DUNE PDELab (git)

Dune::LocalBasisTraits< DF, n, D, RF, m, R, J > Struct Template Reference

Type traits for LocalBasisVirtualInterface. More...

#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localbasis.hh>

Public Types

typedef DF DomainFieldType
 Export type for domain field.
typedef D DomainType
 domain type
typedef RF RangeFieldType
 Export type for range field.
typedef R RangeType
 range type
typedef J JacobianType
 Type to represent derivative. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int dimDomain = n
 dimension of the domain
static constexpr int dimRange = m
 dimension of the range

Detailed Description

template<class DF, int n, class D, class RF, int m, class R, class J>
struct Dune::LocalBasisTraits< DF, n, D, RF, m, R, J >

Type traits for LocalBasisVirtualInterface.

A shape function is a function

\[ \hat\phi : \mbox{IR}^n \to \mbox{IR}^m. \]

This traits class holds information how the signature of this function is represented in C++ types.

This is just a convenience class for supplying traits to the LocalBasisVirtualInterface and its implementations.

Template Parameters
DFType to represent the field in the domain.
nDimension of the domain.
DType to represent the domain, allows random access.
RFType to represent the field in the range.
mDimension of the range.
RType to represent the range, allows random access.
JType to represent the Jacobian, allows random access.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ JacobianType

template<class DF , int n, class D , class RF , int m, class R , class J >
typedef J Dune::LocalBasisTraits< DF, n, D, RF, m, R, J >::JacobianType

Type to represent derivative.

When \f$ \hat\phi : \mbox{IR}^n \to \mbox{IR}^m \f$ then JacobianType
is an 2D-array of m x n components where entry J[i][j] contains
the derivative  \f$\partial_j \hat\phi_i \f$.

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