DUNE PDELab (2.8)
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- f() : Dune::PDELab::ConvectionDiffusionModelProblem< GV, RF >, Dune::PDELab::LinearElasticityParameterInterface< T, Imp >, Dune::PDELab::NavierStokesDefaultParameters< GV, RF, F, B, V, J, navier, tensor >, Dune::PDELab::NonLinearConvectionDiffusionParameterInterface< T, Imp >, GenericEllipticProblem< GV, RF >
- faceDual : Dune::DualP1LocalBasis< D, R, dim, faceDualT >
- facets() : Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >
- fake : Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >
- fAlloc : Dune::RestartedGMResSolver< X, Y, F >
- FastAMG() : Dune::Amg::FastAMG< M, X, PI, A >
- FastDGGridOperator() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGGridOperator< GFSU, GFSV, LOP, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV >
- FastDGLocalAssembler() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGLocalAssembler< GO, LOP, nonoverlapping_mode >
- FastDGLocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGLocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine< LA >
- FastDGLocalJacobianAssemblerEngine() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGLocalJacobianAssemblerEngine< LA >
- FastDGLocalPatternAssemblerEngine() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGLocalPatternAssemblerEngine< LA >
- FastDGLocalResidualAssemblerEngine() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGLocalResidualAssemblerEngine< LA >
- father() : Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
- Field : Dune::QuadraturePoint< ct, dim >
- field_type : Dune::Amg::Dependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricDependency< M, N >, Dune::Amg::SymmetricMatrixDependency< M, N >, Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::BDMatrix< B, A >, Dune::BlockPreconditioner< X, Y, C, P >, Dune::BlockVector< B, A >, Dune::BTDMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::InverseOperator2Preconditioner< O, c >, Dune::InverseOperator< X, Y >, Dune::LinearOperator< X, Y >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >, Dune::NonoverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::ParallelScalarProduct< X, C >, Dune::ParSSOR< M, X, Y, C >, Dune::PDELab::NonoverlappingJacobi< A, X, Y >, Dune::PDELab::NonoverlappingOperator< GFS, M, X, Y >, Dune::Preconditioner< X, Y >, Dune::Richardson< X, Y >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >, Dune::SeqILDL< M, X, Y >, Dune::SeqILU< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqJac< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqOverlappingSchwarz< M, X, TM, TD, TA >, Dune::SeqSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::SeqSSOR< M, X, Y, l >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
- FieldInfo() : Dune::VTK::FieldInfo
- fieldInfo() : Dune::VTKWriter< GridView >::VTKLocalFunction
- FieldMatrix() : Dune::FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS >
- FieldVector() : Dune::FieldVector< K, SIZE >
- fill() : Dune::PersistentContainerInterface< G, T >
- fill_pattern() : Dune::PDELab::FastDGGridOperator< GFSU, GFSV, LOP, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV >, Dune::PDELab::GridOperator< GFSU, GFSV, LOP, MB, DF, RF, JF, CU, CV >, Dune::PDELab::GridOperatorInterface< GFSU, GFSV, MB, DF, RF, JF >
- fillIndexSetHoles : Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >
- fillIntervals() : Dune::TensorGridFactory< Grid >
- fillRange() : Dune::TensorGridFactory< Grid >
- fillUntil() : Dune::TensorGridFactory< Grid >
- FilteredCompositeNode() : Dune::TypeTree::FilteredCompositeNode< Node, Filter >
- FilterTag : Dune::TypeTree::AdvancedFilter, Dune::TypeTree::SimpleFilter
- finalize() : Dune::MPIGuard, Dune::YGridList< Coordinates >
- find() : Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::lru< Key, Tp, Traits >, Dune::MatrixImp::DenseMatrixBase< B, A >, Dune::PDELab::BDM1Cube2DLocalFiniteElementMap< GV, D, R >, Dune::PDELab::BDM1Simplex2DLocalFiniteElementMap< GV, D, R >, Dune::PDELab::EdgeS0LocalFiniteElementMap< GV, FE, Imp >, Dune::PDELab::Experimental::GridFunctionSpace< DFBasis, VBE, CE >::Traits::FEM, Dune::PDELab::GeometryFiniteElementMap< Factory >, Dune::PDELab::GeometryVertexOrderFiniteElementMap< FEFactory, VOFactory >, Dune::PDELab::LocalFiniteElementMapInterface< T, Imp >, Dune::PDELab::PkQkLocalFiniteElementMap< D, R, d, maxP >, Dune::PDELab::PowerFiniteElementMap< BackendFEM, dimR >, Dune::PDELab::RTLocalFiniteElementMap< GV, FE, Imp, Variants >, Dune::PDELab::SimpleLocalFiniteElementMap< Imp, dim_ >, Dune::PDELab::VariableMonomLocalFiniteElementMap< M, D, R, d, maxP >, Dune::PDELab::VariableOPBLocalFiniteElementMap< M, D, R, d, ComputationFieldType, maxP, bt >, Dune::PDELab::VariableQkDGLocalFiniteElementMap< M, D, R, d, maxP >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >, Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
- findEdge() : Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph< M >, Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph< G, VP, EP, VM, EM >, Dune::Amg::SubGraph< G, T >
- findEntity() : Dune::HierarchicSearch< Grid, IS >
- FineDomainType : Dune::Amg::LevelTransferPolicy< FO, CO >, Dune::Amg::TwoLevelMethod< FO, CSP, S >
- FineOperatorType : Dune::Amg::LevelTransferPolicy< FO, CO >, Dune::Amg::TwoLevelMethod< FO, CSP, S >
- FineRangeType : Dune::Amg::LevelTransferPolicy< FO, CO >, Dune::Amg::TwoLevelMethod< FO, CSP, S >
- finest() : Dune::Amg::Hierarchy< T, A >
- FiniteElement : Dune::FiniteElementFactoryInterface< Geometry, VertexOrder >, Dune::PDELab::FiniteElementMapTraits< T >
- finiteElement() : Dune::PDELab::LeafLocalFunctionSpaceNode< GFS, DOFIndex >
- FiniteElement : Dune::PowerFiniteElementFactory< BackendFiniteElement, dimR >
- FiniteElementFactoryInterface() : Dune::FiniteElementFactoryInterface< Geometry, VertexOrder >
- FiniteElementInterface() : Dune::FiniteElementInterface
- finiteElementMap() : Dune::PDELab::Experimental::GridFunctionSpace< DFBasis, VBE, CE >, Dune::PDELab::gfs::LeafSubSpaceFeatures< GFS, TreePath, Tag >, Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpace< ES, FEM, CE, B, O >
- FiniteElementMap : Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpaceTraits< G, L, C, B, O >
- finiteElementMapStorage() : Dune::PDELab::gfs::LeafSubSpaceFeatures< GFS, TreePath, Tag >, Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpace< ES, FEM, CE, B, O >
- FiniteElementMapType : Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpaceTraits< G, L, C, B, O >
- FiniteElementType : Dune::LocalFiniteElementVariantCache< Base >, Dune::PDELab::FiniteElementMapTraits< T >, Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSpaceTraits< G, L, C, B, O >, Dune::PDELab::LeafLocalFunctionSpaceTraits< GFS, DOFIndex, N >, Dune::PQkLocalFiniteElementCache< D, R, dim, k >
- firstOrder : Dune::GmshReaderOptions
- fixedsize() : Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp >
- fixedSize() : Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp >, Dune::PDELab::Experimental::GridFunctionSpace< DFBasis, VBE, CE >::LeafOrdering, Dune::PDELab::Experimental::GridFunctionSpace< DFBasis, VBE, CE >::Ordering, Dune::PDELab::GFSDataHandle< GFS, V, GatherScatter, CommunicationDescriptor >, Dune::PDELab::LocalFiniteElementMapInterface< T, Imp >, Dune::PDELab::LocalGlobalMapDataHandle< GFS >, Dune::PDELab::SubOrdering< BaseOrdering_, TreePath >
- FlatMultiIndex() : Dune::Functions::FlatMultiIndex< size_type >
- flip() : Dune::BitSetVectorReference< block_size, Alloc >
- FloatCmpOps() : Dune::FloatCmpOps< T, cstyle_, rstyle_ >
- flush() : Dune::Base64Stream, Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >
- forward() : Dune::BufferedCommunicator, Dune::VariableSizeCommunicator< Allocator >
- forwardtransform() : Dune::PDELab::LocalAssemblerBase< B, CU, CV >
- free() : Dune::Amg::AggregatesMap< V >, Dune::BufferedCommunicator, Dune::Interface, Dune::InterfaceInformation, Dune::LDL< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > >, Dune::Pool< T, s >, Dune::RemoteIndices< T, A >, Dune::Selection< TS, TG, TL, N >, Dune::SPQR< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > >, Dune::SuperLU< M >, Dune::SuperLUMatrix< BCRSMatrix< B, TA > >, Dune::UMFPack< M >
- freeIndex() : Dune::IndexStack< T, length >
- frobenius_norm() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- frobenius_norm2() : Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >, Dune::DenseMatrix< MAT >, Dune::DiagonalMatrix< K, n >, Dune::Matrix< T, A >, Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >, Dune::ScaledIdentityMatrix< K, n >
- front() : Dune::Amg::VertexProperties, Dune::DenseVector< V >, Dune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n >, Dune::lru< Key, Tp, Traits >, Dune::ReservedVector< T, n >
- FunctionFromCallable() : Dune::Functions::FunctionFromCallable< Range(Domain), F, FunctionInterface >
- FunctionToGridFunctionAdapter() : Dune::PDELab::FunctionToGridFunctionAdapter< G, T >
- FunctionType : Dune::LocalInterpolationVirtualInterface< DomainType, RangeType >, Dune::LocalInterpolationVirtualInterfaceBase< DomainType, RangeType >
- functor : Dune::TypeTree::TypeAccumulationPolicy< Functor, Reduction, StartType, ParentChildReduction, ReductionAlgorithm >
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