DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::LocalToGlobalBasisAdaptorTraits< LocalBasisTraits, dimDomainGlobal_ > Struct Template Reference

Traits class for local-to-global basis adaptors. More...

#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localtoglobaladaptors.hh>

Public Types

Range properties (global range only)
typedef ImplementationDefined RangeFieldType
 Field type of the range.
typedef ImplementationDefined RangeType
 Type used for range values.

Domain properties (local and global)

typedef ImplementationDefined DomainFieldType
 Field type of the domain.
typedef ImplementationDefined DomainType
 Type used for coordinate vectors in the domain.
static constexpr int dimDomain = implementationDefined
 dimension of the domain

Detailed Description

template<class LocalBasisTraits, std::size_t dimDomainGlobal_>
struct Dune::LocalToGlobalBasisAdaptorTraits< LocalBasisTraits, dimDomainGlobal_ >

Traits class for local-to-global basis adaptors.

Template Parameters
LocalBasisTraitsTraits class of the LocalBasis to be adapted.
dimDomainGlobal_Dimension of the global coordinates, i.e. Geometry::coorddimension, if the global coordinates are determined by a Geometry.

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