DUNE PDELab (git)

This file defines polynomial basis functions on the reference element in a generic way. More...

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/gmpfield.hh>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localbasis.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localkey.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localfiniteelementtraits.hh>
#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localinterpolation.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Dune::PB::MonomialIntegrator< ComputationFieldType, bt, d >
 Integrate monomials over the reference element. More...
class  Dune::PB::MonomialIntegrator< ComputationFieldType, Dune::GeometryType::cube, d >
 Integrate monomials over the cube in any d. More...
class  Dune::PB::MonomialIntegrator< ComputationFieldType, Dune::GeometryType::simplex, 1 >
 Integrate monomials over the unit interval considered as a simplex. More...
class  Dune::PB::MonomialIntegrator< ComputationFieldType, Dune::GeometryType::simplex, 2 >
 Integrate monomials over the triangle. More...
class  Dune::PB::MonomialIntegrator< ComputationFieldType, Dune::GeometryType::simplex, 3 >
 Integrate monomials over the tetrahedron. More...
struct  Dune::PB::MonomialEvaluate< F, d >
 compute \( \prod_{i=0}^{d-1} x_i^{a_i} \) More...
class  Dune::PB::OrthonormalPolynomialBasis< FieldType, k, d, bt, ComputationFieldType, basisType >
 Integrate monomials over the reference element. More...


namespace  Dune
 Dune namespace.


long Dune::PB::binomial (long n, long k)
 compute binomial coefficient "n over k"

Detailed Description

This file defines polynomial basis functions on the reference element in a generic way.

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