DUNE-FEM (unstable)



class  Dune::Fem::Mapping< DFieldType, RFieldType, DType, RType >
 A mapping from one vector space into another This class describes a general mapping from the domain vector space into the range vector space. It can also be used to construct linear combinations of mappings. More...
struct  Dune::Fem::MappingOperators
 Implementation of Mapping +, -, *, / operations. More...

Detailed Description

Mappings in Dune always map from one vector space into another vector space. Mapping are the base class for Operators and Functions. Operators work on vector spaces containing Functions (i.e. Domain and Range are Functions). In contrary Functions work on vector spaces containing real numbers (i.e. \(R^n\)). For both Mapping the base interface class. Furthermore, Mapping provided a machinery to combine different mapping linearly.

The interface for Mappings is defined by the class Mapping.
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