template<class T , class K , int s>
fvector_assigner< T, s > Dune::operator<<= ( FieldVector< T, s > &  v,
const K &  t 

fvector assignment operator

overload operator <<= for fvector assignment from comma separated list of values

◆ operator<<=() [4/4]

template<class T , int s>
fvector_assigner< T, s > Dune::operator<<= ( FieldVector< T, s > &  v,
Zero  z 

fvector assignment operator

overload operator <<= for fvector assignment from Dune::Zero

◆ operator=()

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > & Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::operator= ( const ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &  other)
Please doc me!

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayList< T, N, A >::reference Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::operator[] ( size_type  i)

Get the element at specific position.

iThe index of the position.
The element at that position.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
ArrayList< T, N, A >::const_reference Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::operator[] ( size_type  i) const

Get the element at specific position.

iThe index of the position.
The element at that position.

◆ purge()

template<class T , int N, class A >
void Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::purge

Purge the list.

If there are empty chunks at the front all nonempty chunks will be moved towards the front and the capacity increases.

◆ push_back() [1/2]

template<typename T , class A >
void Dune::SLList< T, A >::push_back ( const MemberType item)

Add a new entry to the end of the list.

itemThe item to add.

Referenced by Dune::IndicesSyncer< T >::sync().

◆ push_back() [2/2]

template<class T , int N, class A >
void Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::push_back ( const_reference  entry)

Append an entry to the list.

entryThe new entry.

◆ push_front()

template<typename T , class A >
void Dune::SLList< T, A >::push_front ( const MemberType item)

Add a new entry to the beginning of the list.

itemThe item to add.

◆ remove()

template<typename T , class A >
void Dune::SLListModifyIterator< T, A >::remove ( )

Delete the entry at the current position.

The iterator will be positioned at the next postion after the deletion

This will invalidate all iterators positioned at the delete position! Use with care!

◆ restore()

void Dune::ios_base_all_saver::restore ( )

Restore flags now.

The flags will also be restored at destruction time even if this method was used.

Referenced by Dune::ios_base_all_saver::~ios_base_all_saver().

◆ size()

template<class T , int N, class A >
size_t Dune::ArrayList< T, N, A >::size

Get the number of elements in the list.

The number of elements.

◆ todouble()

template<int k>
double Dune::bigunsignedint< k >::todouble

Convert to a double.

Subject to rounding errors!

◆ ~SLList()

template<typename T , class A >
Dune::SLList< T, A >::~SLList


Deallocates all elements in the list.

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