DUNE-FEM (unstable)

Dune::Fem::hpDG::GlobalGeometryTypeMap< T, maxdim, regular > Class Template Reference

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#include <dune/fem/space/basisfunctionset/hpdg/typemap.hh>

Public Types

typedef Container::value_type value_type
 value type
typedef Container::reference reference
 reference type
typedef Container::const_reference const_reference
 const reference type
typedef Container::pointer pointer
 pointer type
typedef Container::const_pointer const_pointer
 const pointer type
typedef Container::iterator iterator
 iterator type
typedef Container::const_iterator const_iterator
 const iterator type
typedef Container::size_type size_type
 size type
typedef Container::difference_type difference_type
 difference type
typedef value_type Value
 value type
typedef iterator Iterator
 iterator type
typedef const_iterator ConstIterator
 iterator type
typedef size_type Size
 size type

Public Member Functions

Iterator begin () noexcept
 return iterator to beginning
ConstIterator begin () const noexcept
 return iterator to beginning
Iterator end () noexcept
 return iterator to end
ConstIterator end () const noexcept
 return iterator to end
ConstIterator cbegin () const noexcept
 return const_iterator to beginning
ConstIterator cend () const noexcept
 return const_iterator to end
GeometryType type (Iterator iterator) const
 return geometry type from given iterator
GeometryType type (ConstIterator iterator) const
 return geometry type from given iterator
Element access
Valueoperator[] (const GeometryType &type)
 access element
const Valueoperator[] (const GeometryType &type) const
 access element
Valueat (const GeometryType &type)
 access element
const Valueat (const GeometryType &type) const
 access element
Valuefront ()
 access first element
const Valuefront () const
 access first element
Valueback ()
 access last element
const Valueback () const
 access last element
Valuedata () noexcept
 get pointer to data
const Valuedata () const noexcept
 get pointer to data
void fill (const Value &value)
 fill container with value
void swap (This &other) noexcept(noexcept(swap(std::declval< Value & >(), std::declval< Value & >())))
 swap content

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr Size size () noexcept
 return size
static constexpr Size max_size () noexcept
 return maximum size
static constexpr bool empty () noexcept
 test whether container is empty

Detailed Description

template<class T, int maxdim, bool regular = false>
class Dune::Fem::hpDG::GlobalGeometryTypeMap< T, maxdim, regular >

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Template Parameters
Tvalue type
maxdimmaximum dimension
regularinclude geometry type 'none'

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