DUNE-FEM (unstable)



class  Dune::Fem::DiscreteFunctionTraits< DiscreteFunction >
 Traits class for a DiscreteFunction. More...
class  Dune::Fem::DofManager< Grid >
class  Dune::Fem::DataCollectorInterface< GridType, ObjectStreamImp >
class  Dune::Fem::DummyDataCollector< GridType >
 empty data collector More...
class  Dune::Fem::DataCollector< GridType, LocalDataCollectImp >
 The DataCollector is an example for a grid walk done while load balancing moves entities from one processor to another. The Communicator or grid should call the inlineData (write Data to ObjectStream) and the xtractData (read Data from Stream) and provide the macro level Entity<codim =0> and the ObjectStream. This Operator then does the hierarhic walk and calls its local pack operators which know the discrete functions to pack to the stream. More...
class  Dune::Fem::LocalDataInliner< DiscreteFunctionType, ContainsCheck >
 Inline DiscreteFunction data during load balancing. More...
class  Dune::Fem::LocalDataXtractor< DiscreteFunctionType, ContainsCheck >
 Inline DiscreteFunction data during load balancing. More...

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