Software package for solving transient water flow and passive solute transport in unsaturated porous media with finite volume (FV) and discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods

dune-pdelab dune-randomfield
Suggests: dune-testtools
Maintainer: Santiago Ospina De Los RĂ­os
Git repository:


DORiE is a software package for solving the Richards equation coupled with the passive transport equation powered by DUNE PDELab. It implements cell-centered finite volume (FV) and symmetric weighted interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (SWIP-DG) discretization schemes. The latter can be applied on unstructured grids imported by GMSH and make use of adaptive local grid refinement (h-adaptivity) based on a water flux error estimator. DORiE also integrates dune-randomfield for creating heterogeneous soil architectures.

The DORiE application is controlled via a command line interface and input configuration files. As DUNE module, its code can be integrated into encapsulating modules.

DORiE can be compiled from source and is available as Docker Image from Docker Hub.



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